InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 8
Kagome's P.O.V.
At Sango's house
When we finally got to Sango's house I ran over and knocked on the door.
“Come in! It's open!” yelled Sango from inside
I just shrugged and walked in…
“Kagome it's so nice to see you again, how are you?”
“I'm fine Mr. T! How are you?”
“Oh I'm fine! I haven't felt this good since Aki!”
“Does that mean he failed your test?” I asked with a sweat-drop
“Yes! No boy can withstand dad's test of doom!” Kohaku yelled from the couch
“That's right! No one can pass my test! Muhahahaha!”
I heard Inu snort at that `yeah he could probably pass that test without blinking…'
Mr. T head snapped in our direction as he heard Inu's snort. “And who is this?”
“Oh! This is my boyfriend, Inuyasha”
“Why are you `hmmming'?”
“Since Kagome is like a second daughter I'm going to give you a test too!”
“Ok” Inu answered without blinking
Just then Miroku walked in and when he heard that Inu was going to be tested too “my poor friend!” he exclaimed, “you'll not live to see tomorrow!”
“Put a sock in it!” Inu growled hitting Miroku on the head.
“You have passed the first test!”
“What? I have? Wait what test?”
“Why the `what you would do to an annoyance' test!”
“Now come this way!” he said pushing Inu toward a chair “go ahead sit! Sit!”
He said as he sat across from him, Inu sat down with a bemused smile on his face
Sango, Kohaku, Miroku, and I got a comfortable seat to watch the show.
“Now…” Mr. Taka started, “for the first question…” he said pausing dramatically, “what would you do if you were assaulted while you were on a date with Kagome?”
“That's easy! I'd beat them up for even trying to touch her, and if they actually touched her I'd break a couple of bones” he answered with a big grin
Mr. T only raised an eyebrow
I just chuckled `that is just like him…always wanting to fight…' then I remembered something, “hey Miroku?”
“What was you're answer?”
“Well! First I'd…”
“He said that he would grab me and run away and if he couldn't get away he would give them what they wanted” Sango said interrupting and glaring at him
“That is so like Miroku” Inu and I said simultaneously
“It is not!” Miroku whined
“Yes it is! I've lived with you for twelve years believe me I know”
“You've lived with him for that long?!” Kohaku asked in horror
“Yes…god must be punishing me for something I did in a past life or something” Inu said rather sadly
“Hey! I resent that!” Miroku whined
“I'm sure you do” Mr. T said patting Miroku on the head, like he was a little kid, “anyway…next question…if you went out to dinner and you didn't have enough money to cover the tab, what would you do?”
“Hmmm…now that's a good question…but I can answer easy” Inu remarked with a smirk
“Really” Mr. T said raising an eye brow in surprise thinking `he'll probably ask Kagome for money…' “So what would you do?”
“Well I'd either create a tab to pay later or I'd use my dad's credit card”
`I guess I was wrong about this young man…' thought Mr. T
“Wait let me guess, you said you would ask Sango to pay for it?”
“Yes,” Sango said with a sigh, “that is exactly what he said”
“He is such a miser” I remarked while patting Sango on the shoulder for comfort
“You can say that again! Once he…” Inu exclaimed.
“What happened!? What did he do? You have to tell me!” Mr. T pleaded
“Well, we went out to dinner at `Golden Coral,' (real place and man is it good there!) It was just Miroku, Shawn, Adam, and me. It was Miroku's turn to pay, since he lost a bet earlier that day, so we gave him the bill he took one look at it, turned pale, and said “eh… I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back” we just glared at him angrily and Shawn said, “alright,” and Miroku smiled, thinking that he had gotten off the hook, “you can go after you pay the bill”…you know I don't think I ever saw him go that pale again…except for when he found out that he was going to be interrogated by Mr. T here”
“If only I could have seen his face” Mr. T said wistfully
“Would you like to see it?”
“How could I see it?” Mr. T asked in surprise
“What? You don't believe me?”
“I never said that”
“Whatever…anyway, I took a picture of it with Inu's cell phone”
“Oh I see…can you send it to my phone?” Mr. T practically pleaded “I'm going to print it, then frame it, then I'm going to hand it on the wall right by the front door, and when my next victim comes…eheheh…I mean your next boyfriend comes and asks me why he is so pale I'll tell them that it was because of my test and then they'll be extremely nervous” he finished with a sinister grin on the face
“Dad” Sango sighed shaking her head at her father's single-mindedness.
The rest of us just chuckled with the exception of Miroku, who was sulking in the corner.
“Now!” Mr. T exclaimed, “Back to Inuyasha's test!”
“Give me you best shot” Inu replied with a smirk
“What would you do if you forgot an anniversary, a birthday, Valentines Day, or one of those special days that women seem to be so fond of?”
“first off I would never forget” Inuyasha said with confidence, “but if it were to happen some how, then I would either shower her with apologies, buy her a really big gift to make up for it, take her to her favorite fancy restaurant and let her order anything that she wanted, or take her on a shopping spree and go along as a bag carrier and let her shop to her hearts content” Inuyasha said, “but then again I might just think of something else when the occasion actually arose.” He said with a shrug
Miroku looked at him aghast “you would actually apologize? You?” he asked in disbelief
“Hey I can apologize, I just don't do it very often” Inu said sticking his nose in the air
“Miroku?” I asked
Sango sighed again shaking her head once more in disgust “he said that he would lie and run out to get a gift, saying that he forgot it at home”
“So Inuyasha you would not follow Miroku's solution if you could?” Mr. T asked
“nah, I've never lied to Kagome and I'm not going to start now, besides if I did lie to her, which I never will, she would find out that I had lied, which she always manages to find out when someone lied to her, then I would really be in for it” Inuyasha said with a mock shudder
“Yes, the wrath of a woman is the strongest thing in the world that I know of, besides true love anyways” Mr. T said solemnly
“I defiantly agree” Miroku commented from his corner
“What would you know?” Mr. T asked Miroku
“Because I'm a monk in training!” Miroku exclaimed in pride
“Is he serious?” Mr. T asked skeptically
“I'm afraid he is” Inuyasha said with a solemn sigh
“How can that hentai possibly be a monk?”
“I know” I said with a sigh
“Yeah, it's one of the many wonders of the world” Inuyasha remarked, “and due to the fact of his wandering hands, he has tons of experience with the wrath of a woman, or in his case practically all women that he has met”
“Yes that is true” Mr. T said, “in fact he probably has the most experience of a woman's anger than any of us”
“Yes” I said, “but lately it has only been Sango's anger”
“Which, I'm afraid, is much worse than that of a normal woman” Mr. T said shaking his head
“I do not have a bad temper!” Sango yelled
“That there is proof” Mr. T said, causing all of us to laugh
Sango just glared at us angrily
“So…do you have any more questions for Inu?” I asked
“Oh yes! The test!” he said “I totally forgot about the rest of the test”
“That's alright” I remarked
“I don't mind” Inuyasha said
“Alright! Next question…if Kagome started to cry, what would you do?” Mr. T questioned staring intently at Inuyasha
“Well…that would depend on whether she was crying because she was sad or extremely happy”
Mr. T just nodded for him to continue
“if she was crying because she was sad, I would hold her until she calmed down and then I would find out what had made her cry, and if that something was a person I would yell at them or possibly beat them up but if it was something else such as someone dieing then I would simply hold her and comfort her to the best of my ability and let her cry to her heart's content”
“And if she were crying in happiness?” Mr. T asked with a blank expression, giving away nothing on what he thought so far on Inuyasha's answer
“If it was in happiness then I am going to assume it will be because of me” Inuyasha said with an arrogant smirk “but when Kagome is happy then I am happy”
I just rolled my eyes `he can be so sweet sometimes, but that last part, why the hell is he bragging?!'
Mr. T nodded, “now last question, it is by far the most important question I have asked yet, if you two were to `do it'” he said using his fingers as quotation marks, “and Kagome got pregnant, what would you do?” Mr. T asked solemnly
“Hey! How come you didn't ask me that question?”
“Quite simple really, I know that Sango isn't going to be doing any of that stuff until she is married”
Miroku his perverted mind already finding something perverted in that simple phrase said “are you saying that Kagome has no such qualms?”
At this I turned bright red in embarrassment and Inuyasha growled, “Stupid hentai!” he yelled and punched Miroku in the head
Mr. T, who was glaring evilly at Miroku, answered tightly, “no, I just noticed the way that they look at each other and at their body language, and I can tell that they care for each other greatly. I also gathered this much from the way Inuyasha answered my questions and the way he spoke of her was quite possessive”
“But dad, what does that have to do with the question? I mean Koga is all possessive of Kagome too you know” Sango inquired
“While that may me true Kagome would always tell him off whereas with Inuyasha she does not, in fact it would seem to me that she even likes how possessive he acts toward her”
`Am I really that transparent?' I thought blushing, and I looked over at Inuyasha to see
That he looked really surprised +Why are you so surprised?+
+Am I really that obvious?+
+Don't worry about it, I like it when you're possessive+
This I noted, caused Inuyasha to give me a fanged grin, +you better like it because you're mine+ he said with a husky voice causing a shiver to go throughout my body.
“Inuyasha you should answer the question now” I murmured.
“Oh right” he said blinking in surprise.
Everyone looked at him expectantly.
“Well if Kagome did get pregnant, I will stay by her side no matter what happens. I wouldn't leave her like some guys, I would marry her,” `which I already have he just doesn't know it yet,' “and provide for her. I would not abandon her.”
Mr. T smiled, “Inuyasha, you have passed the verbal test with flying colors…now all that you have to do is pass through my obstacle course and three physical tasks”
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sorry I took so long to update…its just that I went on a vacation to Hawaii…which was really fun, but I did get sun burnt, which did turn into a tan, but you didn't need to know that, and my mom's computer crashed so I've had absolutely no internet access. So I'll try to update sooner next time and I apologize for any inconvenience any of you might have experience. (See Kalara I can be nice…when I want to so HA!)