InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over the Edge ❯ Goddess of Darkness ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well here we are again. This is going to be story number two. Insert happy face here. Im Really supposed to be working on the sequel to Just This Once. But I just had to write this one, it bothered me. To the point where I wrote the story out im my head, Yeah creepy right. Well For this story it going to be a little different I guess. Only 3 or 4 chapters to the most. The characters mainly Inuyasha won't look like he does in the series. Black hair. Well really don't have much to say here. So on with the story. Oh and yes this is sorta AU.
Summary. Inuyasha the kingdom's runaway. Kagome the goddess of night. Both gone, vanished. Together they'll do anything to get what's theirs. Love, betrayal, hatred, ultimate power, going to the extreme to get the one you desire, To bring a kingdom to its knees. For their love story has just begun.
I do not claim any rights to the great Inuyasha or the characters in the anime/manga. All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I do offer my thanks to her for creating such great characters for me to terrorize in my own twisted ways

Over The Edge.
It's funny really how once upon things can go great, just the way you want them to then just crumble right in before of your eyes.
The night's breeze blew through the air as the woman stood, her head held high outside of her hut, wind playing with her long, dark raven hair. She had a rather playful look in her chocolate brown eyes, remembering times past. She appeared to be somewhere in her early teen years. Her heart, mind and soul enduring many years more. Taking one last look at her village, she stepped into the forest.
Looking around sniffing wondering. The black haired hanyou stood overlooking the village, his hair dancing in the wind while his golden-violet eyes stared outward with a hard look in his eyes. His clothes were lets just say different then most children of nobility wore; well he wasn't all that normal to begin with. He had his dark brown haori and gold hakama, with his sword Tessaiga at his side. He seemed to be in deep thought, as if looking deep into memory.
Black ears twitching, hearing movement he shaked his head he leapt into the forest
At last they met. Not saying a word both looked into each others with blank expressions. No movement, silence, complete and total darkness. The full moon over head mocking feeding on their silence. The breeze picked up again the woman's light blue and white kimono ruffled in the night's summer breeze.
“Inuyasha Takahashi... is it” relaxing just a bit, her eyes shined with curious glow.
“Yeah, all depends on who the hells asking.”
“Kagome…Kagome Higurashi”
“Keh. Wench you don't have to get all formal with me.” He mumbled silently letting his eyes look over her body. If he wasn't mistaken she looked no more then 16 years old. Her face was no looked so young like a 12 or 13 year old should look. Her chocolate eyes where so mature so dark and over confident like she could take on 1 thousand demons and not have a starch. And I guess that's why he thought she was the most beautiful thing in the world.
“I guess the rumors where right… goddess of darkness.”
“Nice to meet you too” She sighed.
Walking back into the protection of her hut Kagome sighed “Dammit really didn't get anything outa him” Flopping onto her futon she tied her hair up into a high pony tail before turning her head to look out into the nights sky. ”Goddess of darkness huh.” She has been hearing a lot about her being a goddess and such, but never really heard it with her own two ears.
The thought of what they where getting themselves into nagged at Kagome all she way she traveled back to her village. Could it really be this dangerous? If there was, why had they both wanted to do it so much even if it could cost there lives? Out of all she he could be walking in a trap her own death, yet why does she want to trust him so badly?
Though Inuyasha wasn't worried, Kagome was chilled to the bone. Never before had words affected her like that. She knew that there was something not right about all of this…
I feel like something is calling out to me…she knew this pull was not imagined. Trying to tell me something…something I should have know a long time ago…
“Well nothing to get too worked up about Kagome” She closed her eyes and leaned back against the wall by the entrance of her home. “Father… Mother… Souta I hope you forgive me and that im doing the right thing. She let herself shake, hiccup, letting in ragged breaths she felt her tears pour as if a river flowing trying to make its way on to the ocean, inside she felt like she was being ripped apart. Outside the sky darkened as it started to rain.
Keh stupid girl. Seek me out and then doesn't really give me any thing to go on. Looking back out into the horizon he looked back at the village the girl went he whipped his head to the side and let of what was in the lines of a grunt and a moan. He looked up at the full moon and remembered the conversation he had with Kagome.
Inuyasha you do know if we go through with this it could put both of our lives in danger?”
Aint both of our lives already in danger?”
Yes… I suppose but…. This would be even worse in comparison to what's happening now.
Ya…so” Looking at the girl he didn't like the way that she tried to figure him out.
Is this your true desire Inuyasha?”
Keh, haven't I told you this a long time ago Spunky?”
Yeah, so when do we…leave wheeny-chan”
Two days I guess, let you go and train.”
Okay we'll meet back here in two days at sunset.”
He watched as she got up and started back to her village in silence. Silence is that really what they've come to? Things have really changed haven't they?
Somebody saying his name broke him out of his thoughts. Golden-violet eyes looking down his eye's came upon a woman looking no more then in her early twenties. She had dark blue eyes. Her black hair swaying in the morning's breeze, she had on a lime green and white kimono. She looked at him with a piercing gaze. If you looked at her long enough she could probably kill you there just by gazing into her eyes, they looked almost if she was dead but standing right before him.
Was he going crazy?
Then he gashped he did know who she was she looked the same. How could it be, this was just ridiculous? First Kagome coming too find him, now her? Was everybody just out too get him? Did they wake up and say “Oh. I think today is a good day to go bother Inuyasha, don't ya think?”
Snarling, he flicked his claws over the tree branch, before he swiftly landed before the woman. He just didn't like how everybody was coming to find him like this. Keh, by this rate I'll be found in the next week. Shifting his gaze too the woman he watched her every move like he was hunting his next victim. Blinking he put he crossed his arms.
“So what do you want….
Being pulled on and yanked. Kagome screamed her face dripping with sweat, her breathing was off the charts, she was on full alert jerking her head to every little noise. She shifted slowly too her door, moving the flap to the side a little, she moved her eyes over her soundings. Morning, meaning broad daylight.
Moving away she rubbed her eyes before she got up and was out the door.
Stopping outside of a tan hut right outside the outskirts of the village, Kagome looked around to make sure nobody was watching her, before nodding, turning back to the home she toke a deep breath and knocked, hard.
A woman looking around Kagome's age stood wide eyed. Her deep violet eyes looked over the girl standing before her. Sango Houshi, Kagome's best friend since childhood hasn't changed a bit besides the fact the she is grown up and has changed her kimono. Currently she was wearing her “I don't want to be seen as a demon slayer outfit.” That hasn't changed so much she now wears a black haori and a red hakama.
Smiling softly Sango invited Kagome in, sitting down in the middle of the living room. Sango patiently waited for Kagome to talk.
“Sango?” Obliviously nervous the way she tapped her fingers together her brown eyes looking up hopefully
“Yes Kagome”
“I think something's wrong with me!”
“What do you want….Kikyou?”
Inuyasha looked so anger it looked as if his demon blood was boiling up to the top of his head. He snarled at her, watching as she toke a step forward he toke a step back, what was she a stacker?
“Inuyasha?” She repeated “Please” she was begging, begging to do what?
“What the heck?” he went wide eyed as she wrapped her arms around his chest inhaled and sighed. Looking up into his eyes they sparkled and was full of life.
“Come on wheeny-kun. Is thus what true? You and that wench together going on trip.”
Braking out of her tight hold on him he glared at her and counted to 50. “Nobody and I mean nobody calls me whenny-chan expect KAGOME!! You got that? I thought I told you that when we where kids, get it though your head, and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!”
He was the meaning of anger at this point. No more on the lines of furious and if you don't back up im going to kill you. Not kidding.
“Inuyasha im sorry, I really am” She walked slowly and dropped to her knees she hugged her self and let one tear slip out of her eyes, before she whispered. “Just please help me just this once?”
He looked at her well basically stared at her. What was going on in his head was blankness complete and total blankness. “Kikyou…” She looked up hopefully thinking he was all hers just like before she smiled just a bit.
“No” He toke on last look at her before he hopped up and into the foliage unseen by her eyes and anybody's for that matter. Kikyou's look was the basic look of what. Her smile was now a frown and her eyes they where just mad. Grunting she turned around and stomped away.
“I think something's wrong with me!” She screamed out she just stared at Sango, the glanced down her raven hair bouncing in her pony tail. Sango gasped.
“What do you mean Kagome?” taking a deep breath she shot her a worried look before opening her mouth.
“ Okay for the past 2 weeks when the sky would go completely dark I'd have this feeling like I was meant to know something and to do something about it, like I should have know this a long time ago. I'd wake up in a cold sweat even though it's in the middle of summer, and everybody in the village, well really anybody I pass calls me the goddess of darkness I don't know what that is and what im meant to do with it Sango, even wheeny-chan calls me it. I don't know anymore…. is something wrong with me?”
She sat completely still and watched as Sango got up and told her to stay in her stop and that she'd right back. Sighing she looked up and toke in her surroundings. Sango's hut looked like any other hut but it had two doors to it she was guessing they where, the main room, the room she was in, the bathroom, and the bedroom. Looking back forward when she heard footsteps she looked wide-eyed at the man standing before her, He had violet well I guess you could say they where purple, he had a black and purple kimono on, he had short black hair that was pulled up into a low pony tail and looked no more then 20 years old. Drawing her eyes off him she looked back at the woman standing next to him.
“Sango care to introduce me to the man standing next to you?”
“Oh him he's Miroku my husband. He's a monk so I think he can help you.”
“Oh… thanks.” Watching as he sat down she had a feeling this was going to be a long day.
Groaning as she walked out of Sango and Miroku's hut she thanked them and started back to her own home. Turning to go the springs to go and take a bath she came upon a rather large path of open land. Taking one step onto it, she felt a sudden shock of electricity shot though her body. I know what I must do. Taking walking until she was at what she thought was the middle, she was on the edge she felt as if she was walking on water with hot fire and electricity on top, she wasn't in pain she just felt as if she needed to let it all out, to release it. Release it all.
Throwing her arm out to the side the ground rumbled under her feet, she moved her feet the same way. Her right leg went front, followed by her right leg circling back. Kagome threw her hands up before throwing her body in a circle. Maneuvering her arms forward as her body went back and twisted around and kicked her leg out. Arching her chest forward she pushed herself forward before catching herself and going back the opposite direction.
Her hair broke free of it holder as it danced around with her swinging to the left and right she continued this for hours just throwing her body around and moving her arms and legs, she really looked as if she was dancing, the stars twinkled above her when she finally stopped she had sweat all over her face, her chest moving up and down slower and slower, her back slouched, her hair was puffy, eyes red. She started to shut down she wanted notingmore then to sleep and regain her strength.
Surveying her surrounds she was amazed she had broking the ground so easily it was a mess out there. The earth was cracked, exploded you might say, it was trerrible the only spot the wasn't destroyed was a huge chunk the she was on. Large amounts of ground was spilt making the water gush out was run down into other chunks of missing rock.
I did this how could I have done this?
Ruffling in the bushes made her rip around and draw her arms up her fingers pointed as if she had a bow in her hand. She couldn't see, she really couldn't talk, her vision clouded, her mind went blank and she fell to the ground the man by the bushes running to her calling out her name.
And to bad she couldn't hear who was calling her.

Well I out wrote my first story. Im pretty glad about this chap. Yup it's a cliffy… oh and Remember Kagome is just learning about her being a Goddess of Night, well that'll be explained later. It's almost 5 in the morning and im supposed to be in bed. But no finished this so you guys get it a few days early. Really tired and fingers hurt, I'd like to know if you like this chapter. So push the little review button.”) Well it's sleep time.
Until Next time