InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 6
Inuyasha's P.O.V
At `heath and healing'
I followed Kagome and Sango to our next class, walked in, and walked up to the teacher's desk “you teach health and healing right?”
“Yes, why?” she asked without even looking up.
I dropped the still unconscious Miroku onto her desk causing a rather loud bang, and a couple of groans of pain from Miroku `heheheheh'
“What the hell happened to him!?”
“Sango happened to him, Keade” Kagome called from her desk, where she and Sango were saving us a seat.
“Yes…that would explain this…but this shall help with today's lesson”
“It will? How?”
“It's quite simple really…Today's lesson is how to treat a concussion…and we must thank Sango for the live model…it shall help us greatly”
At this I watched in amusement as Sango blushed and sank low in her seat in total embarrassment. `I've never seen someone that red before' I mused. I then went over and took my seat next to Kagome. Suddenly, the door swung open and a boy walked in “Koga you are late…again”
I took a whiff of his scent `Ugggh! A wolf demon, what a horrible stench'
“That's because this class is stupid” he said.
“I'm afraid you are the only person who thinks so”
His head snapped in our direction “Kagome!” he exclaimed, “where have you been?” he then started to go toward our table. He was about to grab her hands, I growled, he did not seem to notice because he was smelling the remains of her arousal from earlier. He leaned in for a better sniff. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he yelled “why do you smell like this hanyou!!?” `It would seem that he did notice me after all'
Kagome just rolled her eyes “I don't know,” she said sarcastically, “Maybe because he's my ma… I mean boyfriend?”
“What?! You're my woman!”
“Koga, how many times do I have to tell you I am not your woman!?”
“Of course you're my woman!”
“Whoever gave you that idea!?” she asked exasperated
“Me of course!” he said haughtily, “You just haven't realized it yet!”
I could see her eye beginning to twitch, a sure sign that she was going to blow up at any moment. It was then that I decided to voice my objections to his hallucination that Kagome was his woman, “why would she realize something that isn't there and never will be?”
“What!? She is mine and there is nothing that will come in the way of our love” he said with stars in his eyes.
He was really starting to piss me off now but I finally lost my cool when he grabbed Kagome and made a move to kiss her, she of course was fighting him as best she could, but she is only a human so she couldn't get out, but not for lack of trying. `That's it! I'm sorry Kagome, for breaking my promise to not make a scene'. With a snarl I grabbed Kagome right out of his arms and had her pressed against my side faster then you can say “whoa”
He looked shocked for about a minute and yelled “get your filthy hands off of my woman you dirty mutt!” this of course made me even madder, which I didn't even know was possible, causing my growl to rise a couple of octaves in volume.
“First off, she is not yours! Second, she is mine! That's right mine! Not yours but mine! Got it?! Third, if you even so much as touch her again I will kill you! Any questions?!” I snarled.
“She's mine! Why would she want a filthy hanyou like you?!”
I looked at Kagome and found her to be shaking in a rage +can I punch him? Please? I know that I promised not to fight with anyone but he deserves it+ I begged her and saw her nod her assent to my desire. `Yes' +Thank you Koshii!+ I told her right before I pulled back a fist and punched him right in the nose, sending him flying back a couple yards right into the wall. `I heard a crack! I broke his nose! Yes!' little did I know but at the moment when my fist connected with his face, a very merciless smile was on my face that filled with a primal satisfaction when I hit him.
Then I sat down, and pulled Kagome into my lap, with the smuggest smile on my face--which I didn't know was there—and said “well that was refreshing” while I stretched, causing everyone to look at me crazily, which made be pause mid-stretch, “what?!” I finally asked, “why the hell are you staring at me like I'm crazy?!”
“No reason” “who's staring?” “What are you talking about?” the whole class asked with the exception of Sango, who looked like she wished that she had hit him, Miroku, who was use to seeing me hit people, himself included, Keade, who looked like a cat that just got into the cream with a smile playing around her lips that she was helplessly trying to smother, but wasn't working, and Kagome, who was shaking in my arms, at first I thought she was still angry and looked down at her only to realize that she was not shaking with anger but instead with laughter.
+I really don't see any humor in this Kagome+
+What are you talking about it's hilarious!+
+Hilarious?! Hilarious?! This is not funny! They think I'm crazy! How can you be laughing at the fact that your class thinks that I, your mate, am crazy!?+
+Don't be stupid! I'm not laughing at that!+
+you're not?+
+Of course not! I'm laughing at the expression that was on your face! It was a mix between confusion, anger, and bewilderment!+ she than proceeded to show me exactly what that expression looked like.
+Not that I would ever say this aloud, but that is a very comical expression+ I remarked, +never knew that I could make that expression before+
+I never knew you could either!+
“What?!” she asked rather worriedly, because she knew that I would tell her anything, and that I always had, and that I always will…
“Are you mad at me?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad?” she asked with her head tilted to the side in her confusion
`Man…she really looks cute like that…maybe I should confuse her more often…' I shook my head to clear away those thoughts `right, back on topic' “well I made a scene even though I promised not to and it was a fight…which I also promised not to do”
“Don't be silly Inu! If you hadn't hit him he would have kissed me,” she said with a shudder, “besides I would have hit him if you didn't”
This of course made me smile.
Finally, Keade pulled herself back together and called “alright now that that is over…,” she took a quick look at the clock, “in fact class is over in ten minutes so you may have the rest of the class period free.”
“What about Koga?” one of Koga's little followers asked.
“Who?...oh yes him…” she said with no enthusiasm at all, “I suppose I should look at him…”
Suddenly Kagome said “no I don't think so…after all he was hit in the head and we all know how hard his head is”
“Yes!” Keade said brightening, “your right! I mean a meteor could hit him on the head and he wouldn't feel a thing”
“So Koshii, we have ten minutes what do you want to do?”
“wait…I know I'm forgetting something…wait I remember it's in my purse!” while she was digging around in her purse, looking for only god knows what, I looked around the class noticing that all of the kids had separated into their own little `clicks' (which I hate by the way…I really don't belong to one so…depending on how I feel I go over and bother one until they either yell at me, tell the teacher, or just get plain boring) and finally my eyes rested on Sango and Miroku `well I'll be! It looks like they like each other…maybe Kagome and I should play matchmaker…' my thoughts were interrupted by a loud “eureka!” coming from Kagome `I guess she found what she was looking for'
“What is it Kag?”
“Eh? Oh it's for you!”
“What? For me?”
“Yup!” she said handing me a package
“What for?”
“A welcoming gift!”
“What is it?”
“Open it and find out!”
I opened it and lying in the box was a pile of cookies `heh! She even shaped them like little dog bones!...what kind are they?' I thought taking a sniff `yum sugar cookies! My favorite!'
“Do you like them?” she asked, “I made them last night so they should taste fine”
“Of course I like them! I love sugar cookies! Thanks Kagome!”
this caused a huge happy grin to spread across her face, since I couldn't resist I bent down and kissed her creating a really passionate kiss that tasted like Kagome and cookie, +see? I'll even share with you+ I told her with an inner smirk
_________________________________________________________________ _______
Sorry any Koga lovers out there but I don't like him very much so he shall be bashed severely…and while we're on the topic of bashing Kikyo shall also be bashed very badly. So if you like either of those two characters then I'm afraid that this story is not for you!
Anyway I hope you liked this chapter. I almost forgot all about the cookies for Inu! But anyways, please review! Oh yea I'm sorry for not updating sooner but my computer doesn't work at all, I mean it doesn't even load up for crying out loud, so I have to use the one at my mom's office and I can't go there very often so sorry in advance for any delays!