InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Love Affair ❯ Uninvited ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Warning: This fic contains strong adult contents. It won't be as graphic as an NC-17, but there will be sex, so use good judgment.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of its characters, Rumiko Takahashi does.

Our Love Affair

Chapter 6: Uninvited

By Cataluna

The door opened quietly, prompting him to glance up from his documents; his secretary stood in front of him with a stack of files cradled in her arm. Sesshoumaru stifled a sigh at the sight of more work that needed to be finished by tonight. Acquiring this factory was proving to be more difficult than he had suspected, mainly because of the language barrier. Everything had to be translated from Chinese to Japanese and back. He was completely fluent in Chinese, but the people working for him weren't bilingual. "Yes?" he asked, setting his pen carefully back into the penholder.

"Ms. Higurashi is still not answering her cell phone." She placed the stack of folders carefully on the corner of his desk, making sure to straighten any loose paper that had managed to slip out.

Sesshoumaru frowned; his lips pressed together into a straight line. Where was she? They hadn't spoken to each other since his departure from Tokyo. "Did you try her office?"

She shook her head; her weight shifted uneasily under his questioning. "I'm sorry, Mr. Fukumori. I didn't think she was going to be there still. It's past seven already."

"Humph." His eyes lowered briefly to look at the watch on his wrist -- 7:34. He had lost track of time again. He took a drink of his luke-warm coffee, briefly wondering if he had remembered to eat. Both his doctor and Kagome had advised him against skipping meals. "Try there then. She should be there until about eleven." He picked up his pen again. Kagome was the only other person he knew who worked just as hard as him.

"Yes sir." She picked up the phone and began dialing. After several moments of tense silence, she lowered the phone from her face. "No answer. Would you like me to hang up?"

"No." He pressed the speakerphone button so that the dial tone could be heard by him also. "Let it ring."


Mixed emotions made Kagome stiff and immobile; hands that he had released in favor of the span of her back now hung limply by her sides. Try as she might, she couldn't breathe, and her eyes had opened so widely that they began to water. Is this real? Is this really happening? her mind repeated while her body beckoned for her to respond to lips that were gliding so passionately and expertly over her own.

The feel of his tongue tracing teasingly across the opening of her lips finally made her mouth fall open softly in compliance, and he wasted no time to use this opportunity to taste her more thoroughly. Kagome closed her eyes and lifted her hand to palm his cheek -- any sound she might have made was immediately swallowed by his sweet kisses. His fingers ran through the end of her hair absently before they traveled upward, gathering a fistful of hair at the nape of her neck.

Inuyasha was holding her so closely -- almost as though he was trying to confirm that she was real and not some ghost of an image - that she could practically feel the thudding of his heart through the layers of clothing between them. It was momentarily frightening to realize that she was the one his heart was beating so wildly for, and that her heart was thundering just as loudly in return. His lips, his touch, and all the frustration and confusion that had been building up deep inside of her for weeks were starting to strip away her senses; her resolve melting away until all that was left was a woman who wanted to lose herself. And she desperately wanted to lose herself in him.

He nearly froze as she began to kiss him back hesitantly; her lips barely moving and her thumb lightly tracing the contour of his cheek. He crushed her toward him, a low growl rumbled through his chest as her tongue massaged his. Until now, she had been passive, yielding to his kisses but always holding back a part of her. You finally realized it, didn't you, Kagome? You're ready to admit that we're good together.

Her head lowered and her mouth followed in eagerness as he knelt before her, gently parting her knees to accommodate the width of his upper body. His hands moved under her silk-like texture of her thighs, hooking the back of her knees and pulling forward, succeeding in sliding her off her chair and onto his lap. Eyes flying open, she gasped into their kiss and instinctively grabbed onto his shoulders to steady her fall, tiny hands squeezing hard at the flesh beneath her fingertips.

Inuyasha parted his lips from hers as he gasped for air, eyes opening to study the lithe body on his lap. She was magnificent. Her chest was heaving -- he could feel it rising high against him with every breath -- and her blue eyes had darkened into a stormy gray. He smiled and brushed away thick bangs that were sticking to her forehead before leaning in to kiss her passionately once more. A soft whimper was heard when he trailed hot open-mouth kisses down the line of her throat; his teeth scraping the delicate skin gently and his tongue soothing the abuse as breathless pleads came out from parted lips that were swollen red from his kisses.

Kagome did little to stop him, even going as far as dropping her head to the side to give him better access. Her hands were working quickly on loosening his tie when she heard the sound of someone whispering, begging over and over again for Inuyasha to continue; a voice that she was mortified to learn was her own. Still, she continued, pulling the tie from his collar and dropping it silently to the floor, not caring that her skirt was now bunched indecently high around her waist. When his lips managed to find hers again after he had tasted every spot on her neck, she tilted her head and widened her mouth to deepen their kiss.

Her kisses became bolder and she began to explore the muscles on his chest as the dizzying waves of heat course through her veins and settled in her stomach. She could feel the hot pressure of his hands running slowly down the sensitive sides of her breasts before settling themselves on the small of her back, prompting her back to arch and press her form closer to his. It was too much. Kagome's hands left his chest to cross behind his neck as she shifted closer to him, thighs hugging tight around his torso while her hips rocked absently against the evidence of his arousal, trying to sooth her ache.

There was an almost inhuman growl that came from deep inside Inuyasha's throat, then the squeaking sound of wheels rolling across wooden floor, before she found herself lying flat on the ground with him on top of her. She glanced backward briefly and realized that he had pushed her chair aside to make room for them. "Inuyasha?" she spoke out hesitantly, her voice throaty and nearly unrecognizable to her own ears. He had stopped his onslaught of kisses just to nuzzle her face, affectionately rubbing their noses together. Kagome smiled at the sweet and content expression on his face and her fingers reached up to sweep away fallen locks that were shielding his eyes, before cupping his cheeks to guide his lips back over hers.

Her initiation made his kisses more demanding and his hips began to grind against hers in a slow and deliberate motion. She moaned silently and tugged on his jacket, trying to slip it past his broad shoulders. A soft cry of injustice past her lips when her shaky movement was blocked by arms that were holding her tight. He chuckled arrogantly at her annoyance and raised his body upward, quickly removing his arms from his sleeves before flinging his jacket carelessly aside.

Instead of her lips, her throat once again became his main concern as he resumed his position, hands working to unbutton the top of her blouse. Inuyasha was being surprisingly patient -- lavishing each newly revealed part of her skin with much attention before uncovering another -- even though his blood was urging for him to do otherwise.

`Does she know?' he wondered as his tongue lapped up a glistening drop of sweat that had rolled in between her breasts, his hand inching its way up her thigh. His lips curled into a proud smile when she cried out his name, her hands burying themselves in his hair to press his face closer to her chest. Does she have any idea how much power she has over me? Her breath came in short pants when he began to trace teasingly at the lacy edge of her panties. His lips found her again with a vengeance. "Gods, I've wanted you for so long," he admitted in between kisses.

She sighed softly and loosely wrapped one leg across his hips; her hand acted on their own accord, untucking his shirt from his waistband so that she could feel the smoothness of his back. "I-I wanted you too…" And she had. She was no longer the innocent young thing she once was and had had a few serious boyfriends, but none of them had even came close to making her feel like this.

He growled softly in reply. "You don't know how long I've wait for you to give in."

Kagome stiffened something about that statement made her blood turn cold. Give in? She opened her eyes carefully; their lips still locked together. GIVE in?! Instead of Inuyasha's face, she saw Sesshoumaru's -- his eyes staring at her coldly and accusingly. With a wrenched cry, she tore her mouth away from his and lifted her hands to push against the weight of his body, fingers curling unconsciously at the feel of his heart beating rapidly beneath her palm. "Oh my god…" she whispered to herself over and over again as she stared at the man above her with wide-eyes.

He seemed to be having trouble breathing too; hot puffs of air glazed her face in jagged pants to mix with hers. "God… oh god… we can't do this," Kagome choked, disgusted by her own weakness. She tried to pull down her skirt, one hand holding her blouse together to hide her breasts while the other continued to push him away -- anything to make herself look more decent and less… wrong. "What the heck are we doing?"

Inuyasha exhaled heavily and thrusted his hand into his hair. "I thought it was pretty damn obvious."

All the blood rushed to her face at his frankness; she closed her eyes as she tried to find her breath, praying that this was just some dream and that she didn't almost had sex with Sesshoumaru's brother. The warmth from his body and the taste in her mouth told her it wasn't. "We shouldn't have done this," she spoke slowly, the fist clutching her shirt together shook with each word. "It was a mistake."

He dismissed her excuse with a snort. "You didn't seem to think that when you had your tongue in my mouth or when I was sticking my hand up your skirt."

"Damn you, Inuyasha!" Her eyes snapped open and she looked at him with disbelief. "Don't you know the difference between right and wrong? Or do you hate your brother that much?"

His jaw tightened at the mention of his brother's name and he had to take his hand out from his hair to prevent himself from tearing out chunks. Stupid bitch! Why the fuck is she being so difficult? Why can't she just accept it? He took several deep breaths before replying through clenched teeth, "I don't give a damn about that bastard. Even he has to lose sooner or later."

Her lips trembled uncontrollably and her vision blurred with hot tears. Not even Kouga had succeeded in making her feel as cheap as she did now. Kagome felt stupid for believing that he really didn't care about her engagement to his brother and that he had no ulterior motives. "Is that all I am to you? A prize?" she asked, her voice small and broken. Tell me something, Inuyasha… ANYthing. Don't be like them; let me know that you really do care about me.

"Kagome... you know that's not what I meant," he answered back, sounding completely exhausted.

His hand moved to caress her face and she flinched as though she had been slapped. It was no where close to the response she had been hoping to receive, but then, why should she expect anything more from him? All she knew was that she was tired of being used and sick of men playing with her feelings. "No I don't know," her voice no longer cracking but firm with anger as she pushed against his unyielding weight. "Get off of me!"

Inuyasha stared at her, and watched the pain in her eyes turned into menacing rage. Absolute bliss… He was so close to it, so close to being with her. Blood drained away from fists that had stationed themselves on the sides of her head, both shaking from the unfairness. The one woman he wanted most in the world had just denied him, and his brother was once again the source for his misery. At last, he replied simply in a flat tone, "No."

She went into frenzy at his denial, struggling wildly beneath him and hammering her fists into his chest. "Get off of me or I'll scream," she threatened, no longer concerned about her nudity. He barely noticed it; even if her fists were replaced by daggers, he would have remained motionless to her tantrum. Hurt constricted his chest. She was so angry with him, no longer the willing temptress she was but a few moments ago; disgust was now apparent on her face.

He eased his weight slightly off of her so that he was no longer pressed intimately against her, but did not get up. There was no way in hell that he was going to give her the chance to run off and pretend that none of this had ever happened. When she moved to slap him, he caught both her wrists and held them firmly in place beside her head. "Stop it!" he commanded, lips pulled back into a snarl at her continued defiance. "I'm not getting up until we talk."

The phone began ringing loudly and they both turned to look at it.

"The phone-."

Annoyed by the interruption, he grabbed the phone line and pulled it roughly out of the phone jack before turning back to look at her. "Talk."

"You bastard," she hissed, "That could have been a client or something."

"You're the only one who likes to work so fucking late. Now talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Are you fucking stupid or something?" he yelled, making her wince at the loud volume. "We just kissed, you idiot. Tell me that it wasn't the best kiss you've ever had."

"I've had better."

"Bull!" His eyes flickered red from anger. "You wanted me so much that I could practically smell it." He released one of her hands and caught her chin, preventing her from looking off to the side. "Now look me in the eyes and tell me that the kiss meant nothing

She finally stopped moving and her face relaxed into a small smile. "Inuyasha, I…"

He held his breath. "Yes?"

"Go fuck yourself," she finished in a syrupy voice.

Inuyasha shook his head, a slither of a smile actually past his lips as he got off of her. Just like me… stubborn to the core. There was nothing more he could do to get her to confess her true feelings. At least she wasn't trying to deny it; that was enough for now. He leaned back against the edge of the desk, arms folded across his chest, and watched as she braced herself up slowly off the floor on unsteady arms. "You are absolutely the most frustrating wench I've ever met," he declared, not quite sure if he was insulting or complimenting her.

"Well you're a conceited prick," Kagome mumbled in reply as she rebuttoned her blouse, hair falling forward to hide the faint dash of red that refused to leave her cheeks and eyes refusing to acknowledge the man standing to her side. She honestly didn't know what to make of his persistence in talking about what had just happened or wanting her to admit that he was the best she ever had. Despite the racing of her pulse and the traitorous trembling in her stomach, she was also not about to admit to anything. Hormones, that's all it was. Nothing but stupid hormones.'

She stole a quick glance at him as she groped around the floor for the hairclip that he had dropped. Her eyes narrowed into slits at what she could conclude to be the smallest evidence of a smirk, and she came into quick conclusion: he was a typical, rich bachelor, and her refusal had hurt his pride. She ran her fingers quickly through her hair to get rid of all the tangles, before gathering it upward and twisting it into a loose bun. Her mouth released a small cry of triumph when her hand finally closed around the small object.

"I like it better down."

Her hand stopped ever so slightly at his input. And he thought I was frustrating… With gritted teeth, she gathered the remaining wisps around her face and snapped the hairclip loudly into place. Well, as loudly as she could manage. She tucked her legs beneath her and pushed herself off the floor, pulling at the hemline and straightening out the wrinkles on her skirt as she straightened up. Ignoring him completely even when she felt his eyes sweeping over her, she opened her drawer and took out her black, leather handbag, grimacing when the drawer closed a little too loudly -- her action unintentional.

She avoided his eyes throughout the entire process, even as she was heading swiftly towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

Her hand closed around the knob, gripping strongly. "My mother… I'm late." The door opened; she paused before exiting and looked back. He was now sitting hunched forward on top of her desk; the tenseness of his back and shoulders were apparent from where she was standing. She saw through the reflection from the glass that his elbows were dug into his thighs and his hands were clasped together in mock prayer. She turned away as his brooding eyes shifted their attention from Tokyo's night sky and caught hers. "We're done here, so you can see yourself out."

Then he was alone.

He snorted at the muffled sound of her heels echoing down the empty hallway. "We're far from done, Kagome."


"So how are things going with Sesshoumaru, dear?"

Kagome stiffened; the chicken in her mouth suddenly became dry and tasteless, making her want to spit it out on reflex. She lifted one finger and gestured to her mouth, the other hand reaching for her wine glass. Mama watched as she took a large gulp of her chardonnay, forcing the lump of meat down her throat.

"We're just taking it one day at a time, having dinner and getting to know each other," she answered with a shrug of her shoulders, "The usual stuff…" But they're stuff you'll do with a friend, not a boyfriend. And definitely not anything close to what I did with Inuyasha tonight… Feeling the beginning of a blush creeping its way up her face, she quickly dropped her gaze to the arrangement of flowers at the center of the table.

"Good," her mother stated. "I'm so glad that things are working out for you two like it had for your father and me. Time and patience is all it'll take to make a relationship work."

"Yea," Kagome agreed half-heartedly and picked up her fork, absently playing with a piece of broccoli. If only it was that simple, or as simple as it had been for her parents. With her dad being an only child, her mom certainly didn't have the misfortune of being caught between two brothers. "I'm supposed to join him in Hong Kong in about a week-"

"You're going to Hong Kong?" Souta interrupted, finally taking time off from stuffing his face to participate in their conversation.

Mama raised her eyebrows at him. "Don't talk with your mouth full."

He swallowed quickly and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Hey Kag, pick me up some video games."

"You already have enough video games, probably more than the video center. Why don't concentrate on something more important, like… school," Kagome suggested and received a dramatic roll of his eyes in return.

"Oh come on! Even if I somehow flunk my finals, I'm still going to get a 3.9 for this semester."

Kagome had no idea how her brother was able to make college seem so simple. He barely studied; he was always either playing video games or going out with his girlfriend. When she was in school, the library was literally her home away from home. "Can't you get them online or something?"

"It'll take forever," he waved his hand dismissingly at her suggestion. "Last time I ordered something from Hong Kong, it took almost a month. Besides, my birthday is coming up."

Kagome finally sighed in defeat. It was so unfair; he was using those puppy-dog eyes on her again. "Fine fine.

His face broke out into a huge grin, and she could see why he was always so popular with girls. "Thank you!"

"I'm not even sure if I'll have time to look around for your games. This is a business trip, not a vacation."

"Oh Kagome, but it's such an exciting city. It's not as romantic as Paris but it'll do. You two should really take advantage of your time there."

Romantic? Kagome almost snorted out loud at her mother's wishful thinking. She had a feeling that they would be stuck inside the office all day, and any conversation that managed to take place between them would be about work. Unable to think of a response, she was more than glad when the doorbell rang and took the spotlight off of her.



I'm truly sorry for giving anyone the impression that I've stopped writing this fic. One thing you should know about me is that I don't like to leave things unfinished, so this fic will definitely have an ending. I will also like to thank everyone once again for being patient, and all the encouraging emails I had received.

This chapter was the hardest for me to write just because there are so many directions for this chapter to take. There was a lot of deleting and brainstorming. I literally had to rewrite this four or five times just to make sure that none of the characters are acting too OOC.

Concerning Sesshoumaru: Right now, the main focus is on Kagome and Inuyasha. I will get more in depth into his character and his relationship with Kagome when she goes to Hong Kong.

Thank you for reading!