InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5
Inuyasha's P.O.V.
At lunch
“There's one thing that I've been wondering…”
“What is it?”
“Spit it out already Miroku!”
“You promise not to hit me?”
`Oh no! He's at it again'
“I suppose” Sango replied a little suspicious
Miroku got down on one knee and said, “Will you bare my child?”
Sango's face went from pale to bright red, in anger, when she realized exactly what he said.
“I would have asked you sooner but I was a little preoccupied trying to find out what Yash here was hiding from me” Miroku said sounding actually sorry about this.
Finally Sango woke from her stupor and yelled “Hentai!!!” and smacked him right in the face knocking him out and leaving a bright red hand-print on his face.
“I told you”
“I know and I still can't believe that he actually did it”
“I know you think he would have learned by now” I said with a patronizing sigh.
“You knew he was going to do…do…that?!!!!” Sango screamed at Kagome
“Umm…yes?” she said smiling a little guiltily.
“And you didn't warn me?!!
“Why the hell not?!!!”
“Because it was funny!!!” I finally said as the laughter I was holding in finally burst out and I heard Kagome give out a snort of suppressed laughter.
“That was not funny!” Sango cried out in indignation.
“Maybe not to you anyway…” I managed to get out through my still continuing laughter.
“But it was to us!!!” Kagome said with a grin, finishing off my sentence.
“I'm going to get you!” Sango screamed as we took off running, still laughing hysterically, as she chased toward the door. I grabbed Kagome and flung her onto my back where she instantaneously wrapped her leg around my waist as we reached the doors leading outside so that I could take off running, which would leave Sango in the dust, and take us somewhere private so that we could `talk.'
(Now during this whole spectacle everyone was staring at them in shock and well who could blame them? I mean they are making a big scene.)
Once we reached the door I took off running at top speed and could be seen as nothing but a blur, until I finally couldn't hear Sango's screams of anger anymore. When I finally stopped and let go of Kagome's legs, I heard her sigh in displeasure because she didn't want to get off, this of course made me chuckle. Once she had gotten down I quickly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into my lap as I sat down.
Kagome sighed happily and nuzzled my chin in contentment, “I missed you Inu” I heard her mumble
“I missed you too Koshii” I whispered back as I breathed in her lovely scent of cherry blossoms, honey, and something that was entirely Kagome and I had no way of describing it.
“Good” she stated firmly, “because if you didn't I would have to be mad at you” she said that as though it was the worst punishment in the world. And to me I suppose it would be…but then again if she were to start crying that would be much worse.
“Hey Kag?”
“Would you like to come over my house? And spend the night?”
“Do you even have to ask? Of course I'll go…I'll have to ask my mom first…and we'll have to stop at my house to get me a change of clothes”
“Don't forget your bathing suit” I told her
“Wha? Why?”
“Why to go swimming of course!”
“You've got a pool?!”
“Yup, we can also plan our revenge on Kikyo”
“Awesome! I can't wait!”
“neither can I” I said right before I swooped down and captured her mouth with mine in mind blowing kiss, which she returned just as eagerly, when we finally pulled back she murmured breathlessly “you have no idea how much I wanted you to do that”
“Oh? I think I have a fairly good idea” at that she chuckled and kissed me again, her tongue demanding entrance, that which I gladly obliged, and our tongues ventured into each others mouth and began a war for dominance and I finally pinned her tongue down and took control of our kiss, turning it into something far more aggressive and demanding than hers had been. My hands traveled all along her body treating it as though it was unchartered territory that I had never explored. Her body responded to mine instinctively and she pressed herself to me. Her body molded to mine like we were of one body. When my hands reached her breasts, she arched into them with a moan that was music to my ears. My hands started to massage her breasts through her shirt bringing a delighted gasp from her. In retaliation she reached up and started to rub my ears causing me to pause, as I had to fight for control over my already tight restraint over my instincts to take her right then and there. When I finally managed to gain that control, I slipped my hands under her bra and started to roll her nipples with my thumb, causing her to moan all the louder. I reached up and kissed her again and while doing so I squeezed her breasts in my hands, she let out a surprised gasp into my mouth causing me to smile into the kiss. Then I moved down and started to kiss her neck and stopped to suck on her pulse point at which she shivered in pleasure. As I continued to move down I left a trail of kisses and when I reached her nipples I paused to look at her…
She was panting lightly and her eyes were glazed over with lust and her mate mark was practically blazing on her skin, (the only reason it was able to be seen now was because of their current activities, it may show up clearly while they were in the dream plain, but in the real world it would not show up permanently until they actually mated with their `physical' bodies and not just their souls) their mating mark was of a huge sword with a beautiful rose wrapped securely around it, as though it were of one object (incase you haven't already guessed the sword stands for Inuyasha whereas the rose stands for Kagome).
Then I bent down and licked the mate mark sending an amazing jolt of pleasure cascading throughout her entire body which caused her to let out a gasp that quickly turned into a groan. At the look of intense pleasure on her face, I had to laugh which cause her to shoot an angry glare in my direction. Though in a matter of seconds that disappeared when I bent down and took her nipple into my mouth and started to roll it around with my tongue while mirroring the same motion with my other hand. Her back arched and her hands encircled my head and pulled me closer. We would have probably gone farther if the stupid bell hadn't wrung at that moment. I pulled away and she hurried to straighten her clothing, while she was doing so I bent down and whispered huskily into her ear “we'll finish this later” and as I pulled back I felt her shiver. I then proceeded to stand up and fix my own clothing and I started to think of cold things…really cold things.
“Oh no we're going to be late!”
“No we aren't!”
“We aren't?” she asked cocking her head to the side
“Of course not! Now get on” I barked at her
She huffed in protest to my command but got on my back anyway. As soon as she was on securely I took off.
I heard her giggle in delight because of the speed that we were moving at and I had to smile at her innocence `sometimes she really acts like a child' I thought `but I suppose that is another reason why I love her…though some of her mood swings are a pain in the ass'
When we got to the entrance to the cafeteria, we saw Miroku and Sango waiting for us.
“Kagome! Where the hell have you guys been?!”
“Yes, where have you been? Did you have a little fun?” Miroku asked raising his eyebrows suggestively when he said `fun' I, of course, didn't even bother to answer the hentai's question and simply bopped him on the head, which knocked him out. `As if I'd tell him anything'
“We were out by the trees in the far corner of the school property”
“Oh. Why did you go all the way down there?”
As Kagome and Sango were talking, I watched as Miroku woke up and his hand drew closer and closer to Sango's ass with amusement `he really won't learn will he?' and let out a disappointed sigh. Kagome noticed and asked rather worriedly “Inu? What's wrong?”
I nodded my head toward Miroku and raised my eyebrow and saw her mouth form a silent `oh.' Since it was funny to see Miroku get smacked, well it was funny to us anyway… we wanted to see what Sango would do to him.
When Miroku's hand finally reached her ass and started to rub it, I watched in morbid fascination as her face turned beet red in anger and her eyebrow began to twitch comically, when she turned so fast that it made even my head spin and smacked Miroku right in the face using the momentum of her turn to add even more power to her slap, and she sent him flying a couple of feet into the air. As he flew I heard him mumble “it was worth the pain” in a happy yet dazed kind of way.
We heard the bell ring again “oh shit we're going to be late”
“Hurry! Let's go!”
“I'll bring Miroku” I commented, as I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder, and then proceeded to follow the girls. We ran to our next class which, as I quickly looked at the schedule and saw that we had `health and healing' next (I know that this is not a real class but work with me here), with some old hag named Keade or something like that. `Oh well at least I don't have to bring Miroku to the nurse.'
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How was that chapter? Since I have no boyfriend and never have had one, well I had one but that is a whole other story, I have no experience what so ever in that kind of stuff. So if something sounds way too improvable please don't be afraid to tell me. That is the only flames I want though and if I get one concerning some thing else (that isn't corrective criticism) then I will be very mad and might come at you with a chain-saw. But now on to more happy thoughts, is it good so far? Should I continue it? Please review!!!