InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ OUT of TIme ❯ Sands of an Hour Glass P2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: ***** Denotes real time memories***** Chapter contains Lemon. Important author notes at bottom.
The Sands of an Hour Glass-2
As Kagome waited for her daughters to come up she thought about how Inuyasha had changed once the kids came, really they both had. After he'd found out she was pregnant he had become extra sweet to her. Anything she wanted he got for her, he was very attentive the first 5 months. However when her sixth month started he began going over to the other side of the well and staying for weeks at a time. Of course she'd been furious that he was leaving her alone when she was that far along in her pregnancy. It only got worse as her delivery neared. They had gotten into many arguments as her hormones increased and the fear of mother-hood washed over her.  It only made it worse that he  would never tell her what he was doing on the other side and refused to stop going.  She remembered how mad she had been at him….but in the end she had been so happy!
Kagome hadn't even been 19 yet when she had her first pups and the thought of twins scared her to death.  As her ninth month approached she stopped going to her doctor. There was no way she was having her babies in a hospital.  With her children being hanyou she had no idea how they would come out looking. She knew from her experience on the other side that some hanyou's came out looking more human while others…well didn't. She wouldn't take the risk that her children might be taken away.  Luckily her mother was a nurse and smuggled pain killers and supplies home.   When Inuyasha brought Sango and her one year old son over two weeks before the due date Kagome was happy to see that Kaede had sent some extinct herbs that helped ease pain, over with her also.
There had been nothing left to do but wait. Inuyasha had enough sense to stay home after he'd brought Sango over since the due date was so soon.  As the days went by she become more nervous, emotional and temperamental. Sango's son was a joy but he had so much energy and he was only human!  How in the world would she take care of two half demon baby girls?  When she had been three months she could tell that the children she carried were girls.  She was excited by that fact but scared shitless about caring for them.  So they waited and waited. Two weeks came and no birth…then another week passed.  Kagome was so frustrated that during the fourth week she picked a fight with Inuyasha.  He had been sitting in the living room staring blankly at the T.V. It was a Saturday and her mother was out shopping with Souta and Shippo while grandpa had been tending the Shrine.  Sango had taken her young son out side to play in an old borrowed jacket of Souta's.  The child had needed it since it was only March though for  the beginning of spring it was an unusual warm day. Alone with him Kagome had marched up to the couch, hands on hips and a frown on her lips.
“Inuyasha…what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?”
“What does it look like?  It looks like your sitting on your ass doing absolutely nothing! While I carry around almost sixty pounds of extra weight!  Damn it Inuyasha have you even looked at those jobs brochures I brought home?  You will have to get a job, these kids won't take care of them selves!”
Inuyasha growled and spared her a glance. “I told you I'm working on it. Stop yelling at me already.” He said standing up preparing to leave. Lately he'd just tried to stay out of her way when she got in a mood.  Kagome however was having none of it.
“Not so fast!” She'd walked up to him and poked him in the chest. “You say you're working on it?  Is that why you've been going down the well every other damn day? You baka, even if we live there you still have to figure out how to provide for us. Killing demons is not a paid profession. I doesn't count if you're a demon as well!” By now she had been yelling at the top of her lungs.
“Feh I don't know what your problem is today but I'm not in the mood for it.” He tried to walk away again but she stopped him by pulling on his arm.
“My problem?  I'll tell you what my problem is. I'm carrying your babies…pups…hell whatever you want to call them and you are being an absolute ass hole!”
“Damn it Kagome I told you I'm handling it! Now stop bitching at me.” Inuyasha finally yelled back, jerking out of her grasp to walk away.
Kagome's cheeks were red and she was breathing had with anger. Oh how she wanted to make him pay for that. “Didn't I tell you when we first met not to ever call me a bitch!” 
Inuyasha spun around mouth open. “I didn't call you a bitch I just said stop bitching.  I thought in your world that meant nagging.”
Kagome wasn't hearing it. Before she knew what she planned to do she'd crossed over and put her hands on his shoulders. “Sit boy!” Pink miko energy flowed out her hands and into his body, his eyes grew wide as his body plunged to the floor.   Kagome backed up surprised but satisfied.  “There next time you'll say nagging instead.”  She turned away and had made it to the stairs a smile on her face when she felt her first contraction.
”Oh god.” She'd said clutching the rail as pain hit her stomach and liquid trailed down her leg. 
Inuyash pried his head off the floor to glance over at her. “What? What's wrong?”
“I think…using my powers has jump started my labor. Oh Inuyasha come quick!”
“I will…as soon as I can get off the floor.”
Luckily Sango had walked in and soon the labor was under way.  Kagome's mother was called on her cell phone and Kagome was taken to her bedroom which she had demanded to be her birthing room also.  Grandpa had been charged with watching the three younger children, though he spent most of his time with his ear pressed against the door leaving  Souta and Shippo to entertain the baby. The labor was intense and long as far as Kagome was concerned.  For most of it Inuyasha sat out on the window ledge as her cries of pain increased.  He wouldn't talk to anyone and sat with his teeth clenched.  Kagome ignored him as she concentrated on bringing his pups into the world. Between the herbs and good modern pain killers the pain was bearable.  It wasn't until her eighth hour of labor that the real pain began.  Letting out the loudest shriek yet, she'd yelled for Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha!  I need you!”
He had come without hesitation to take her hand and wipe her brow.  She had known he'd felt out of place and useless but at the same time he refused to leave her side so he'd stayed by the window.  She had understood, but now she needed him if she were to make it. Another hour passed and found Kagome crying and shaking her head in refusal. “Oh Inuyasha I can't do it.  It's just too much.”
“Sure you can…you can do anything.  You defeated Naraku remember?”

”Yeah but he wasn't trying to rip me apart from the inside!”
“Kagome relax and do your breathing.  Your almost dilated enough to push.” Her mother had said calmly. Though later she told Kagome she had been worried also. So Kagome had suffered on for another hour when suddenly she clutched Inuyasha's robes by the neck and pulled his face close to hers.
You are never touching me again. When this is over remind me to make a sub-duding necklace for your dic- Oh my god!”  With that she bore down and pushed with all her might.  She didn't even remember the impossible stretching sensation; she just remembered a big gush and cries of happiness around the room.  She had blinked through the tears and sweat to see her mother holding up the blood covered baby.
“Is…is the baby alright.” She'd gotten out in between breaths.  Everyone seemed to ignore her.  Sango was busy cleaning Kagome and her mother was busy cleaning the baby and cooing at it.  Even Inuyasha couldn't take his wide eyes off the bundle of pink flesh her mother handled.  Kagome had closed her eyes and tired and control her temper, plus she'd had no energy left to be mad as another contraction started.
“Ohhhhhhhh Gods!”  That seemed to snap her mother back, who quickly finished wiping down the baby and clearing its nose before wrapping it in the pre-selected color of green.  They had decided that the first born would be wrapped in that color.  They had no clue if the girls would be identical or not, but needed to assure that they could tell them apart. So they had picked different colored receiving blankets. So it was a green blanket and a little bundle of a baby that was thrust at Inuyasha as her mother went back to help Sango.

Inuyasha's mouth was hanging open as he held his child in front of him by both hands.  Kagome glanced over and couldn't stop the tears of joy that came.  “Oh Inuyasha bring her closer so I can see.”  Inuyasha did so on auto pilot his mouth still wide.  Kagome gasped as she stared at her baby's face. “Oh she so beautiful! She…owwwwwwwe.” Kagome never finished her sentence for the second twin was in a rush to join the first.  It has been less then five minutes but soon her second daughter joined the family. She two was quickly cleaned by her grandmother and wrapped in a
purple blanket. As with her sister she was put into her awed fathers arms soon after. The twins seemed to be identical.
Three days later and still her babies eyes hadn't opened.  Just like puppies they had been born with their eyes closed.  Kagome had refused to name them until she could see their eyes.  After all the eyes were the window to the soul and she wanted to see her babies before she picked out their life name.  Speaking of puppies Inuyasha had been like one to her and the twins.  The twins were never out of his sight and rarely out of hers, so he ended up following her every wherever she went. If she was giving the twins and herself a bath he sat outside the bathroom door.  It was annoying but also cute. One time in particular was really funny.  They had all been in the living room when Sango had picked up the baby in purple and walked into the kitchen with the child.  Inuyasha had spent the next five minutes as Sango fixed her son a snack running back and forth from room to room every thirty seconds, wanting to keep an eye on both of them.
The next day in the evening Kagome had been laying on the couch a baby in each crook of her arm sleeping while they slept. Inuyasha had been napping on the floor in front of the couch when they were both awakened by a yell.
“Hey I see an eyeball!”
Kagome had started so hard that she jerked up and the baby wrapped in green tumbled out of her arm.  Luckily Inuyasha caught the child before it even really rolled off the couch.  Kagome had snapped her head around to glare at Shippo, but seeing his forlorn face she had sighed and admonished him gently.  “Shippo…next time wake us up before you yell at us…especially if I'm holding the babies.”
“Yeah you runt.  What were you yelling about anyway?” Inuyasha asked, as he glared at Shippo and held the baby awkwardly.  He had been showed the proper way to hold the child but still didn't feel comfortable doing so yet.
“I'm sorry.  I was just so excited.  The baby's eyes are open.” Shippo said as a way of explanation.  Both parents had quickly glanced down and sure enough both twins' eyes were open.
“This is great!  Shippo go get the others, I can finally name them.”  Shippo had ran off to do as he was told as Kagome spent time looking into each of the baby's eyes.  Five minutes later when everyone was gathered she looked up and smiled.  Standing she took the oldest, the one wrapped in green and held her out for every one to see. “This one, the oldest will be called Chikako”. She had then passed the baby around as every one looked at the baby and nodded in approval. 
When the baby was in her grandfathers hands he looked into her eyes for a long moment before nodding. “Kagome you named this one wisely.”
“Thank you grandpa.” She picked up the other baby wrapped in purple and held her out. “This, the youngest twin will be called Michiko.” Again she passed around the bundle as everyone searched for some identifying mark so they could tell the girls apart from now on, after all they couldn't dress them in certain colors forever. 
Again when the babe got to her grandfather he stared for a long moment then smiled. “Again you have named correctly, it is so nice that their names go together since they are twins.”
“Well I for one don't know how I'm ever going to tell them apart.  They look like and even smell alike.  Why do I have a feeling they're going to be a bunch of trouble.”
Kagome had just smirked evilly at Inuyasha and put both babies in his arms. “If they are then they'll get it from you.”
*****end memory
As it turned out neither girl had taken much of anything from Inuyasha.  In temperament the youngest leaned more towards Kagome and the older…well she seemed to take after her uncle…Sesshoumaru hence her nickname “Sessa”. When it came to looks well again Inuyasha had gotten the short end of the stick.  Kagome's train of thought was interrupted as a brief knock sounded before the door opened.  In walked almost two identical images of her self. From the day she had named them she'd been able to tell them apart, just by looking into their dark brown eyes. As they grew older it had been easier for everyone. Their personalities were so different. Michiko called her mama all her life. While since the age of four Chikako had called her mother.
“Mama you called for us?”
“Yes little Gome…uh I should stop calling you that. Anyway both of you come sit by me.”
“Mother why are you under the cover?  Are you cold? I can close the window.” Sessa said walking over to it.
“No, I'm all right Sessa…uh I should stop calling you that too. Please come and have a seat.”
Sessa closed the window anyway and slowly shook her head.  “Mother…father is talking rather heatedly to the wolf demon prince.”
Kagome laughed and as Sessa turned to frown at her, she waved away her daughter's concern. “Relax that's Kouga's and your fathers way of getting along. Come sit.” Both women did as told one on each side. Kirara got up and went to the window to watch the pair in the yard. “That's your uncle Kouga by the way.  Don't forget or ever take your family ties for granted.  He is my pack brother.  Now come closer so I can put my arms around you.”
“Sessa for goodness sake! Must you think there is an alterative motive for everything? I just want to be able to put my arms around you.  Is it a crime for a mother to hug her daughters?” Chikako actually screwed her brows together as if she was thinking about the question. Kagome couldn't help but laugh then pulled her daughter close before she could protest. “Never mind, I'm not giving you a choice.  Humor an old woman.”
“Mama you're not an old woman. Personally I think you have more energy then me. You ran around earlier with the kids better then I could. They tire me out.” Michiko said snuggling up to her mother willingly.
“Ah…I had plenty of practice raising all of you.  You'll get used to it after you have your own.” 
Michiko's face went blank and she ducked her head.  “Mama…you know I'll never have children.”
“You will…one day you will. Anyway I didn't call you up here to argue.  I…well, I just wanted to say I love you two…so much.  I haven't told you in a while and thought I should.”
Michiko laughed but exchanged a look with her older sister before commenting. “We love you to mama.  You don't have to say it for us to know it.”

“No, sometimes you do need the words.  Words can hold power.  Your father and I almost lost each other because we were too afraid to say the words…to afraid to hurt.” Kagome took Michiko face in her hands and spoke directly to her. “Don't be afraid to hurt…when you hurt at least you know your alive and as long as your alive you can love.”
“Mother why are we here…today?” Chikako cut in.
Kagome sighed letting go of Michiko's face before turning to face Chikako. “I thought we'd have the family reunion a little early this year.  Why did I mess up some plans you had, or interfere with someone you wanted to kill?”

“Don't be silly mother…I can always kill someone later.  It's just that in the many years we've had reunions the time has never changed? Why now?”
Now Kagome palmed her oldest daughters face. “You know I love you so much even though you're stubborn, and single minded and arrogant just like your uncle and your father.  I'm proud of you.  I know that you don't think I am…but I am.  What you do is important and just. You are a wonderful woman inside and out. Whether you like to admit it or not you're also a loving woman. Never think having compassion makes you weaker…it only can make you stronger.  You have raised wonderful children and they in turn have had wonderful children.  You should be proud of your legacy.”
It was one of the few times that Chikako found her self speechless. Blushing from her mother's unexpected praise she finally spoke. “Mother…thank you…but you still didn't answer the question.”
Kagome laughed.  It was hard to get something over on Chikako. They had never even been able to give the twins a surprise birthday party, because she was always so suspicious of everything. “Okay fine. You want an answer I'll give you one.  I wanted it to be earlier so we had it earlier, end of the topic.”
“Hmmm father said something like that.”
“Well, for once your father was right.”
“Mama…me and Sessa…we can't help but think something isn't right. We're not trying to pry but if something is wrong we just want to know so we can try and help.”
Kagome smiled. Michiko had always been the pacifier of the two. Despite their different mind sets the twins were very close and protective of each other. “Everything is as it should be. I wanted to ask you something, Michiko.  It's about the Book of Time.  You know that I'm so proud of you for writing that book and the way it has help spread the family history and keep our family bonds close.  But I want you to do me a favor.  I want you to start writing another part of the book.”

”I don't understand?  What else is there to write?”
“I want you to start writing a second section of the book…and call it children of the well.  I want you to write your brothers and sister's stories…all of them.” Kagome knew Michiko would know that meant her god brother's and sister's too. “It should tell the stories of each of you and any important events each person wants to include.  Write it in the same way you did the first part.  I also want you to include your own story.”
“Mama…why do you want me to do this.  Our stories are nothing great like you and fathers and the fight for the jewel.”
“No your wrong!  Your stories are even greater.  You my children…Sango's children…you are our legacy. You are the past's future, for demon's and human's alike.  Your stories matter, they should be heard.  I'm not saying that ever generations story should be told but the first children of the well…you're all special.  There will never again be any like you again.  You were all born with part of the jewel, it lives inside your veins…inside your blood.  Please tell me you'll do this for me?”

“I…if you insist I will. But it may be hard what if some people don't want to share all the personal details.”
“Don't worry…once they know I want you to do it…I think they will agree.”
“Maybe but what if-“

”Michiko!” Kagome said sternly. “Stop second guessing yourself. You do that too often for my liking.  I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job of it just like you did with the other.  You don't have enough belief in your self anymore.” Kagome's daughter Michiko had suffered through a great loss early in life and still suffered the effects of it.  It had affected both families of friends for many years to come. “Daughter listen to me closely.  What happened was not your fault. It never was and never will be. You have never shamed me. Either of you…none of my children have. I was always proud to say I was your mother.  It's time for you to stop punishing your self.”  Kagome reached out to finger the silver streak in Michiko's shoulder length hair.  Her daughter had cut it those many years ago and never let it grow longer then her shoulders, as a sign of her lasting grief. The silver streak…well that two was a lasting sign of her anguish. Michiko tightened her lips at the touch and stood up from the bed. Chikako followed suit, coming around the bed to put a protective arm around her sister's shoulder.
“Mother why are you bringing all this up. You know it's a subject she doesn't like to talk about.”
“Well…I've kept silent about it way to long.  It's time that she stopped cutting herself off from the world, and you should know better then to encourage her.”
“Mama that's not fair.  I have a complete full life on this side of the well.  I'm very content.”
Kagome snorted. “Content!  I want you to be happy!  Content is for those who can do no better.  I didn't raise you to settle.  You have so much more to give even more then you realize.  It hurts me to see you waste it.  To see you waste away.”  Kagome ended her voice now only registering sadness.
“Please don't be sad for me mama…I'll survive.”
“Then I guess you are still young to think surviving is enough…you need to live.  To have joy.  I guess I've said my piece and wont harp on it to death.  But please both of you think hard on what I said.”  Kagome gave a big sigh and a thin smile. “I see I've upset you both today…I didn't mean to but something's had to be said.  Come here and give me a kiss then you both can go.”  The pair walked over and Michiko was the first to lean down and kiss her.
“Mama I'm not mad at you…it's just…you don't understand.”
Kissing her daughter back Kagome responded. “It's okay.  I think I understand better then you do. You'll heal in your own time…in your own way.  I just wish I could have helped you more with it.”
Michiko didn't know what to say, so she said the one thing she was sure of. “I love you mama.”
“And I love you, no matter what.” 
Kagome embraced Chikako next and placed a kiss across her cheek. “You still look after your sister?”
“Always mother…it's what you taught us.”
“Yes it is Chikako. I know I can count on you to continue to do so.” Kagome gave the oldest an extra hug, but as her daughter went to pull away she tightened her back. “Sessa…aren't you forgetting something?”
“No mother I don't think so.”
“You forgot to say you love me back from earlier.”
Now a light of playfulness twinkled in her eyes though her face remained blank. “No I did not. Michiko took care of that for both of us.  You know one twin says it and it applies for both.”
“I don't think so young lady. You're not getting up until you say it.” Kagome tightened her hold around Chikako's back and caused a miko aura to flow around her arms, locking her daughter in.
“Okay, okay I give in.  I don't feel like being purified today.  I love you to mother, now let go.”
“See that didn't hurt too much. You should always let the one's you love know it. Now both of you scram.  Send baby girl up to see me.”
Chikako was instantly suspicious again. “Why?  Why are you talking to us each one by one?”
“Because you all live in different places or different era's for that matter.  It's rare to see you all together anymore since more of you have families of your own.  Plus it's fifty plus people downstairs. Now tell me is it a crime for a mother to want to talk to her children in private?  Should I be locked up and the key thrown away for wanting such a thing?”
Again Chikako seemed to be giving the matter serious thought as Kagome threw a small pillow at her which she easily dodged.  Chikako actually grinned at her mother. “Get out of here both of you.” Kagome said laughing herself.  They both gave her smiles as they walked out the door.  When Kagome heard the click she sighed.  She worried about Michiko, but knew the girl was stronger then she could ever imagine.  Kagome just regretted the fact that she wouldn't be around when Michiko realized it.  Sadness gripped her heart as the fact set in that she would miss a lot of her children's lives for they had many more years to come. Kagome closed her eyes and balled her fists letting her nails bite into her palms, needing the physical pain to take away the pain that was clutching at her heart.  She didn't open them again until she felt the warm brush of fur against her cheek. Kirara had come back to comfort her.
Letting out a deep breath Kagome smiled and stroked the devoted neko demon. “Ah Kirara what would I do without you?  No wonder Sango loved you so.” After Sango's death Kirara had attached herself to Kagome's side where she had remained ever since. The closeness had helped them both get over Sango's death.  “You're the best friend a girl could have…well besides my husband.  Ha! Imagine that.  The love of my life is a dog and my closest companion is a cat, a shrink would have a field day with my life.  I bet you think I shouldn't fuss so, after all I've seen all my children grow to adulthood.  Yes I shouldn't focus on the bad things to come. Today is a day for remembering all the good times in my life.” That said Kagome closed her eyes again and thought back as Kirara started to purr.
It wasn't until three months after the babies were born that she found out what Inuyasha had been doing on the other side of the well while she was pregnant.  She had demanded to go visit so that Kaede and Miroku could see the babies.  They were going at high noon and Inuyasha had been nervous all morning. He wasn't the only one that day. Kagome's mother had been concerned with the newborns going over to such a dangerous place so soon but Kagome had not shared her concern.  She had known that nothing would happen to her with Inuyahsa looking out for his family. Plus whenever she went to the other side she carried her trusted bow and arrows. In the two years spent hunting Naraku her powers had bloomed. So while the arrows were no longer her only weapon of defense she still preferred them.  It let her defend her self without getting up close and personal to some of the nasty things that use to come her way.  So down the well they had all went.  Two babies strapped to her back as she held on to Inuyasha.  They were staying for two weeks and Inuyasha had arranged for Kirara to meet them at the well so she could take Shippo and everything else on ahead to Sango's village as the new family paid a visit to Kaede first.
The old woman had been overjoyed to see them but as she had gotten her first look at the children she'd looked up at the couple in confusion. “Kagome…I do not understand, how can these be the hanyou's children?”
“What are you trying to say old woman?  You think Kagome's been stepping out on me?  If a bastard mutt ever dared touch her I'd gut him from one end of the village to the next!”
“Oh Inuyasha…I see fatherhood has not sharpened your common sense.” Kaede said trying not to laugh at the furious hanyou. “I merely meant that the children bare no mark of the demon. Not in any feature of their appearance.  I see no ears, no tail or even a hint of fangs that are usually present in newborn hanyou's.  They have Kagome's looks and none of yours.  I just wonder how this can be?  You are hanyou and beside that you marked her and your blood flows in her veins.”
“Your damn right I marked her!” Inuyasha fairly yelled still on his earlier soap box. 
Kagome ignored him and frowned at Kaede. “Your right. I know it's strange but as of now they show no demon signs. I…Inuyasha got me pregnant while he was in full demon form so-“
“Feh Kagome! The old bat didn't need to know all that.”
Kaede and Kagome ignored his blushing cheeks as she continued. “So I know they should have demon blood in them.”
“Damn straight they do! Their my pups!” Inuyasha ranted, even though no one was listening to him.
“Then child they will defiantly bare the mark of the demon.” Kaede nodded solemnly.
“Yes they should…do you think the jewel might have something to do with it?” Kagome had asked working her bottom lip as she bounced Michiko in her arms.
“Hmmm” Kaede said in thought.  “I had not thought of that.  The jewel is in your body…it is possible the jewel purified or sup-“
“WHAT! Are you saying my pups were born purified!”
“Or the jewel could have just suppressed the demon blood.” Kaede continued ignoring the heaving, claws extended hanyou in the corner of her hut.
“Yes, yes just suppressed it!” Kagome hurried to reassure her agitated mate.  “I'm sure when they get older we will see the signs.  Whew! I'm glad that's cleared up, now we can all relax.” Kagome had quickly steered the conversation to other topics.  Inuyasha had stayed pouting until they left an hour later.  To her surprise the closer they got to Miroku's village the happier he became. It had felt wonderful riding on his back, the wind in her hair with their two new pups. She was feeling safe, secure and happy in his arms when he suddenly came to a halt.
“Baka! You can't do that when I have the children on my back!”
“I'm sorry, I didn't think.  Um Kagome do me a favor and close your eyes.”

”What? Why? We're close to the village. Can't we just go on, I can sense the twins getting unsettled.”
“Please Kagome…I uh…please just do it okay.”
Kagome heard the vulnerability in his voice though she didn't know why. Stroking his ears she sighed. “Okay, but whatever it is please hurry. I have them closed tight.” Without wasting time he took off running again. About two minutes later Inuyasha slowed down, then gently lowered her to the ground.
“Keep your eyes closed for another minute.”
“Okay…hurry up.”  Kagome readjusted the babies and waited.  She could feel that Inuyasha was still beside her.  Probably waiting and looking at her with the confused frown that he used when worrying about something. She heard him shuffle his feet a couple of times then he finally gave a big huff.
“Uh, I'm not good at this…I uh…well I thought…your mother and Sango agreed…that you…me…the pups…oh hell just open your eyes.”
Kagome did as she was told and found herself looking at the wooden 15 feet high fence that surrounded the perimeter of Sango's and Miroku's village. “We've reached the village what's the big deal? I can't believe you had me close my eyes for this?  What's wrong with you?  The kids are probably starving.  I should really get to Sango's hut so I can feed them.  We don't-.”
Inuyasha had interrupted her tirade by grabbing her by the arm and spinning her around. “No Kagome look this way!”
“Why there…oh my when did that get here?” Kagome was looking at a house built a hundred yards from the village gate.  It was ranch style but looked big enough to fit a large family by the standards of this time.  It seemed to have way more windows then necessary but she could tell it was well built. It was slightly raised off the round which she knew helped keep the dampness and cold out. “Wow, who put that there? Was it new settlers to the village?  Why didn't they build inside the walls, so they could have the protection of the village?”
“Uh…I built it…for you…for us and the pups.  I uh…well…damn it do you like it or not?” Inuyasha said refusing to meet her eyes.
“You…built it?” Kagome said slowly trying to wrap her mind around what he was saying.
“Yeah…and uh the monk helped some…and even the runt Shippo.  Your mother and Sango, threw in a couple ideas, but mostly I did it.  Look if you don't like it just let me know, I'll tare it down and build another.”
“Inuyasha you…you did all this for me…for us.”
“Yeah, isn't that what I said.” He shuffled some more and lost his balance as she launched herself at him.
“Oh Inuyasha I can't believe it!  Our own house?  We actually have our own house!” Kagome said between kissing his face. Now Inuyasha was all smiles as if he knew she would love it all along.
“Of course we do.  Didn't I tell you I'd take care of you? Couldn't have you and the pups living outside when we visit over here.”
“Of course.” Kagome gave him a kiss on his neck and played with his ears. “You're so sweet.  I'm so sorry about all the times I yelled at you for staying gone.  I'll have to find a way to make it up to you…maybe in our new bedroom.” Inuyasha's eyes had gone wide at the mention of the bedroom. Though Kagome had been cleared by a doctor to have sex a month and a half ago, they had only managed to do so twice. The twins were exhausting.  Either interrupting with crying every time the mood was right or making it so that Kagome feel asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.
“Yeah wench you do owe me an apology…and I can think of several ways I'm gonna have you say it.” Inuyasha said gruffly and ran a hand down her face, only to cause her to giggle.
“Hmmm, I just bet you can.”  She titled her face up for a kiss and felt light headed as he grabbed her waist smashing her to him. The kiss quickly ignited as they had gone without for so long that she wasn't surprised when she clutched his head to hers, nor was she surprised when the wails from her back started.  She gave a sigh and tried to pull away but Inuyasha's arms of steel held her close.  She didn't object.  The twins could wait a couple more seconds. A couple of seconds turned into 20, then 30.
“Uh hmm.  I thought I was suppose to be the perverted one. And in front of the kids too. Tsk, tsk.”
Inuyasha groaned and finally moved away from the kiss at the voice. Slowly he turned around to face the speaker. “You are perverted monk and if you don't keep your comments to your self you'll be a dead perverted monk.” Inuyasha's face was flaming red as he faced the people standing on the porch.
“Now Inuyasha there's no reason to kill Miroku just because you're embarrassed that we caught you kissing your wife.” Sango said with a straight face though inside she had been laughing at the hanyou's discomfort. To distract herself she ruffled the head of her toddler clinging to her skirts.
Kagome laughed out loud and started forward changing the subject. “Is this a surprise party?” When she reached the steps Sango immediately took the whining child from her back to sooth it, while Kagome ruffled Shippo's hair. “I heard you helped Shippo.  I can't believe you kept this secret from me.”
“And I can't believe you let him kiss you yuck, I'm never kissing a girl, even one as pretty as you and Sango. I didn't tell cause Inuyasha said if I did he'd cut out my eyes and make them watch as he cut out my-.”

“That's enough stupid.” Inuyasha thumped Shippo on the head as he came up to the rest of the group.
Kagome gave Shippo another smile and rubbed the rising bump on his head, then turned to glare at Inuyasha as he turned his head and pretended to whistle.  She was stopped from chewing him out as Miroku hiding his laughter spoke up.
“Um, we should go inside and get the children settled so Kagome can look at her new home.”
Now Kagome smiled again forgetting all about her irritation. “That's a wonderful idea.  Here Miroku take the other twin and you guys go on in, me and Inuyasha will be right behind you.”  Miroku took the wide eyed alert baby from Kaogme's back then ushered everyone inside.  When she heard the door shut she turned back to Inuyahsa.
“Inuyasha…” She said softly.
“Yeah?” He tried to sound bored as he waited on her to shout at him.
“You are without a doubt the most insufferable, stubborn, wonderful, caring sweetest guy I've ever known.” Kagome finished by wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you for including Shippo in this, thank you for building your family a home and thank you for being you.” She said before giving him a light kiss on the lips, as he blushed from her praise.
“Uh, it was nothing. I'm glad you like it.”
“I love it!”
“Good, but don't think that I've forgotten about the apology you owe me.”
Now she gave him a seductive smile before turning and leading him to the door by the hand. “I'm way ahead of you…I already plan on sending the twins and Shippo with Sango when they leave…that is if you can tolerate being away from them for a few hours.”
“Well…since there's still plenty of daylight left I think I can handle it…beside I wouldn't want the pups and the runt to see you graveling.”
Kagome just laughed. “Yeah, yeah, come on. The sooner we go in the sooner they can leave and I can start graveling.”
*****end memory
Kagome came out of the memory with her face flaming as she remembered how bold she had been that day. Inuyasha had been as impatient as ever and within an hour was pushing their guests out the door with a warning that if Miroku and Sango let anything happen to his pups he'd have their heads. Before the door shut good he had turned to her with a passionate gleam in his eye. Kagome had proceeded to run around the sparsely furnished house laughing in delight as her husband chased her.  For the first time in a while she had felt young and carefree again, until he'd finally caught her in their bedroom.  They'd spent the next three hours christening the house with their love. That had been another one of the happiest moments in her life. She had ended up delivering her third child in that house.
“Ma why are you so red?  Are you hot? Maybe you should get form under the blanket. Here let me open the window.”
Kagome didn't try to correct baby girl since she was already at the window.  She gave a sigh and watched as Takara opened the window that Chikako had just closed. That was her baby girl for you…so much like her father.  She always took action first, instead of getting all the facts.  Kagome blushed again as she realized she had been so gone in her memory that she hadn't heard Takara knock and come in.  Then again since it was Takara the girl probably hadn't knocked before bursting in anyway.
“Come here baby girl and have a seat by me.”

”Blah ma. When are you going to stop calling me a baby?  You're the only one who does it and in cause you haven't noticed I'm all grown up now.” Takara gave a pout much like her fathers and came to sit next to Kagome.
“Can't help it you'll always be my baby girl.”
Takara rolled her eyes before flipping her long silver hair behind her head. “Yeah, yeah I know, me being born last and all. Are you coming down for dinner soon? All the pups are getting hungry.”
“Hmm, you mean you were getting hungry?” Kagome said knowing her youngest daughter's nature. Only Takara's stomach was bigger then her mouth.
“Uh, I might have had a pack or two of ramen to tide me over.” Takara admitted as a guilty blush stained her cheeks.
“It's okay you can't help it just like your father, you love those things.”
“Ha, I'm not like the old man, he'd eat ramen everyday if he could, even if you offered him steak.”
Kagome knew that Takara liked being compared to her father.  She idealized him. Takara was the optimum “daddy's girl” if ever there was one. Takara had been the first of the children to come out looking anything like Inuyasha.  The only thing she'd inherited form Kagome were the shape of her eyes and stature. So where her older sister's were taller Takara was only as tall as Kagome. She had Inuyasha hair coloring and the planes of her face were shaper not as rounded as her mothers. She was really quite beautiful in her proud canine demon features. Her temperament had surely come from her father. She was the feistiest and head strong of Kagome's daughters.
“Takara…you know you've grown into a splendid young woman.  I'll admit you had me worried for a while that you'd always be a tomboy-“
“I am a tomboy!”
Kagome laughed at her indigent tone. “You are but a much more well rounded one.  You're so beautiful?  Did I ever tell you that?  You got the best from me and your father.”
“Maaaa…I'm not beautiful.” Takara was put off by the comment. She'd never paid to much attention to her looks.  Being more interested in her brawn then her beauty. “Besides you're my mother you have to say things like that.”
“No, you know I don't say things I don't mean. Besides apparently your mate thinks you're beautiful.  I heard he got into another scuffle over you right before you guys came to this side.”
Now Takara scowled and heaved a sigh of disgust. “Who told you that?”
“I'm your mother…you know I have eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Well, it was no big deal, he was just being stupid as usual. Really pissed me off.  I've told him time and time again that I don't need him taking up for me, it undermines my position.”
“Cut him a little slack Kara.  He can't help it. That mongrel of a son-in-law of mine loves you and is possessive.  Remember men need to think we need them…part of their ego.  Let him have his fun cracking the head of anyone foolish enough to look your way for more then a second.”
“I guess. But I shouldn't have to stroke his ego, he does such a good job of that himself.”
“Aww, have I told you lately that being in love becomes you?”
“Ma cut it out!” Kara said blushing and hating it. “No one is in love with that baka. I only mated him so papa and uncle didn't gut him, since I had the lousy judgment of letting him rut me.”
“Takara…” Kagome said on a sigh. “Must you use that term?” Kagome was well used to her daughter's cruder behavior and language…yep she took after her father.
“Why mama? It's what he did. Besides you know you like a little rutting every once and a while.  Why I bet you and papa use to rut all over the-.” Kara started knowing it would get a rise out of her mother.
“Takara!” Kagome said sharply, but couldn't keep her lips from trembling in a smile. After all hadn't she just been thinking about “rutting” before her daughter walked in. “Your father and I…enjoyed each other…as mates should.”
“Righttttt…that's why you guys sent us to Aunt Sango's so much.” Takara grinned ear to ear as her mother blushed more.
“Okay enough young lady.” Kagome admonished as she smiled. Only baby girl could get away with talking to her parents like this. “We were talking about you.  You do to love your mate otherwise you wouldn't have saved him from death all those years ago.”
“Blah! I would have let him rot if I would've known what an insufferable ass he would be!”
“Hmm, funny I use to think the same way about your father that he was more trouble then he was worth.  You know they say a girl grows up and marries a man just like her father.”

“Really?” Takara gave a contemplating look. “Well I don't know about that, but when I mention what you said to my mate I'm sure he'll blow a gasket.”
Kagome and Takara shared a smile. Her mate and Inuyasha had never gotten along…then again Inuyasha had a problem with all his daughters' mates. However over the years Takara's mate had grown to respect and look up to Inuyasha. Both Kagome and her daughter knew the comment would secretly please the young demon.
“Anyway, I was so proud of you that day…for standing up for what you believed in.  You have a big brave heart, and I love you so much for it.” Kagome felt tears pricking the back of her eyes again.
“Come on mama no water works, you know I'm no good at those girly things.”
“I know…I'm sorry. And you are good with girly things, you took to mother hood as if you were born to it.”
Now a beaming smile spilt Takara's face. “Yeah, I like pups.  My grandson is so cute but he's so damn bad. I had to give him a shake or two earlier. Though it was mostly papa's fault for teaching him that move.”
“Yes, your father loves pups as much as you do.” Having pups was the only thing that had slowed Takara down…and then not much! “Takara…you know I love you right?” Kagome said suddenly serious.
“Huh?” Kara gave her mother a puzzled look. “Of course I do, why would you ask such a stup-I mean silly question.”
“Takara…I know you've always felt I thought less of you. That I thought you didn't act enough like your sister's or me and to much like your father, but that was never true.  You have no clue how pleased I was when you were born looking like Inuyasha. Your behavior only bothered me because you're my baby girl and I worried about your safety. You're a free spirit and I've always been proud that you turned out so brave, and confident and yes even head strong.  Never…ever think I thought less of you or didn't love you because that is just not true. Do you understand me?”
“Yeah mama I do.  Besides you gotta love me, I'm the baby.” Takara leaned over and gave her mother a kiss. Her mother was so tough that she sometimes forgot she was human, a very powerful human but still a human nevertheless.  As such she tended to worry more about what Kara thought of as trivial things. “Mama you don't have to worry about me anymore. I've matured a lot. And my pigheaded mate keeps me from doing anything to wild. I have him to take care of me now.  I'll admit it only to you, but I think he tamed me.”
“I think you tamed each other. You both were wild and unruly. I think you were good for each other. Okay, you are definitely your own woman now. A very beautiful and vibrant one at that. Just know that I love you and I'm proud of you. Now get out of here and go find that knot headed husband of yours and give him a kiss. Then find that even more knot headed brother of yours and tell him to come see me.”
“Okay and I love you too.” Takara got up and rubbed Kirara on the head before heading to the door. “I'll go find Jr.  I saw him sulking somewhere downstairs. I don't know about the kissing my mate thing.  He's shyer then papa when it comes to public displays of affection.”
Kagome just smiled, fighting the trembling in her lips.  When Takara got to the door she paused as if sensing something amiss in her mother and turned to look at her. “Mother don't worry about me okay.  I'm doing fine and plan to stay that way.”
“Okay…I promise not to worry. Now go on and get your brother.”  Baby girl gave her one more smile before she left.  As soon as she did Kagome let the smile slide from her face. She had told another lie today.  She would worry…she couldn't help but worry…that's what mothers did.
Kouga had stomped off to be alone with the devastating news and Inuyasha was glad to be by his self again.  He stood still in front of the old tree fist balled inside his robes as he fought to keep his emotions under control. They had known for six months that Kagome was dying. She had suddenly begin to faint for no reason and have pains in her chest eight months ago.  A visit to her modern doctors had concluded that she had some unknown disease that they'd never seen before. The pain had spread to the rest of Kagome's body and the attacks came more often. For two months they had lived with her sudden and frequent attacks.  They had told no one and two months to the day after the first attack her pains had stopped. Then Kagome had had a dream in which she had woken up silently crying. The dream had reveled to her that she was dying and why. She had been slowly losing her miko powers since. To date Kagome was the strongest miko the world had ever seen, the peace of jewel in her body had seen to that…and it was also what was killing her. Shortly after the dream they had traveled down the well and went to visit his brother Sesshoumaru in the vain hope that he would know of some remedy. The whole visit had been one long emotional roller coaster ride for him.
Sesshoumaru's hidden little castle was four days from the taijiya village, seeing as how they were in a rush, Inuyash in his full demon form made it in two in a half. Inuyasha had only been to his brother's castle a handful of times over the long years. His kids had probably spent more time there then he had.  At one time the lord of the western lands home had been a well kept secret.  Not anymore.  When Rin was eighteen Sesshoumaru had ceased to allow her to follow him on his wanderings. To her surprise he had taken her to his castle which Jaken had mentioned before but they had never traveled to. It was high in the mountains with two human villages within ten miles from it in opposite directions. It had been lightly staffed by toad demons like Jaken and kept up for the many years Sesshoumaru had been away.
Rin had not been pleased when she was told that she should find a mortal husband and have a real life. For almost six months Sesshoumaru had put his pride and distaste of humans aside and escorted Rin to the villages in hopes of attracting a suitor for her. At first the villagers had been filled with only, fear, hate and disgust.  Most had thought the story of the demon lord false since only the older generation had actually lived under demon rule. It had been more then 60 years since Sesshoumaru had been back to the area.  However the elders were not stupid and soon the townspeople behaved as was fitting, Which meant respecting and staying out of the demon lord way.  So at first none dared approach Rin. And some found it distasteful that she traveled with a demon of her own free will. Especially since it was obvious to see Rin's affection for her mentor and protector.
In time though Rin's exuberant personality, that had not faded over the years, won a lot of the people in both towns over.  It helped that Rin had grown into an extremely beautiful young woman. Her air of confidence and joy lent itself to her favor.  So finally Rin had suitors and after a few more months Sesshoumaru's intimidation had weeded them down to two. He left the final decision up to Rin. Sesshoumaru had told the young man that though Rin would be his wife she would still be under his protection. With that being said Rin and her husband had taken up residence in the demon castle. None dared show disapproval anyway for fear of death. Sesshoumaru had stuck around, though he mainly kept his self distant from those around him. As the years passed Rin had children and when she died her children had children and they all lived in the castle. Rin had turned the almost desolated grounds of the palace into a place teaming with flowers and colors. The fact that Sesshoumaru allowed this testified to the affection he had felt for Rin. So it was to a well kept and thriving castle that Inuyasha and Kagome arrived. Sesshoumaru of course had smelt them coming so they were expected when they arrived at the gate.
“Welcome Uncle and Anut, Lord Sesshoumaru told us of your visit if you'll follow me your room has been prepared. After you are settled we will get you something to eat. You must be hungry after your journey.” Inuyasha sniffed at the middle aged human woman before speaking.
“You are one of Rin's?” He said impatiently.
“Yes Uncle. I am one of Lady Rins granddaughters Akio. I believe I saw you once when I was a tiny girl, but it pleasures me that I get to see you again. Please come this way.” She led them in and Inuyasha took note of the many Inu demons roaming the compound and going about their tasks along with the humans and toad demons. He was not surprised since Takara kept them up to date on the progress of the Inu clan, how big it had grown. Those who recognized him bowed as he and Kagome passed. Most knew who he was and bowed out of respect for Takara father.  He and Kagome had made sure their daughter and her mate were on the other side of the well before they had come for this visit. Others could tell he was related to Lord Sesshoumaru, since their looks favored greatly when he was in full demon form and his smell did as well. Or it could have been all the energy radiating off of him. Only a few of the demons stared at them with hostile eyes and Inuyasha gave them back such a stare of repressed rage that they soon lowered there eyes in fear. He was in such a foul mood because of Kagome's situation that he was aching for someone to give him a reason to turn to violence. Once in the castle walls the unusually quiet Kagome spoke.
“Akio, it is important that we see Sesshoumaru right away? Please tell him it's…urgent.” Kagome said softly her eyes downcast.
“What could be so urgent miko, to bring you two here unannounced?” Sesshoumaru said blandly stepping out of the shadows.
“We need to talk to you now.” Inuyasha said through gritted teeth.
Sesshoumaru ignored him, his gaze locked on Kagome who was gripping Inuyasha's arm with one hand while her eyes still looked at the palace floor.  Sesshoumaru was curious at the miko's behavior. She always looked upon him with defiance or the occasional pity that he so hated to see. But not once in his presence had he ever seen her so meek. Now he spoke slowly and carefully. “I have matters to attend to, I did not plan to speak to you until later.”
“Bastard you'll damn well speak to us now. We do not have time for your little control games.”
“Remember Inuyasha…it is you who is the bastard and in my home no less…I would watch my tongue if I were you.  That is if you want to keep it.”

“I'll finish what I should have years ago and split your throat.” Inuyasha said just as calmly though death glared from his eyes.
Kagome tightened her hold on his arm until her knuckles turned white. Finally she looked up and met her brother-in-laws eyes. “Please…can we talk somewhere private?”
He nodded then turned to Akio. “We will be in the gardens though I am not to be disturbed. Make sure food and their rooms are ready for when we return. You may go now.”
“Yes Lord Sesshoumaru.” Turning Akio bowed to Kagome and Inuyasha. “Aunt, uncle, welcome again and I hope I get to see you soon.”
Sesshoumaru watched her head down the hall then turned back to his guests. “The gardens are down this hall then a left. After you two.” He motioned them forward.
Inuyasha just growled at him before heading down the hall. “Don't try having manners now you prick.”
Sesshoumaru didn't know what a “prick” was but assumed it was an insult his brother had learned from Kagome's time. “You little brother deserve no manners. I simple don't make a habit of turning my back on rabid dogs.” Sesshoumaru was speaking truthfully, he saw the barely concealed madness in his brother's eyes. Something must be seriously wrong.
Reaching the gardens Kagome quickly took a seat on one of the stone benches as she was mental drained. Inuyasha stayed standing but didn't let go of her hand. Kagome didn't waste time for she knew Sesshoumaru was not one for beating around the bush. Besides she just wanted to get this over with…from her dream she knew it was useless but Inuyasha had insisted they try…he would not believe the truth yet.
“I'm dying…the jewel inside my body...destroys me from the inside out. No that is not quite true, really it's my blood that kills me. Inuyasha thought you might know of some kind of remedy.”
Sesshoumaru did not question the truth of her statement and took it as fact. He hid his eyes with his long lashes as he thought for a few minutes in silence. “Miko what you say is unfortunate.  But as you well know you both have more knowledge about the jewel then I do. Can you not extract the jewel from your body?”
“No. The jewel is a part of me now, I finally absorbed it. At first the jewel only resided in me, but when I had my first pups a portion of the jewel was born into them. The more pups I had the less amount of the jewel remained in me. The vast remaining part of my half of the jewel went into our son who was last born. For Inuyasha and the children they absorbed the jewel, it flows in their blood. I believe my human blood kept me from truly absorbing the jewel like the others. I use to wonder why my pregnancies always affected my moods so drastically. Now I understand the jewel was separating and fighting to be absorbed by the children as they developed. Demon blood can more easily handle the power of the jewel.  My children are literally parts of the jewel themselves, though I don't think any of them realize it yet. They each have untold potential from the power of the jewel, it reside in their every muscle, every hair, every pore they have…it is them. Now I believe because I only have a tiny part of the jewel left that it can no longer control the (1)reiki energy in me and the (2)youki energy.” Kagome paused making sure Sesshoumara was following before continuing.
“Because of the strong miko energy I had at the time of my marking, I should not have been able to be marked by a demon. My power should have instantly purified demon blood so the mark would not take. However Inuyasha gave me the jewel first before he marked me and as I told you in the past he marked me as a full demon, with the powerful blood of your father. So the marking took. The Shikon no Tama as you know gets it power from a combination of reiki and youki energy that is why it can be used for good or evil. The jewel I guess refereed my reiki and Inuyasha youki energy from fighting to dominate the other. But as I had children and more of the jewel was taken from my body the less the jewel could control the two sides. Essentially my very blood is battling within me…and will eventually kill me. I do not know how much longer I have. I assume not much. The last majority of the jewel left my body almost 110 years ago with the birth of my only son. Recently my body was racked with pain for days on end…I believe the time is very close. Everyday I lose more of my reiki...I believe when it is gone…I will die.” Kagome finished her explanation on a slight winch as Inuyasha gripped her hand so tightly.
Sesshoumaru had not taken his eyes off her and now he slowly nodded. “You seem sure of your explanation…so why did you come to see me?”
“Inuyasha…we thought there was a chance you would know something. Either way you needed to be told, now you know.”
Sesshoumara read between the lines. His brother had been desperate and had thought to come to him. He turned his gaze to his brothers. “What would you have me do Inuyasha? Revive her with my sword once she expires?”
“Why the hell not?”
“You don't understand. The sword of life has a will of its own. It seems to only revive those whose life was cute short wrongly.  And even then it seems to pick and choose. I have no way of knowing if it would find the miko worthy.” Sesshoumara held up a hand as he saw his brother about to protest. “Plus if she was to be revived you do realize that her body would be cleansed.” He paused to try and let his words sink in. “She would no longer be marked.”
“Shit…still that is not a problem I will just mark her again.”
“You still do not get it.  The blade may even take away her miko powers plus the marking and your blood from her veins and as you know those things and probably the jewel are the only things that keep her in her current youthful condition. Your mate is over a 100 years old…when she came back to life she would look it. So even if you marked her afterwards that would be the condition that she lived in.” Sesshoumara paused again lowering his eye before he spoke. “That is why I did not revive Rin.”
Kagome stifled a half sob at the image and shook her head.  Inuyasha sat down and took her chin forcing her to look at him. “You know I'd love you no matter what you looked like.”
“I know…but don't you see.  I wouldn't want to live another 60 or 70 years in such a condition. I'd be an extremely old woman, I'd be a burden to you and the children and frankly I don't know if I could take it mentally. One day looking and feeling like I'm thirty and the next a century old woman.  It might have been different if I'd age over time, but to all of a sudden to wake up ancient…please don't ask me to do that to myself!”
“Damn it Kagome then what other choice do we have?”
She looked into his pleading eyes and told him the truth.  “None.  I will die. I'm human…I have been blessed to live this long. I've had you so at least I'll die happy.” She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss to his lips earning her a growl of frustration and despair. He let her go, standing up and turning his back on them fighting to control his misery. Kagome bit her lip wanting to comfort him…knowing she could not, so she turned back to address his brother. “I will die.”
“Yes you will…do your pups know yet?”
Kagome heaved a heavy sigh and stood up too. “No, we will gather them and tell them soon.”  She walked until she stood two feet from Sesshoumara and looked directly into his cool eyes. “When we do, they will not know the complete truth as I have told it to you. They will not know that their births took away the one thing that protected me from their fathers blood. I will not have them blame themselves or their father for my death. Nor will you tell them.”
“Why miko…is that not the truth?” He heard Inuyasha issue a low growl as he spoke his question.
“The truth…I've learned over the years is relative.  My truth is I would have given anything to be with Inuyasha. My truth is I would not trade the 125 years I have been blessed to spend with him for anything.  My truth is I would happily lay down my life 10 times over so that all my children could walk this earth. I regret nothing! The jewel has been good to me and served me well. I am a mother and will go to my grave a mother and even in death I do not want my children to hurt. And you Sesshoumara or anyone will not hurt them.”
“Understood miko…it shall be as you wish.”
“Thank you! I am glad you understand.” Kagome flashed the first real smile she'd had in days.
“Yes, I believe we understand each other very well...imoutosan(3). Besides I have not forgotten how over protective …and dangerous you can be when protecting your pups.”
Kagome's eyes widened then watered at the term he had called her. She smiled again and nodded her thanks. He had called her his sister…he had finally accepted her. “Thank you aniue(4) I think I will go in and rest now. I can find Akio myself.” She stated before Inuyasha attempted to follow. “Maybe while I rest you and Inuyasha can come to understand each other also.” With out another word or glance at anyone she turned and left.
The two brothers had been left alone to face each other. One with despair in his heart and the other with something close to compassion in his for the misery he saw in the others eyes. Sesshoumara stayed were he was when he finally spoke to his hot tempered brother.  “I would guess you find this form convenient to you right now.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Being a full demon with our fathers royal blood does allows one to more easily control their emotions.” Sesshoumara continued ignoring the out burst. “I can not imagine what you feel…nor do I want to.  Through that fools luck you have you somehow found a wise courageous and strong mate.  She has always shown much honor worthy of the blood that flows in her veins.  Will you now dishonor all that she is by giving in to your useless emotions? Your dread and despair will not stop what is to come. It will serve the miko no good.”
Inuyasha was in front of his brother in a blink of an eye, the dust was still rising as he went for his prey's throat. “You heartless piece of shit! It should be your life that is ending and I plan to see that happen.”
They stood inches apart, now the same height. One pair of eyes glowed red with the heat of anger while the other's was pale and calm. Inuyasha's claws were centimeters from his brother's throat and only Sesshoumaru's grasp of his wrist kept the deadly points from sinking in.
“I will not die today…nor will my death ever be by your hand. You have had more then 125 years with your mate. More then most demons have. Your miko has made peace with her fate. You must do the same. Emotion is wasted on the dead. Maybe you should focus more on the living. You are again lucky enough to have seen all your pups reach maturity and have pups of their own. Most demons and a lot of humans can not say the same.  Your concern might want to lie more with your pups instead of the miko.  She is strong. At one point I thought she was wise enough to mate someone equally as strong.  Will you prove her unwise? I hope for her sake and the pups that you can find the strength needed…otoutosan(5). Strength is needed not your useless anger.” Sesshoumara ended his advice by pushing Inuyasha ten feet from him. “Get your self together then go to the miko.  Tonight we will feast in her honor.” Turning without another word Sesshoumaru walked back inside the palace.
A shaken Inuyasha had stood there staring after him until the blood red left his eyes…until at last he transformed back into his normal form. Finally he whispered into the wind the thoughts from his heart.  “Aniue…you think your so damn smart.  Maybe you should tell me how to find peace when one's soul is dying?”
*****end memory
That had only been a couple of months ago.  When they had left Kagome had decided to up the family reunion and tell everyone of her fate at one time. He had done his best to be supportive and leave his anger behind but it was hard.   How would the kids react?  They were a close family…it would hit the kids hard.  He worried about Michiko the most…she did not handle death well.  Could he be the strength they needed when his own mind would be tormented by grief? How did one find peace when their soul was dying? He had yet to answer that question.  Now he had to be content with the few months or weeks he had left with her.  He had no idea if he could survive without her.
As she waited on her youngest to come she frowned.  After three girls she hadn't thought she would have anymore children much less ever have a boy. This child had also been conceived in the past.  Her mother had once said she believed that the baby had been a boy because the shadow of Kikyo had no longer been between them.  Kagome didn't know about that.  She just knew that had been the day Inuyasha had given his whole heart to her. Kaede had died and they had gone over for the funeral. 
They had stood in the clearing of the burial grounds with the rest of the village. Shippo was 18 the twins had been 9 and Takara was 4.  Sango stood gripping Kagome's arm as her boys of 10, 7 and 5 huddled around her. The rites were wrapping up and Inuyasha had been morosely quite. The only words he uttered since coming had been “I don't know why the old witch had to go and die anyway. Hell I thought she'd live to bug me forever.” Kagome knew he was hurting. That he had cared for Kaede in his own hidden way just like he'd cared for her grandfather.  Ugh the pain in Kagome's chest was too fresh. Her grandfather had just died two years ago and now a woman who had been like a grandmother to her had passed.
Suddenly a strong gust of wind had risen and most of the people looked around in confusion and she felt Inuyasha stiffen. The crowd started to part and soon Kagome with the others standing in front saw why.  Kikyo in all black her hair and robes blowing in the wind, was walking towards the pyre that held her sister.  Kagome closed her mouth from the shock of seeing her and took a good look at the fallen ex miko.  She had aged well for she had to be almost thirty but didn't look a day over 25.  She held her head high though her eyes meet none as she came to stand in front of her sister. She placed her hands on top of Kaede's and bowed her head in prayer.  We stepped back to give her some privacy, as most of the villagers quietly wondered away.  Kaede had mentioned from time to time that Kikyo was doing well in the next village.  That she took to being a school teacher and used her remaining miko powers only to help those in need.  Kaede had also told Kagome that she had never married…it was obvious that she would never move on from Inuyasha.
Finally she had lifted her head and turned to us.  Her delicate face drawn.  Ignoring us she turned to Miroku and Sango. “Miroku…Sango thank you for coming. My sister thought highly of you both.” She bowed to them in thanks and they did the same.
“It was an honor to know Kaede.” Miroku said.
“Yes, she will be missed.” Sango added.
Kikyo bowed again at their kind words and finally turned to Kagome and Inuyasha. The two women looked at each other for a moment then Kikyo finally bowed. “Kagome…thank you for your presence. My sister thought of you as a granddaughter.”
“I…she was very special to me also.”
Kikyo did not respond but turned to Inuyasha.  She did not bow to him but she did give him a small smile. “Inuyasha…Kaede would be surprised to know you came. I don't know why but she was always fond of you…even as a little girl.”
“Feh, the old bag of bones probably died just to spite me.” He said apprehensive about having his mate and ex so close.
When Kikyo's light laugh actually rang out Kagome's gut clenched.  It was creepy to hear Kikyo laugh…for any reason.  Kikyo however moved on until she stood in front of Shippo. “My…I see the kitsune has grown into a handsome young man. Do you still dislike me?” Shippo blushed then realized what he was doing and frowned. He was saved from answering when Chikako spoke up. 
“Do you know that you look like my mother?”
Kikyo bent down until she was face to face with the young girl and smiled. “I have been told that a time or two.”
“How did you steal my mama's face?” Little Takara stepped forward to ask pulling lightly on a string on Kikyo's hair.  Kagome gasped and was about to pull the child back when Kikyo laughed again.
“You must be Takara. The little one who looks like her father.  My sister told me of you.  Did it ever occur to you that maybe your mother stole my face?”
“No mama doesn't steal.” Takara replied with a definite shake of her head.
“Hmmm.” Was all Kikyo said. Kagome figured she was thinking that she stole Inuyasha. But how could you steal from a dead woman. Soon the rest of the children surrounded Kikyo and piled on questions? Like why she was so much younger then Kaede and other silly questions that children ask.  Kikyo took it all in stride.  Kagome had to admit she was very good with children.  Though after a few more minutes Kagome put a stop to the badgering.
“Children come away and leave Miss Kikyo alone.  It's rude to bother her so when she's grieving for her sister.”  The children seemed to realize that they were indeed still at a funeral and bowed their apologies before coming to stand by their mothers.
 Kikyo slowly stood up. “It was okay, they made me forget what day this was for a moment.  Children are always good for that.” She gave the children one more bittersweet look then turned to Inuyasha. “Can I speak with you for a moment Inuyasha?”
Kagome heard and gave him a quick smile before she turned her back and busied herself with the children.
Inuyasha and Kikyo walked a few feet away from the others.  When she looked up at him he saw that she had lost her smile and her eyes once again held grief.
“Look…Kikyo, I'm really sorry about your loss.”
“I know.  Thank you.  You have really beautiful children. I'm surprised though…no boy?”
“No. As you can see the monk got all the luck in that department.”
“Yes.  Still your children are beautiful.  They should have been our children.”
“Kikyo damn it, don't start.”
“I know…I have no right.  No claim to you. Has she made you forget me so completely?”
“Yes.” Inuyasha said with no hesitation and was surprised to realize that he meant it. He looked past her to his human friends, his human wife and his human god children. With all the dying lately he'd come to realize that Kagome was human… they all were and one day they would die.  It was a sobering thought that made him truly realize that nothing was more important to him then she was. “I'm sorry but it's the truth.  I have a mate and pups now. Nothing comes before them.  I have a promise and oath to protect them to keep.”
“Don't be…sorry that is.” She lifted her eyelashes to look at him “I knew the truth before I asked the question.  I guess I just needed to hear it again.  I have nothing left in this area.  I think I will soon leave it. I no longer have my dear sister. I have no hope of you. But I find my foolish self not being able to love another so I have no hope of ever having children either.  This place holds to many memories…more bad one then good.”
Inuyasha didn't know what to say didn't know what to do. “I…hell good luck Kikyo, where ever you go.”
She gave him a sad smile. “Thank you Inuyasha, may you continue to be happy as well. Unlike you, I will never forget you.” She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek before brushing past him. Inuyasha stiffened and with a thought transformed into a full demon.
Kagome knew it was stupid but she felt the twist of jealousy in her belly anyway when she glanced over just in time to see the kiss.  She watched as Kikyo walked out of the village the same way she'd come…silently. When she looked back she saw that Inuyasha was in full demon form. She pursed her lips and turned her back to his approaching form.  She knew already that he used this form when he wanted to hide what he was feeling. Had Kikyo gotten to him so bad he needed to cut himself off form his emotions?  What did he still feel for Kikyo?  Luckily it was time to send Kaede's spirit up to the heavens, as was done with all humans with spiritual powers of this era.  Afterwards Sango said it was time for them to leave.
“We must get back before dark. Are you coming back with us sister?”
“No Sango. I think we'll spend the night in Kaede's old hut then go through the well early in the morning.  Shippo has to get back to the university.  You guys should get going the sun will set in a few hours and you know what type of things come out at night.” Kagome said as she gave each of the boys a hug good bye.
“Don't worry aunt Kagome.  Any demon that comes for mother I will slay with my own hands.” Kohaku spoke up only to be ridiculed by Chikako.
“You will not.  You are not old enough to slay a demon yet.”
“I am too.”
“You are not.”
“I'm older then you.”
“So, you're still not old enough.”  Sango and Kagome shook their heads at the children's antics.
“That's enough.  Come Kohaku so we can get home before dark and we won't have to test the theory if your old enough to slay a demon or not.” Miroku called out.  As they walked away Chikako broke into a rare smile and despite the indignity of it stuck her tongue out at Kohaku.  The boy was so surprised that for a moment he didn't know what to do.  Then he smiled and stuck his tongue back out at her.
“Come on Sessa, show some respect.” Shippo said hitting her lightly on the head as he turned with Takara on his back and headed toward the village. As Shippo led the kids to Kaede's hut for dinner Kagome turned to a silent Inuyasha.  “Are you coming?”
“Go head…I'll be there in a minute.”
Kagome nodded, her eyes worried before turning and walking away.
The sun had set hours ago and the village had settled down for the night. The kids were asleep and only Shippo was up reading one of his textbooks by candle light.  He had gotten his good study habits from the remembered days of Kagome having her nose in a book.  Kagome sighed heavily for the tenth time.  This time Shippo heaved a sigh of his own and put his book aside.
“Mama what's wrong?”
“Nothing.” She said standing up. “I'm worried about your father, it's late.  Maybe I'll go look for him.”
“It's Yasha, he's fine.  Did you two have a fight or something I don't know about?” Shippo asked standing up.
“No, no fight.  I should just go check on him.  I think he's taking Kaede's death hard.”
“Geez, mom I'm not five anymore so you don't have to lie to me.  It's about Kikyo isn't it? You think he's upset about seeing her again.” 
Kagome whirled around and stared at him in surprise. “I'm sorry it's habit.  I keep forgetting that you're a grown man now. But I wasn't lying we didn't have a fight…I'm just worried because your father doesn't take the death of those close to him well. Plus it's not like him to leave us alone for so long.” Kagome answered avoiding the topic of Kikyo.
“We're in Kaede's village, no demon has attacked here since after you first arrived in this era all those years ago. Plus newsflash mama I'm a grown demon now. Pop knows I can protect you if someone was lucky enough to sneak past him in the first place.  You should relax and get some rest. We leave early in the morning.”
Kagome didn't waste time arguing against Shippo's logic she just used it to her advantage. “Well then since it's so safe you won't have a problem with me leaving and looking for Inuyasha.  You of course stay here and watch over the kids, or better yet get some sleep.”  Before he could protest she swept out the door.
Fifthteen minutes later Kagome wished she'd grabbed her jacket before rushing out. Though it was only early October the nights were beginning to be quiet chilly. She rubbed her arms from the chill and frustration. She had yet to see Inuyasha and without thought she found herself going wherever her feet took her. Now as she stopped and took stock of where she was at a tiny smile lit her face.  She was at the little spring where Kaede had brought her for her first bath on this side of the well.  She remember well how Inuyasha had openly looked at her while he still tried to figure out how she could look so much like Kikyo and not be her. This thought had the smile slipping from her lips. There was that name again…slipping in-between them.  Kagome hadn't thought of Kikyo as a threat since the day Inuyasha marked her.  But today it had only taken a short conversation with his ex for Inuyasha to distance himself from her again.  Hell for all she knew he had ran after her just liked he'd use to also. “Damn you Inuyasha and damn her too.”
“You are such a stupid girl.”
Kagome slowly turned to stare at him. Her intense focus on the past and her building anger must have made her miss the tingle in her neck. She noted that he had conquered whatever emotion was bothering him for he was back in his hanyou form. “If you must call me stupid then at least call me a stupid woman.  I think I deserve the upgrade after bearing three of your children.”
Inuyasha didn't answer just frowned as he pulled up along side her. “Is Kikyo the reason that you're out here all by your self freezing in the dark?”
“No, I'm out here looking for my inconsiderate husband who I haven't seen in hours. That's why I'm out here freezing my ass off.” She kept her arms around herself, suddenly extremely hurt and angry by his actions and words.
“I needed some time to myself.”
“Apparently. Never mind that the kids and I might be worried about you.” Kagome turned her back on him only to have him whip her around and enfold her in his arms.
“Kagome…I swear to you it had nothing to do with Kikyo. How can you even think that after all these years?  You and the pups are my life.” He tilted her head up so he could look in her eyes. “You are my life.  I thought you knew that by now.  You give me purpose to be in this world…without you I'd be nothing.”
“Inuyasha…” Kagome said breathless.  Inuyasha was still mostly inept with words and rarely verbally expressed his feelings so she was shocked at this sudden declaration of need. She pushed against him until her hands were free then cupped his face. “I'm sorry…sorry that I doubted you even for a brief moment.  I know you love me and I love you with everything I am. I swear to you that I'll never doubt you again for as long as I live, never!”
“Don't say that Kagome.” A brief pain crossed his eyes. “Just say forever instead, that you'll love me forever.”
“Okay then forever. I'll love you forever and trust you forever.” She leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Pulling back she asked. “Do you forgive me?”
“Feh stupid woman there's nothing to forgive. Just don't make a habit of wondering around outside in the dead of night.” Inuyasha admonished her, before switching subjects. “Do you remember the first time we were here?”

“Yes that's what I was just thinking about. How you were gawking at me while I bathed. You were more of a pervert then Miroku that day.”
“No I wasn't…but I might be now. Let's go skinny dipping.”
“What? You're crazy that water's probably cold as hell. Besides what if someone sees us?”
Inuyasha gave her a devilish smile and squeezed her waist tighter. “I can think of plenty of ways to warm you up. And no one is stupid enough to be out this late but you.”
“Humph.” She pushed away from him and frowned at the water. “That may be so, but I think I'll stay my stupid ass dry and on land, thank you very much.”
“Suit yourself. I guess you have a point after all you are a grown woman as you pointed out. Way to old and prudish to be skinny dipping.  I've got to remember you've had three pups and you aren't the young pretty girl that I use to have to beat Miroku over the head to keep him from watching bathe.  Oh well…I guess we should go get you some sleep old wife.”
Kagome just gaped at him as the words sunk in.  Old…prudish how dare he! “Old and prudish huh?  I'll show you.” Kagome taunted reaching for the folds of her dress. “Last one in is a rotten egg!”
This was no hot spring and the water was freezing as Kagome rushed in trying to beat Inuyasha. “Ehhh!” She started trembling right away but it wasn't long before she felt a pair of arms come around her back and enfold her waist.
“Is that better.” She heard him whisper in her ear. A shiver raced through her body and it had nothing to do with the water.
“Yes…” She said breathless already. Kagome was already turned on. They didn't have sex nearly as much as she would have liked. It was hard to find the time and space when you had an overactive four year old and two pre-teen daughters underfoot.
“Are you sure? Cause I wasn't kidding when I said I could think of plenty of ways to warm you up.” He followed up his words by trailing one wet hand up to her breast and the other below water across her stomach.
She gasped as the cool water wet her already budded nipple. His fingers playing with the top of her curls made her stomach flutter.  “Inuyasha…don't play with me.”
He slowly pushed her forward deeper into the water until the water lapped at the underside of her breasts. “Kagome I've never played with you.  All the feelings I've ever had for you have been real and just for you.” His fingers slid lower and parted her nether lips as his tongue licked her mark.  Kagome knees buckled and his hand had to leave her breast to encircle her waist and hold her up.  He smiled behind her back but didn't stop his sweet torture of slowly stroking her pearl as  he lightly bit her shoulder.
“I need you Inuyasha!” She was desperate for his touch, desperate to reaffirm their connection after such an emotional day.
“No Kagome I need you.  It's always been me that needed you.  And tonight I'm going to make you understand that.”  He turned her around cupping her face as she clutched at his non-existent love handles.  His golden eyes looked down into her brown ones and saw all the love that he ever needed staring back at him.  “I love you so much.  You are my woman, my wife, my mate…my Kagome.”

“I love you too.” Kagome almost cried with the emotion that was inside her.  She needed an outlet soon or she would fall to pieces.  He seemed to sense that for he suddenly swooped down and assaulted her mouth with a hungry kiss. Kagome returned his fervor and pressed closer to his firm body. She slipped her tongue between his fangs as his hand pushed her stomach into his ready manhood.  She heard a low growl before her legs were swept from under her.
 “Float on your back.” He got out from behind his clenched teeth. Kagome saw the lighted passion in his eyes and relaxed her body and did as she was told. For a moment he just looked at her, a vision of beauty as she floated atop the water and the moonlight bounced off her curves.  Then with another growl of desire he pushed her further in the water as he walked forward until his chin touched the surface.  Kagome was silent as he stalked towards her, though she could here her own heart beat in her ears as the blood of anticipation rushed through her body.  Inuyasha's blood was boiling.  She was his…his alone. Nothing and no one would ever take her from him. If he had to go to the underworld and fight death himself he would.  He slowly spread her legs and walked forward until his mouth was at her center. He heard her gasp as his intentions became clear but he just smiled before he set his lips to folds.
“Oh Inuyasha!” Kagome was lost at the first lap of his hot tongue.  He was skilled as he fought a sensual war with her body. In no time she was withering and would have sunk if he hadn't put a hand underneath her back. The feel of the cool water against her body seemed to be a conductor to the electricity his tongue and fingers caused, thus driving her crazy. The cold wind blowing across her puckered nipples only increased her pleasure and having nothing to dig her hands into she found herself grabbing her own breasts as he continued to love her.
Inuyasah never tired of her sweet taste on his tongue. A mixture of musk and woman that was all hers. He never tired of the arousing whispers of ecstasy she made in the back of her throat that drove him insane. He groaned with need as he watched her massage her breasts. Having pups had enlarged her breasts permanently and oh how he loved to suckle at her as if he was a new born himself. For now though he focused on his task of bringing her to a peak.  He circled his tongue in her heat, trailing it down her center until he reached her opening. He licked at the slick insides before driving his tongue into her.
“Yes! Please don't stop.” Kagome was never to proud to beg when it came to receiving his touch. Her fingers pinched her nipples as his mouth revisited her clit and swirled it from left to right before gently sucking on the pearl. She jerked her hips forward only to feel two of his fingers inch into her constricting passage.
Inuyasha loved to finger his woman. There was nothing better then feeling the hot slick walls of hers and knowing that soon he'd be sheathed inside her…every single each of him. He was breathing in water through his nose but he didn't care. If he drowned he'd die happy. But he didn't want to die…he wouldn't be denied the chance to have her this night.  So he backed up slowly into more sallow water. When he felt her shiver and call out his name he gave her one more long lick from her spilt to her clit.
“Please…” Kagome got out as her whole body shook.  He knew what she wanted…what she needed…he needed it to. Quickly he pulled her up out the water and to him, her legs going to their favorite place…around his hips. In one stroke he planted his long, hard as steel penis into her welcoming walls.
Kagome clutched his shoulders and threw her head back letting out a long howl of joy.  They held still as her bliss echoed over the water and land. It was only when she brought her head forward and looked into his eyes that he started to move. Lifting her by her smooth wet thighs only to let her ride his shaft back down.
Kagome felt the icy wetness from her hair plastered to her back and shivered even as the inferno inside her built.  His amber eyes glinted in the moonlight and she wanted to feel him inside her forever. Her lips were full and parted as she tried to grab in air and she flicked her tongue out to wet them only to have Inuyasha growl and slam her hips down onto him.  She hollered and grabbed him to her, pressing him tight. Oh how she loved the feel of him deep inside her womb. Only the gods knew how much she loved him.
Inuyasha flicked his tongue out and lovingly licked his mark. When she clenched around him he did it again and again, until she was digging her fingernails deep into his back.  With an animalistic growl he fisted her hair and jerked her back until her breasts were presented to him.  He heard her gasp in shock but he also smelled her increased arousal and heard the blood pumping through her heart. He dipped his head and roughly grabbed a breast taking as much as he could in his mouth and sucking. He let her hair go to re-grab her hip as he started to pound into her.
Kagome couldn't do anything but whisper and keen as he took her body. And she gave it freely…opening her body to every thrust. Pressing his head to her chest and encouraging him to nip at her nipples. She didn't now what was up or down which way was left and right, all she knew was his throbbing length as it slid in and out of her.
Inuyasha slid his hands down to clasp her buttocks as he devoured her breasts. Grabbing her cheeks he spread them opening her entrance to him even wider as his thrusts became harder and faster.  He wanted to be so far inside her that he lost himself and all his worries for the future.
Kagome couldn't breath and didn't care as she felt him slip even deeper inside her. She groaned with lust as his movements quickened sending her clit into a frenzy of delight as it rubbed against his unyielding abdomen. “Yes, yes yes!” She chanted as if this moment was the answer to all her prayers.
Inuyasha was getting close…very close to losing it.  Giving the nipple he was sucking one last harsh bite he jerked away and pulled her head and body back up with one hand. His pace didn't lesson and fact it quickened he was strong and could easily hold and moved her with one hand. He held her head so that she had to look at him and bared his fangs. She whimpered loudly and he growled appreciating her submissiveness…but it wasn't enough.  Today he had been threatened with the thought of her being taken from him by death.  That could not be allowed. She was his! Glaring at her with passion, possessiveness and hurt anger at the thought of losing her he growled out. “Bitch your mine! Always and forever do you understand that!” 
Kagome saw his eyes flicker red as his words sunk in at the same time his manhood sank into her. “Yes Inuyasha, yes all yours forever!”  He only growled deeper but leaned over to lick her mark for being obedient in her words.  But he still wasn't satisfied.
“Say it again!” He ordered harshly as he sunk his fangs into her mark.
“Oh god Inuyasha!  I belong to you, only you!” Inuyasha had never reopened his mark in all their years of marriage. The feel of his fangs sinking in her flesh made her dizzy as the wound burned. The demon blood within her responded to the animalistic call of owner ship. His grip across her back was like iron and Kagome couldn't move an inch as he pounded up into her.  She could only open herself to what he gave her as he positioned his hips. She made indistinguishable sounds as the ability to form words left her. They were both wild and on fire, she was his and he was hers. While she wanted the ache deep inside her to end she didn't want to let him go, wanted to be joined with him forever. Finally she felt his thrusts become shorter and deeper and she knew he was close…she clenched her walls grabbing and pulling at him…yes so close…she bit into his shoulder as ecstasy filled her.
Inuyasha flung his head back, finally leaving her mark to yell his powerful release into the night. For what seemed like an eternity they stood there in the spring bodies clung to each other as they dragged in air, the water lapping at their bodies. Finally Inuyasha moved his head to lick the little blood from her wound. She shivered in response and kissed his neck.
“That was…incredible.” She whispered before licking his ear and causing him to shake.
“Damn it stop that…I'm not sure I have enough energy for another round I can barely stand up.”
“Now who's getting old?” Kagome teased.”
“Shit…you know you bit me!”
“So what? You bit me first beside you'll be fine.” She stroked his damp hair needing to touch him even though they were still joined.  Kagome didn't even feel the cool air around her, as the warmth from their love making kept her warm.
“Feh…so will you. Kagome we should probably…” He started, shifting her in his arms.
“What don't tell me I'm to heavy for you?  You really are getting old!”

”No, I just was serious when…” He was cut off when Kagome shrieked as his legs gave out.  They both flopped ungracefully into the sallow water sputtering.
“Well…that certainly cooled me off.” Kagome remarked dryly glaring at him.
“Hey it's not my fault; you shouldn't be so damn tempting. I told you I could barely stand after busting a n-.”
“Ugh, I get your point.” Kagome hurried to cut him off. Inuyasha had always had a foul mouth and cable and the playboy channel had only made it worse. “Come on lets get back to the kids.” She turned from him only to be hauled back and turned into his chest.  He kissed her softly then started into her eyes.
“Kagome I don't want Kikyo to come between us again…ever.  I love you.”
“I know. She never will…I promise.” Kagome blinked back tears then gave him a surprise shove. “Last one to the bank is a rotten egg!”
“Cheating wench!” Inuyasha protested as he landed back into the water.
Shippo was embarrassed and tired. All morning he hadn't been able to look at his mother with out blushing.  She seemed oblivious to his shame as she went around humming as she prepared breakfast.  Inuyasha wasn't helping any either as he sent Kagome smoldering looks every time he thought no one was watching. Well that's exactly what you get for snooping, Shippo chided himself.  Next time he'd listen to Kagome and do what he was told. He had meant to stay and watch the kids but she had been gone so long that he'd started to worry. He figured he'd spend no more then ten minutes making sure she was okay then come right back to the kids.  He had put down his book and left the hut quietly.  After not sensing any immediate danger near by he had quickly and quietly set out to find his mother. It wasn't hard finding her scent since he'd spent most of his life around it. He had quickly found it and even before he saw them he knew Inuyasha was with her.  He knew he should have turned back then but he'd wanted to hear what they were saying.  He wasn't stupid and he knew that his stupid old man must have upset Kagome somehow and he wanted to know what the ass at done this time. 
So he had peeked through the bushes only to have his eyes go wide. He heard his mother shriek as she ran into the cold water naked. Luckily her back was to him.  He blinked in disgust as he soon saw Inuyasha's bare backside enter the water and his arms go around his mates waste. “Great, there at it again. Ehh, I guess whatever it was they made up.” Shippo had thought to his self as his cheeks flamed. The smell of their arousal hit his nose next even though it was tampered somewhat by the water.  Shippo closed his eyes and wiggled his nose.  It wasn't the first time he'd smelled their scent by a long shot, but even though he was an adult with strong urges of his own he always found the thought of them together disturbing. He was intending to walk away when he heard Kagome cry out in pleasure.  His eyes opened and he couldn't help but wonder what Inuyasha could have done that quick to cause so much pleasure.  Shippo couldn't help his self he was curious. Despite his best efforts he was still a virgin.  The majority of his humans friends had lost theirs years ago and he couldn't help but be embarrassed that he still had his.  He had finally come out of his musings when his parents started an intense kiss and he'd figured he'd seen way to much as their scent of arousal spiked.  He had quickly gone back to the hut feeling like the biggest pervert in the world for spying on them.  Of course he couldn't go to sleep after that.  So he had lain awake most of the night tossing and turning as lewd thoughts raced in his head.
Now they were making their way to the well.  The girls were far in front with Takara annoying her sisters, Shippo was walking a ways behind them and Kagome and Inuyasha was behind him.  Every once in a while he heard a snigger or a giggle come from behind him and he would flush all over again.  He could guess what his parents were talking about and why they were both in such good moods today.  He was so busy with his own wicked thoughts that he jumped when someone called out to him.
“Hey runt, come here for a moment.  I need to talk to you.”  Shippo cringed and turned to slowly walk back to Yasha and Kagome's side.
 “Yeah, what do you want.” He said failing to keep the blush off his cheeks.
Inuyasha just stared at him a moment before scowling, then he turned to Kagome. “Why don't you go check on the girls me and Shippo need to talk.”  Kagome looked confused and after a couple of looks between the two smiled and ruffled Shippo's hair as she walked past.  Inuyasha was quiet as he waited for Kagome to get out of hearing range then he turned and gave Shippo a frown.
“So did you get off on watching us last night?” Shippo whirled around so fast that he almost tripped over his own feet.  He should have known that Inuyasha would know he had been close by. “I didn't watch I swear I didn't see much of anything you've got to believe me.”
Inuyasha knew he hadn't seen much in fact he knew exactly when Shippo had left.  He had just wanted to make the runt sweat a little.  Now he finally broke out into a smile. “Relax I know you didn't see much. Why were you looking in the first place?  Were you trying to learn some moves from the master?”
Shippo breathed a sigh of relief now that he knew Inuyasha wasn't going to beat the crap out of him for spying.  “As if.  Besides if I wanted tips from the master I'd go to Miroku not you.”
Inuyasha snorted. “That pervert?  Anyway why the hell were you looking? You should have been with the pups.”
“Kagome had been gone so long I wanted to make sure she was okay. I knew you had upset her again.” Shippo rushed to defend his self and take the topic off his sexual peaking.
“Nice try.  Once you saw she was with me you should have turned right around. So that still doesn't explain why you stayed around for the peep show.”
“Uh…” Damn Shippo thought he could get away with it.
“Uh, is not good enough. What's the matter Shippo having problems with the ladies? Not getting enough lately so you had to spy on us.” Inuyasha taunted him. In reality he didn't want to know anything about Shippo's sex life. He had been relieved that the “school” that Kagome had made him go to had taught Shippo about sex when he was 14, taking the chore out of Inuyasha hand.  Now he would be happy if he stayed in the dark about the kitsune's sexual activities.  But he wanted to know why Shippo had been spying on them in the first place.
Shippo thought any minute now he'd turn as red as his tail. “I..uh…well.” Shippo muttered looking at the ground and shuffling along. “See I…oh the hell with it, I've never had a woman and was curious.”

”What! What do you mean you've never had a woman?” Inuyasha stopped in his tracks and fairly yelled.”
Up ahead Kagome stopped as she heard the outburst and turned around only to see Shippo with his hand covering Inuyasha's mouth. “Strange?” She shrugged then turned back around and continued walking.
Shippo wanted to strangle Yasha for his big mouth.  It was bad enough he was talking to him about this but he didn't need his mother knowing he was a virgin too. “Will you keep it down.”
 Inuyasha stared at him with a puzzled frown on his face. “Sorry.  I uh…oh hell I didn't know.  I thought…you know a couple of years ago that cute little kitsune girlfriend used to come by the house for you…and that day you came back smelling...” Inuyasha trailed off.
Shippo frowned and looked down at the ground. “Yeah well…we almost…but we didn't. She uh…wouldn't let me finish.”
Inuyasha had to turn away as his cheeks flushed. Damn now this was getting embarrassing for him. “Well…um haven't there been any others or even a human girl?”
“Well at school a month ago or so…I tried but…the same thing happened…she uh backed out.”
Inuyasha couldn't stop his amused chuckle and the sound earned him a scowl from Shippo before the young fox blushed and looked back down at the ground. Inuyasha relented. “Sorry, I couldn't help it.  From t.v. and movies I thought all humans your age do is rut at college.  I thought for sure that's what you were doing rutting all day and wasting our money.  I thought all the studying was just an act for Kagome.”
“What was act for me?” They both whipped around to see Kagome standing in front of them.  She had come back to see what was taking them so long.  Now they both stood before her with red cheeks. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Nothing.” Shippo rushed out, giving Inuyasha a pleading look. Inuyasha was going to play along until his evil side got the best of him.  He just couldn't give up this chance to goad Shippo. So he grinned evilly and turned to Kagome.
“Yeah nothing.  Shippo was just asking me some tips on how to he could get a girl to let him rut her.”
Kagome looked back in forth between them for a minute before slowly shaking her head. “Well in that case I think I better talk to him.”
“Hey! What are you trying to say?” Inuyasha said indignant.
“Well I'm just saying if he needs help with the ladies I should help him, otherwise with you it will take years before he gets some.” Kagome stated matter of factly. She almost embarrassed Inuyasha by telling Shippo that he had remained a virgin until they got together but thought better or it.
Though Shippo couldn't believe what he was hearing he had to smirk a little at her words and the scowl that was taking over Inuyasha's face. At least he wasn't the only one embarrassed today. “Ma…I don't need any help.”
“Sure you do runt. You just told me that the girls keep backing out on you in the end.”
“Damn it Yasha! Can't you keep your mouth shut about anything.”
Kagome saw Shippo ball his fists and glare at Inuyasha and figured she'd better diffuse the situation quickly. “It's nothing to be embarrassed about.  Look you probably just need to learn how not to rub them the wrong way at the end, no pun intended.  I'll be more then happy to teach you.”
“Teach Shippo what? Mama can I learn whatever it is that your going to teach Shippo?”
Three pairs of startled eyes turned to look down on little Takara.  “Takara!” Kagome stuttered. “Why aren't you with your sisters?”
The little girl pouted before crossing her arms. “They were being mean to me and told me they had grown up things to discuss. Now will you teach me what you're going to teach Shippo?” Like all little kids she had not been deterred from her original question.  All three adults blushed, before Inuyasha swept the little girl up in his arms and started striding away.
“You baby girl are never ever going to learn what your mother was talking about teaching Shippo!” Kagome and Shippo rushed to catch up to him as he spoke.
Takara looked up innocently at her father confused. “Why not papa?  I'm sure I could learn it and be just as good as Shippo at it.”  Inuyasha growled low in his throat as he heard Kagome and Shippo bite back laughter.
“You won't cause you're my baby girl and my body will be dead and dust before you get good at what we're talking about!” A tic had started in Inuyasha's forehead and Kagome had quickly tried to change the subject before Inuyasha lost it as thoughts of his little girl and sex could fill his head.
*****end memory
Kagome laughed out loud startling Kirara, who gave her a moody look before going to sit on the window seal. Inuyasha was the consummate overprotective father when it came to his girls. Three weeks later Kagome knew she was pregnant but unlike her other pregnancies she couldn't tell the sex.   This had bothered Kagome but not Inuyasha.  He had resigned his self to most likely having another girl.  Not that he minded. He loved all his girls more then anything. As the months went by the pregnancy was the worst she'd ever had.  She was sick all the time and her moods swung like a pendulum.  It got so bad that during one agreement during her fifth month Inuyasha had flat out told her that he'd chop his own dick off before they had anymore kids. Kagome had yelled back at him that he wouldn't have to if she did it first. Not surprisingly that very night they'd made wild love in the well shed while the rest of the family slept. And still she was sick as the month went on but late in her 7th month she did find out the baby's sex.
Her and Inuyasha had been sleep when Takara had tired to sneak into their bed.  Of course Inuyasha and even Kagome heard when she came in. However it was a game they played where they pretended that she sunk up on them.
“Mama wake up.” Kagome pretended to pull herself out of sleep and blink at the adorable little girl.
“What? What's going on?” Kagome asked in a whisper.  Takara little face frowned in a duplicate of her fathers.
“I think I heard a bad demon, I came to protect you and dad, so I need to sleep in the bed with you guys.”  She whispered back, her face deadly serious.
“Really?” Kagome face was serious too as she tired not to laugh.  She could feel Inuyasha chest heaving as he too held in his laughter. “Well in that case hurry up and climb in.  Be quiet so you don't wake your father, we wouldn't want him to get scared.”  Inuyasha snorted at her remarks as the little girl quickly climbed into bed.  Kagome snuggled Kara against her protruding stomach and settled down to go back to sleep. 
Inuyahsa's arms came around them both and the two females sighed in contentment.  Kagome always felt the safest when she was in his arms and she guessed that Takara did too.  She'd had every intention of drifting off but the baby had other ideas that night as it started to violently kick.  Takara noticed and started squirming. After ten minutes she gave a loud humph and turned around and placed her hands on the offending stomach.  In what she thought was a whisper she uttered. “Look little baby you need to stop moving.  I'm trying to guard mama and daddy and I can't do it with you kicking me. Now quiet down and go to sleep.”
The baby kicked a couple of more times then became still.  Kagome smiled in her sleep and was about to close her eyes again when a surge of power rushed through her body.  Tensing but trying not to alert Inuyasha she tried to focus in on the feeling.  She almost sat up in bed at the responding wave of energy she received as she focused.  The baby was indeed a boy, a very restless boy who wanted to be on the outside and wanted it now.  In the dark an excited smiled split her face.  Inuyasha would be so happy! He'd never once complained or commented on the lack of a son but she knew he wanted one…every male wanted at least one son. She was so excited that she almost turned over and told him right then.  She got herself under control and decided she would wait.  As she sat there thinking she finally made the decision not to tell him at all.  The baby would be here in little over a month and she wanted Inuyasha to get the surprise of his life.  Oh how she couldn't wait to see the look on his face.
It had been torture for her not to tell him. Though she almost let it out on several occasions she held it in.  It had been a few times where she almost let it slip out only to have to bit her tongue.  Finally the day came for the birth and Sango and her whole family were there along with all the girls. Miroku had watched over them as Sango and her mother had been midwives. After only six hours her mother pulled the screaming baby from her womb as the room descended in silence.  Kagome had gripped Inuyasha's hand tighter as she frowned worriedly down at her mother. “What? What is it?”
Both her mother and Sango where staring at the baby in shock then surprise. Her mother nodded that nothing was wrong and quickly went to clean the babe as Sango came out of her shock and took care of Kagome.  Inuyasha however could smell her mothers tears and his anxiety spiked.  She had never cried before at a birthing.
“Why the hell are you crying? Is there something wrong with the pup?”
Her mother merely shook her head again as she couldn't talk being she was so chocked up with emotion.  She now understood why Kagome had insisted on a red receiving blanket. This one was indeed special. Not only was he a boy but he had come out the womb with another difference. She was surprised that Kagome had been able to keep the secret from everyone, especially Inuyasha.  The baby had quieted some by the time she wrapped him in the cloth and she slowly walked over and held the bundle out to Inuyasha which was tradition.  “Nothing's wrong at all. I'm just so happy for you. Here Inuyasha meet your new baby…your son.”
The look on Inuyasha's face had been priceless. At first he had seemed confused as he held the baby in his two handed grip. Then surprise had filtered across his face followed closely by disbelief.  Kagome's own eyes had misted and she had shakily whispered. “Inuyasha bring him closer…let me see our son.”  That seemed to snap him out of the shock that was holding him.  Turning away from the others he sat down next to her.  Slowly his eyes left the baby and met hers and she saw something crack inside him. Joy filled his face and then he did something that she'd never seen him do since.
“Mother, Sango can you two give us a few minutes alone.” Seeing her mothers look of concern she went on to persuade them. “Please just a few minutes.”  Sango seemed to understand and took her mothers hand and gently tugged the older woman out the door.
Kagome quickly turned back to Inuyasha and ran her hand across his wet cheek.  He was crying. Though she knew the others couldn't smell tears like he could she knew instinctively that he would not want anyone else to see him cry.  She assumed that sometime in his life he had cried but she had never been privy to it. She felt her heart clench as she saw the happiness and wonder fill his features.
“Inuyasha…you have a son.”  He opened his mouth only to close it. He tried again but with the same result. As if she could read his mind she spoke again. “He's real. He's yours…ours.”  Inuyasha looked down at the silent but watchful baby and actually let out a small sob before he leaned down to touch his forehead to hers and spoke two soft words.
Thank you.”
*****end memory
Kagome had thought that Inuyasha would never let the little boy go. She had just known that her husband and son would be closer then close. Boy she had been wrong. Father and son always seemed to be butting heads. It seemed as if each year that her son grew Inuyasha distanced his self some more until finally their son had returned the favor.  She had tired so many times to count to get them to connect. With a sigh she shook her head. Of course it had been useless. They were two of the most stubborn men she knew, to much alike. She heard the briefest knock before the door was opened and she smiled as her son walked in.
Yep this one was a hand full. He walked in with his tight jeans and his tighter shirt and blew smoke from his cigarette in the air.  You could just make out his earring dangling underneath his unbound silver hair. He was a few inches taller then his father but other then that took after him in almost every way. She would have thought she was looking at Inuyasha if it wasn't for the clothes and his face being a little more rugged.  She smiled at him and in return he gave her a frown.
“What's up mother?”
“Nothing.  Put that cancer stick out. You know how I feel about those.”
“Why it's not like I can get cancer.” He said taking another deep drag to prove his point.
“Put it out now.” Kagome put sternness in her voice and after he mumbled a few curse words he put out the end out with his fingers and stuffed the offending thing in one of his tight jean pockets. Since his teenage years being stern and uncompromising was the only way to get him to do anything, otherwise he didn't take you seriously.  Her son lived for pushing the limits and breaking the rules. Heaving another sigh she waved her hand at him and told him to sit.  He took his time going to the window sill pushing Kirara over so he could perch on it. Again she couldn't help but think how much he looked like Inuyasha sitting there and she fought back tears that stung her eyes.
He looked at his mother reproachfully before muttering. “What did I do now?”
“Nothing that I know of yet. Can't I just have a talk with my only son?” He narrowed his eyes at her then turned his head to look out the window.  When his face darkened even more she knew he had probably spotted his father in the yard.
To distract him she asked. “How are things at the shop?” He was part owner or a motorcycle and sports car repair and made to order shop.  He ran the place while Shippo was a silent partner.  They both liked shinny things and the faster the better.  Mention of the shop seemed to relax him and the tension eased from his shoulders as he turned to look at her.
“Things are good…sales were up the last quarter and I just got this beauty of a chopper in last week.” He whistled softly a small smile on his face as he thought of the bike. “I can't wait to get my hands on it.”
Kagome laughed at the longing in his voice. “You would think that bike was a woman the way you're mooning over it.”
“Humph, a woman can't compare to that beautiful piece of steel.”
“I take it that you haven't found a new girlfriend then.”
“No.  I don't have time for women.  Hell I'm lucky I got rid of that last bitch.”
“Watch your mouth.”

“I didn't mean it like that.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes then let a tiny grin come through. “Yes you did…and I have to agree Alexander was a viper.  Still when are you going to settle down with some nice girl…you know someone who will improve your attitude.”  He curled his lip up at her before he replied.
“A viper is putting it mildly.  She was probably worse then most female demons.”
“Maybe…then when are you going to find a nice demon to mate with?  Demon, human it doesn't matter to me.  I just want you to find someone to make you happy.  Though if you want to find a female demon you'll need to spend more time on the other side of the well. What has it been a year since you've went over?”
“I don't need a woman…there all trouble.  I'm not going to let some woman turn me soft like my sister's have done their mates.  Besides I am happy and don't need a human or a demon woman in my life.  And no I haven't been over in a least a year.”
“Why?” Kagome asked softly though she already knew why.
Now he turned and looked out the window again frowning.  “Cause that era belongs to you and the old man.”
“It belongs to you too, it's part of you.” Kagome decided to let the subject go. “Well I think you do need a woman in your life. You're young so it's not odd that you've waited a while. You just have to find a woman you can focus all your energy on like you do your bikes.  Don't worry it took your father a long time to find a mate.”
“Don't compare me to him. We're nothing alike.”
“That's funny. Because from where I'm sitting your exactly like him.  Stubborn, obnoxious, bullheaded asses who somehow manages to make people like them.” She eyed him up and down. “Yes, from where I'm sitting you're exactly alike.  In fact you may even be worse then he is.”  That got him heated. Heated enough to spring off the window seal and start pacing back and forth, his clawed hands clenching.
“I doubt if I can be worse then that bastard!”
Kagome raised a hand and sent a whiplash of miko energy that would have rivaled Sesshoumaru's whip out and struck her son across the face.”  He bared his fangs and hissed in pain, his hand flying to the open skin across his left cheek. Kirara hissed at the display of power and stood on her feet in case she was needed.
Kagome's eyes glowed with her anger and the blanket started to float upwards with her power so she quickly fought to clam herself. “If I wanted to get out of this bed I would have preferred to smack you with my bare hand…it would have been more satisfying.  Don't ever let me here you talk about your father like that in my presence again!  Now come here and sit beside me, it's about time you were told a thing or two.”
He stood there in mild shock.  His mother had never hurt him before, for that matter she'd never physically disciplined him. She lectured and she yelled but she'd never hit him and with her miko power no less.  He knew he was wild and unruly and he was no fool so he also knew that his mother was no push over, she could have firmly put him in his place in many ways before this.  Apparently he had really pissed her off this time.
Kagome narrowed her eyes before hissing out. “You won't like it if I have to repeat myself.” He believed her and warily walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Her lashes were lowered and she whispered out. “Closer…so I can touch you.”  He moved until he was in arms reach and she finally looked at him her eyes pained.  Slowly she reached out and touched the open blistering gash as her hands glowed white. In a couple of seconds his skin was closed and only a faint lined remained, she knew even that would fade in a day or two. She caressed his cheek lovingly and spoke. “I didn't mean to hurt you…a mother never means to hurt her child.” 
His golden eyes were wide and he turned his head away, strangely ashamed. “It's alright.  I forgive you…I probably deserved it.”  He was surprised again when her fingers grasped his jaw and forcefully turned his head to look at her.
“I didn't say I was sorry so there's nothing to forgive and you did deserve it.  You are suppose to honor your mother and father not directly insult them.” She let his face go. “Don't turn from me again. You will listen to what I have to say.  I should have said it a long time ago.”  Kagome shook her head and sighed; finally she turned back and looked him in the eye.
“I meant it when I said you're like your father but in your case you don't have a reason to be the way he is.  You were raised in a loving family…yes loving. Your father is not the most affectionate person but he provided for you in all things.  He fed you, clothed you, trained you and taught you what you needed to know about life. That's a lot more then most humans can say their fathers did and a lot of demons have never laid eyes on theirs.  You have no clue the things your father endured in his life time, his trails and struggles; he has reason's to be jaded, crass and cold.  What the hell is your excuse? You know not a tenth of the pain and heartache that shaped your father but yet you condemn him without an once of understanding.  Don't you know how much he loves you?  How much I love you! When you were born my dream was answered. All I've ever done is try to protect you, love you and cherish you and the last couple of years you've treated me as harshly as you do your father?  What did I do to deserve that?”
He wanted to look away, but remembered her command from earlier and just lowered his lashes. “Nothing mother…you didn't do anything…I.”
“Never mind. Maybe it is my fault. I tried to counter the way your father treated you by treating you too softly, never putting my foot down.  I even made excuses for your behavior.” She tilted his chin up until he looked at her again. “When in reality you were just a selfish spoiled brat, mostly by my own doing.” She let her hand drop to clench the spread. “I just don't understand why you can't see how much your father loves you. How much he cares and protects you.” She saw the anger flare in his eyes again. “Of course you don't.  You were to busy only seeing what he shows you on the outside.  Both of you are baka's.  He'll never tell you but he has watched your back and saved your ass countless times. Yes I know he's a little hard on you but he could have been much harder.  You're his only son.  He had to teach you how to be tough, how to stand on your own two feet.  If something happened to me or your father you would be the head of the family…he had to prepare you for that.”
Now he snorted. “Feh nothings ever going to happen to father and as long as he's around nothing will happen to you.”
“Your father is not a god…he can't control fate.  Time is definite for me and even your father. Besides he needed to teach you to be a man…so one day you can raise and protect your own family.”
“I am a man and it has nothing to do with him.”
“Don't be foolish!  I did not raise an idiot!  You are not a man…your barely more then a pup.  A man doesn't sulk nor does he push away those who love him.  A man knows that the world is full of those who are against him, so he holds those who do love him close to his side.”
“Don't mother me.  You've hurt me with your behavior and just like a mother should never hurt her child, a child should never hurt their parents. Even so I have nothing but love for you.  We are a family, your family the only one you have.  Or maybe you would have liked to be like Inuyasha and not have a family at all?  Hmmm, would you have liked that better? To have a mother who died when you were five, a father you never knew and siblings who tried to kill you the majority of your life?  Is that what you want instead?  Your father's scars run so deep that no one can see them, sometimes not even he can.  Your father is complicated all I ask is that you try to understand him.
“Promise me!” Her hand now clenched his as if his answer was the most important one of his life.
“I promise mother.”  He saw her visibly relax and she slowly released him, closing her eyes and laying back.
“Good…you remember you promised me and you know what a promise means.”
“I know mama.” He smoothed the hair from her face and frowned, remembering all the times she had soothed him, god he was such an ass.  He had never meant to hurt her with his coldness…he had only been trying to protect his self but in doing so he had apparently hurt her badly.   “I'm so sorry mama…I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you…you've been the best mother a stubborn, obnoxious, bullheaded ass could ever ask for. Do you forgive me?  I promise in the future I'll try harder…with you and even father.”
Kagome opened her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks. “The future…yes try harder in the future and of course I love you and forgive you.  I've always loved you and always will no matter what.  Never doubt my love for you. All I want for you is to be happy.”
“Mama please don't cry.” He mental cursed, he couldn't stand tears. Though none of the women in his family cried often he still hated to see tears…it made him feel so helpless.”
“I'm sorry…I just worry about all of you…I…your all so young…so much to learn.  It's just so much I wish I could protect you from.  So much pain I wish you didn't have to feel…”
“Mama what are you talking about?  We're all okay.  I'm a little screwed up but I'll survive and I promised you I'd work on my issues with the old man, you don't have to cry about it.”
“I…you don't understand…but you will soon.” Kagome forced her tears to stop and pulled his head down to hers and kissed him on the forehead. “I'll be okay.  I'm sorry I cried I just love everyone so much.  Now get out of here.”  She gave him a little shove and he leaned back unsure if she was okay but he slowly rose from the bed.
“Are you sure you're okay?”
“Yeah I'm sure.  In fact go down stairs and tell everyone to start getting together because dinner will be soon.  Then I want you to go outside and tell your father it's time.”
“You mean tell him it's time for dinner?”
“No.  Tell him that I'm waiting for him up stairs and that I said `it's time'.  He'll understand.” When he just looked at her fuzzily she gave him her best smile. “Go ahead and go.”  She let him get to the door before she called out to him again.  “InuTenshi…you know I gave you your name for a reason.  When I looked into your eyes that shouldn't even been open I knew you were a miracle.  One thing if nothing else you should be proud to share with your father is his heart.  He has a big heart and so do you.  Remember he's not invincible. One day…maybe sooner then you think your father may need you to help him stand, to be at his side instead of at his back.” Her son went to speak but she cut him off. “Don't say anything…just take my words to heart. Now go, go go.”  She smiled until he closed the door and then all her energy left her.  Slumping back on the pillow she called for Kirara.
“Kirara come here girl.” She waited until she felt the cat's weight settle on her lap. “That was so hard and the hard part hasn't even begun.  But it's time Kirara…time to say good-bye.”
AN: Geez this was getting so long (48 pgs!) needed to cut it off or I'd never post, now I have to do a 5th chap ughhhh however it should be drastically shorter.  Don't worry I'll finish I have to keep going until I get it out my head.
1-reiki=human spirit energy the kind a monk or miko would have good energy.
2-youki=demonic energy the kind a demon would have, bad energy.
3-imoutosan=an honorable term for a younger sister.
4-aniue=an honorable term for an older brother. 5- Otoutosan=honorable term for younger brother
Thank you to all who read and reviewed.  This wasn't the happiest story but it really wasn't that sad.  I believe in being realistic (even with anime) and she has to die eventually. If your reading this then look for the continuation. Everything I put in this story will be important for the next, and it hints at other storylines and gives you previews of the children's personalities and mates. Again thank you and please review! The Summary for next story is below.
Title: Children of the Well-(Prologue and chap 1 is posted)
I/K, M/S ran “Out of Time” Now it's time for their children's tales as new adventures and romance unfold, on both sides of the well. If Kagome thought beating Naraku was tough wait until she tries raising pups! Come join our wise and mysterious story teller as she tells the stories of both sides of the well!. M/F, lemon, action, adventure, drama, angst, romance, humor.