InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Outcast's secret ❯ I can help... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Outcast's secret

Disclaimer: I don't own him...or do I? No, I don't.

Chapter 3: I can help....

On the way home, Kagome was remembering about what Inuyasha said back there.


"Remember, I'm here for you.."

I've never saw that side of Inuyasha before and he was so warm and...wait, why am I thinking about him?!? He's just a friend, that's it!' Kagome screamed in her mind.'' And besides, if Kikyo see's me with him, she'll kill me! I just can't see him and I won't get hurt. Yeah.. That's it!'' Kagome said to herself while walking up the stairs of her shrine.

"Mom, I'm home!" Kagome yelled.

"Welcome home dear, where did you go all of a sudden?" Sakura yelled from the kicthen.

"Oh, I went to Inuyasha's house for a second."

"Ok, dear and that reminds me, get dressed, we're having some of my friends over for dinner." Sakura said while washing the dishes.

"Who are they?" Kagome asked.

"You'll just see when they come over."

"Well, ok then." Kagome said as she went upstairs to change.

35 mins later...

The time is about 5:15 and Sakura's friends are going to come in about 5 mins, so Kagome's now waiting in the livingroom wearing a black t-shirt that says'You want some of this?' with a white jean jacket ocer it and a white skirt that went brlow the knees with black sandals.

'I still can't believe Kikyo said that to me today. All I have to do is stay away from Inuyasha just incase she's watching me. That's it. Problem solved.' Kagome thought relieved yet disappointed.'Maybe I should-' Her thoughts were caught off because the doorbell rang.

"Kagome can you go get that?" Sakura said as fixing Souta's bow.

"Ok." Before she opened the door, she heard:

"Dumb-ass tie. Do I have to wear this. It's killing me!" Guess who.

"Don't use that kind of language young man and you better behave yourself tonight!" A feminite voice came out.

When Kagome opened the door, Inuyasha, Izayoi (Inuyasha's mom), Kikyo (Whore), and InuTaisho (Inu's dad) was at the front door.

Kagome just kept on looking at Kikyo with a horrified face.

"Umm, Kikyo, what are you doing here?!" Kagome screeched

"Oh you know me. I wanted to see you this fine evening." Kikyo said sweetly.

"Izayoi, InuTashio, it's so nice to see you again." Sakura said and was giving the four a hug (even Kikyo. Eww).

"Please come in" And with, they came inside.

At the table...

Sakura was at the head of the table, Izayoi was at her right and InuTashio was at her left, Kagome was at the other end of the table with Inuyasha at her left and Kikyo at her right, and Souta was next to Kikyo and grandpa was next to Inuyasha (confused, right?)

Everyone started eating with Inuyasha stuffing his face with ramen and everytime she gets a chance, Kagome looks at Kikyo with Kikyo stareing evilly at her. The adults were talking about old times and such with Gramps talking about demon aura.

"Hey, Kagome, what's your favorite show on t.v?" Inuyasha asked Kagome.

"Uhh, I don't know..." Kagome answered with her head down not looking at him.

"Hey, are you ok?'' Inuyasha asked.

''Yeah, fine.'' Kagome answered.

''But-" ''Inuyasha, you heard her, she's fine.'' Kikyo said.

''Well, ok then...''Inuyasha said and started eatting his third bowl of ramen.

"Hey Inuyasha, how can I grow dog ears like yours?'' Souta asked.

''You can't. I was born with mine.'' Inuyasha answered still eatting ramen.

After dinner...

Everyone was finished eatting and still talking. Inuyasha, Kikyo, and Souta was watching one of Inuyasha's recorded concerts.

''Kagome, won't you be a dear a clean up?'' Sakura asked.

''Sure.'' Kagome said and she started picking up the plates.

When Kagome went into the kicthen by herself, Inuyasha tought it was the perfect time to talk to her alone, so he got up and told Kikyo he had to go to the bathroom.

In the kicthen..

Kagome was washing the dishes when Inuyasha came in.

"Hey Kagome" Inuyasha said.

"Hey." She said without looking at him.

"So, what's wrong and why aren't you looking at me?'' Inuyasha asked with a sadden face

''No reason. Just go watch t.v.'' She just said.

''Kagome, I know something's up, now why aren't you telling me anything?'' Inuyasha asked.

''Look, there's nothing wrong so just-" She stopped talking and stopped washing the dishes since she was blushing because Inuyasha hugged her from behind.

''Sigh.Now look Kagome. We've known each other for a long time and I can help you with your problem.'' Inuyasha said while his cheek on her head.

''No, you can't help me.'' She said and was starting to tear up.

''Yes I can now just tell me so I can help you and get this over with.'' Inuyasha said with a little anger in his voice.

''No, you can't help me'' She said and was starting to sobb.

Inuyasha turned her around so she was facing him with one hand on her waist and one hand cupped on her chin and he lifted her heand so she can see him.

''Please Kagome. Just trust me.'' Inuyasha said and with that, Inuyasha pulled her waist close to his and locked his lips with hers.

Aww. I bet you all were waiting for that to happen, right? Stay tuned, or stayed paged, for the next chapter. what will Kagome do? Will she kiss him back or not? Read and find out.