InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ OUT of TIme ❯ End of Time ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: ***** Denotes start of real time memories
-----marks the end of memories
Chapter contains Lemon. Important author notes at bottom.
The End of Time
Inuyasha struggled to arrange his thoughts. What would he do with out Kagome? He could not picture a future without her. Yet he was being forced to do just that. And the pups….though all were technically grown they were still merely pups compared to how long Inuyahsa had walked the earth. Chicako would deal with it given time….she was strong and steadfast.  Michiko on the other hand…he and Kagome were both worried about her. She had never been quite the same since the “tragedy” as everyone referred to it.  She hid it well but Inuyasha new the death of her own mother might be the straw that broke her resolve.  If that was the case would he be able to handle it?  Would he be strong enough to put aside his own grief to help his child?  Hell did he even know how?  Shit…he shuffled his feet in irritation as he frowned down at the ground. Then Takara…his baby girl how would she take it?  She had always been a happy child, adventurous and full of trouble. It would kill him to see the light go out of her eyes, to see her passion for life dwindle with her grief and not be able to help her.  Then there was his son.
“Fuck.”  Inuyasha said out loud before kicking at an imaginary rock.  He didn't know what to think about his son.  Would the damn boy even feel grief when his mother passed? If he did Inuyasha knew for a certainty he wouldn't know how do deal with him.  He and his son were on such different levels they might as well have been on different planes of existence.  He knew he was mostly to blame for that….he knew it down in his bones yet he still couldn't help feeling animosity at his son.  Inuyasha was also wise enough after all these years to know that his anger was just a cover up for what he really felt for his son….he felt fear.
It had started out with him fearing for his son.  Like most males he had felt extreme pride when after getting his emotions together he had walked out the bedroom, his son held high for everyone to see. Miroku had slapped him on the back and grinned and all the children had scrambled to get a peek of the bundled up baby. His girls in particular were excited at finally having a brother of their own.  Later that night everyone even Kagome had been relaxing in the living room.  Inuyasha had moved Kagome to the couch.  He sat on the floor beside her while a floor basinet held the baby as they all watched TV.  The older kids were to the side playing a board game, while Shippo was in his make shift studio fooling around with his art.
Takara had been fascinated by the baby, finally there was someone younger then her.  Someone she could try and boss around!  She was seated on the other side of the basinet fascinated by the child. For like her he had been born with visible dog ears and the tiniest of fang teeth. She knew that when he was old enough he would be taught how to conceal his demonic features like she had been taught. She was so excited and couldn't wait to play with her new sibling.  At the moment the baby was just laying in his basket doing nothing. She took her finger and poked his round little stomach…still he slept.  She did it a couple more times with the same result…nothing. Deciding to try something different she poked at the babies ears.
Inuyasha had seen out the corner of his eyes Takara and the baby and was content to let his little girl stare at the babe, until he heard his new baby boy loud piercing scream.  Inuyasha snatched the baby up so fast that Takara reared backwards and fell on her little rump.
“What did you do to him!” Inuyasha accused.
“I….nothing papa.” Takara said with her tiny ears flattened to her skull. “I was just trying to play with him.” The little girl was close to tears. She was her father's baby girl and he'd never been this angry at her.
“Well don't touch him again!” Inuyasha yelled as he jumped to his feet the baby silenced by the harsh sound of his voice.
The others in the room had gone silent when the commotion started, now Kagome propped herself up “Inuyasha…I'm sure she didn't mean it.”
Inuyasha had turned and bared his fangs making her eyes widen, he then growled loudly so the whole room could here. “No one's going to hurt my boy.” And before anyone could react to the hostility he stomped out the room then the kitchen door with the babe in his arms.
He had gone straight to the God tree and quickly but carefully climbed high into it. Finally sitting crossed legged and cradling the infant.  Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he was being unreasonable but he felt a deeply intense need to protect his one and only son.  Nor could he stop all the pieces of memories that assailed his mind.  Of himself as a little boy while the other kids pinched his ears and pulled his hair while he endured it because his mother had told him that he couldn't fight the humans, that he might hurt them.  What about him! They were hurting him!  Then when his mother had died how the village people had encouraged the kids to throw rocks at him, while the adults jeered for him to leave their village or they would kill him.  So into the forest he'd gone.  Struggling, scavenging, stealing, hiding, fighting…surviving. Part of him had always thought that maybe…just maybe he would have received a little more kindness if he'd been a girl, a little more sympathy. However as a half demon male all he received was scorn and contempt, both hiding the baser emotions of the humans….fear. While he might have been a small boy then they knew that he was already stronger then some young men. They feared that he would grow up and slaughter them all, rape their daughters, abuse their old and the list probably went on and on in their minds.  He had always been unwanted, unloved, unvalued.
It was for these reasons that part of him had been relieved when his twin daughters were born looking entirely like their mother. No one on either side of the well would look at them twice. His past was a small part of why he spoiled Takara…she looked like him and at once he'd wanted to protect her from the stares the whispers. But thanks to Kagome's spells no one on her side ever batted an eyelash at the girl. Over here, or what he thought of as “down the well” the villagers did whisper about her but only because of her tomboy behavior.  Most of the villagers always had a kind word or smile for her. Then again she had a way of making people like her even with her cheeky ways.
He looked down at the new born in his arms as the pup bit down on his finger with his impossible tiny fangs.  He felt his heart constrict as he looked down into eyes like his own. The way he was feeling now was the reason he'd never pressed Kagome about having a boy.  He had also been truly content with his girls.  This defenseless vulnerable babe would grow….would become a man, feared hated and maybe hunted even.  Despite all he did for the demon slayer village and all the tales about him in the fight against Naraku still most did not completely trust him. With the exception of Miroku's family he didn't honestly believe any of the others in the village truly trusted him. He could smell their distrust, their fear and apprehension especially when he was a full demon. He never let any of them know he “knew” not even Kagome.  Their actions however hurt; hurt the tiny buried little part of him that was still a little boy being stoned in the wake of his mother's death.  As he looked down at his son he promised that as long as he was alive his son would never have to go through what he had. He wasn't a blood thirsty demon like some but he had no problem killing and for his family he would do whatever it took in an instant. He wouldn't let his son feel all the pain he had.
It had taken Kagome limping out to the tree and pleading with him that and the pup being hungry had finally caused him to come down. Now look at him? His son hated him.  The first few years of his son's life he had been overly protective until one day it had dawned on him.  He had become the warrior he was….the man he was because of the things he had been through.  Every action had lead him to meeting Kikyo and in turn meeting Kagome who had graced him with his pups and a new life.  What kind of man would his son grow up to be if he cuddled him?  On top of those more rational thoughts had been his un-rational fear of failing his son.  He'd never had a father, no one to teach him to be a good demon, a good being. As he'd watched him grow, watched his son look up to him with hero worship he'd panicked.  This was too important to mess up.  But of course he'd messed up anyway. He had thought to teach his son the only way he knew how, with distance and hardness.  His son had reacted poorly to the change and from then on everything had become a battle with them.
“Old man! Are you starting to go deaf?” It was the third time Tenshi had to call his father.
Inuyasha came out of his thoughts at the voice of his only son. “When I start to go deaf I'll let you know…pup.  What do you want?”
Standing arrogantly and smiling warily at his father he answered. “Gee pops it always amazes me how cheerfully you greet me.”
“I'm not in the mood for your mouth today. Spit it out if you want something.”
Quickly forgetting his mother's words as the familiar anger returned he stepped forward. “When I was born was it the most miserable day of your life or is everyday like that for you.”  His father moved so fast that he barely felt the claws clench around his throat before his back was feeling the bite of the god tree.
“Pups shouldn't talk about things they know nothing about.” Both of their eyes were taking on hints of red as they glared at each other. Tenshi fists clenched at his sides. “You feel lucky today pup? I can tell you want to take a shot at me…..I smell it all over you….go ahead if you feel lucky. It's just the reason I need to teach you a lesson.” Despite his words Inuyasha let out a low growl of warning to dissuade his son from taking action.  He really didn't want to hurt him.
InuTenshi dug his claws into his hands until he drew blood and snarled at his father. “It still baffles me why mother picked you as a mate.” 

”Kagome….” Inuyasha eyes flashed brightly before he released his pup and stepped back.  He had to think about Kagome. She would have a fit if she caught them fighting and she didn't need to be stressed. With the anger flooding out of him he wearily shook his head and took another step back. “What did you want?”
Tenshi's anger fled just as quickly as he watched in confusion his father back down so suddenly and completely….it was so unlike him. “Mother wanted me to give you a message. She said to tell you it's time.” Tenshi watched as his fathers shoulders slumped and his eyes closed.  What the hell was wrong with the old man?
Inuyasha was loath to open his eyes and face reality…was it time? He felt that admitting it to the family would make it so final.  He opened his eyes and for the first time noticed that dusk was upon them, the red and orange of the evening sky all around…….how many more sunsets would he watch with Kagome?  Shaking the errant thought out his head he took a step closer to his son. “You think your tough don't you son?”
“What?” Tenshi wondered where that question had come from.
“You think you're grown, you think you know the horror of life?  You know nothing….nothing at all about being a man, you know nothing about life or death or sacrifice.”
Tenshi sneered. “I know enough!  I'll be a better man then you ever were.”
Inuyasha just smirked. “You know nothing about anything and certainly not about me. As you are right now you would never have survived a tenth of what I've been through.  We'll see how tough you are after tonight.  I use to be like you not caring how my actions effected others….every action has a consequence pup. Maybe one day you'll get that through your skull.”
Tenshi was livid as his father started to walk past him. “Fuck you old man.”
Inuyasha stopped and turned back to look at his son. “I'm already fucked….in a way that you can't possible understand.” Inuyasha turned back around and looked up at Kagome's window. “Gather everyone in the sitting room…me and your mother will be down in a few minutes.”
Kagome huddled down in the sheets with Kirara while she waited on Inuyasha to come, her heart breaking for the father and son.  However there was nothing else she could do.  It would be up to them now to build a bridge back to each other. Now her thoughts turned to Inuyasha the love of her long life.  Her love for him had never dimmed their flame had never gone out and for that she was grateful.  Her heart felt like the many pieces of the jewel on the day it had broke high in the sky and started her life on a road that had ended her here.  Nevertheless she had to do it.  It was better to do this like a band aid…fast and quick in the hope the pain wouldn't last as long.  Plus she wasn't sure if she could handle it herself….the wondering the unknown and yes the pain. Only Kirara knew of her plans. No it would be better this way.  She closed her eyes resigned to her fate and waited on Inuyasha, her mind drifting back to the night before.
Inuyasha was cradling her high up in the God tree as they watched another sun set together.  It was slightly breezy and she shivered as the wind blew over her.
“Kagome are you cold?”
“No I'll be alright. I want to finish watching the sunset.”
“Feh, I don't know what you find so special about watching the sun go down anyway.”
“Well for one it's beautiful.  Plus it's dependable and comforting.  Everyday the sun rises and everyday it sets. It's the one constant in life.” Kagome said as she snuggled back into his chest, while he wrapped the ends of his coat around her.
“Hmmm, if you say so.” Inuyasha didn't hold sunsets in as high a standard as his mate. For the longest sunsets had been the worst time of the day for him.  It used to single the end of another day alone and the beginning of a night time fighting for his life. The rising sun was always a reminder that he would have to do it all over again.  That's how he'd felt before he met Kagome. Now…now sunsets were even worse.  Each sun set might mean his last day with Kagome.  Every morning as he woke up beside her he wondered if the rays of the sun would shine of her pale face of death.  No for him the rising and falling of the sun measured time….and time he didn't have. He kept silent with his depressing thoughts.  In silence they finished watching the fading rays as the bright shades of colored clouds took its place.  Inuyasha felt her shiver again and before she could protest he'd wrapped her in his fire coat and was lifting her to his back.
“Here get on, it's time to go in.”
“Fine if I must.” She sighed dramatically though there was no place she'd rather be then on his back surrounding in the scent of his coat. Thoughts of tomorrow were already in her head and she pushed them out with Herculean strength.  Tonight was for them and them only.  Tonight she wanted to pretend that they had many more sunsets together.
She had him carry her all the way upstairs to their bedroom.  Even after all these years of the house being hers they had always used her childhood bedroom as their own. She even convinced him to take a soothing bath with her. This was something he didn't mind doing on the other side in the hot springs but found distasteful in the small tubs here. There were no giggles or shy looks just the comfort of a couple used to each other, content with the others presence.
“Did you want to sit downstairs awhile or are you tired?  It might be a good idea for you to go to bed early.  I'm sure the herds will start arriving at the crack of dawn tomorrow.” Inuyasha asked as Kagome dried his back.
“No.” She said softly toweling his muscular back then letting the towel fall she stepped close, pressing her naked flesh against his.  “I'm not tired.” She said slipping her arms around his waist, their warm damp skin pressing together.  “I want you to make love to me.”  She felt Inuyasha's muscles tense then relax before he broke her hold to turn around pulling her to his front.
“You…should rest.”
“No, you heard me.” She kissed his neck giving it a little nip. “I want you to make love to me.” She licked his jaw. “Over and over and over again.” His arms tightened at her words as her mouth nipped at his bottom lip. “I know you can do it….I don't want you to stop until I ask.”
“Kagome….are you-.”
“I know what I want….what I need.  I need you…my mate…inside me” She proved her point by trailing her hand down to his already hard man hood  He reacted with a low growl as he took her mouth in a firm kiss. The kiss was long and tender taking her breath away only to give her new life by replacing her air with his.  It went on so long that she became dizzy…weak in the knees…wet in her center. His hand moved to a round breast as his lips trailed to her neck.  He flicked her nipple at the same time he licked her mark and she melted, held up only by his strong arms.
“Yes love me Yasha.”
“Always.” He found her mouth with his lips and wrapped his arms tight around her. Stroking her soft skin with his finger tips. He backed her up until her leg hit the bed. She sank down and held his waist, her face pressed against his abdomen has she licked his muscles. She was trailing her mouth down to his member when he stopped her.
“No.” He sank down to his knees in front of her. “You asked me to make love to you, and so I will.  Tonight is for you Kagome.  Let me love you.” Tears glinted in her eyes and she smiled at him nodding her consent.
He parted her knees and moved in close, his hands massaging her breasts as his eyes watched.  Having pups had filled her top out nicely and he took his time bringing her nipples to a point. Kagome's breathing was shallow and hitched. Her hands trialed down his sides and his buttocks as he set his tongue to the first breast.
He laved and plucked at them both until she was clutching his head to her chest her groans of pleasure floating around the room. Still he didn't stop but instead worked his hand in between their bodies and played with her star of delight as he continued his assault on her tender orbs. He didn't stop until he felt her shiver and her arms clench around his neck and back.

Then and only then did her press her back onto the bed.  The bed where they had first made love, where she had brought three of their children into the world. He kissed her closed eyelids and her parted lips. The tension in his groin he ignored as he made his way down her thighs all the way down to her feet. He kissed the soles of her feet that had walked beside him on so many journey's. Her slim ankles were next. They had sustained the weight of that book bag filled with supplies to rowdy children through the years.

He inched up to the soft flesh of her calves that hid the muscles beneath, so much like his Kagome.  She was so soft so fragile yet so strong in so many ways. He slowly kissed and licked his way inside her thighs.  The same thighs that had griped him so tightly as he bounded through the trees with her on his back.  Thighs that made up the lap that had bounced crying babies and comforted a scared Shippo. Thighs that cradled him as he moved inside her.  How he loved everything about her.
He finally parted her inner lips with his tongue finding her secret, taking pleasure in her enthralling scent that smelled like a mix of him and her. He slowly licked the bud then the wet inner folds before deeply dipping his long tongue in her opening.  The opening that brought life into the world that brought him peace every time he entered.
He felt her hips move, wiggle squirm as she tired to simultaneously escape the torture and move closer to bliss.  Again he ignored the throbbing of his body.  Ignored the pleas of her voice until her body poured her sweet nectar in his waiting mouth.
“Inuyasha please!”
“Please….what.” He murmured against her stomach as he slowly made his way back up her body.
“You…you know what!” Her voice caught as he licked her belly button.
“I thought I was pleasing you…loving you.”
“You were…I just…more…love me more!”
“You greedy wench.” Inuyasha chuckled and finally slid his whole body over hers. Her eyes were laughing as her body was flushed with desire. He kissed her lips as he settled his hips in the cove reserved just for him.  He wound his hands in both of hers and held them down on the bed, their passion clouded eyes meeting as he broke the kiss. “Tell me what I want to hear.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He said slowly as he entered her the same way. He moved slowly, torturously, looking into her eyes the whole time.  Neither spoke, they didn't have to.  He saw in her eyes when her fervor rose.  Felt in her hips when she wanted more.  Knew by her hands tightening on his that she was close to falling.  Still he moved their bodies pressed close, kissing each others necks and lips as they neared the peak together. As the vibrations of ecstasy snaked through their bodies she clung tighter to him, legs gripping his waist as if he was her salvation.  Then stars burst behind her eyes and her body seized around him wringing his essence from him willing.
When they could breathe again Inuyasha opened his eyes to see her staring up at him, liquid dripping down her cheek.
“Why do you always cry when I make love to you?” He asked still confused after all these years.
“Because it's so beautiful, it makes me feel so complete…I can't help it.”
He shook his head perplexed by her human female emotions. “But I hate making you cry.”
“I know…just promise you'll never stop loving me…promise.”
“I promise…I'll never stop…ever.”

They made love again and again. Sometimes with her worshipping him, mostly with them both giving and taking…always with them loving each other.
Kagome opened her eyes with a smile on her face as the mark on the side of her neck heated up. Inuyasha didn't bother to knock as he burst through the door.  For a moment they just looked at each other, until he softly closed the door behind him. Kirara stretched and slowly made her way to the window sill once again.
“Are you sure Kagome?”
“Yes it's time we told them….what's the matter you look upset.”
“Of course I'm upset! Your….damn it and that son of yours-“
“Our son…your son.” Kagome gentle cut him off, feeling his pain from across the room.  “Inuyasha come here.”  He did as she asked, coming to sit on the bed.  “I know this is hard for you, all of it.  It's hard for me to…so hard but it has to be done.  You know I love our children all of them, and that I love you more then life it self….but we can't stop fate.  I will die.”  He went to turn away from her but she grabbed his hands and held tight.  “Inuyasha I would love to spend eternity with you, but I can't.  It's hard to see you suffer day after day with the knowledge of my death.  It's hard for me to be around the kids the young pups and know I won't see them grow. I won't see them make mistakes and overcome them.  I need you to know and to believe that everything I do today….I do it for you and the kids and all those I love!  I hate seeing you suffer.”
He pulled her into his arms as he saw her eyes glittering with tears. “I don't want you to suffer either but I don't want you to leave me.  I'm not sure I can do it without you. You gave me a reason to live. As I slept pinned to that tree thinking the one I loved betrayed me….I didn't want to live.  Then you came…you freed me and freed my heart.  Suddenly I had a reason to live…something to protect. You mean so much to me.  You gave me so much, a purpose, a family…acceptance….love.  You made me more then I would have ever been with out you.  Without you I'll have nothing again.  I might as well be pinned back to that tree without you by my side. You're my mate…my other half, I can't live without you.”
“Don't say that, please don't say that.” Kagome pulled back from him to hold his face with both hands her wet eyes pleading with his. “Inuyasha you have so much to be proud of, so much to live for. You taught me things as well.  You taught me how to be strong, how to fight for things worth fighting for.  You gave me our children.  What's more you gave me your love and made me the happiest woman alive.  You have protected me and cared for me from the moment we met. I don't regret a single moment with you because it led us here.  I wouldn't give up the family and loved ones we have today for anything.  You have to promise me you'll be strong one more time.  That you will live for our children…in them will be me.  They will need you they still have some growing to do.  I'll cry in heaven if I know that my demise was the cause of yours.”
He kissed her forehead his heart aching as her voice broke and again he held her tight against him, wanting to shelter her from the pain of life…and death. “Kagome…you ask too much of me.  I'm just a simple hanyou…but for you I'll try.  I'll try to be strong for our children.  Damn, lets do this and get it over with.  I've never been good at waiting, it's driving me crazy.”  He went to pull back but she held him a moment longer.
“Okay…your right.  Waiting won't change what must be done.” She lifted her head and surprised him with a full kiss. Pulling back she smiled and her eyes lit up with laughter. “I want you to know I had a wonderful day today. Thanks for getting everyone together for me, it was wonderful.”
“Anything for you.”
“Anything?  In that case I want you to be happy, I want you not to mourn for me, but to think about all the good times we had, like last night.”
Now Inuyasha smirked as he slowly stood up. “I don't know about the first part but I'll be happy to give you a repeat of last night anytime you want.”
Kagome smiled but lowered her eyes….she knew there would be no repeat of last night. She pulled her courage tight around her steadying her nerves.  She had told herself she would not cry would not fuel her children tears.  They would remember her as being strong.  Lifting her eyes she winked at her mate. “Maybe…can you give me the robe in the closet?”
“What?  Why?” He asked even as he was opening the closet to do as she asked.
`It's a surprise.” She took the offered robe then grinned at him “Thanks now turn around while I get out of bed.”
“Feh! Have you gone daft? You don't have anything I haven't seen or touched a million times.”
“Inuyasha! I have on a special outfit for you and don't want you to see it yet.”
“That's stupid.  Only you would think of clothes at a time like this.”
“Maybe….turn around.”  He hesitated looking chagrined but at her pout finally complied.
“Hurry up crazy woman.”
“Okay.” She giggled as she quickly stood up and slipped the robe on, tying it tightly over her outfit. “Okay done.”
Inuyasha turned back around and shook his head at her. “Great come on then lets get this shit over with.” 
She walked over to him and put her arm around his waist. “Remember Inuyasha I love you more then time itself.”  He kissed her forehead again and as he reached for the door handle Kirara hopped down to follow them to their fate.
Inuyasha & Kagome
“Here let me carry you.”
“No.” She slapped at Inuyasha's hands as they stood on the landing. “I can walk I'm not an invalid.” She heard the sounds of her family reach her ears and her resolve firmed.  She had to do this.  Had to make it as quick and painless as possible for them.  Down the stairs they went just as Shippo happened to pass by the bottom.  He smiled up at them then continued on his way yelling out to the many people gathered in the sitting room.
“Here come the old man and mama now!”
They reached the bottom and followed behind Shippo only to see InuTenshi standing in the doorway of the room. “I did what you asked.  That's everyone.”
“Yeah for once you did.” Inuyasha said on a sneer.
“Yeah well I'm out.  I don't have to take this shit.” He turned to leave until he felt his mothers hand on his shoulder.
“Tenshi….don't go, you're needed here.  Remember what we spoke about.  I have an announcement that you need to hear.  Please stay.”
“Feh, don't beg his ass for anything!  He probably won't care about what you have to say anyway.”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome disapproving reprimand had those not overtly listening coming to attention. “Don't be this way.  Tenshi you'll stay this is important. Stay for me.”
“What's so important mother…that you wanted to tell us all at once?” Chikako said slowly moving through the thong of people towards the confrontation.
“Something very serious I'm afraid.” That got the attention of everyone.  Kagome let her son go and with Inuyasha moved through the group, stopping to hug everyone that she passed. The tension mounted in humans and demons alike. Why would Kagome be acting this way?  What did she mean “something serious?”  Finally they reached the couch and waited while a couple of the great grandchildren moved to make room for them. They took a seat with Takara and Michiko sitting on either side of them. Chikako and InuTenshi had wondered back into the room as they watched the strange progression dread filling their heart.
“Mama, what's wrong? What's going on?”  Michiko grabbed her mothers free hand the other was clutched in Inuyashas's . 
“I…children.” Kagome cleared her throat and looked at Inuyasha to draw strength. “Everyone gather around and have a seat.” She waited while the one's who had been standing sat.  Chikako refused instead choosing to sit on the arm of the couch next to her twin.  Tenshi went and leaned against the wall arms crossed a marked frown on his face.  The only other person up was Kouga.  He leaned on the wall his eyes hooded until she caught them.  She saw the anguish in his eyes and tried to give him an encouraging smile.  He didn't smile back he just looked at her accusingly and she lowered her eyes in regret, giving Inuyasha's hand another squeeze before turning to face the waiting crowd.
“First, I want to thank everyone here for coming today. It warms my heart to see my family all under one roof.  I want to make that clear…that everyone here is family.  Take a moment and look around at each other and know that next to you is family one and all.  Family means a lot to Inuyasha and me. I love each and every person in this room.  Some of you I've been through thick and thin with.” She looked at Kouga again and smiled. “Some of you I call brother, while some I call son and daughters, all of you I call family.”
“We gathered today as we do each year to strengthen the bond we all have with each other. Human, demon, and hanyou alike.  I don't know what the future will bring but we all share a great secret, everyone in this room is special and apart of history.  Protect it, nourish it and never take it for granted. Learn to forgive and move past perceived grievances.” She looked at her son.
“And learn to accept the past and move on to the future.” She turned and brushed the sliver lock of hair from Michiko's face. “Regret…is a defeating emotion.  Learn to acknowledge it then let it go.  I see so many young faces those who have not learnt that life can and will be hard.  When those times come I want you to remember that it's okay to hurt but that you have to be strong, that you have to pick yourself up and never grow bitter.  Life even with its hardships is sweet.  Knowing that live everyday like it's your last. Appreciate every sunrise and every sunset. Appreciate everyone you love everyday.” She turned and gave Inuyasha a kiss on the cheek.  He sat unmoving staring blankly out into the crowd, his head held high but his eyes un-seeing as he retreated into a place where her words didn't hurt so much.
“Mother why did you call us here? What do you have to tell us?”
Kagome smiled ruefully at Chikako's direct words.  She should have known her oldest wouldn't let her ease into it. She heard murmurs of agreement throughout the room and decided that the truth wouldn't get any easier if she overlaid it with pretty words. “Okay.” Kagome gave a soft laugh and shook her head. “Fine I see I'm not fooling anyone.  But please remember my words.  I meant every one of them.” Now she looked Chikako in the eye and made her next statement. “I brought you all here…to tell you I'm dying.
Kagome felt the shock wave as it went through the room.  She blocked out the sounds as she watched her daughters eyes go wide then narrow to slits.  Sessa pressed her lips thin and stared. Kagome fought the clenching of her heart; she refused to cry as Michiko clung to her arm her trembling traveling to Kagome's body.
“Mama why would you say something like that! Papa why would she joke about that?” Takara was shaking Inuyash'a arm, her eyes taking on glints of anger.  How could her mother be so insensitive to joke like that?
“She's not joking.  It's true.”
Takara stopped pulling on her father her mouth hanging open. She knew her father would never in a million years joke about it. That meant it was true but it couldn't be. 
Sessa shot to her feet. “Explain yourself mother!”
“Chikako, please calm down.” Kagome watched as Sessa's mate made it to her side and forced her to sit down again. “Please everyone quiet down and I'll explain. I know this is will be hard for everyone to understand but I need you to try. Months ago I started having attacks. Painful body attacks.  They went on for months.  They eventually stopped….but then I started loosing my miko powers.”
“Mama, none of that means your dying. Maybe your powers are just leaving you. That has to be it.” Michiko grasped at anything that wouldn't take her mother from her.
“No baby, it's more then that. It's the jewel….it's sucking the power and the life out of me.  I've been to doctors…they confirm that I have some kind of cancer that is eating away at me a kind that they've never seen.  I know it's the jewel. I feel it.  About two months ago I had a prophetic dream that clearly showed that it was killing me and that I didn't have much longer.”
“There must be a way if it's the jewel. Maybe if you ask Uncle-.”
“We already spoke to him Chikako. Right after Kagome had the dream we went to go see him.  He told us there was nothing we could do.” Inuyasha spoke up cutting off the hope building in Sessa's chest.
“This isn't happening.” Shippo said stepping over others until he dropped on the floor in front of Kagome. “Mama…there has to be something we can do.  Some modern medicine or some charm from the other side we can use to save you.  You're too young to die.” Shippo always a sensitive soul had tears in his eyes and didn't care who saw them.”
“Oh Shippo don't cry! It has to be this way. Your father and I have racked our brains trying to think of something but there is nothing that can cure me.  Each day brings me closer to my last.  The jewel feeds on my spiritual energy then consumes my body. There is nothing I can do. Don't be sad.  I've lived a wonderful life and having you all in it has made me so happy.”
“No, no, no!  Mama let me try to use my miko power to save you?  Please the jewel can feed off me until we figure out how to save you. I know there has to be something!”
“No Michiko, I can't let you do that.  It would only drain you. You don't have enough power neither did I to cure me. The jewel is to powerful.”
“Fuck the jewel!” InuTenshi shouted his first words since his mother's horrific announcement.  He followed up his words by slamming his hand through the wall.
Kagome just smiled sadly and shook her head. “Tenshi….I'll expect you to fix that.  Please don't blame the jewel.  I'll admit the jewel has caused much pain over its long years but it has also done much good. Without it I would have never met your father and none of you would have been born. Do not hate the jewel for it flows in your veins.  It makes you who you are. It makes you so special.  Please as a gift to me….don't hate it.”
“Mama how can you be so damn calm! You act as if you told us you're buying new china and not dying!” Takara jumped up and stumbled to her mate who caught her. Her tears stained his coat as she cried quietly. Her tears joined the others that were going on around the room.
“I don't expect anyone not to be upset….do you think I want to leave you?  My children, my grand children and great grand children?  My nieces and nephews my family my mate! Of course not! But it's a fact I'm dying.  As I sit here right now talking to you I'm dying! There is nothing we can do.  I wanted to spend the day with all of you.  Bask in your love, let you know how much you mean to me.”
Chikako stood up again her spine stiff her eyes livid. “Well I for one will not accept this.  I will find a cure.  Tell me how much time you think you have left?  How much time do I have to find a way for you to live?”
Kagome bit her lip…and dug her fingernails into her mate's hand.  This would be the hardest part she had to break all their hearts and hers. “I have no time left….no time at all.”
Inuyasha turned her face to look at him. “Kagome….what are you saying.” It came out in a whisper.
“I'm sorry Inuyasha…so sorry but it has to be this way.” Now her voice trembled.
“But I thought…a couple more months….maybe longer.”
“I can't do that to you and the kids…to myself.  No…today is it.  I brought everyone together to say goodbye.  You and I have finally run out of time.”
“Nooooo!” He issued a low mournful growl and snatched her up until he was holding her on his lap. His eyes closed tight he held her as she tried to sooth him by running her hands over his hair murmuring words of love to him, as the distress of those gathered mounted.
“I'm sorry Inuyasha…I love you so much and it hurts so much.  Please let me go with all my family around me.”
“But you can't-“ He was choked up. His mind in a whirlwind of disbelief.
“Please Inuyasha….please don't make this harder for me. I have to do this.”
“I..” He trailed off, finding no words to convey what he felt. Slowly he nodded burying his head in her hair.  Inhaling her scent her essence.
“Thank you.” They stayed huddled together as the commotion went on around them. Finally Kagome took a deep breath and lifted her head.  Inuyasha wouldn't let her off his lap but did allow her to turn around to face everyone again.
“It's time for me to say my good byes.” She called someone out the crowd to come to her and so it began.
Person after person came to her.  She hugged them from Inuyasha's lap then gave them words of love and advice. Souta's kids old as they were, and their children.  Her grand kids came with their babes and she held them as they cried for her and kissed them one last time. Kouga and his son she made give her a hug as she told them how honored she was to be a part of their pack. Sango and Miroku's living children where next with their mates and children and their children.  She apologized to her god children for leaving them. For not being able to watch over them any longer but promised that Inuyasha and their god brothers and sisters would always be there for them. She called her children mates up next. Told them to watch over her children to care and support them in their time of need, to always cherish their mate. Finally it was time to call her children to her for one last good bye. Inuyasha's demon aura fairly crackled around him as he fought to control his emotions, fought his need to lash out at his impotency to do anything, to change her fate.
“Shippo, I know you've already lost to many parents but remember you're not that little lost frightened fox cub anymore.  You're all grown up with a family of your own.  You've grown into a wonderful demon a wonderful man.  Never forget the things we taught you, that I taught you. Live your life and be happy.  Love all your family and thank you for being my son”
“Mama….I'll miss you.  Who's going to keep Inuyasha in line if not you?” Shippo had let his disguise fade in his distress.  His fox ears were laid low and his bushy tail brushed against his mother's knee for comfort. He felt numb inside he as he waited on her to say it was all a mistake.
“You will! You'll always be my little Shippo.” Kagome reached into the arm of her robe and pulled out another lollypop. “Here you go, I love you Shippo.” He took the candy on a shaky smile and gave her a hug, gripping a little too tightly.  He finally let go and moved out the way for another to take his place.
“Chikako, come here.” The daughter in question kneeled down in front of Kagome and held both her hands. “My first born…I was so afraid before you were born.  I wasn't sure I would be a good mother.  I hope I have been.”
“You have been the best mother I could have hoped to have.” Chikako was beat…defeated by the reality of the situation. She had watched her mother say good bye…her head held high, her cheeks dry of tears and was determined to be as strong as she was.
“Thank you, you were a good daughter. Remember what I told you earlier. I'm proud of you. You are a wonderful daughter, a great sister and a great mother yourself.  Watch over your siblings, watch over your father. You have always been so strong but remember what I told you sometimes being weak can be your strength.  Know that I love you and always will.”
Chikako squeezed her mother's hand painfully then gave her a rare smile. “I love you too…mama.”
Kagome's eye's widened at the term her daughter hadn't called her since she'd been four. Grinning a little with a hint of tears coming to her eyes she leaned forward and gave Chikako a kiss to her forehead. “Thank you sweet heart.  That was the best gift you could have given me.”
As Chikako stood her mate was by her side.  She let him pull her off to the side and welcomed his arms around her waist. As she drew strength from his embrace she realized what her mother had meant by the comment. Her heart was breaking but for her sibling's sake and for her fathers she would maintain. They would need her.  She could feel her twin's grief coming off in waves. Michiko would need her and she would not let her sister down.
The twin in question Michiko lost it as her mother called her forth.  She had been crying quietly the whole time but now she dropped in front of Kagome sobbing holding her mother's knees for dear life. “Mama no please you can't leave me! I can't lose you to! It's not fair I'm not strong enough.”
“Michiko!” Kagome said sternly catching her attention. “Remember what I told you. Only your inability to believe in your self makes you weak.  I know this is tough for you but you can't blame yourself.  There was nothing you could do, nothing any of us could do.  I worry for you.  You must learn to live. Please live for me.”
“No mama I'll mourn you for the rest of my days!”
“No! You have to promise me you will not.  I see a future for you one that is very important and bright.  One filled with trails but love also and happiness. You out of all my children are most like me. I'm not a quitter and neither are you. You just haven't found yourself yet.  You will once you stop trying to please everyone once you become yourself.  You can be whoever and whatever you want to be.  Promise me you won't cut your hair for me, that you'll let it grow and flourish once more.  I have lived a good long and full life.  I have done the things I dreamed off.  I have loved the one I needed. I have buried family and loved ones and still carried on. You are my daughter flesh of my flesh you will do the same. Live your life fully so when your time comes many, many years from now you can leave the earth with no regrets like I will.”
“But mama…”
“Promise me Michiko.”
“I promise mama I promise.”
“Good girl.  I love you. You will never be without me remember that.”  Kagome hugged her, feeling her heart break for her daughter, for before this night was done she would put another burden upon her.  Michiko moved to sit on the side of Kagome and laid her head on her mother's shoulder.  Her sniffles had quieted as she tried to hug some dignity to herself.  Tried to be strong like her mother wanted her too but the agony of another lose was eating away at her, she wanted to scream to lose control….but she knew what losing control could do.  No she couldn't lose control….like last time.  She would not disgrace her mother again.  She would not cause her or anyone else more pain.
“Baby girl come here. Do you understand what's going on?” 
“Yes mama….I uh guess I understand…I don't like it though.  I never thought of this day…I guess I assumed you'd always be here.” Takara was babbling as she knelt hugging her mother over her fathers arms that would not let go. She was trying to be brave but suddenly she felt like the little girl that use to sneak into her parents bedroom under the pretense of keeping them safe.
“I know baby girl.  I thought the same thing.  It was arrogant for me to think that way.  All things that live must die.  You are so much like your father, well slightly less stubborn then him.” The two grinned at each other. “I'm proud of you, you're my baby girl and you brought me much joy.  You probably also gave me all my grey hairs.  I'll miss you but I have faith that you'll continue to do well.  You'll watch out for the ones we love while I'm gone won't you?”
“Yes mama, I'll do my best.” Takara knew who she meant, papa and her younger brother. Her papa…was not taking this well.  His head was still hidden and he had not uttered a single word since mama had started her goodbyes. Her heartbreak over her mother warred with her worry over her father.
“I know you will.  I love you very much.  You take care of your cute little grand baby and may you be blessed with many more.”
“Oh mama! I love you too! We will never forget you! I'll tell my grandchildren stories of your greatness every time I see them.  They'll know all about you before their time to read the The Book of Time comes.”
“Thank you baby…I know you all will honor me.”  Kagome was so proud of her youngest girl.  The strength and understanding she was showing. She was not that surprised though.  She as clearly her father's daughter. “Now where is the child born last of my body but not of my heart.” 
The crowd parted as InuTenshi made his way from the wall.  As Kagome watched him slowly approach she was reminded briefly of the little boy she'd held. For a moment she saw the uncertainty that she knew always lay below his demeanor before he covered it up.  He stiffly knelt at her feet his eyes flashing between gold and red as he fought his emotions.
“InuTenshi my angel.  You were conceived from your father's and I pure love when not a shred of doubt lay in our hearts.  We had to overcome so much to be together. Naraku, betrayal, mistrust, fear and then time itself.  You also have a hard road ahead of you before you find happiness. Never give up….don't harden your heart.  Know that you were and are loved.  I have often wished that my love was enough to protect my children from the world…but it is not.  Stop fighting what makes you…you.  I love you my little boy.” 
He stared at her, his eyes completely red and for a moment she thought he would lose it until he grabbed her in a crushing hug, his face buried in her neck, he whispered. “Mama…I love you….I need you.”
As a single tear slipped down her cheek she turned her head and whispered back. “I love you too….I know you need me…I'm so sorry I won't be here to guide you. Please let your father be there for you.  You need to be there for him also.  You are his only son…love him, know that he loves you.”
“Mama…don't leave us….me just yet.  I thought…but I'm not ready.”
“Yes you are.  I have faith in you.  You can become a man today.  Being a man is the difference in how you deal with what life gives you.  It's about thinking about others above your self. Do your best I will be proud of you no matter what”
She pushed him away and dried her eyes leaning back into Inuyasha as if her strength was gone. “I hope you appreciate your family more now. We are not prefect but we are the only family you have.  I hope all of you here head my words.  I have given all that I could. I have said the words of my heart…my good bye's are complete.
End of the Road
Inuyasha lifted his head at her statement, his eyes completely red.  She was surprised he had not turned into a full demon and also grateful.  She wanted to remember him how she loved him best.  Her hanyou, dog boy.
“Kagome you don't have to do this, you don't have to end our time.”
“Yes I do. I can't go on seeing the look of dread in your eyes. I wouldn't be able to deal with the children's pain day after day.  It's breaking my heart everyday to know it may be my last with you.  I suffer with the thought of leaving you.”  She kissed his cheeks as she cried for them both since she knew he wouldn't. “Besides, I see the look in your eyes.  You're afraid that one morning you'll wake up and I'll be gone. Or that if you leave the room for to long I'll have slipped away. That's no way to live.  I can't keep doing that to my mate.  Plus I'll admit I'm afraid of the same things.  I don't want to go alone…without you there. Is that selfish? I can't help it I need you by my side.”

“It's not selfish mate. Of course I'll stay by your side till the end.” Inuyasha's voice was horse with his rage.  He wanted so badly to lash out. Anything to take away the burning pain in his veins but his Kagome needed him.  “Don't cry you know I hate to see you cry.”
She gave him a shaky smile and dried her tears. “Okay I won't cry.  I love you Inuyasha.”
“And you know I love you too.”
“I know….  I need to end this now but before I do I have to do one more thing.”  She turned from him and pried his arms from her waist and turned to Michiko sitting next to her.  “Daughter before I breathe my last breath I have one more gift to give you. I apologize for it now.”
“I don't understand mama.”
Kagome averted her eyes and addressed the room. “As most of you know Michiko was charged with the writing of The Book of Time. As one of my dying wishes I have commissioned her to add to the book a portion entitled Children of the Well.  I ask you all gathered here now that if she comes to you and asks for your story that you give it freely and wholly. This is how you can honor me.”
“Mama…what is this gift you speak of?” Michiko didn't like it when her mother hid her eyes didn't think she would like the next thing to come out of her mother's mouth.  Could she endure anymore? Finally her mother looked at her again and firmly gripped her hands.
“Michiko the gift I speak of may also be a burden to you.  I give it to you because out of all my children I know you can handle it the best no matter what you choose to do with it.  Though you have tired to hide it all your life I've always known that you have the most miko power out of all my children.  For some reason you have chosen to virtually ignore this part of yourself.  I have no doubt that you are strong, stronger then almost all present in this room. You fear your strength…one day I hope you will not.  I hope the gift I give you will help you to find the true you.  As I said before the only thing keeping me alive is my miko powers.  When they are exhausted I will die.  This could have been in weeks or a few months.  I choose to make it today.  Therefore Michiko I chose to give you all my remaining power.”
“No!” Michiko tried to withdraw her hands from her mother's as she felt the transfer already begin. “Mama no, it will kill you. Don't let me be the reason you die. I can't be the reason again mama no!” Tears of fear and desperation sprang to her eyes.
“You are not the reason I die, I take my own life and would gladly give my life anyway to protect the ones I love.” Kagome over the years and with the jewel was extremely powerful and had basically been living off of her spiritual energy every since the pains stop attacking her body months ago.  She was weak but compared to other miko's still living down the well she was still more powerful then them all…even now.  She knew that her daughter already possessed amazing power untapped as it was.  With what she was giving her now, once Kagome died Michiko would be the most powerful miko who ever lived. What she did with this power would be up to her.
“Mama please stop! Someone stop her! Please don't let her do this.” The glow between the two was becoming brighter.”  InuTenshi reached out to pull his sister away before Takara could stop him and was expelled back by the pure power, his hands burned where he had touched his sister.  Those in the room were almost hysterical by this point.
Kagome did not relent and sent wave after wave of power into her daughter. “Shed no more tears daughter of mine.” As she spoke the tears on Michiko's cheeks dried and evaporated in the intense power. Even though a wave of comfort from the energy tried to surround her she fought against it and her mother.
“No mama please stop! Papa make her stop, don't let her go this way.” Her father looked on with dead eyes he shook his head and she knew it was already too late.  Her mother had already given her too much energy. Even if she stopped now she would have only hours left. Resigned…her heart heavy Michiko stopped struggling and bowed her head.  She accepted the onslaught of power zooming through her body, changing her forever.
“Thank you daughter.  I have every faith in you.” Kagome rose slowly and so did Michiko until they stood face to face, mirror images of the other except Michiko was taller.  They both glowed and before everyone's eye's Michiko begin to change.  Her hair grew another three inches and another strip of silver grew in her hair on the opposite side to match the first.  Her head raised and her eyes stared into her mother's as a look of calm came over her face.  Kagome summoned all but the tiniest of her remaining energy to her and prepared to give it to her daughter.  The time had come. 
When the blinding light receded from the room, everyone blinked and saw the two women still holding hands. Suddenly Kagome let go and Michiko fell.  Chikako rushed to catch her twin. They're mother was already turning to her mate who was now standing. She had only eyes for him. The sounds of mourning surrounding her on all sides faded from her ear.  Her good bye's and her gifts to her children were complete.  She didn't have much time and what she had left was Inuyasha's.
“Inuyahsa, I wanted to do something special for you.” As she spoke she untied the robe and let it fall to the floor. “I wanted you to remember me how you first saw me.” She used the last of her power to revert the few strands of grey in her hair back to black. To erase the gentle lines from her face until she looked like the girl of 15 once again.  She stood before him in her old school uniform, the little skirt that barely covered her rear, the bow that adorned her breast, complete with knee socks and shoes and smiled at him.
“I love you Inuyasha always.” She took a step towards him but her energy gave out.  He caught her picking her up to cradle her like a babe in his arms.
“I love you too, damn how I love you.”
She smiled and lifted an unsteady hand to rub his cheek…she felt so light headed. “Inuyasha…I want..”
“Anything for you Kagome anything!” He had to strain to hear her, as her voice went to a whisper. He fought to keep his whine of grief at bay.
“Take me…to where we first met.”  He nodded and the sea of people opened to him as he crossed the room.  The only one who followed him out the door was Kirara.
End of Time (songfic)
~How do I say goodbye to what we had~
The evening had slipped into darkness and each step Inuyasha took seemed weighted down with the misery of what he was about to lose. It seemed to take an eternity to reach the god tree. When he did he sank down crossed legged at its base holding the light form of his mate…his wife…his life.
“Kagome we're here.”
Her weak eye's fluttered open and she smiled. “Good I wanted to die where my real life began…when I met you here at this tree.”
~The good times that made us laugh
Out weighed the bad~
Inuyasha looked down at her lovely face, as he felt the heat of life escape her body.  His head low his hair hiding his face he kissed her forehead.
“Remember Inuyasha.” She whispered fondly. “All the good times we had with Miroku and Sango.  I know we had a lot of bad one's too but I can't seem to remember those as clearly.  We were such good friends.”
“Yes love I remember…save your strength.” He did remember.  He remembered all the times he'd been sat as Shippo laughed at him.  How she would always bring ramen and presents back for them. How Miroku couldn't keep his hands to his self and always ended up eating the dirt. So many times they had sat around a fire teasing and laughing.  Like Kagome he knew that in between those moments were tons of battles and heart ache but they didn't seem so clear in his mind either as he stroked her delicate cheek.
~I thought we'd get to see forever
But forever's gone away~
Kagome was finding it hard to breathe but she pushed on anyway rubbing her nose in his fire rats coat. “Inuyasha…I thought we'd see forever but forever's gone away, though I wouldn't trade a day with you.”
“Me either you stubborn wench, besides forever would be to short of a time with you.  I need more time Kagome!”
“We don't have anymore time. But what we had was sweet.  I know it's hard but you have to say goodbye to yesterday and hello to tomorrow.  You have a reason to live. You promised me.”
~It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday~
He didn't want to say good bye to a damn thing, least of all her!
She tilted her face up and kissed his chin, a hand fondling the ears she loved so much.  “You must look to the future Inuyasha.”
~I don't know where this road
Is going to lead us now~
What would happen after this? What would he do.  Could he really survive without her?  With the pain of her gone in his chest day after day, what kind of future could he have? He watched as her chest rose slowly then fell. He squeezed her tightly as if he could wring some more life out of her.  Never before in his long life had his future looked so bleak.
~All I know is where we've been
And what we've been through~
“Kagome all I know is you. You made me what I am…I don't know how to be anything without you. God I love you so much!”
“I love you to!  You'll be who you are even when I'm gone.  You'll be the boy I fell in love with…the man that I had children by. We've been through so much but we made it and you'll make it through this too.  You're a survivor Inuyasha.  I'll love you forever and through death.  I will always be with you and one day we'll meet again right at this very tree in the afterlife.”
~If we get to see tomorrow
I hope it's worth all the pain~
“Do you really think we'll get to see each other again, me being what I am?  Will I deserve to go to the same place as an angel like you?”
“Of course…fate wouldn't be that cruel…I won't let it.” He saw that she was struggling to keep her eye lids open…struggling to say the words….she was leaving him.
“I'm sorry Inuyasha…I feel so cold but peaceful. I see my mother….and Souta and grandfather, even Sango and Miroku! They've come to welcome me.”
Inuyasha dug his nails through the fabric of her clothes clutching to a life that was no longer there. “Are you afraid Kagome?”
“Oh course not silly.  I have you.  I know you'll protect me in death like you did in life. I'm never afraid with you by my side.”
~It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday~
She smiled at him.  “Kiss me Inuyasha.”
He touched his lips to hers, softly, gently sadly “I…love you…Yasha.”
Her last breath said she loved him…as she died.

~And I'll take with me the memories
To be my sunshine after the rain~
He sat rocking her shell for how long he did not know, until he felt the first drops of rain on his skin. They brought him out of his stupor for he didn't want Kagome to get wet.  He needed to bury her. Raising his head in the first time in what felt like hours he noticed a transformed Kirara by his side.  He stiffly stood and placed Kagome on the faithful neko's back. 
Kirara took a couple steps back as he turned to the God tree and raised his sword. The sword that he was sworn to protect her with…he would now bury her with.  Using the attack he had used when cutting the jewel in half he blasted her grave as the rain slightly picked up.
He pulled off his fire rats coat and wrapped her in it as he lifted her. He gave her a last kiss on the forehead and gently laid her into the brown earth. The on coming rain washed away his blood red tears. He stood…loath to cover her but finally at Kirara's urging he did so. His outline on the tree would watch over her remains as long as the tree stood. He had to remember that the shell was only that and no longer Kagome.  That she was gone to a place of peace.  He would take and guard the memories of her to his grave…for they were the only things he had left of her, his memories and their kids.  Yes he would live for their kids…for parts of Kagome resided in them.  Plus he'd made her a promise.  Like the promise he'd made so long ago to protect her…he would not break this one either…no matter how strongly he wanted to follow her in death.
~It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday~

The End
AN: Song by Boys II Men-“It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday” -There you go finished at last. I hope you enjoyed and have a better understanding of the family dynamics that will come into play in “Children of the Well” If you are wondering how everyone else took her actually death, each child will talk about what happened to them in their own stories later. When the pain was racking Kagome's body it was her demon blood absorbing the little remains of the jewel.  With the jewel gone the Demon blood was then free to attack her miko blood. Her powers were the only thing keeping her alive and as you can imagine she used a lot to live each day. Please Review and Comment.