InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 7
Kagome's P.O.V.
As we walked back to homeroom, I asked “Inu?”
“Can Sango come over to?”
“Why?” he asked confused
“Because Miroku would be all alone…well I suppose he could hang out with Sesshomaru….”
“You have a point there…sure she can come”
“I can come where?” Sango asked in confusion
“Yeah what are you talking about?” Miroku asked with a puzzled frown
“I'm going to sleep over Inu's house tonight”
“You are!!!?”
“Yup! you want to come? You can spend some more time with Miroku”
`Sigh' “fine I'll come but I have to call my mom first”
“Do you have a cell phone, my dear Sango?”
“No! And don't call me that!!!”
“You can use mine” Inu said tossing his cell to Sango
5 minutes later
“She said I could go”
“Great! Don't forget to bring your bathing suit!”
“My bathing suit? Why?”
“Because we have a pool” Inuyasha said
“Alright, Miroku?”
“you are going to go on the bus with Sango and Inu will come with me to my house…Sango when you have everything packed up and Miroku has answered all of your father's questions, call me and we'll come over to pick you up, any questions?”
“What questions?”
“Oh! My dad is really protective and he interrogates any boy who I bring home”
“Yea, and he's really good at it because he works for the army”
Miroku's face was really pale now
“But don't worry Miroku, so long as you don't grope her while you're there, there should be no problems” Inu added
“Sango your bus is here!”
“Good luck Miroku!”
“Rrrright” Miroku stuttered as he walked after Sango to the bus
In Inuyasha's car
Inuyasha's P.O.V.
“What do you think you family's going to say when they meet me?”
“Is that what you're worried about?”
“Yes” I said rather sheepishly
“Well…my mom will be all `you better take good care of my baby' and stuff or she might say `when am I going to have grandchildren?' or something along those lines”
“You serious?”
“Yeah,” she said with a sigh, “my grandpa, once he finds out you're a hanyou, will yell stuff like `demon be gone' and will start to through sutras at you”
“Do they work? The sutras I mean”
“no…but even if they did they wouldn't hurt you because your mated to me and since I'm a miko and can control purification powers they won't hurt you, so you are immune to them”
“So that's what happened that one time…”
“What time?”
“Well you know how I hate to be human?”
“Yea? So?”
“My mom knew this, so when ever I did some thing I wasn't suppose to she would contain my demon blood and make me human, but once I met you she couldn't do that any more”
“Really?” Kagome asked with eyebrows raised in surprise
“And since I wanted to know why she didn't turn me human I eavesdropped on them and this is what I heard…
“Why didn't you turn him human?”
“Because…because…I can't”
“What do you mean you can't?”
“It's like he's guarded from it now”
“It's almost like the protection that you got when you mated with me” then she paused.
“Is there anything else?”
“Yes…his `shield' is much more powerful than yours is”
“How is that possible?”
“I truly have no idea”
End Flashback
“So it happened even before we were mated?”
“So…what will your brother do?”
“I'm not really sure…but I know for sure that he will tell you all the embarrassing stories that he can remember, and then he will probably show you all of the photo albums of when I was little, but he won't know that you already know everything that happened to me whether it was embarrassing or not”
“True but I really want to see those photos”
“Well, I might know what happened but I don't know what you looked like when it did”
“I suppose that's reasonable”
“Of course it's reasonable! I'm always reasonable!”
“Riiiight,” she said while rolling her eyes, “there's my house!”
At Kagome's house (well, on the front porch)
“Are you sure that they'll like me?” I asked Kagome worriedly
“Of course! But even if they don't I'll never leave you” +I mean I love you Inu…+
That of course eased my mind greatly +I love you too+
“Are you ready?”
“Yes” `at least I think I'm ready' I added silently to myself as she opened the door
“Mom! I'm home!”
“Hi dear! And who is this?”
I watched Kagome draw a blank on what to say and so I answered for her “I'm her boyfriend, Inuyasha”
“Kagome you finally got a boyfriend! And he's cute too! Good thing, I was starting to think that I might have to set you up!”
I started to laugh as Kagome turned red and sputtered, “what?! You were going to set me up?!”
“Of course! I was worried!”
“Worried about what!?”
“Why that I might never have any grandchildren! Why else?”
As Kagome and her mom continued to `talk' (more like yell), I looked around and I saw a little boy staring at me in something like awe, which caused me to sweat-drop, `that must be her brother Souta…'
“Eh? What?” she said in surprise, as my sending interrupted her conversation with her mom.
+Why is Souta staring at me like that?+
+Like what?+
+Like that+ I said pointing
+It looks like there's some hero-worship going on here+
While this telepathic conversation was going on, Kagome's mom was watching them and wondering at how it looked like they were talking… (I wonder why…)
“What?! You can't be serious!”
“Of course I am,” she said `a little too happily if you ask me', “hey Souta! Come over here! There's someone I want you to meet1”
“Ok” he said practically running over at the idea that he was going to get to meet this really cool looking guy…
“Souta this is Inuyasha”
“Nice to meet you kid”
“You're that guy that Kagome made those cookies for!!!”
“Yup that's me”
“So you're her boyfriend?”
“But she said that you had just moved here”
“Yeah so?”
I smirked as Souta's face scrunched up in annoyance “you even talk like her”
“What is that supposed to mean, runt?!”
“That you always say cryptic answers!”
“I do not!”
“Yes you do!”
As Kagome was about to take off after Souta I said calmly “stop Kagome, you still haven't asked yet”
Souta and Mrs. H stared at me in amazement that I had gotten her to stop chasing her brother, which had never happened before, before Mrs. H finally snapped out of it.
“Can I sleep over Inu's house?”
“I don't know…”
“Please? Sango and Miroku will be there!”
“Who's Miroku sis?”
“Miroku is kind of like an unwanted guest, who was my neighbor, but suddenly decided to move in with my family”
“Well I guess if Sango and this Miroku person is going to be there…”
”don't worry Mrs. H my parents and my older brother will be there”
“Well in that case of course you can go!”
“Thanks mom!” Kagome yelled hugging her mom in gratitude, “hey where's grandpa?”
“Where are you going Kagome?”
`Speak of the devil and he shall appear…'
“Oh I'm going to sleep over Inu's house”
“Inu? Who's that?”
He turned to look at me “ahhh! Demon be gone!!!” he yelled throwing a sutra at me `Kagome really nailed his reaction…'
“Dad! Just because he's dating Kagome doesn't mean you can call him a demon!”
“Nah that's alright after all I am a demon”
“You are?”
“Well I'm really only half…” I said removing my hat
“How cute!!!” Mrs. H squealed reaching to rub my ears
“Please don't touch them, their really sensitive”
“Well alright…”
`I let out a sigh of relief `only Kagome can touch my ears'
“Well I'm going to go get my stuff!”
“Yeah squirt?”
“Will you play PS2 with me?”
“Sure, but I'm going to kick your ass!
“No way”
One minute later
“How did you beat me that fast?”
“Told you I would wipe the floor with you!”
“I'll beat you this time!”
20 minutes later
Kagome came downstairs with her stuff and heard, “HA! That's the fifteenth time in a row!”
“Come on! I'm a little kid! Can't you let me win? At least once?!”
“Pshhh, no way! Where's the fun in that?”
“Inu I'm ready”
“Ok, we just have to wait for Sango to call”
“Alright, why don't you keep playing till then? I want to watch you kill Souta again”
That of course made me grin evilly “of course, my dear! Anything for you”
That made her smile `I'd do anything to make her smile…'
Ten minutes and seven games later…
“That must be Sango!” Kag yelled as she dashed to the phone, “you're ready?...yea…right…no!...he didn't!...yeah we'll be right over”
“She ready?”
“Yea let's go!”
“Bye mom, bye Souta, bye gramps!”
“Bye everyone! It was nice meeting you!”
Then we were in the car driving to Sango's house….
_________________________________________________________________ _______
How was that? I think that was my longest chapter yet…not that it matters …I know that Inuyasha is a little OOC…anyway sorry for not updating sooner! I had to do a stupid science fair project…anyhow…if anyone has any ideas for a prank to play on Kikyo or Koga please tell me! I just can't think of anything! R&R! Please!!!