InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4
Kagome's P.O.V.
I was only listening to Sango with half an ear as she told me about her boyfriend troubles, when Mr. Hshimora, my homeroom teacher, said “now class we are going to be gaining two new additions to our class.” There was then a knock on the door, “ah yes, this must be them now.” After he said that the door opened and Inuyasha and Miroku walked in.
“Hello boys! I'm Mr. Hshimora and I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of this year” he said with a huge grin, “please tell the class your names and answer any questions they may ask you”
“All right” Miroku and Inu said together
“Hello my name is Miroku Kazza and I just moved here from Kyoto. I like girls and religious artifacts and I am in training to be a monk. Is there any questions?...No?...ok then your turn my friend” he said to Inuyasha.
“Right, I'm Inuyasha Steel, and yes, my name does mean dog-demon, I also just moved here from Kyoto. I like to fight and play pranks on people” Inu said and he winked at me showing me that he did not forget that he had promised to help me get back at Kikyo. “I am a half dog demon if any of you are wondering. Oh yes, I collect swords and I play guitar. Any questions?”
I turned and saw that Kikyo had her hand up.
“You can call me Kikyo… and I was wondering if you have a girlfriend? Because if you do you should dump her and go out with me.” She said like she was queen of the world. `What a little slut' I thought, `and how dare she hit on my man!'
“Actually, I do have a girlfriend” as he said this I watched as Miroku's jaw dropped and a bewildered look appeared on his face and I had to hold back a giggle, “in fact she is in this very room”
“What!? Who are you talking about!?”
I watched as Inuyasha just smirked and said nothing.
“Well that was interesting” Mr. Hshimora remarked slowly, “so who would like to be a tour guide for Miroku and Inuyasha?” I raised my hand and looked around to see who else had volunteered and saw that Kikyo had raised her hand and to my surprise so did Sango. “Well boys, you have three lovely girls to choose from, so you may go and sit by the one you want to be your guide for the rest of the week.” Inuyasha walked over and sat down beside me and Miroku went and sat down beside Sango. And I noted with glee that Kikyo was glaring at me and pouting in her seat, she was practically glowing red with anger.
It was time for gym now so we got up and headed for the door. Since the gym teacher was absent we got to have some free time.
In the gym, in one of the corners.
“Inu let me see your schedule”
“Ok” he said and pulled a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket.
“What!? What!?”
“You're in all of my classes!”
“This is going to be a wonderful year” we both said with dreamy kind of look in our eyes.
Miroku and Sango cleared their throats breaking us out of our little dream.
“Eh?”, “huh?” we both replied intelligently.
“What's with you?”
“Yeah! What she said”
“Whatever do you mean?” I asked innocently.
“Is this what you were hinting at earlier?”
“Yeah? And what's all this about you having a girlfriend?” he asked rather suspiciously.
“Yeah Kag?”
“The jig is up”
“Should we tell them?”
“Why not?”
“You want to start? Or do you want me to go first?”
“You can start”
“Well what?” they both said rather eagerly
“Ok, ok I'll tell you,” Inu said with a big sweat-drop, “Kagome's my girlfriend.”
“What?! You just met!!!” they screamed simultaneously.
“Shh! you want everyone to hear?” I asked harshly
“Sorry” they said sheepishly.
“Anyway, we did not just meet…I've known Inuyasha all of my life…well most of it anyway, thirteen years to be exact.”
“But they just moved here from Kyoto, and you've never even left Tokyo before” Sango pointed out.
“Yeah and you've never been to Tokyo before, Yash” Miroku added.
“Well…” Inuyasha whispered and looked around for people that might be listening in to our conversation, “this is the first time we've actually met physically”
“What do you mean?” Sango asked confused.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa…let me get this strait you have been meeting each other spiritually? would you do that?”
“Well we meet each other every night.”
“How?” Sango asked confused, causing me to giggle.
“Well we meet in our dreams” Inu said
“Amazing, I've heard of this from some of my teachers but I never expected to actually learn of a case that happened to someone I knew personally” Miroku said in amazement.
“Kagome? Is this why when I asked you what the man of your dreams would be like you just laughed?”
“Yup” I said with a giggle.
“I'm your best friend why didn't you tell me” they whined simultaneously.
“Hey! Don't try to give us a guilt trip!”
“Honestly! We didn't even tell our parents!”
“What you didn't tell your parents?!”
“Nope” was Inu's simple reply.
“They are going to freak…you do know that, right?!”
“I know…can you imagine their surprise when I tell them I already have found my mate?” Inu said with a snicker, “I mean she is my soul mate, literally”
“Yeah, and imagine what my grandpa will do when he finds out I've mated with a half-demon! I mean he's a priest! He is soo going to freak more than your parents”
It was only then that we turned and looked at Sango and Miroku.
“Sango? Who do you think will freak more?” I asked. When she did not answer I realized she and Miroku were staring at us in total amazement.
“Your mates?!!!” the screamed at us
“Shh!!!” I hissed, while Inuyasha looked wildly around for someone that might have heard.
“Yes, we are mates…didn't I just say that a few minutes ago?” Inu asked sounding rather peeved.
“Calm down Anata” I said placing my hand on his shoulder, he relaxed instantaneously and unconsciously leaned into my hand.
“…is this why you never seemed to be interested in boys/girls?” Miroku and Sango asked at the same time.
“Of course…why? Did you think we were gay or something?”
“That might have crossed my mind a couple of times…” Miroku said sheepishly
“What?!” Inu growled.
“Eeeeep!” Miroku screamed before getting up and running away.
“Well?” Sango asked Inuyasha.
“Well what?” Inu asked confused.
“Aren't you going to chase him?”
“Of course I am I had to give him a head start…you know to be fair”
“Anyway, that should be a big enough head start…he probably thinks that I gave up by know and is assuming that he is home free” Inu stated evilly, and ran off in the direction that Miroku had taken.
“Inu?” I called after him.
“Don't hurt him to bad, alright?”
“I'm not making any promises” he called back before taking off like a blur after Miroku and causing all of the other students to gape after him in amazement, even the demons.
“What a show off” I mumbled, right before I heard a girly scream and Inu yelling “I found you!” rather happily.
“Well, that was odd” remarked Sango
“not really” I replied, as I watched Inuyasha return carrying a whimpering Miroku in one hand by the shirt collar with a very smug smirk on his face `sigh, how I love that smirk,' he then proceeded to beat Miroku up saying things like “that'll teach ya” and “do you think I'm gay now? Huh? Do ya?” And pathetic “no's” coming from the whimpering Miroku.
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Sorry, I just realized that I keep on saying that Inuyasha wants to kill Miroku…it's not that I don't like Miroku it's just seemed appropriate to add to show how much he annoys Inu. I also forgot to have Miroku say his `line,' but that is coming up in the next chapter. Oh yeah, I'm going to change the rating from PG-13 to R because well there's going to be some lemons in the future and a lot of limes, or fluffiness if that's what you prefer to call it.