InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ OUT of TIme ❯ Sands of an Hour Glass P1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: All Italic paragraphs are memories from their past. Important Author Notes at Bottom.
Out of Time
The Sands of an Hour Glass
Kagome was in the bedroom of her childhood, propped up in bed with some pillows staring out the open window. It was the beginning of October and a cool breeze floated in the room. The cool air felt wonderful as it floated across the mark on her neck. The season was nearing the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Ironic how the season's where so much like life…ever changing…yet forever the same.  She ignored the loud sounds and voices coming form downstairs as a peaceful smile spread across her face.  The sounds of laughter and talking were welcome to her ears. She lightly stroked Kirara as she lay by her side. Truthfully it felt good just to be in the house she'd grown up in again.  Though the house and lands had never left out of her family it had been many years since she had lived exclusively in the house. She had insisted on moving back here five months ago as the special time approached. So much had changed…then again time waited for no one. Time…it was funny but she'd had so much of it, that for a while she had thought hers infinite.  With a wry laugh she pushed back her mostly black hair from her face where the wind had blown it.  Now as she sat quietly she thought back through the long years of her life.
That day so long ago had been one of the happiest in her entire life.  After Inuyasha had made her his mate, her whole world had changed. When they had finally woken up she had did the best she could to sew up his pants as they had sat down and talked until she heard her family come through the front door. In a rush of kisses and promises of words to see each other soon, she had sent him out the window and down the well.  She had needed time to figure out how to tell her family what was happening.  She'd also needed time to adjust to the whole thing herself…there were so many questions left unanswered.  Over the next week she dealt with the changes taking place in her body.  She seemed to have more energy and her hearing, sight and smell had all become more sensitive and acute, though nowhere near Inuyasha's.  At first she had been scared, after all she was alone and couldn't talk to her family, but at night Inuyasha would come see her and she would share her concerns with him which helped a lot. Finally Inuyasha had grown tired of waiting and had appeared outside the kitchen window one morning while the family was eating. Kagome had known he was close before she saw him. Her mark would always heat up pleasantly when he was near. Her family had been surprised but happy to see him while Kagome had been highly nervous.
In his usual brash way he had walked inside telling her whole family that he needed to talk to them. He had told them flat out they were mated. Needless to say all the blood had drained from her mothers face even as it flooded her own. Her grandfather had reached for his never ending stash of mantra scrolls he always kept hidden in his robes and slapped five of them on Inuyasha before the half demon could move, while Souta had looked on confused.  Her mother had quickly sent her brother to his room and turned to address Inuyasha who by now was coved with the mantra's form head to toe. Only his eyes and hands still showed.  Kagome quickly restrained the one clawed hand as it was going for her grandfather's neck.  After twenty minutes Kagome had finally explained to them what being Inuyasha's mate meant and waited for her family's reaction. In the end it had taken her showing them her mark, which because of where Inuyasha had placed it was always hidden by her hair. Her mother could see how happy she was simply by being in his presence and besides she never wanted to see the heartache that her daughter had showed in the last six months. So with a resigned sigh she had given her blessing. Kagome's grandfather being a holy man was a little slower on resigning his self to the fact that his only granddaughter was bonded to a hanyou. However he came around since the deed was done and his scrolls didn't seem to be working on Inuyasha. But he insisted that a wedding take place as soon as possible. 
After more debate it was decided that it would be easier and safer for their friends form the past to come over to this side.  A date was set for a month in advance. They would be married on the next full moon when Inuyasha was human as not to confuse Kagome's friends on this side.  It would be held at the shrine and her grandfather would preside over it.  After it was decided her mother went into full wedding mode. Kagome asked a bored Inuyasha to stay a couple of days to finalize plans and at the thought of being close to her he quickly agreed.  They had decided that Miroku would be Inuyasha's best man and Sango her matron of honor.  Her friends from school would be her bridesmaids (which kept them from being to mad or suspicious at the thought that she was marring her punk mysterious boyfriend).  Shippo using a little of his illusion magic would be the ring boy.  Though it would be very small Kagome was happy with the arrangements decided after three days.  Those three nights had been bliss as she spent them in Inuyasha's arms. Though he had a guest bedroom he never slept or woke up there.  All to soon she'd to send him back to take word to the others so they could make preparations.  He was to bring everyone through the well the night before the wedding.  In the mean time her mother spent her days making the wedding and braid maids dresses.  By the time of the wedding Sango would be three and a half months pregnant and so her mother estimated her size and would do the finally alterations when Sango arrived.
The month quickly went by and school had started up again.  Together they had all decided that Kagome should finish her last year of high school since she had come this far. So she spent her days in school fending off the endless questions of her friends and avoiding the hurt and confused looks she received for Hojo.  As things happen in high school soon her impending wedding was all around the yard.  She didn't care that they gossiped about her, the dream of her life time was about to come true.  Not soon enough the time had come for her wedding, and two at a time Inuyasha brought their friends through the well. To Kagome's surprise and delight Kirara had refused to be left behind and was there also.  Later it was decided that since the ceremony would be outside that she in her smaller from could sit and watch by some bushes nearby and no one would pay her any mind.
When Sango came out the well Kagome had squealed and launched her self at the older women who while she didn't scream back she eagerly rushed into her friends arms. The two women were inseparable the rest of the night. So much so that Shippo had to fight for Kagome's attention. It was a long and happy evening as the group came together again and finally met her family. Of course they oohed and awed over all the new and strange things in Kagome's world but that was to be expected.  At long last it was time for everyone to sleep.  This would to be the only night that Kagome barred Inuyasha from her bed.  He was not happy but ended up finally sleeping in his guest bedroom with Miroku, while Shippo shared Souta's room.  Sango shared her room and the two women stayed up late talking.  Kagome could remember a piece of the conversation vividly even now.
“Sango…how does it feel…to be pregnant?” They lay next to each other on the bed as Sango stroked her slightly rounded stomach.
“Oh Kagome it's like nothing else on earth.  To know that something...someone is growing inside you. Even more knowing it's the outcome of the love you have with's wonderful.”
Kagome had sighed and smiled envying the warm blush that rose on Sango's cheek. “Wow. I'm so happy for you.  You and Miroku seem so happy.  I see that he still can't keep his hands off you though.” Kagome said referring to the many times the monk had touched his wife that night.
Sango had smiled and blushed some more, leaning closer to whisper in Kagome's ear. “The houshi is such a pervert...but it seems like since I've been pregnant…I seem to want him more myself.”  They had both burst into giggles and after finally getting themselves under control Kagome had become serious. “May…I…touch it?”
“Of course.” Sango said immediately knowing what Kagome was asking.
Kagome had hesitantly placed her hand over the extended belly covered by the thin nightgown. Her eyes had gone wide and a smile had split her face.  It had to be her miko powers but she felt a distinct energy coming from the baby. After a moment she was removing her hand as a spike of energy entered her brain and she jerked her hand away.
“What? What is it?” Sango had said concern written all over her face.
Kagome had been at a loss to explain at first as wonder filled her eyes. “I....I know what the baby is…it's a boy”
What a wedding celebration that had been! Not only had they celebrated the birth of Sango's and Miroku's first son but the long overdue unity of Inuyasha and her self.  Kagome sighed as she remembered the memory.  Those had been sweet days. From that day forth whenever she or anyone close to her became pregnant she had been able to discern the sex of the baby. It would come in handy when she bore Inuyasha's pups…the prides of her heart.
Inuyasha stood in the corner of the packed living room with his arms across his chest, a scowl on his face and his ears flattened against his head. He had chosen to wear the traditional garments of his red fire rat robes, as if he needed protection from the bunch of creatures he knew would be surrounding him today. The house was filled with humans, hanyou's and demons.  His ears twitched as a high pitched shriek of “he hit me!” came to him from across the room. At the same time he heard laughter come from the kitchen that was also filled with people. He turned his head to frown in that direction when he felt a pair of soft lips quickly brush his exposed cheek.
“Feh papa. Don't look as if you'd like to murder us all. We can't be that bad.”
Inuyasha turned to look at his youngest daughter, who at the moment was holding one of his great grandchildren one handed in the air by the back of the pups shirt. By his pout and folded arms Inuyasha took it that the boy was the offender who had caused the shriek he had heard a minute ago.
“Feh, your self. All this noise is going to cause me to go deaf.” Inuyasha stated before sniffing. The smell of the boy telling him that the boy she held in her hand was one of her own offspring's children, without even taking a closer look. However now he did turn to look at the boy, showing his fangs and giving the young pup a fierce look. “So it was you helping to make all that noise. I should split you open with my claws.”
The little boy looked at him curiously for a moment as if trying to decided if he had made a funny or not. He was in no way frightened of the man in front of him. Finally he shrugged with indifference far to advanced for his age and spoke as he still dangled in the air. “It's not my fault grandpa. I was just showin Molly the hitting technic you showed me last time you came to visit.” Morgan said in his broken toddler's speech. “It ain't my fault she a crybaby. She not suppose to cry cause she older then me.”  His declaration was promptly followed by his grandmother shaking him in the air.
“Damn it how many times have I told you not to do everything your great grandpa tells you?  Didn't I tell you he's just a senile old hanyou that doesn't know better.”
“Hey watch it pup.” Inuyasha said narrowing his eyes on his daughter who just grinned at him. “I'll still take you over my knee and make you eat those words.”
“You can try old man.” She lightly shook her grandson again. “I don't know what I'm going to do with this one it seems he's inherited more of your genes then fitting.”
Inuyasha snorted and turned his head away again. “That's kinda calling the kettle black ain't it?”
“Doubtful…I'm nothing like you old man.” She said brushing another kiss on his cheek before walking past him. She now carried her spoiled and currently only grandchild on her hip in a loving manner.
Inuyasha watched her as she carried the squirming boy into the laughter filled kitchen where most of the adults were. He couldn't help the small smile that spread across his face. Her comment amused him as they both knew that out of all his girls she was most like him. Being his youngest daughter she was of course spoiled and got away with more then most. His smile retreated as he heard something fall and break in the living room. Turning his face to appraise the damage he sighed in resignation. Great one of Kagome's favorite vases had just met the floor. Why everyone had left him to watch the horde of younger kids and teens he didn't know. It's not as if he had any control over them. Just when exactly had his threatening stare failed to intimidate a five year old pup? Feh…he guessed it was expected seeing as how he was always playing and fooling around with his grand and great grand pups. Maybe his daughter was right…he was an old man. Certainly today he felt old and tired. Then when it came to the kids he was mostly a push over anyway.  In fact the memory of Kagome's first pregnancy made him smile for real. He allowed his mind to drift back to that time as he ignored all the chaos around him.
He and Kagome had gone to visit the babe that Sango had bore Miroku. They'd been there for the birth and Kagome had even assisted the midwife.  That however had been almost three months ago at the end of March.  Kagome had only been able to stay for a few days as the last few weeks of her senior year were upon her. Now it was June and Kagome refused to wait any longer for another visit of her god child.  So Inuyasha had escorted her though the well and to the swelling Demon Slayer village.  They had decided to stay for three weeks and visit. Upon arrival Inuyasha was forgotten about as all her attention was directed on the child. The women paid little head to him or Miroku as they focused on the small pink and more often then not squealing bundle. Even Shippo abandoned them to spend time with the baby who he thought was fascinating.  Inuyasha was forced to spend the majority of his time around the babe with his ears flat and his teeth gritted. That evening as he and his old friend went to secure dinner for their wives, Inuyasha was moody as they sat on the bank of a near by stream.
“So Inuyasha how do you find married life so far?”  Miroku was truly interested in his friends answer. He had never been able to really see a future with Inuyasha settled and tamed…but if it could be done then Kagome was the one.
“Feh, its fine. Especially since Kagome is done with school. Though lately she's been worried about pointless stuff like getting a job and crap like that.  I told her I can take care of her but she won't let the subject drop.”
“Hmmm, well I'm sure it's important to her. Maybe you should listen to her carefully then.”
“Feh!” Was Inuyasha's only response as he spotted a fish and quickly speared it with his claws before tossing it on the bank.
Miroku had just smiled talking his friends silence in stride and minutes later caught his own fish with the end of his staff. 
Finally it was Inuyasha who broke the silence with a huge sigh of irritation. “So monk…how is it having the babe?”

Now Miroku sincerely smiled and looked over at his friend who was hunched down into a squat on the ground with a faint pout on his face. “It's wonderful…tiring but wonderful.”
Inuyasha heard the wonderment in Miroku's voice and frowned in confusion. “How can you stand it?  All it does is cry all the time and eat and shit! It would drive me crazy.”
Mirouk laughed and took a seat closer to his friend shaking his head wearily. “That's what they're supposed to do. Though I admit sometimes it's trying. Sango still insists on teaching the lessons with me and over seeing the needs of the villagers. I worry about her overdoing it…but so far we've managed.”
Inuyasha stole a sideways glance at the man beside him and without bothering to really think about it blurted out his next question. “She's strong, she can handle it. How in the world do you ever get any alone time with her,  with all that going on?”
“It's hard...but a perverted monk like me manages.” Miroku gave him a wink and Inuyasha just snorted. “Seriously though I wouldn't change a thing.  For so many years I talked about wanting a child...just so when I died my name would live on. But now it's different, having a child with someone I love…well I think it's more satisfying. I feel a pride that I've never felt.  I feel I have a purpose to live, even stronger then when I wanted to live just long enough to defeat Naraku. It is definitely an experience I am happy to have had. So even with all the crying and shitting as you put it…it's worth it.”
Inuyasha had sat silent… thinking over the monks words, before he finally stood up. “Still seems to me that it was more fun making the babe then having one.”
Miroku laughed and shook his head as he stood up and gathered his catch of the day also.  As they headed back Miroku slapped Inuyasha on the back. “It's not that bad, just wait until you have your own.”
When they got back to the hut Inuyasha had seen Kagome holding the babe lovingly in her arms, her face radiant as she looked down at the tiny figure. Right then something shifted inside him.  It was much later that night before Inuyasha saw Kagome again.  He had been in the woods in full demon form practicing with his sword since Kagome had still been enthralled by the baby.  He had not been long in the hut before she walked through the doorway looking tired but happy.

”Have you had enough of the babe for one night?”

Kagome waved his gruff manner away and begin pulling out her bed clothes from the small suitcase she had brought. “What do you care?  I could here you practicing all night.  They'll be lucky if there's any forest left when we leave.” Kagome had her back turned as she pulled off her shirt.  After months of marriage she was no longer intimidated in the least by Inuyasha when he was in full demon form.  It helped that she rarely saw this side of him. So far they'd spent the majority of their married life on her side and he'd had no reason or opportunity to turn full demon. “Besides I just find the baby so fascinating.  Don't you?” She asked turning around only to catch her breath at the look he was giving her.  His red eyes bore into her causing her to drop the nightgown she was about to put on.
Inuyasha growled and slowly stepped towards her. “Mate…the only thing I find fascinating is you.” Inuyasha wasn't only referring to her body but her smell. She was in heat!  She had explained her cycle and ovulating to him, though he didn't really care. In all his forms expect the human one he could smell when her body was ripe.  Right now her body was sending off scents that screamed “take me!” When he had mentioned her being in heat previously she had talked to him about how they needed to be careful or she'd get pregnant and they'd have pups before they were ready.  She'd also told him she was on something called “birth control”.  Though later she and her mother had thought about it and decided that birth control might not be strong enough. They'd reasoned that his sperm along with everything else about him would be more potent then a humans.  So during the time that she was ovulating Kagome made him where what she called a “condom” if he was in his hanyou form which he was most every night when they went to sleep.  Inuyasha didn't care for the things much but didn't complain since it was a matter of days that he had to wear them out the month.  All this flashed through his mind as he stopped inches in front of her. “You're in heat.” He said quietly.
Kagome swallowed hard and tried to breath. Inuyasha hadn't taken her as a full demon since the night he'd marked her. She felt the power radiating from him and shivered from anticipation. “Inuyasha…wha-.”
He cut her off by asking. “Where is Shippo?”
“He…he's staying in Miroku's hut…I couldn't pull him away from…the baby.” She stuttered out as he ran his clawed hand past her mark then down to her breast.”
“Prefect.” Inuyasha said his intent clear as he snaked one arm around her waist.
“Wait!” Kagome half-heartedly pushed against his chest “I…we can't I forgot my time of the month was nearing and didn't bring any condoms as I rushed to pack…we can't.”
“You're still on that birth control right?” Inuyasha asked as his hands were already pushing her pants past her hips, he still had no patience for buttons and zippers. Truthfully he didn't care. With her scent this close and her body in his hands all he could think about was having her beneath him.  Frankly he thought he was showing considerable constraint by not ripping her pants to shreds.
“Yes but…you know that might not…ohhhh Inuyasha!” Kagome lost her train of thought as he slid one dangerous claw… feather light across her clit. Her head fell back as her hands clenched his robes.”
“Kagome…” Inuyasha lowered his face and flicked his longer tongue out to lick his mark as he slowly pushed a finger into her. “You wouldn't deny me…would you?”
 Kagome's only answer had been to whimper and kiss him. He had wasted little time as he'd brought her body to a fast boil lowering them to the futon. When he felt she was ready he had turned her on her knees, pulling her up, spreading her legs wide as he impaled her from the back. That night he'd taken her roughly and long into the late night spilling his demon seed inside her over and over again.
Three weeks later with their visit ended they had been back in her era and Inuyasha had been sitting in the living room with the rest of her family watching the box with pictures they called T.V.,  while Kagome was taking a bath.  They were quietly enjoying an action flick, which he liked the best because of the violence, when they all heard a surprised shriek come from upstairs. Inuyasha ears had flattened but he hadn't been concerned until another un-identifiable shriek had followed.  He had been about to go investigate he he'd heard the pounding of Kagome's footsteps coming towards the steps.  He sighed and figured he'd learn what was wrong soon enough. Her brief tantrums were well known to all the family, so not even Shippo raised his head from his coloring book at the sound.  Besides the movie had just gotten good as things started to blow up, so Inyasha settled back down. So he was caught totally unprepared as he felt the pain crash down on his head. Along with the rest of the family he'd turned to see a furious Kagome, dripping wet with only a towel around her as she raised the bathroom scale in the air intending another blow.
“Hey what the hell was that for!” Inuyasha screamed as he blocked the next whack.
“You baka! Now look what you've done! Oh how I wish you still wore the charm beads!”
“What? What did I do?” He threw up his hands in a show of confusion and Kagome took the opportunity to bring the scale down on his head again.
“Owww. Damn it Kagome!” He said shielding his head and growling low in his throat. These were no playful love taps she was raining down on his head. Her family didn't know whether to laugh or try to stop her, as they watched her. “Stop hitting me with that damn thing.”
“No you baka! You've gone and done it now! You've gotten me pregnant and with twins!”
Inuyasha blinked up at her stupidly as the words sunk in, though his brain was trying to push them out. “Pregnant…twins…” He said with wonder and disbelief in his voice right before she brought the scale down again.  He had passed out and no one was ever really sure if it had been the scale connecting with his skull or the shock of the news his wife had just given him.
“What are you grinning at you baka?”

The voice snapped Inuyasha out of his musing and he automatically reached out to rap the speaker upside the head. “Mind your manners runt.” Though Shippo was still annoying he was by no means a runt. He actually stood a couple of inches taller then Inuyasha. Shippo and Inuyasha's oldest daughter had walked up beside him.
“Yes show father some respect for once.” She said rapping Shippo on the other side of his head and giving her father a small smile.  Inuyasha smiled back surprised by her playfulness. Out of all his children she was the most serious.  Her relaxed side rarely showed. The one person who could bring it out easily was her mate. Inuyasha glanced back to the kitchen's door way and wasn't surprised to see Miroku's first born watching them. He gave the young man a half snarl half smile and purposely pulled his daughter close to his side.  His daughters mate was a possessive bastard and even after all these years Inuyasha hadn't quite forgiven his godson for taking his oldest daughter away from him.

Shippo rubbed his head but smiled, amused by the silent war still being played out between the two men. When was the old man going to let that bone go? “No fair, it's two against one, I'm gonna go tell.”
“Go ahead and tell Kagome…you always do you little runt.” Inuyasha muttered as Shippo walked away, preparing a sob story to tell. Inuyasha twitched from the remembered times Kagome had “sat” him because of one of Shippo's sob stories.  Boy had those been the days.
Inuyasha realized his daughter had been calling him and he let her go stepping back from her.  She wasn't prone to affectionate embraces and in general neither was he. “Yeah what is it.”
“Why are we all here today?”
Inuyasha avoided his daughter's eyes. She had always been the most perceptive, and in her own way the most stubborn as well.  “Your mother wanted everyone here…that's all.”
“Father.” She said in her sternest tone. “But why?  This is not our usual family reunion time.  It's to early for that.  Why did mother move it up?  Is something going on with mother…tell me!”

Now he whipped his head around to glare at his daughter. “Your mother wants you here and that should be good enough for you damn it. If all of you have to stay in this house for seven days you'll do it if she says so, now leave it be!”  He turned away from her and shouldered his way past her mate to the kitchen and out the back door before any of the surprised people could say a word.
Kagome chuckled and scouted further down in the cover's.  It really wasn't a cold day but the outfit she had on was breezy, especially in her old age. Yep…she wasn't a spring chicken anymore.  No, now Kagome had children of her own, who had children of their own.  She still remembered her first pregnancy.
She had been relaxing in the tub enjoying a bubble bath, letting the tension drain from her body.  She had been cleaning her self and remembering her visit with Sango and the baby the precious little boy.  At the thought a shock of electricity had gone through her body.  Kagome had become still and looked down to where her hand was washing.  Her hand had been on her stomach. Just looking at her stomach had caused another jolt of power.  She had slowly focused in on the energy and after a couple of minutes it came to her where she had felt this type of energy before…when she had touched Sango's stomach.  She had shrieked in surprise as the realization that she must be pregnant sunk in. In shock she had continued to rub her stomach in astonishment trying to focus more on this new phenomenon.  The energy was much stronger then when she'd touched Sango…much, much stronger. She'd frowned and tried to connect with the energy…and connect with it she did! Shrieking again she had been furious and panicked as she'd stomped down the steps with the scale to beat the living crap out of Inuyasha.
Twins…who would have thought her and Inuyasha's first kids would have been twin girls. And what a pair her babies had been, identical in looks and almost opposite in personality. Oh how she had loved her first pups, all four of her pups had been special. But every mother will tell you there is nothing like holding that first child, in her instance the first two children you ever had. Kagome turned from looking out the window as she heard a soft tap on the door.
“Come in.” Kagome watched as the red headed young man walked in the room and a smile split her face.  Her true first child had just walked in the room. Shippo.  It was harder to believe that he was all grown up, even more so then the kids she had bore from her own body.
“Hi ma, I'm I bothering you?” Shippo asked bashfully.
“Never. Come in and have a seat. I see your father has been abusing you again.” Kagome remarked looking at the lumps rising on her poor boys head.
“Yeah, Yasha and Sessa were ganging up on me. Don't worry though I handled them.” Shippo said referring to his oldest sister by her nick name.
Kagome smiled as Shippo used Inuyasha's nick name.  Shippo was the only one Inuyasha allowed to call him that. “I knew you would…my brave little Shippo.” Kagome's voice wavered as emotion filled her.  Shippo was instantly leaning towards her trying to comfort her like he'd always done.
“What's wrong ma? What did I say?”
“Nothing…you didn't do anything.  I'm just a little emotional is all.  Having you all around me always makes me feel this way.”

”Why?  Having your family around is supposed to make you happy, not sad.”
“I am happy…I just. Well you know that there was a time that I never would have dared hope to be with your father…much less be witness to the wonderful family that has grown from us.  I…it just gets overwhelming sometimes.” Kagome felt her eyes welling up and Shippo immediately smelled the salt.
“Please mother, don't cry.” Shippo couldn't stand to see his mother distressed even after all these years.
“Shippo…would you do me a favor?  A big one…it would make me so happy.”
“Sure mama, anything.”
“I know it's silly, but it was always so reassuring to me.” Now it was her turn to look at him bashfully.  “Could you transform into a little boy…so I could hold you like I used to.”
“Mama!” Shippo exclaimed his face reddening as he stood up.
“I know strange…but maybe you could just go back to when you were 10 or 11…please Shippo.” She said quietly, hoping against hope that he would comply. 
“Ah geez…how can I say no when you're looking at me all pitiful.  Just for the record I think this is extremely odd for a man my age to be doing this.”
“Thank you Shippo!  I know it's odd, but who cares.  You'll always be my little Shippo.” 
Shippo shook his head, realizing that in her eyes he really would always be that little scared, lost kitsune that needed protection. With a sigh he closed his eyes and concentrated.  First he shed the illusion that made him look like a human man.  So now his high pointy ears and big red bushy tail were present.  Next he overlaid that with a illusion spell and soon Kagome saw an 11 year old Shippo who was only four feet tall standing in front of her.
“Oh Shippo…my little baby…come here and just lay with me for a couple of minutes…please.” The aging Kirara jumped down to allow Shippo room as he did what he was told and soon found himself embraced against his mother's left side.  While he was still feeling ridiculous he had to admit that he felt soothed the instant he laid in her arms.  Kagome held him tight and squeezed her eyes shut as she thought about all the heartache and danger she had gone through with the boy in her arms.  Her little Shippo….her first child.
It had been her wedding night and the celebration had mostly come to an end.  Her friends from school had left and it was just her family and the gang who were staying until the next morning.  Miroku had taken Sango off to bed, for the long hectic day had tired her out. Her family had also turned in for the night and it had been just her and Inuyasha. He had ran back into the house to get her something to drink and Kagome had been walking aimlessly around the back yard, touching the flowers and decorations as a content smile played on her face. 
She was thinking what a wonderful and prefect day it had been when she heard the sniffles.  They were very faint, but her shaper hearing, through her marking, allowed her to make out the soft sounds. Following the sounds she had found a crying Shippo on the ground holding tight to Kirara.  He had been so absorbed in his grief that he hadn't heard her approach until sinking down she wrapped her arms around him from behind.  He had jumped but she'd only held him tighter.
“Shippo, what's wrong?”

”Shippo it's me.  I thought we were good friends.  Friends don't lie to each other, now tell me what's wrong.”
“No, I don't want to be a big baby and ruin your day.  I'm okay.” He had hiccupped squeezing the fire cat harder. Though it was clear that Kirara was being squeezed to hard she didn't try to escape, sensing the young fox demon's need.
“Come on, you'll only ruin my day if you don't tell me what's wrong and give me a chance to make it better.  You know I don't like to see you upset.”
“But Kagome…I don' know if you can fix it.  I'm just sad is all.  I won't see you anymore…and I won't even have that idiot Inuyasha anymore because now he'll live with you all the time.  And Miroku and Sango won't want me in the way now that they have there own child coming. It's just that everyone is leaving me!  I'll be all alone again…just like when my father died.”
“Oh Shippo!” Kagome had squeezed harder and Kirara had finally had enough, jumping out Shippo's arms to sit next to the pair. Kagome had lowered her head to the little fox's head of red hair and tried to sooth him. “Don't you know that I'll always care about you and so will the others.  Inuyasha gave me a gift.  Half of the jewel, just so I could come visit you.”
“But it won't be the same! Inuyasha won't play with me and teach me things like he has been these last months.  He almost acted like he liked me.  And Miroku and Sango are so busy with the village and training that they don't have time for me anymore. That will only get worse when the baby comes. Plus I miss sleeping with you at night....Inuyasha wouldn't let me cuddle. He said that's for babies and that guys didn't do that anyway.”
“Poor Shippo!” Kagome couldn't help but laugh as she stroked his hair. “None of that is true.  You know Inuyasha likes you! Why do you think he messes with you all the time, it's his way of showing that he cares. And yes Miroku and Sango are busy right now, but they would never stop needing or wanting you around.  In fact when the baby comes I'm sure they'll expect you to help out a lot with the child.”
Shippo had finally turned his head and looked up at Kagome. “Really…you think they'd let me help with the baby?” He'd asked eyes unbelieving.

”Of course.  Your almost eight now.  They would expect you to act as a big brother to the baby.”

“Wow!” He had exclaimed only moments later to have his expression turn bleak again. “But Kagome, I don't have a family or siblings…I won't know how to be a big brother.”
“You do have family.  We're all your family. And don't worry about it.  All you have to do to be a big brother is protect and love the baby.  Then when it's older you get to boss it around and pick on him.”
“I wouldn't pick on the baby or boss it around like Inuyasha does me!  I'd be nice to him all the time.”
“I just bet you would cause your so sweet.  Now do you feel better?”
“I guess…but I'm still going to miss you.”
She had leaned down close to his ear and in a stage whisper had said. “Let me tell you a little secret.  I've missed sleeping with you at night too!  Oh Shippo don't you know I love you so much.  As much as if you were my own son!”
“You mean it Kagome?” He had said quietly looking up at her again.
“Of course I do.  Remember friends don't lie to each other.”

“Well I love you to.  My mama died when I was just a baby so I never had a mother…but I think you make a prefect mother.  You're nice to me and give me sweets and bring me toys. Plus you protect me from Inuyasha and mama's are so suppose to protect their off spring.  Plus you're really pretty.  Mother's are suppose to be pretty too.”
“Why thank you Shippo that means a lot to me.” Kagome had found it hard to keep the tears from her voice.  They had sat there in a moment of silence until Shippo spoke again.
“Kagome…if you love me like a son…and I love you like a mother…then why can't you be my mama…why do I have to go away again.”

Kagome had been at a loss for words as her heart constricted. “Shippo….I don't know if that would be best for you to live with me here, though I would love it if you did, truly I would.  Then there's…well I'm married now.”
“Don't remind me.  You're married to the idiot…and no matter what you say sometimes I don't think Inuyasha likes me all that much…he can be so mean to me.  And no matter what you wanted he'd probably never let me stay around now that you guys are mated.”
If Kagome hadn't been so absorbed in both her and Shippo's heart break she would have noticed the warmth in her mark a long time ago. However all she felt was a whoosh of air as an arm came from no where and hit Shippo on top to the head before she felt a body wrap it self around her back.  Arms soon followed and wrapped around both her and Shippo.
“Don't be such a baka Shippo.  Why would I care if Kagome kept you around for amusement or not.” Inuyasha had said nonchalantly.
“Seriously, you wouldn't mind if Shippo stayed with us.” Kagome had asked love filling her heart for her new husband.
“Like I said I wouldn't care. I've gotten used to the little runt following us round. Plus I promised you that I'd look after him and protect him no matter what. Besides he's actually gotten good at some of his tricks, he might be amusing after all.”
Shippo had squirmed until he could look at Inuyasha hope in his eyes. After all he knew what a promise of protection from Inuyasha meant…look what it had meant to Kagome. “So I can stay with you guys forever!”
“Yes Shippo for as long as you want.” Kagome had smiled and rustled his hair.

”Can I even call you mama Kagome.” Shippo asked timidly.
“I'd be honored if you did.” She'd let a tear drop only to have Inuyasha quickly wipe it away.
“So we'd be like a real family then.” Awe clearly in the young kitsune's voice.
“Now wait just a minute don't go thinking of calling me your daddy. Cause I'd never produce an annoying, hyper, cuddled runt like you.” Inuyasha had said giving Shippo a black look. 
The kitsune seemed to have his spunk back and had simply smiled up at the human Inuyasha. “That's fine with me. I'd never want a stubborn half-breed baka for my father anyway.” He said before sticking his tongue out.
“Why you insolent brat.  You need someone to teach you some manners!”

And just like that their little family had been formed.  Inuyasha had spent the next couple of minutes chasing Shippo around the back yard trying to pound him as Shippo gleefully yelled out “Mama help, Yasha's picking on me.”  From that day forward Shippo called her mama and Inuyasha “Yasha” with the occasional “pop” over the years.  Kagome had watched so happy with all the day's events that she thought her heart would burst.  She had finally got then to stop by yawning.  Inuyasha seeing her tiredness had quickly caught Shippo and walked over to her.  Without asking he had scooped her in his other arm and with the power of the jewel jumped all three of them up to her bedroom widow.  Her first married night had been spent with her husband and her son.  Inuyasha didn't even complain…much. Just gave Shippo one last thump before they all laid down.  Kagome had been happy to see Shippo go to bed with a smile on his face and a lump on his head.
Kagome's mind came back to the present and she loosened her hold on Shippo. Caressing his hair one time before she pushed him away.  “Thank you Shippo.  You can go back to normal now.”  Shippo complied but stayed sitting next to the only mother he had ever known as she held his hand.
“Shippo, I'm so proud of you. You can never imagine how much I love you.  I was so proud to have you call me mama…so proud to call you my son. Please don't ever forget how much I love you. And never forget how much your father loves you. He would give his life for you, just like any other of his pups.  You've become a strong kitsune…you have your own family now…such beautiful children….remember to always love them with your whole heart.”
“Mama…is something wrong.” Shippo had never heard her talk like this and for some reason he couldn't name he didn't like it. “Do you want me to get Yasha?”
“No Shippo, I want you to be happy.  I'm fine seriously, I didn't mean to freak you out.” She gave him the best smile she could gather. “Now get out of here and let me finish resting before the family dinner.” She pushed at him gently.
He frowned but finally stood. “Are you sure mama that I can't get you anything?”
“Well…as a matter of fact you can do something for me.  Find the twins and tell them to come see me at once.” 
He smiled a little before answering. “Are those two in trouble?”
“Maybe…maybe not.” Kagome teased him. “Shippo come here again.”   Shippo walked back to the bed and at her prompting leaned down for a hug.  She kissed his head and slipped something in his hand.  When Shippo stood up he was holding a blow pop and he couldn't help but grin.  He had never gotten over his obsession with sweets.
“Thanks mama…you still know how to win me over.”
“Of course that's a mother's job! Now go on and do what I told you.  Close the door on you way out.”
Shippo looked at his mother one more time even though she had already turned her face back to the window and Kirara was back on her lap.
Walking slowly down the steps of his early childhood he frowned again even as he unwrapped the sucker and put it in his mouth.  Something wasn't right…but he couldn't put his finger on it.  Rounding into the living room he saw that the vase had been cleaned up and that Yasha was no where to be seen.  Luckily for him though he didn't have to search far for his other query.  For he saw the twins leaning against the wall their identical heads touching as they leaned in close as they discussed something. He approached them sucking loudly on his blow pop.

”Shippo must you insist on being so rude and uncouth with the lolly pop.  For goodness sake sat a good example for the kids.”
“What do you think I'm doing Sessa?  I'm showing them how to properly eat one.” He had smacked on purpose for he knew it would irritate her.  Being a big brother did have its perks.
The younger twin shook her head at him.  She had known he was teasing her older sister…then again sometimes it didn't take much to set her off.  Now she spoke up. “Did you just come from seeing mama?”
“Yep Little Gome, I did.  In fact, she sent me back with a message for both of you to come see her at once.  I don't know what you did but she was unhappy about it.” Shippo added that last bit to further tease and torture his sister's.  He saw them turn to look at each other with identical frowns before nodding and walking pass him to the stairs.
Inuyasha walked outside to stand beneath the God Tree, trying to get his irritation and fustration to fade. He had a lot he was dealing with right now. He this had been in his younger days he would have lot it completely by now. But time and being a father had mellowed him some.  Reaching out he traced the pattern of his body that graced the tree.  Fifty years pinned to the same spot can leave quite an outline.  Had it really been a hundred and twenty five years ago that Kagome had freed him from his living death?  He glanced to his left and could make out Kagome's open window and knew she was there.  Again he felt old and tired, drained of energy and wouldn't have minded taking a rest on the ground right now. Though he didn't sink down to the ground after all, he was the leader of his pack.  Why in the hell they looked to him for guidance he didn't know.  Probably only because Kagome respected him and looked to him to guide them.  She had been the first person to show him true respect…to teach him self worth.  And today of all days he would not let her down.
He turned back to the outline on the true and smirked.  This tree had stood much longer then he but even it was starting to show its age.  Some of the tall branches seemed to stoop and even the fall colors of the leaves seemed a little dull.  He supposed nothing lasted forever.  He sure had seen enough death in his life time. He had seen foes and friends alike fall into death's waiting hands.  No matter how often he saw it, it didn't make it easier.
At first he'd had to watch Kagome's misery as her grandfather died.  There last pup hadn't even been born when the old man had passed away.  Kagome had tired to be strong for the children and her mother and brother.  But when night came she broke down in his arms.  Even he had been sad to see the old man pass. Over the eight years that he'd been mated to Kagome the old man had continued to try and purify him with mantra's.  It had gotten to the point where it was almost a game with them.  Inuyasha would wake up to find one stuck on his forehead, or the old man would put tons of them under his breakfast seat.  He had even gone so far as to put one in his bowl of ramen one day!  Kagome had had to threaten to purify him herself to stop him from ringing the old mans neck that day.
A little over two years later after Kaede had been stricken by old age and died peacefully in her sleep. They had traveled back for the funeral and Inuyasha had seen Kikyo for the last time. Her grief over her younger sister had been visible. In the years since he had rejected her she had not married, but had become a medicine woman and a school teacher for the village she lived in.  She had bowed to Kagome and played with their three kids. Right before she left she came and spoke to Inuyasha.  Their conversation had been brief and with a chaste kiss on the cheek she had walked out of the village of her birth never to be seen again. 
Some said she lived high in the mountains alone, aiding those in need if they crossed her path. None knew for sure but time from time rumors of the lone mountain woman who used to be a powerful priestess would float down to human ears.  Then years later the rumors stopped.  Inuyasha assumed it was when she'd died.  He never had gone to make sure. By that time Kikyo was a part of his past and no longer his responsibility.
Next had come Kagome's mother who at the early age of 50 had sub-come to a human disease called cancer.  Kagome had begged her mother to let her try and heal her with her miko powers combined with the jewel, but her mother had declined.  She had said she was happy. That she had lived long enough to see all four of Kagome's kids born and see her only son happily married.  The cancer had come quick and in three months time Kagome's mother had passed. He had felt the loss too. For the women who had brought his Kagome into the world. Plus her mother had always shown him kindness and acceptance. 
After the funeral Inuyasha let Miroku take his children back to stay for a couple of weeks, so Kagome could have time to heal.  Sango had stayed for a week trying to comfort her dear friend but with little success. For three weeks Kagome had barely eaten barely slept.  Finally she had snapped out of it and insisted that Inuyasha go bring her children back to her right away.  She had needed her family close to her.
Forty years later had brought her more heart break.  Souta who had been only 25 when their mother died ended up passing away at the tender age of 65, leaving behind a wife and three kids and a grief stricken sister. Inuyasha had also been badly hurt and had even shed a few tears for the young man who had always looked up to him as an older brother. Luckily Souta had chosen his mate well and when they were married she was told the family secret.  So over the years Kagome's and Souta's children had been able to grow up together as cousins should.  Even now one of Souta's children and a host of his grandchildren where in the house mingling with their extended demon family.
Less then ten years later when Miroku and Sango had been in their eighties the hardest blow to Kagome and Inuyasha had come. Just thinking about the time caused Inuyasha heart to constrict.
There's had been a friendship born of struggle and hardships…maybe that was why it was so strong.  Even after Naraku's defect their lives had stayed intertwined. They were the god parents to each other's off spring, insuring that their children grew up close almost like siblings.  Therefore one late evening when Inuyasha's oldest daughter, smelling of blood, had come through the well with news that her in-laws and god parents had been attacked and fallen ill, Kagome had rounded up those on this side and they had quickly gone to see the couple.

They had made it to the mostly deserted and damaged demon slayer village in record time as some of Kirara's kittens had been waiting for them at the well. Years ago horrible events had left only those faithful to Miroku and Sango's teachings in the once thriving town making it near empty now. Kirara had been glued to Sango's side and would not budge.  They had found the two old battered humans sitting up in bed together.  Sango gathered in Miroku's arms.  Kagome had dropped down on Sango's side of the bed and grabbed her dearest friend's hand.
“Sister are you okay? How can I help.”
“Kagome…there's nothing for you to do.” Sango said giving Kagome a pained smiled and squeezing her hand.
“What happened?” Inuyasha asked of the monk who had gone through thick and thin with him…helped raise his children.
“The village was attacked by a strong bear demon.  The attack was sudden and vicious.”
“Where the hell were you at?” Inuyasha angrily snapped at Miroku's oldest son who was standing by his fathers side coved in blood also.
“Inuyasha it's not the boy's fault.  I sent him and Sessa to a near by village to exterminate a rouge demon” Miroku's breathing was labored. “A messenger had come the day before and paid for our services.  He had described the demon as being very powerful and encouraged us to send our strongest warriors.  That of course is my son and Sessa.” Miroku broke off into a fit of coughing and Sessa who stood next to her mate picked up the tale.
“Father when we reached the town at dusk and inquired of the villagers where we could find this demon all we got was blank stares. They said they'd had no problems. It was then that we knew we had been tricked.  Just then I smelled the rat messenger who had lured us away. Of course I quickly caught him and in seconds he confessed that he was a human servant to the bear-demon. After killing him me and my mate rushed back here…but the damage had been done. Needless to say we then killed the beast.” Sessa said in a near emotion less. voice.
Inuyasha nodded. That explained the smell of human and demon blood on her. Turning back to Miroku he asked furiously.  “Damn it old man, why'd you throw yourself in front of the damn thing.  Aren't there enough slayers left in this town to handle it?”
“Inuyasha…I felt I had no choice. There were only two with enough skill in the village to even challenge the thing.  One died for trying. Our daughter's new born babe had been left in our care as she and her mate went on a holiday.  Also your grandchildren were here, the two younger ones.  They tried to fight and luckily were only thrown aside and not hurt. I ordered them to go protect the babe for their own safety.  I tired using the wind tunnel but the bear demon was to immense and powerful.  It knocked me down clawing me badly in the process and would have killed me if Sango hadn't hit it with her weapon.” Miroku loving stroked his wife's head before continuing. “The damn thing then attacked Sango and though she blocked him, a claw impaled her shoulder. Luckily these two showed up in the nick of time or we'd be gone.” Miroku nodded to his son and daughter-in law.
“But I don't understand why did the demon go through all that trouble to attack you.” Kagome was blinking fast to hold back her tears.
“Oh Kagome…you still don't see the worst in people. Even though we have gotten rid of the element of slayers that would kill alldemons it is not enough.  Some of the more powerful demons who before had minded their own are still frightened by what has been happening in the last years.  Some have made it their mission to hunt down the out-casted slayers.  We had news not that long ago that a good many have been slain by higher up demons. I suppose this bear demon thought this village still posed a threat.” Sango explained.
“Damn such closed minded people for bringing this on you!” Kagome had been livid fire shooting out of her eyes referring to the events that had started the divide in the village and almost broken one of her own daughter's spirit.  But moments later her eyes were filling with tears again. “Is there anyway I can save you? Please let me try.”
“No Kagome.  Me and Miroku are old…we have lived longer then most do in our era.  It is probably best that we go now…you and Inuyasha can't save us forever.” Sango had smiled and Kagome had finally let her tears fall.
“My Sango is right.  We succeeded in protecting the children until help arrived and that's all that matters.  We are getting old.  It must be time to die because lately I can barely make myself feel my wife behind more then once a day and she can barely get her hand up to smack me for it.”
That had brought surprised smiles to everyone's face and a blush to Sango's even in her pain. “Damn it, your even perverted when nearing death.”
“You wouldn't love me if I wasn't.” Miroku said proving his point by snaking his old wrinkled hand down to her bottom. She had only blushed harder but said nothing to deter him.
“Are you sure there's nothing I can do.” Kagome had pleaded.
Sango pried her eyes off of Miroku to look at Kagome again. “There is sister something you can do for us. Time grows short…at least for me, I've lost to much blood.  I won't see another sunrise. Go bring my daughter and other son to us so we can say farewell.
After being given directions on where the daughter had went on holiday with her mate Inuyasha went to fetch them. Their remaining son had already been sent a messenger and was in route.  Kirara sent another one of her kittens to intercept him and bring him back more quickly. In less then three hours all of the houshi's children and grandchildren surrounded the quickly fading pair. As night finally settled in, the already mourning family and the remaining villagers paid their last respects. They had both lost a lot of blood and seemed to be hanging on by a sheer will.  Finally they sent all the grandchildren out until only Inuyahsa's and their own kids remained.
“Inuyasha…Kagome…come here.” Sango rasped out.  Her old voice gone from giving so many words of good bye and advice. Inuyasha kneeled beside Miroku and Kagome kneeled by Sango. They each grabbed a hand of their dying friends. Now the long suffering couple made their final farewell's to the two people who had brought them together.
 Miroku went first. “Inyasha, you've been the best friend any man could have seeing as how you're a thick headed hanyou.  But I couldn't wish for a better friend…I didn't deserve a better one.”  Miroku was in so much pain that even talking made his face screw up.  “If it wasn't for you and Kagome I would have never met my Sango and I never would have lived past 30 with the hole in my hand.  But you both changed that. You brought the sweetest woman into my life and allowed me to live to an ripe old age and have children of my own and then watch them grow to have their children.  We are more then friends Inuyasha…though we've never said it out loud…we are brothers.  We raised our children side by side, helped protect and teach them. Please continue to watch over them like they were your own.”
Inuyasha had been stunned by the amount of grief that flooded his heart at the monks words. “Don't worry, I will…brother.” Miroku had squeezed his hand as one tear fell from his eye. “Damn it Miroku your more stubborn then me.  A blind man can tell how much pain your in.  Why don't you just let go or let me end it for you.”  Miroku had just smiled and releasing Inuyasha's hand, had wrapped his arm around a silently crying Sango. Miroku knew that Inuyasha offer of death was the greatest sacrifice the hanyou could make to his dying friend. It would be like Inuyasha chopping off his own arm. Miroku would never put Inuyasha in that painful a position, not even to ease his own death.
“I can answer that.” Sango said, turning her head and laying a soft kiss on Miroku's head of grey. “The houshi promised me right after we were married that he would not leave this earth before I did.  That he would spare me the pain of seeing him dead.  He said I had already laid witness to the death of too many I loved.  He is keeping his promise to me…even now.  Let me say my finally good byes so I can put my beloved out of his misery.” Sango turned back to Kagome and gave a small smile. “Sister of my heart…I am honored to have known someone like you.  When my heart had harden from Naraku's evil it was you that helped me heal…to see the good in people…to trust again.  It was you that helped dig my poor brothers grave with your bare hands because in my grief I pushed everyone else away.  It was you who taught me your era's “lamaze” and helped me push as I had my first child.  It was you who wept by my side when my second son was taken from me like he was your own.” Kagome sobbed out loud and squeezed tight to Sango's frail hand. “Kagome, my children are now your children, love them with your huge heart.”
“I will sister…I promise you I will until the end of my days. Sango I love you so much.  Know that you will be greatly missed.”
“Then may you live a long life! Good bye my sister” Sango gave Kagome's hand one more squeeze before she let go to hug her husband. However Sango wasn't through and after a long pause turned her eyes to Inuyasha who had helped Kagome up and held her in his arms. “Inuyasha…my sister's mate…my husband's brother…and dear close friend of my heart. Take care of our children of the well.  Protect them so that they may die of old age like their mother.  Don't let my sister cry to much for my death, for I  lead a long rich life. I…oh I can't do this, just take care of everyone!” She had turned her head to cry in Miroku's chest.  Finally when she composed herself enough she turned her eyes to her husband. “Miroku I don't have to tell you I love you…but I will.  I love you dear perverted husband. I look forward to spending eternity in the afterlife with you.”
“And I you my beautiful demon slayer”
“Though I'll only warn you once monk. When we get to the afterlife the same rules apply.  If I catch your hands wondering to any sprits back sides but mine I'll keep my promise to chop them off!”  The room erupted in subdued laughter. 
Even Miroku had to close his eyes as his chest constricted on his laugh.  When he opened them again he saw Sango's eyes were closed and a peaceful smile lay on her face…she was gone. “Sango…don't you know my hands are only for you…only for you.” 
Miroku had closed his eyes and held his dead wife tight, letting his tears flow. For long moments he stayed that way as the room filled with the noisy tears of the women and the quite grief of the men. Even Sessa had been moved to open tears as her god mother passed away.  Inuyasha had to support Kagome as she went limp. He tired to give her courage by whispering in her ear. “Remember the children.” That had seemed to help her and she had straightened up and cried silent tears as she remembered Sango's dying wish.  She had to be strong for the children.
Finally Miroku had opened his eyes and looked at them. “Well friends…I have nothing else keeping me to this earth. Kagome…you make Inuyasha behave…you're the only one who could ever control him.  Never let anything come between your love…not even death.  Children we loved you dearly. Carry on our name…and live by our teachings. You all have made me proud!” He gasped on a sharp pain and having no breath left for words turned his head back to Sango where he quietly slipped away.
The rest was somewhat of a blur for Inuyasha.  He had transformed into a full demon after Miroku slipped away.  The emotions he was feeling had been to much for him to bare. He had needed to distance his self from his pain.  He had hugged Kagome hard before stepping way from her.
“Will you be all right mate?”
“Inuyasha…I yes…yes I'll be okay but where are you going?”
“I will go prepare their graves.” He'd said emotionless.
“Uncle…I'll show you where. Mother wanted to be buried by her brother.” Miroku's oldest spoke his voice chocked. He referred to Inuyasha by the title his father had bestowed upon his godfather before his death.
“There is no need.  You forget I was there when we buried your uncle.  Your father and I threw the dirt on his grave.  I need no assistance. You stay here and watch over everyone.” With that he had left the crowded hut with out another word.  Reaching the grave markers that still stood even after all this time he had stopped and tilted his head to the sky as a light rain started to fall. His hands clenched into his palms, drawing blood from his razor sharp claws. With his eyes wide open he had cried tears of blood from his red demon eyes.
“How's it going dog face?”
Inuyasha came out of his memory slowly, needing the extra time to suppress the emotions the memory caused.  Finally he looked at the wolf demon standing by his side. “What the hell do you want Kouga, I'm not in the mood.”
“Okay mutt face.  I gathered as much as you tore out the house.  What the hell is your problem?”  Over the time spent fighting to defeat Naraku and over the years of peace the two had formed an uneasy friendship.  Kagome being the main connecting force between them. This was as close as Kouga would get to asking Inuyasha was he okay. One look at the hanyou's face as he'd pushed his way through the kitchen and Kouga had known something was wrong.
“What do you care.”

”I don't, just thought I'd ask.”
“Feh…nothing that you need to worry about.”  Inuyasha half snarled at him but then tried to rain in his temper.  Kagome had requested Kouga presence and as such Inuyasha would be extra nice to her guest least she hear about it and knock his ears off. “So…how are you liking the present?”
“It's different.”  Kouga said slowly, surprised that Inuyasha was being nice to him, which just furthered his suspicion that something wasn't right. “Lots of strange things over here.”
“Yeah well you get used to it after a while.” Inuyasha looked at the wolf lord who looked the same as the day he'd meet him. The shrine was still functioning but today they had closed it off to any visitors.  This allowed the demons present to be able to walk around in their normal form.  Though Kagome probably could have put an allusion spell on them or even Shippo, it was easier this way. Any human's present would be use to the demon variations so this way everyone was comfortable.
“I guess…I'm glad I won't need too.  Anyway I wanted to say thanks for inviting me and mine, this was a real treat.”

“Don't thank me. Kagome wanted you here…and Kagome gets what she wants.”
“Yeah, she does lead you around by your tail doesn't she dog boy.” Inuyasha growled at him but Kouga just laughed. “Well I'll have to remember to thank her again.” Now he became serious. “Tell me though after all these years why Kagome decided to bring me to her world all of a sudden.  We've kept in contact over the years.  But our lives both went in different directions after she mated you and I finally took a mate.  Why the invite now.”
Inuyasha looked at him silently for a moment then shrugged. “She wanted you here.  You made her your pack sister.  She wanted all her family here so that's why she invited you.”
“Yeah but I haven't seen Kagome in ten years!”
“Doesn't matter to her.  You accepted her as one of yours and she did the same to you. What are you trying to tell me, she's not one of your pack anymore?”
“Of course that's not what I'm saying.  We don't make someone a member of the pack lightly. Kagome earned her spot in the pack.  My oath stands that she is a pack sister and as such she will always be welcomed and protected as such.  Kagome will always be my pack sister…and my friend.”
“Yeah you just remember that's all she'll ever be to you.” Inuyasha said growling again to get his point across.

”Don't worry shit for brains…remember I have my own mate and cubs now.”
“Yeah you do.  So where is your mate? She was welcome to come.”
“Uh…wolf females once mated are extremely jealous. We're also one of the few demon species that mate for life.  She knows of my fondness for Kagome and decided it would be best if I came on my own.” Kouga said red faced.
Now Inuyasha laughed out loud.  “Right…so that's why she made you bring one of your cubs?”
“Of course not! My mate doesn't boss me around like Kagome does you.  My oldest son has always been fascinated with the stories of Kagome and wanted to come pay her a visit.  He hasn't seen her since he was knee high.”
“Yeah right.”
“Anyway enough of the bullshit…I want to know the real reason I'm here.  You may be able to hide it from everyone else, but I can tell when you really have a bug up your ass.  And Kagome was acting strange also.  What's going on?  What's wrong.”

”Nothing, now leave me the hell alone.” Inuyasha turned to go only to have Kouga grabbed his arm.
“Not so fast damn it. Tell me what I want to know.”

”Back off Kouga I don't have to tell you shit.” Inuyasha easily shook off his arm only to have Kouga push him. “I'm not playing with you Kouga don't test me, or I'll put your mate out of the misery of being bonded to an asshole like you.”
“I'm not playing either.” Kouga grabbed Inuyasha by the front of his robes and hauled him until their noses were touching. “You just said it.  Kagome is my pack sister and I have the right to know if something isn't right with her.” 
Inuyasha pushed Kouga hard sending him back four feet. “Fuck you Kouga. Kagome is my mate!”
Kouga heard the anger…and strangely the pain in the hanyou's words and backed off, staring at him for a minute.  Then softly in a beseeching voice he said. “I know that. Every day you should be honored to know that she is yours.  But she's my sister.  I just want to know if she's alright.”
Inuyasha didn't even realize that he was breathing hard as the conflicting emotions warred inside him.  The memory of Miroku's and Sango's death fresh in his mind he thought about Kouga's words.  Miroku had been his brother…and he would have felt the same as Kouga if someone had kept important information from him about Miroku. Maybe Kouga did have a right to know…besides he would find out before the day was over.  Stepping until he was less then a foot away from Kouga he spoke quietly.
“Fine you want to know…then I'll tell you. But don't say a word to anyone else or I swear I'll gut you.  Kagome….Kagome's dying.”
AN:!Sad I know, but I hope you enjoyed anyway. One more part to this chapter. This was meant to be the end of this story…but I can't do it. Thinking of a fic that will deal with the “offspring stories”. Didn't describe them much or give names on purpose, that will be dealt with in their own story. It will be longer and be more of a regular fic. Dealing with their lives, you'll also find the full story of Sango's village and who and how the kids got mated. I have a name for the fic and everything…so….review, it might make me right faster.. Uh I think this story is pretty good,! And I always finish a story once I start it…LOL even if it takes me a year or two to do it! The prelude to the next story "Children of the Well" will also be posted on this site.. Enjoy