InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Souls Have Crossed ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 3
Kagome's P.O.V.
“Inuyasha's coming today! I get to see him today!” I sang happily as I danced around my room getting dressed. “La, la, la, la, la” as soon as I got dressed I went down stairs still singing my song. I grabbed a seat and sat down and then I started to pour myself a bowl of cereal, still singing mind you.
“Kagome? Who is this Inuyasha person?”
“Yes dear, who is he?”
“Eh…you'll see, you'll see” (does this conversation sound familiar to you?)
“That is not an answer” Souta complained.
“Why yes, your right!”
“Hey! Tell me!”
“Stop bickering you two! Souta, she'll tell us when she's ready” that was so motherly but then she mumbled “though I wish she would tell me”
“Got to go! I don't want to be late!” I yelled half-way out the door. I was half-way down the street when I remembered that I forgot the cookies that I made for Inuyasha they were going to be a sort of welcoming/happy to see you kind of thing, I made them shaped like dog bones. `Shit! Good thing I still have time to go back' I thought as I turned around and ran back to my house. I through open the door and saw Souta about to take a big bite out of one of my cookies! “No! Put that down!” I screamed at him.
“Aaaaaaahhhh! Don't do that! I thought you left.” He complained.
“Don't you dare eat that cookie!”
“Why not?” he whined.
“Because that's for Inuyasha, he's coming today.” I snapped back a little peevishly.
“Oooh I see.” He said snickering, “You finally have a crush on someone!”
“It's more than that you idiot!” I said almost absentmindedly as I was rewrapping the cookies.
“….” He stared at me in surprise with huge eyes.
`Shit! I gave out to much information' “uhh…I got to go!” I hollered grabbing the bundle of cookies and running, once again, out the door.
At school
When I got to school I was surprised to find myself there so early. `Well what do you know? That's never happened before' I thought a little bewildered, `I guess seeing Inu is a good motivation.' I got to my classroom and shocked the hell out of my teacher, `serves him right', because I was so early.
I sat at my desk and since I had nothing better to do I started to clean my desk. `good it's nice and shiny' then I waited patiently for the bell to ring, well not really patiently more like hurry up or I'll rip your head off kind of patient.
“Earth to Kagome”
“Eh?” was my eloquent response as I pried my eyes away from the ticking clock.
“God, you really are out of it”
“What do you mean?”
“It's so not like you to stare off into space and it's especially not like you to get here early, so spill”
“As I said before you'll see”
“Come on! Tell me!”
“No, you will find out today anyway”
“I will?”
“Yes you will”
“Great! Now…so why won't you tell me now?”
“Because it's a secret!” I finally snapped `god! She is so annoying sometimes'
“I'm your best friend! You're supposed to tell me everything!”
“I know, and I promise that I'll tell you at lunch”
Inuyasha's P.O.V.
“Come on Miroku! Get up already! I don't want to be late!”
“Why the hell are you up so early?”
“Maybe because I slept for nine hours in the car last night?” I said as though speaking to a child.
“That might explain it”
“Whatever, just get up I don't want to be late, especially not today”
“Why not? Being late has never bothered you before”
“Well…it does now” I growled, “so hurry up or I swear to god that I will kill you” I then turned and left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.
“Morning mom and dad”
“Morning dear”
“Why are you up so early little brother?”
“Who are you? And what have you done with my son?”
“Hahahaha…very funny dad.”
“Well I thought it funny”
“See, Miroku thought that it was funny.”
“That does not mean a thing…Miroku thinks everything is funny”
“Well I suppose…”
“Admit it…you know I'm right…come on just say `yes son, your right, and I am wrong'”
“Amazing! Inu, you've rendered him speechless”
“Hey! You're my wife you are supposed to be on my side!”
“Where does it say that?”
“Yeah dad she has a point”
“Even I must agree father”
“Well if it counts I'm on your side Mr. S”
“At least someone appreciates me”
“Riiiiight…anyway I have to go to school…Miroku! Let's go!”
“Aye aye captain”
“Ugggh, I thought you outgrew that phase!”
“What phase?”
“The pirate pha…never mind, just forget it.”
“No, tell me!”
“No! Now shut up and get in the car!”
“I'm going, I'm going”
`What a pain in the ass'
After about five minutes of driving we arrived at the school, “well at least this one's not a dump like the last one, right Yash?”
“You do have a point there…let's go to the office and get our uniforms and our schedules”
“Yes sir!” he said while saluting me, causing all of the people in the hall to stare at us funny.
“Miroku…if you do that again I swear that I will kill you.”
`Gulp' “alright, I'll just go talk to that pretty girl over there”
“No we are getting our uniforms and our schedules and then we are going strait to our classroom…got it?”
“Yes sir”
“Arrgh! I told you not to do that!”
“Move or I will carry you there” `heh! I've never seen him move so fast'
When we finally managed to find the office, we received our uniforms, from a scary smiling secretary, and quickly changed into them. Grabbed our schedule and headed for our new homeroom classroom. I new exactly where to go from the description Kagome had given me of the school's layout. When we got there I took a deep breath and knocked on the door and opened it when I heard the teacher say “ah yes, this must be them now.”
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Sorry for the cliff-hanger…well I think it's a cliff hanger…I just had to end it there. Well I didn't have to end it there but, well you get the idea. Anyway, I still don't have any more reviews!!! What's the deal? Come on it takes like a minute to write one. Please write one…anyone!!!