InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Out of the Blue ❯ Father Returns? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Princess: Well here I am continuing! Thank you for being the first and only reviewer. You have my deepest gratitudes! That is why I dedicate this chapter to you!

Note! If you have not seen the third movie this story may confuse you!

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His molten hues widened for a moment, then narrowed at his younger half brother. "He is dead and has been for two centuries. You of all people, should no this half breed." Sesshoumaru's voice was cold, still holding a grudge against his father. His father had taught him to hate humans, and his son did as his father had taught him. And then he ran off, mating with a human wench and then meeting his fate because of it. Sesshoumaru could never look up to his father after that... after he died protecting a human and a half breed son.

Inuyasha returned his brother's glare with equal hatred. The tension between them growing. The hanyou fought to keep his control. "Keh. If you don't believe me I have no reason to make you. I only came here because dad told me he wished to see his 'oldest son'." Inuyasha turned, walking away.

"You will let him go Milord?!" Jaken said in disbelief, but it was clear his lord wasn't paying him the slightest bit of attention. Something that half breed Inuyasha said had deeply upset his lord...

"Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin said questioningly. The taiyoukai remained silent, lost in his thoughts. Then he suddenly began at a brick walk in the direction Inuyasha had gone. Jaken stared in shock, then hurriedly followed the great dog demon. Rin, still smiling followed him as well humming softly to herself as she kept up with his quickened pace.
The taiyoukai of the west was now: confused, but that didn't show through his emotionless facade. It had been about two-hundred years since he last saw his father. When they had stood by the sea, and Sesshoumaru had asked for Tetsusaiga and Sou'unga, and been refused. Yes, it had been a very long time... but he still remembered his father's scent. It differed only slightly from his own, and Inu no Tashou's scent was in the air. 'He's dead.' Sesshoumaru reasoned, but that small voice in head argued that perhaps, somehow, he survived? 'Impossible.'

His thoughts wondered to about a year ago, when the evil blade Sou'unga had returned. Indeed, after finishing off a battle against his father's old enemy Inu no Tashou had appeared. In a strange way, it was his father yet none of his father's scent had been there at that time. 'He's dead.' Sesshoumaru repeated to himself.

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The silent taiyoukai froze, vaguely aware of the toad imp ramming into his leg. No. It was impossible. Yet. He was right there. Standing... right... there. Inuyasha had stopped walking, standing beside a tall inu-youkai. The man had had long silver hair tied into a ponytail. A fur-like cape and heavy armour. A blue stripe across each cheek and golden eyes. Inu noTashou turned, looking in the direction of Sesshoumaru as his face flashed with instant recognition. "Sesshoumaru." He said in a deep, rich voice.

Sesshoumaru fought to keep his stoic mask in place as his father spoke. Just like he remembered...'He's dead.' A voice within him stated. "Explain." He said coldly.
The inu-youkai looked a bit crestfallen. Inuyasha just stood back, watching the events. He was overjoyed with the fact of meeting his old man, who cared how he was here when he should be dead? In fact, he'd even been to his father's grave before...
"Sesshoumaru. Is that all you have to say to your father after two-hundred years?"
"You." He said coolly, "are dead." Though, his father's scent was the same as it had always been.

Inu no Tashou sighed. "Perhaps, I owe an explanation?"

"Indeed." Sesshoumaru said narrowing his eyes. He wasn't so willing to accept this was his father, no matter how much he looked or smelled like him. His father was dead.

"Now where should I begin? How about after I revived Izayoi and that fiery building crashed on me? Yes... that seems a good place to start..."

"Even as mortally wounded as I was, that wouldn't kill me. I was determined to live. After escaping the mess, I created a fake tomb to conceal Tetsusaiga. I can see Inuyasha acquired that as he meant too... tell me son, how did you find the pearl in your eye?"

"Keh." Inuyasha smirked recalling the memory. "Sesshoumaru found it."

"Really?" Inu no Tashou quirked a brow. "How did you know where it was?"

"You didn't finish explaining Father." Sesshoumaru said coldly.

"Of course. Making that massive tomb tapped my energy quite a bit. I fell unconscious and when I awoke, I was in a shrine on the mainland. That, I can not explain. As I'm sure you are aware Sesshoumaru, the mainland is much larger then Japan. I had no idea how much time had passed while I was unconscious or where in the mainland I was. I wondered everywhere, then caught wind Sou'unga had been reawakened. I was determined to put the sword at rest."

"You did that well." Inuyasha muttered, interupting.

"Hold your tongue half breed." Sesshoumaru said sharply.

"Now Sesshoumaru! That is no way to talk to Inuyasha." Inu no Tashou said roughly.

"Finish your story." The taiyoukai said ignoring his father.

"Well, I was still quite lost. I finally reached Japan, but was too far away to catch either of your scents. I feared perhaps you had died..." He trailed off, clearing his throat. "So I sought out your auras, proud to find my two good sons had done my job together. So I let me aura appear to you, in my image saying all I could before my energy ran out once more. Sending auras takes a toll on an old demon... so after a eyar of recooperation I was able to seek you two out!" He finished.

Inuyasha seemed to completely accept the story, but Sesshoumaru eyed his father. "This Sesshoumaru finds that hard to believe."

Inu no Tashou sighed. "You disappoint me Sesshoumaru. I thought you would be glad to see me again."

The taiyoukai turned away and began to walk. Jaken, still entranced by the story followed as well. Rin, confused, did so too. "This Sesshoumaru lost his father 200 years ago and he is not willing to accept him back." Sesshoumaru said not glancing back. Inuyasha's jaw dropped open. How could he say that!?

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I promise to update soon! If you have any questions ask in a review and I will answer it in a chapter!