InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 9
Last time
Mr. T smiled, “Inuyasha, you have passed the verbal test with flying colors…now all that you have to do is pass through my obstacle course and three physical tasks”
Inuyasha's P.O.V.
“Bring it on old man!”
“Inuyasha! Be nice!”
“I am not old!” yelled Mr. T
I was about to respond but Kagome said, “of course you're not old” soothing Mr. T's nerves. I merely snorted in response.
“Let's continue” Sango said
“Yeah! Put that dog to work!”
“You shouldn't call your friend a dog Miroku” remarked Mr. T
Miroku just snorted “he is a hanyou you know” Miroku said simply “and he happens to be a dog hanyou, so because of that I am only stating the truth when I call him a dog”
I growled and whacked him on the head
“Ouch!!!” Miroku yelled
“You're a hanyou?” Mr. T asked, not really surprised and totally ignoring Miroku's whimpers.
“Yeah…does that bother you?”
“Humph! Of course not! Doesn't change my opinion at all” everyone just sweat-dropped, “that only means that I'll have to make the challenges harder!”
“Ehh…ok then” I said while staring at Mr. T like he was crazy.
“Alright your first test is going to test your intelligence”
“How is that a physical test dad?” asked Sango
“It's a physical test because you have to answer these riddles…” he paused dramatically for effect, “while you avoid a ton of debris, which will be constantly thrown at you”
“Sounds fun” I said with a smirk
“Aright then! Follow me!” Mr. T said before going down the hall and opening a random door on the left, “welcome to my `speed and agility enhancer' room!”
“Where do I go?” I asked
“Hmm? Oh just go stand anywhere in the room” Mr. T said before returning to fiddling with the computer that controlled the machine that would throw stuff at Inuyasha. “Finally!” Mr. T exclaimed and debris of all shapes and sizes started to hurtle toward
“Ahhh!” I yelled in surprise as a chair was thrown at me and jumped over it. “What the hell?!”
“This is your test! And here is your first riddle…” (And yes I did write these riddles so they are not the best…this is just a warning…)
“`I am a bright red,
And I dance in the wind.
My favorite food is wood,
And my favorite drink is air.
I can be made on purpose
Or on accident
I can be harmful
Or I can be useful.
What am I?'”
“Oh man! I suck at these kind of riddles!”
“Don't worry Inuyasha I'll help you!”
“Sorry Kagome but you can not help him, he must complete these tests by him self” Mr. T said watching in amusement as Inuyasha did a back flip to avoid a large chunk of wood.
After watching Inuyasha duck and dodge a couple more objects Kagome said to Inuyasha +I don't know the answer! I really have no idea!+
+Don't worry I know the answer to this one. It's really quite simple once you think about it+
+Humph+ was Kagome's only response to that remark.
+I didn't mean it like that! I meant that once you heard the answer you would see how simple it really was!+
+Oh…I knew that+
“Well Inuyasha do you know the answer?”
“Yup! The answers Fire”
“Yes that is correct! Now on to the next riddle” Mr. T said
“`I run forwards, not backwards
I cannot be held, kept, or stopped
I can be harnessed to the point
Of some understanding
But I am always dancing out of reach
Of true comprehension'”
“Ooh that's a tough one” remarked Miroku
“Shut up Miroku!” yelled Sango
Kagome snickered but was interrupted by Inuyasha +Kagome I don't know the answer to this one! Help!+
+Calm down! I think this one is really easy+
+………Is it just me or does this particular conversation sound familiar?+
+Eh? Hey your right it does!+
+Whatever…what's the answer?+
+The answer? Oh yeah the answer. The answer is Time+
+Oh I see that makes sense…how'd you figure that out?+
+I don't know it just came to me+
+Whatever just tell Mr. T the right answer, so that we can hear the next riddle+
+Alright+ “the answer is…” I was cut off as a humungous rock was coming straight at my head.
“You know the answer?” Mr. T asked with a raised eyebrow
“Yes, as I was saying” I said glaring at the rock “the answer is Time”
“Very good Inuyasha! The next and final riddle is…”
“`Burns with a passion
Or smolders deep inside
Can be one sided
But can't be helped
Destined or denied
Can fill you up
Or leave you empty to die
Can arrive to stay
Or just pass with a breeze
Is undeniable and unavoidable
But once there is treasured
Without remorse
What am I?'”
+I know that this is kind of random but…if I fail these tests…what will happen?+
+I really don't know…+
+Oh…we'll think about that if it actually happens+
+I doubt that it will, I believe in you!+ (and yes I know that that is really cheesy but I couldn't help it)
+Ok, back to the riddle+
++It's Love!!++ Kagome and I thought at the same time
+Definitely Love, I mean my love for you burns with a passion+
+Yeah, and Koga's love for me is one-sided and denied+
+Whereas ours is destined+
+That is absolutely true+
“Do you know the answer?” Mr. T asked solemnly
“Yes” Kagome said, “He knows the answer”
Everyone turned to look at Kagome with surprise written all over their faces
“How would you know whether or not he knows the answer?”
“Umm…umm…because of the smirk on his face!” Kagome said triumphantly because she had thought up a plausible answer.
“I have a smirk on my face?” I had to ask, and I really did smirk when Kagome turned to glare at me. I started to chuckle but my mirth was cut short as an old road sign was racing toward me which caused Kagome to start laughing at me.
“Anyway all fun aside, what is the answer Inuyasha?”
“The answer” I said looking at Kagome “is Love”
“That is correct! Inuyasha you move onto the next round!” Mr. T said turning off the machine that threw things
“Hey! Mr. T!?”
“Yes Miroku?” he said patiently
“You should have been a game show host!”
“You know I did think about that in college…”
“Dad don't start” Sango growled
“Ok” Mr. T said inching away from his pissed off daughter, “follow me to the next test!”
I thought that just questions are boring, that's why I added the three physical tests. I thought that I would be nice and write two chapters, you know to make you for not updating. So…yeah…Please review!