InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 11
Last time…
“Yes! You have passed all of the tests…so far…there is still one more!”
“There is? Why didn't you say that before?” Inuyasha asked confused.
“Why you ask? Because you never asked of course!”
“Well what is the final test?” Kagome asked, getting quite sick of all of the stupid banter.
“The final test is…” Mr. T said and pushed a button and suddenly you could hear a drum-roll, “Sword fighting!”
(A/N Thought that I'd put this in since I haven't updated in a while.)
“You have got to be kidding me!” Inuyasha and Kagome said simultaneously.
“Eh?...would I lie to you?” Mr. T asked innocently.
Everyone just stared at him… “Jeez! That was only one time! Are you guys never going to let me live this down!”
“No!” everyone screamed, even Inuyasha, who wasn't even there at the afore mentioned incident.
After grumbling to himself for a moment, Mr. T said, “anyway, let's forget about that and continue with the testing!”
Everyone nodded.
“Ok, you know that the next test is sword fighting, however you don't know who you are fighting!” Mr. T chuckled to himself, “you will never guess who it is! He's someone that really wants to beat you. When I asked him to do this he agreed without second thought!”
“So who is it?” Inuyasha asked.
“It is” Mr. T was cut off by the contender.
“It is I” he yelled from the shadows.
“Who is `I'” asked Kagome.
“Why it is me…Koga!” he yelled and jumped out from where he was hiding and struck a pose.
“You have got to be joking” Inuyasha “this is a test! I could beat him even without the sword!”
“Yea!” Miroku seconded, “Yash could beat him blindfolded with one arm tied behind his back!” Sango and Kagome nodded in agreement to what Miroku said.
“That mangy mutt could never beat me!” Koga yelled with arrogance and Mr. T just looked skeptical.
“Of course I can!” Inuyasha yelled back, “who the hell do you think knocked you out before?”
“That was you!” Koga yelled “I thought that sneaking you on a guy was low even for a mutt like you”
“What!” yelled everyone except Mr. T, because he had no idea what they were talking about.
“He did not knock you out while your back was turned!” Kagome growled
“Yeah!” seconded Miroku.
“I was your own fault for trying to kiss Kagome! You deserved it…if Inuyasha didn't do it I would have!” Sango said.
“What? You tried to kiss her? Without her permission! How dare you!” Mr. T yelled panting and his face was beginning to purple in his rage, “Get out of my house!”
“what?” exclaimed Koga totally baffled.
“Alright! Go Dad!” yelled Sango and Mr. T sent a small smile in her direction.
“Now get out!”
“Why?” Koga was still confused.
“Why you ask, why? because you tried to force yourself on my daughters best friend, said best friend happens to be like a daughter to me, and you ask why!” Mr. T bellowed right in Koga's face.
Koga eeped and ran from the building. Mr. T smirked in satisfaction briskly clapping his hands together as though ridding them of dust.
“So…” ventured Miroku, “what about the sword fighting test?”
“Well since you already beat Koga and have shown that you can and will protect her,” Mr. T said looking at Inuyasha, “I feel that you are exempt from this test and I here by declare you to be deserving of Kagome!”
everyone stated at Mr. T, everyone thinking that that sounded suspiciously like it had come from a bad movie about a king knighting someone and giving his daughter to him…(not a real movie…at least not one that I am aware of…)
“Well?” asked Mr. T looking at Inuyasha expectantly.
“What?” Inuyasha asked in confusion.
“Well kiss her already!” Mr. T shouted in exasperation. .
“Oh” Inuyasha replied with a smirk, “I see.” And with that he kissed her and Sango and her dad clapped and Miroku stared lecherously and wished Sango would kiss him like that.
Sorry for not updating sooner…it's been like a year. Yeah…well there are many reason the main one being that my computer died, it was a virus…that was probably my fault…, anyway it completely killed my computer so I haven't had any time to use one at all and I am to broke to buy myself a new one so what can I do? And I am also sorry that it is so short…I only had like 30 minutes on a computer and I didn't have enough time to write anymore than this...but (enter drum roll) the next chapter will be at Inuyasha's house! WhooHoo! Anyhow, I hope everyone still likes my story (I still don't think that it is any good) and if you do please review.