InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Out of the Blue ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Here is the chapter! I'm very sorry it took so long for an update. Thank you very much to all my reviewers and Inugirlfan1 for inspiring me!

Old Friends - By: Inugirlfan1 - Friends, when a boy and a girl, usually grow up and love each other right? Well that wasn't how Inuyasha and Kagome were...they were just best friends until Inuyasha's life could be taken away. Kagome realized how she felt...but was it to late?

Kiss - By: Inugirlfan1 - Her cheeks were a shade of red, her mouth slightly open. "Inuyasha..." she murmured softly, just loud enough for his sensitive ears to hear. "W- what was that for?"

Both stories are written by her and are great! They are better then great, they are fantastic! Please read them and review! I promise it won't be a waste of time!

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"Sesshoumaru how can you say that?!" Inuyasha yelled in disbelief. There dad wasn't dead. He was alive! How could Sesshoumaru just walk away? "Don't you care!" The hanyou felt his dad rest a hand on his shoulder, his voice was low.

"We don't have time for this right now, a youkai approaches."

"Huh?" Inuyasha's ears twitched. "Yea... smells pretty rank too."

Sesshoumaru had stopped, staring off into the direction of the forest. "Rin."

"Hai?" The human girl said curiously.

"Go hide."

"Hai!" Rin said with a cheerful smile and took off to hide behind a nearby tree. Her head poked around the trunk timidly, waiting to see the reason she needed to be hidden.

There was a loud crack that echoed through the forest and the sound of a tree crashing into the Earth. The noises grew louder, nearing. Rin yelped and pulled her whole body behind the tree, squeezing her eyes shut in a silent prayer. 'Please don't let anything happen to Sesshoumaru-sama or Master Jaken. Rin needs them.'

Inuyasha unsheathed Tessaiga earning only a glance from his father. The hanyou waited anxiously, an unnatural wind picking up and whipping his hair back. 'Good thing I left Kagome and the others back at Keade's...' He thought. Whatever was coming, was strong and he couldn't risk Kagome getting hurt.

Finally the youkai emerged, and too Inuyasha's surprise it wasn't large. In fact, other than the lavender hair, youkai markings, and jade eyes it, or she as it appeared, looked human. He bit back a snarl. The youkai was definently powerful, and probably fast. The three inu-youkai waited, but the youkai remained still her eyes slid to Inu no Tashou.

"Found you!" Her voice hissed. "Thought you could escape me eh? No one escapes Siyo!" With that she crouched, keeping her gaze locked on Inu no Tashou, and then launched herself at him. Inuyasha leapt out of the way, but his father remained. He was standing still, smirking with amusement. Sesshoumaru merely watched, clearly uninterested in all of this.

"You shouldn't have followed me Siyo!" Inu no Tashou said with a small laugh. He flexed the claws of his left hand, jumping up to meet the youkai in the air. They both landed, upright. Blood dripped from the youkai and she fell, dead before she hit the ground. A hole was torn in her neck, the flesh shredded by Inu no Tashou's claws without effort. The emerald eyes had rolled into her head, revealing only white slits. Suddnely engulfed in a white glow, her body returned to it's original form. That of a large lavender cat.

"Ano... what was that about?" Inuyasha asked sheathing his sword.

"Just an old enemy." His father answered casually flicking blood from his claws. He snapped his attention to Sesshoumaru, not even a glance at the body. "Sesshoumaru, why is it you do not accept me back? Are you afraid I'll strip you of your power?" He asked raising a brow.

"Afraid? This Sesshoumaru fears nothing." The demon lord said coldly, returning his father's gaze.

"Then what the hell is your problem?" Inuyasha demanded interupting. "Holding a grudge that Dad gave me Tessaiga and not you?" The hanyou smirked.

"A lowly half breed such as yourself would know nothing." Sesshoumaru said coolly. Inuyasha found the thought of slicing his brother into tiny, unrecognizable peices becoming very tempting at the moment.

Rin stepped out from behind the tree, tiptoeing to the neko's dead form and looking down at it sadly. Jaken, seemingly the only one aware of the girl, glared at her. "Rin! Get away from that!"

"Gomen nasai Master Jaken..." She mumbled.

Inu no Tashou sighed. "I see you are angry at me because of Izayoi?"

"If that is the whore's name." Inuyasha released a growl at the insult to his mother.

"I will not apologize for doing as I saw right." Inu no Tashou siad stiffly, apparently finding the whole topic of conversation very uncomfortable. Why couldn't sesshoumaru just be as grateful as Inuyasha at having his father back?

Sesshoumaru gave him one last icy look before turning to walk away once more. "Rin! Come on!" Jaken snapped. The little girl glared at him, giving him a little shove before running after Sesshoumaru. The toad imp fell forward, grumbling about 'that insufferable child' before pulling himself up and running after his lord.

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Hope you liked this chapter. It's my first fanfcition, I hope I'm doing well.