InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Outtakes ❯ AIWfC Ch. 10 -- The Talk ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, for which they fall to their knees and thank the All Mighty. They are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and any other parties she may have legally sold the rights to. I can only beg their forgiveness for the transgressions contained herafter.
Okay, kids.  Here it is.  The second in a series of outtakes from various of the kitty's 'fics.  This one's from my opus, All I Want to Christmas.  It was a scene from about chapter 10, I think, wherein our favorite dog lord was supposed to explain the demonic facts of life to his younger brother.  Is there really any question about why it got cut?
So, warnings:  Yaoi, inucest, a little citrus for flavor -- no, it's not yaoi citrus.  I can't bring myself to go quite that far, not even for a laugh -- and OOCness out the wahzoo.  
To any yaoi reader/writer out there who may read this, I apologize in advance. This is crack in its purest form, and I mean no disrespect to those who have made this particular genre an art form.
Outtakes: All I Want for Christmas, Chapter 10 -- The Talk
Sesshomaru was vexed. His brother, the one being that Sesshomaru wanted more than any other, had come home this evening smelling strongly of a woman. It wasn't as strong as a mate scent, thank the gods; but it still bothered the dog lord immensely. It was time that he took his brother in hand and had the long put off talk with him about the facts of demon mating. To that end, he arranged for Inuyasha to meet him in the basement room of their home that evening after dinner.
Sesshomaru hoped that Inuyasha wouldn't be too difficult about all of this. After all, they were of the same blood. Surely he could be convinced to help his brother out. The question became: How to go about tricking to hanyou into giving Sesshomaru exactly what he wanted without scaring him right into the arms of that woman -- or any woman, for that matter.
Noting the fidgeting across the couch, Sesshomaru suppressed an irritated sigh. There really was no other way to go about this than to start from the beginning and hope that he could come up with something believable. Otherwise, it was going to be another long, boring, and lonely night; and Sesshomaru was deathly tired of those, especially with such a delicious way to relieve his tension so very close to hand.
"It concerns me, Inuyasha --" He smiled a little when his brother jumped. They hadn't spoken since coming down here into the basement, and it seemed that Inuyasha was as eager for this discussion as he was. Good. Maybe there was hope for them yet. "It concerns me that you were not aware of your actions until after the Intent had been laid. It also concerns me that she has not Accepted your claim." Well, concern might be a little strong…
Inuyasha raised his confused gaze from his intense contemplation of the floor and looked at the older demon. "What are you talking about? What Intent -- what claim? I don't know what you're yappin' about, but you had better get to the fuckin' point before I walk. I got better things to do tonight than listen to you spout nonsense!"
: Yes, you do, brother. Things like m-- Stop that.: "Idiot pup," Sesshomaru snarled half at himself, and then inwardly he sighed. How could such a fine specimen have such an impatient nature? Wouldn't that be fun to explore? :Focus, Sesshomaru. Focus.: "Are you truly so ignorant of our clan's rituals that you don't even know what the Intent claim is?"
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and glared. "Well, duh! If I had any idea what was going on, do ya think we'd be havin' this conversation?"
Sesshomaru pressed a finger to the middle of his forehead. Of course, there was a downside to that impatience. It tended to make Inuyasha very surly, a trait that Sesshomaru would just have to beat out of him. "Dear God, what do they teach pups these days?" Seeing Inuyasha about to retort, he held up his hand. "It matters not. I see now that I will have to tell you more than I originally thought."
Now that could work to his advantage. Sighing deeply, he continued, "What you have done, in essence, is let the demon world know of your intention to court this woman." :Although I really can't understand why you would do that, dearest brother. You do have me, after all. What do you need with a woman?: "You have merely placed a light scent mark that will not fade with time -- if she accepts you -- until such time as you either complete the mating ritual or" :Hopefully: "split."
"Split?" Inuyasha squeaked. "She could turn me down. What will I do if she does?" Sesshomaru arched an eyebrow at his brother' desperate expression. Surely the hanyou wasn't so far gone that he would actually be upset if the little bitch rejected him. This could either make things infinitely harder on him when it came to Inuyasha's seduction, or it could force the hanyou right where he wanted him. It was very easy to soothe a broken heart, after all.
"She does not know that she needs to do anything as you have not informed her of what has occurred. Usually the two are done at the same time." Sesshomaru regarded his brother for a moment. Maybe there was a way to turn this to his advantage. It required some thought. In a bid for time, he continued, "Now, I am sure that you are aware of the things I am about to tell you but please try to be patient and hear me out." Inuyasha nodded. "The claim you have laid merely places your scent on her to a stronger degree than simply touching her would. It also puts hers on you, but that has already faded because you have been apart most of today and she has not Accepted you."
"So what happens when she does? Will the scent stay?" Had he had any feelings at all, it would have annoyed Sesshomaru to no end that his dearest was so smitten with the young woman. There had to be a way to turn the pathetic longing he saw in the hanyou's eyes his way. "You said earlier that she could reject it if she wanted."
Oh, how Sesshomaru hoped she did. Then he could have Inuyasha all to himself without any nasty, feminine distractions. Suddenly, a light went off in the demon's head. He knew exactly how he could turn this to his advantage. "She can, simply by not responding and then you would turn from her and never look to her in this way again," was the cool answer. "It is not unusual when this happens for the rejected to turn to someone familiar, someone that can comfort him in his time of need." Sesshomaru slid a little closer to Inuyasha.
The hanyou looked a little suspicion, but he made a valiant attempt to not notice his brother's eyes follow his throat's movement as he swallowed. "Really?" he said. "Is, um, is there any kind of time limit on how long she has to respond?" Sesshomaru smiled as he inched closer and draped his arm along the back of the couch. The trapped look that entered his brother's eyes almost coaxed a purr from him.
"Oh," Sesshomaru responded, resting his chin on Inuyasha's shoulder and running his nose gently along the hanyou's throat. "A few days."
"How, um," Inuyasha cleared his throat and scooted away from Sesshomaru. He didn't get far before he bumped into the arm of the couch. "How long, exactly, are 'a few days'?"
"Well," Sesshomaru purred, reaching up and tracing his finger along Inuyasha's strong, chiseled jaw. "You have to do it in three or four days, dearest brother. Otherwise, she'll turn from you forever. Don't worry though," he whispered as he drew Inuyasha in, "I'll be here for you when she does."
"Inuyasha?" Rin's voice called from the top of the stairs, causing Inuyasha to jump and somersault over the couch arm and Sesshomaru to miss his brother's quivering lips. "Sesshomaru? Are you down there?"
"Rin!" Inuyasha yelped. Sesshomaru growled in frustration. He'd almost had him, too. "Come down here. Quick!" It amused the elder demon that his brother couldn't seem to control his vocal range. Inuyasha's voice was cracking like a little boy's.
Footsteps thumped on the stairs, but it wasn't Rin that appeared on them. It was Kagome, and the relief that flooded Inuyasha's face made Sesshomaru sit up in a huff. Damn that woman! How was he supposed to seduce his brother when she had him so firmly enraptured? He had to learn the bitch's secret.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha cried as he flung himself at her. In an uncharacteristic show of blatant fear, Inuyasha tried to use Kagome as a living shield, placing her between him and his brother. Sesshomaru yawned and laid across the couch, crossing his arms over the bolster and resting his chin on them. This could be interesting. Maybe the witch wouldn't want such a coward, and Sesshomaru would get to have his fun after all.
"Inuyasha?" Kagome threw a confused look at him over her shoulder. "What are you doing?"
Sesshomaru didn't hear all of whatever it was that Inuyasha mumbled in his woman's ear, at least, not until the end when he practically shouted, "And then the bastard tried to KISS ME!"
"He WHAT?"
Sesshomaru knew he was in trouble the minute her scent shifted and started to take on more of his brother's. :Damn it! He must have told her! Now I'll never get my Inu-kins.: His pout was cut short, however, by 110 pounds of angry, jealous miko. Kagome was on him like a flea on a dog and damn it if her fists couldn't leave a mark even on his full demon hide. It took him all of two seconds to realize that she was channeling her power into her strikes.
"You -- you -- Pervert!" she screamed as she pummeled him. "How dare you try to kiss my man! I'll show you a thing or two, you fluffy-tailed ninny!"
Sesshomaru could honestly say that he took his beating like a good boy that day. Even though he was stronger and had poison that dripped from his claws and really could have -- and probably should have -- ripped her apart for daring to try and purify his exalted ass, he let her have her way. He couldn't give up the hope that maybe Inuyasha would appreciate his sacrifice and come back to him.
Later that evening, after he had healed enough to drag himself up into the living room, Sesshomaru took a tentative sniff of the air in the hopes of locating his brother. He didn't have to look far. Inuyasha was in that very room; and so, too, was the woman who had stolen him. Sesshomaru turned slowly, praying to everything he held dear that his unmatched sense of smell was deceiving him. No. It couldn't be. Please, let it not be.
But even the mighty Sesshomaru must bend to the knowledge of his own eyes. His brother was lost to him. He had chosen the miko after all.
Sesshomaru turned on his heels and let Kagome's moans and Inuyasha's cries of pleasure chase him upstairs to his master suite. Closing the door on the ecstatic noises behind him, the demon lord made his way to his vanity and sat down. "What does that bitch have that I don't?" he asked himself. "Why couldn't he have chosen me?"
Sesshomaru indulged himself in a long fit of tears, wailing to the cruel world and sobbing out his loneliness to an uncaring room. After about five minutes, he got up, dried his eyes on the tip of his fluff, and went down to the kitchen for some water, curling his lip at the carnal sounds that still drifted from the living room. "Really," he exclaimed loudly. "You'd think some people would respect the other occupants of the house enough to get a room!" His only answer was a muffled "Fuck off, pervert," and an even louder resumption of the noise.
Sesshomaru was halted in his journey to the kitchen by the ringing of the doorbell. Sighing resignedly, because he knew those two exhibitionists in the living room weren't going to stop to do it, he walked over and opened the door -- and gasped in delight. Standing there had to be the most handsome wolf demon he had ever seen. The porch light gleamed in deep sapphire eyes and flashed off a set of perfectly white fangs.
"Hey," the stranger drawled. "I was looking for Kagome. Have you --" Just then an extremely loud, breathless, exultant shout of "Oh, God! Yes! Yes! Oh, my --! Inuyaaaaasha! Yes, yes, YES!" rang out, followed by the satisfied howl of one very happy and sated hanyou. It deafened the neighbors and set dogs to howling for blocks.
"Oh," said the stranger, disappointment radiating from every pore. "I guess you have seen her. Sorry to bother you. I'll just be going."
"Wait," Sesshomaru said breathlessly. He couldn't let this hunk of wolf get away…at least, not before he found out his name. "What's your name?"
"Huh?" Those glorious blue eyes finally seemed to look at the demon lord for the first time, and it appeared that their owner liked what he saw. "Oh," he said suavely," the name's Kouga. I don't believe I caught yours?"
"Well, Sesshomaru," Kouga said as his eyes drifted up and down the dog's body, resting for just a minute more than necessary on Sesshomaru's "package." "What say you and I go somewhere quieter and get to know one another." The wolf waggled his eyebrows and winked.
"I think," Sesshomaru said as he stepped out and closed the door, "that I would like that." As they walked down the sidewalk toward Kouga's car, Sesshomaru knew by the sliding of Kouga's well-muscled hand onto the dog lord's tight ass, that he was going to get laid tonight. Who needed brothers, anyway?