InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 10
A/N This story is now going to be written in third person perspective…and for those people out there who did not understand that, it means that I will no longer write in Kagome or Inuyasha's P.O.V. and will be writing in a normal P.O.V…and I really have no idea why I didn't write that in the first place…
“Now! The next test is…” Mr. T said, pausing for dramatic effect, “the dreaded obstacle course!!!”
Everyone sweat-dropped and Sango rolled her eyes at her father's antics.
“Feh” said Inuyasha with his nose in the air “this is going to be a piece of cake.”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome scolded, giving Inuyasha an elbow to the ribs.
“What?! It is!”
Kagome just sighed and rolled her eyes. Mr. T chuckled and said, “Yes, you are a hanyou, but this test might be harder then you think!” with a witch's cackle.
Sango sighed, embarrassed with her father's antics. (Heh I love that word…antics…)
“Now follow me!” Mr. T said moving toward a door in the back, a door that no one had noticed until it was pointed out.
(Which I think is kind of suspicious don't you think?)
As they entered the room everyone gasped in surprise as they saw the course. It had tires and ropes and rods and bricks and hundred foot walls.
“Oh my” was all that the flabbergasted group could manage to get out.
“Dad?” questioned Sango
“Yes?” was Mr. T's smug reply.
“When did you get this built? And why was I not told that it was here?” Sango said with a glare pointed towards her father.
“Eheheheh” said Mr. T nervously as he sweat dropped.
Kagome, who had been listening in and saw how close Sango was to killing her father, said “so what does Inuyasha actually have to do?”
“Right!” Mr. T exclaimed, sending Kagome a look of gratitude for distracting Sango, “well first he has to start here” he said and pushed him to the start, “then he has to go through this mountain range of rings (which is like those football training things with the tires only like fifty feet higher and he can fit into them) without knocking a single one over, then you have to jump or climb over this hundred foot wall, then you have to climb up sixty feet of rope, and then jump from platform to platform, which is sixty-five feet off of the ground, quickly because once they feel your weight on them they will drop, and then you have to get over this icky swamp filled with alligators without getting wet or bitten, and last but not least you have to break through this wall using whatever you can find with out leaving the course and then come back here to the start, and you have to do it all within 5 minutes.” Mr. T finished with a flourish.
“Whew! Now I'm kind of glad I didn't pass the test!” Miroku said with a smile.
Everyone turned to stare at him…
“What?! It's true because if I did then I would have had to do this!!!”
“Whatever Miroku” was the universal response to that stupid comment.
“I'm so unappreciated!” Miroku wailed.
Inuyasha just shook his head.
“Aww Miroku…we don't hate you…” Kagome said compassionately.
“Really?!” Miroku said instantly stopping the water works.
“You are ever gracious Lady Kagome!!!” Miroku yelled glomping Kagome.
Inuyasha growled and you could see his eye begin to tick, but he decided that Miroku needed a self-esteem boost so he let it pass, and he figured that Miroku knew that Kagome was his mate, which meant that she was off limits.
Next thing Kagome knew there was a hand rubbing her ass…and she let out a scream of outrage. And with a loud growl Inuyasha lunged at Miroku and the next thing anyone saw was Inuyasha pinning Miroku to the wall by his neck.
“Miroku…” Inuyasha said threatening, his eyes starting to bleed red. “How dare you touch what is mine…I should kill you…but since you're my friend I won't but if you do it again you won't be so lucky.” He said letting go of Miroku and watching him slide down the wall to land on the floor rubbing his throat.
There was total silence.
You could practically hear the crickets chirping in the background until…Mr. T said, well more like yelled, “let's start the obstacle course!” moving Inuyasha once again to the starting line. “You know what to do so...on your mark get ready, set, GO!!” he screamed giving Inuyasha a slight shove and Inuyasha was off. (Kind of sounded like a race track there didn't it)
Inuyasha took off at impossible speeds; everyone was surprised with the exception of Kagome of course, at how fast he could move.
“Wow” said Mr. T in surprise, “he might actually pass this test!”
Kagome turned and glared at him…”you mean to tell me that you did not think that he would pass?! That he would fail?!” she yelled fuming. In the background you could see Inuyasha already half way through the course and his speed was only increasing…he was almost at the part with the platforms.
“No! I didn't think that! Never!” Mr. T said, trying to sound convincing, when Kagome continued to glare however he let out a whimper “all right, all right! I didn't think he could do it! Don't hurt me!!!” Mr. T said cowering behind Sango.
“All right I'll let you live.” Kagome said grudgingly
Mr. T let out a sigh of relief, “all right, let's see how Inuyasha is doing”
Everyone turned to look.
Inuyasha had just reached the platforms and was on the other side in the blink of in eye (and I know that he can't really move this fast, but in my story he can), none of the platforms had fallen. Everyone looked on in surprise except for Kagome who had a rather smug smirk on her face.
Inuyasha entered the swamp, `man this is really disgusting!' he thought as he practically flew into it. He saw some alligators coming up on his right and simply jumped on their heads and continued on chuckling at the surprised looks on the alligator's faces. And he came to the wall… `it's rather puny when your next to it he thought with a frown…oh well' and with that he simply punched it his fist going through the solid rock like a knife through butter, the sides around his fist crumbling into dust, and then he hopped back to where they were and said “how long did I take?”
Mr. T, finally awakened from his stupor, looked at the automatic stopwatch/timer thingy on the wall and announced “it took you approximately 3 minutes and 10 seconds…” in a surprised voice.
There was a pause….”so did I beat the course record?” Inuyasha asked with a questioning smirk.
This of course caused Kagome to laugh and Mr. T responded in a still shell-shocked voice, “Yes…yes you did. You beat it by almost 10 minutes…didn't think it was possible…and that was by a full-blooded demon too…” Mr. T eventually drifted off into an awe-stricken silence….
“So….” Inuyasha asked, “Does this mean that I can date Kagome?”
“No not yet…” said Mr. T absentmindedly.
“What?! Why the hell not?!” Inuyasha practically screamed, “I've passed all of your stupid tests!”
“Yes! You have passed all of the tests…so far…there is still one more!”
“There is? Why didn't you say that before?” Inuyasha asked confused.
“Why you ask? Because you never asked of course!!!”
“Well what is the final test?” Kagome asked, getting quite sick of all of the stupid banter.
“The final test is…” Mr. T said and pushed a button and suddenly you could here a drum-roll, “Sword fighting!!!”
Sorry for not updating sooner…its just that I have an extremely short attention span and have a hard time staying interested in one thing for so long….I bore easily…and on top of all of that I also got writer's block so that did not help in that department at all…but anyway please review!!! And corrective criticism is always welcome…at least most of the time….