InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Our Souls Have Crossed”
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters, though I wish I did.
“This means talking”
`This means thinking'
(This means an author's note, a note from me, duh)
+this means Kagome and Inuyasha are talking telepathically+
Inuyasha Steel- is 6'3ft tall, long silver hair, golden eyes, is a half-demon, 16 years old.
Kagome Hirgurashi- is 5'6 ft tall, long black hair, deep blue eyes, 15 years old.
Miroku Kazza- is 5'10 ft tall, short hair drawn back into a small rat's tail at the nape of his neck, brown eyes, and is 16 years old.
Sango Taka- is 5'8 ft tall, long hair drawn into a high ponytail, brown eyes, and is 15 years old.
Sesshomaru Steel- 6'4 ft tall, long silver hair, golden eyes, a crescent moon on his forehead, stripes on his cheeks, a full demon, 20 years old, nick-named Fluffy.
Inutashio Steel- is Inuyasha and Sesshomaru father and is a full demon.
Aya Steel- is Inuyasha's mother. (I don't know her name so I made one up, if anyone knows her real name please tell me!)
Anata-beloved husband
Koshii-beloved wife
Chapter one
Kagome's P.O.V.
Kagome could not wait to fall asleep that night, so that she could tell Inuyasha all about her day and how she finally told off Kikyo, the school slut (you are probably wondering what that has to do with going to sleep, and I'll tell you. Kagome and Inuyasha have been soul sending, which is when the soul leaves the body and meets another, in their case in dreams for the past 13 years. This is pretty long considering that Kagome is only 15 and Inuyasha is only 16). She quickly fell asleep and ran to their meeting place, a beautiful cherry blossom tree that was always in bloom, she had to smile when she saw Inuyasha already there waiting for her. She felt complete when he was there because well they were soul mates, literally, they had realized they loved each other 3 years ago and Inu asked her to be his mate shortly after they actually mated 2 years ago. The funny thing is that they have never met in reality, out of the dream world.
As she moved toward him his ears swiveled in her direction `damn, he's soo cute when he does that' he happily turned around, leaped up, and hugged her tightly `I love being in his arms'.
“Anata, you are not going to believe what I did today!”
“Alright Koshii what did you do?” he replied lovingly.
“I finally got Kikyo back for being such a bitch to me...but I can't think of a good prank to play on her.”
“Well what?”
“I can help you plan it and set it up for you.”
“That is only if you want me to!!!” he said with his hands up as though to fend off a blow.
“How could you help me set one up?”
“Didn't I tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“I'm moving.”
“To your city, in fact I'll be going to your school.” He said with a smirk.
“Oh my God!!!” she yelled and jumped on him knocking him to the ground where they rolled around for a while and Inu landed on top.
“We can FINALLY meet in person!!!!”
“Yup, and I can kiss you whenever I want!” he said happily, and as though to prove a point he bent down and kissed her. It was meant to be a little peck on the lips but it quickly progressed into something far more deep and passionate. In between kisses I somehow managed to ask him when he was coming.
“Tomorrow” he answered pulling back just waiting for her outburst.
“Wait…tomorrow…then why did you not tell me earlier?!”
“Hey! Don't blame me I just found out this morning.”
“Oh” I knew he wasn't lying because of our link. (With their link they can talk to each other telepathically and sense each others feelings, even in the real world, which is how they knew that they did not imagine each other.) We just sat there with me in his lap `I wonder what my mom will think…'
“Wait, Inu…did you even tell your parents about me?”
“No…did you?”
“We are going to surprise them so much they'll shit themselves” he said laughing.
“You are so right” I managed to get out through my laughter.
“Should we tell them or just wait until they figure it out themselves?”
“Hmm we should just tell them that we are boyfriend and girl friend and let them find out the rest themselves.”
“Nah we should tell them nothing, keep them guessing, and tell them only when they ask us themselves.”
“I love the way your mind works.”
Suddenly, a shrill ringing noise reached their ears breaking through the peace of the moment.
“Damn” Inu cursed quietly.
`Sigh' “I have to go wake up now”
“Ok I'll see you tomorrow”
“What about tonight?” I asked confused.
“They are making me drive so I can't sleep.”
“That really sucks”
“I know, I just got my license and I'm already being forced to drive.” He said with a melodramatic sigh.
“Oh please, you have been driving since you were twelve with Miroku”
“Humph you ruined my moment!” he said grumpily, “oh by the way, Miroku is going to come with us so he is going to your school too…so warn the female population”
“What?! And ruin the fun of seeing him get slapped? I don't think so!”
“You better go so you're not late”
“Ok see you later!” she said and disappeared but not before giving him a goodbye kiss.
I jumped with surprise when I received a face full of water. “Souta!!!” I yelled, “get back here…I don't want to kill you…I only want to pulverize you!!!”
“AAHHHHHHHH” he yelled as he ran down the stairs “Mom! I'm too young to die!”
“Kagome stop harassing your brother and get ready for school!”
“Arrgh, fine” I quickly took a shower and changed into my uniform. I shot a look at the clock and saw that it was 7:45am “AAAAAHH!!! I'm going to be late!” as I ran down the stairs I grabbed a piece of toast right out of my brother's hand. “Bye Mom!”
At school
I arrived at my classroom with a few minutes to spare and I quickly gathered my books for my classes and sat at my desk. It was then that what Inu said really processed in my mind `oh my GOD!!! I'm finally going to be able to see him whenever I want and we can go on real dates, this is so awesome!'
Suddenly a loud slap on my desk and a what am I chopped liver? Finally penetrated into my mind. “What?! Oh hi Sango.”
“Hi?…HI?! Is that all I get? I'm your best friend! Just HI?”
“What? Did you say something?”
“Alright spill.”
“Why are you glowing? Come on tell me!”
“You'll see, you'll see.”
“What is that suppose to mean? You'll see? When did you become so cryptic?”
“You're making a scene.”
“Oops! Sorry.”
“So…tell me.”
BRRRRRRRRRRRING “oh look at that! It's the bell!” `Saved by the bell, that was a close one.'
I drifted through the rest of the day and by the time I saw Sango again she had already forgotten all about me glowing.
We walked out of the school still talking and as we reached the corner we went our separate ways.
“See you on Monday Sango!”
“See you Kagome.”
I practically skipped home `Inuyasha was coming' I still couldn't believe it.
“Hi mom.”
“Hi dear, go do your homework and I'll call you for dinner.”
“Ok” even though I have a ton of homework nothing and I mean nothing will destroy my mood…at least not today…
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I hope you like my story! If anyone finds any problems (you know, like spelling and stuff like that) please tell me! That is definitely not my strong point! Anyways…Please review!!!