InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over the Edge ❯ Brotherly, Sisterly love ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary. Inuyasha the kingdom's runaway. Kagome the goddess of night. Both gone, vanished. Together they'll do anything to get what's theirs. Love, betrayal, hatred, ultimate power, going to the extreme to get the one you desire, To bring a kingdom to its knees. For their love story has just begun.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.
Over the Edge
Chapter 10:
Brotherly, Sisterly Love
Our Legend, Our Dreams
“Uh, why don't you leave me alone?”
“Why do you have to be so negative all the time big brother?”
“Michiko we went through this before.” He wined.
Michiko looked at him closely, little by little sticking her top lip out, she kept scooting closer and closer to her big brother that she could feel the shaking of his breath under her forehead. The girl brought her hand up to her eyes and started to pretend to cry.
This just has to work.
A loud long sigh was heard followed by a thump in the once quiet house,
“Ahhhh, get off of me! You weigh a gazillion pounds!!!”
“Ah, I told you to go in your room, and you refused. So this is what you get Michiko”
“But, Ahhhh” She said, while wiggling under trying to free herself.
It didn't take an expert to tell you that Michiko was lying. I mean I wasn't even putting 30 pounds onto her tiny body. I swear sometimes she could act like a total baby.
“Hm, I wonder what I should tell daddy.” He said tapping his finger against his chin.
“What do you mean `tell daddy'?” Her eyes getting drained of any color.
“I dunno, we where going to go the store to get you a birthday present… but since you can't listen to your babysitter, I guess we could not get you the `thing' you wanted since you where… what 5?”
Eyes wide as saucers she started to pout even though she was still under Aiko's butt. He looked down at his sister, sometimes she acted weird, weird enough that he would avoid her and sometimes they would have moments. Well Just like this.
~Sometime later that day~
Michiko ran through the living room and jumped into his open arms. His smile was enough to warm even the cruelest heart; it seemed to brighten the whole room and house.
“Where's mommy?”
“She's outside talking to Sango” He said, smile just widened when he looked outside to where the woman of his dreams was, the woman he almost lost. Michiko Wiggled out of his grasp and ran outside. Inuyasha could have sworn that there was a little trail of dust following her outside.
I must really be losing my mind.
“So how was your day Aiko?”
He crossed his arms over his chest, and looked really nervous. A knowing smile surfaced on Inuyasha's face, leaning against the open door, he started to talk.
“So do you want to tell me… son?”
It's like he can see right through me
“Well… uh,” Dropping his head he realized he would have to tell him sometime, “Well her name is Hana.”
“I see, would you like to tell me more about this `Hana' girl?”
“My baby boy has his first crush!!” A loud squeal echoed across the living room, which ended up with Inuyasha on the floor holding his ears for dear life. On the other hand Kagome was there holding her cheeks and blushing, just like she did 10 years ago.
“And why did you have to scream in my ears dear?”
“Ewww, that's nasty…, big brother likes girls”
“I'll see who'll be saying `ewww' when you grow up and go to school, you'll like us manly boys” He said, sticking his tongue out for a good measure.
“I'd never like those icky boys, your lying!”
“No Im not!”
“Yes you ARE, you big fat liar!”
“Okay, okay a kid that's enough of that.” Kagome said pushing the kids aside. “Why don't you two go to your room and play with your toys?”
“Fine” Both said with their heads held low.
Watching the kids leave the room. Inuyasha stole a glance at Kagome… A very mischievous one.
Not saying one word to each other when he pushed her up against the door, or when he ran his fingers through her hair while saying I love you so much. Only through body contact did they speak. He pushed his lips against hers; He dropped his hands to pull her closer to him, to feel more of her. It toke all the strength inside of him not to go further then what they where already doing. Breaking free of his grasp Kagome wiggled out of his cumber cell and sat against the couch.
“What was that for?”
Stalking her, he said, “For being adorable”
He tried to get another kiss, she dodged him.
“Hm, why don't we play a game?”
“It all depends on what it is Kagome”
Tried again no luck.
“Let's play tag”
“Will you quit running away from me!”
“I don't know if I want to”
He dove again, his hands barley caught her but he got her.
“I got you” He she in a very husky voice.
Blushing, she leaned forward to touch the very man she ran away from, loved with her heart and soul, and even tried to kill. Little Butterfly's filled both their stomachs, all passion and love in their kisses was so intense, so---
“Mom what is dad doing to you” Michiko's voice echoed form around the wall.
Rolling off the couch Kagome patted his head, and told him to stop pouting, and grabbed Michiko to read her a story and put her to bed.
“I love you Michiko, go to sleep okay.”
Kagome turned off the lights, and walked down the hall, heart pounding the whole way.
Peeking into his room, Kagome smiled when she saw the curiosity in his eyes.
It's scary how much he looks like his father.
“Aiko, I want to tell you a story…” A smile fell into her delicate features. “Well it's more like a legend.”
Our Legend, Our Dreams live on through you…
~9 Years Later~
Dear jounarl,
Well I'm just here to write about my family, so that when I get older I'll remember all the things that have happened, I guess.
I remember my mama telling me this when I was the only child in the family. And since I was the oldest it was my job to tell my younger sister, Michiko their story so she can tell her kids someday and so on, just in case something was to happen to them.
Back then I thought that was a weird job to give to a 10 year old child. But now that im 19 years old, I guess I get why the told me. Why it was so important to them for me to know their life stories; but I don't understand why I feel like they had both known their on fate along.
Well to tell the truth about my family after the evil and dectiful Katashi was exuded in 1830, in the French Revolution. By the time my mother and Father had mated and had lost their first child. I do know a lot of people try to retell their story; it was changed and the names and places where changed a lot too, believe me I've heard a lot of them. It seems to me that their story has just been lost over the years; like it was just erased from the face of the Earth.
Don't ya think?
Well anyway, Mother and Father had lived their life out to the fullest doing things some people haven't done in a life time. I remember when I was about 8 years old hearing that my parents where battling one huge demon that was every powerful. I don't know the demons name though, which in the end sadly toke both their lives. I don't really know too much about my mother and Father; But one thing I know that they love me and my little sister very much.
Even though we still grieve over their death, we don't push away all the things they've taught us. My sister and I have learned to build a strong relationship with one another and not hate each others guts when we get older.
My sister always tells me that they can fell it when were upset, because she can feel a warm comforting hold on her heart; well I don't really believe that… Maybe one day I will, but not now, I just think that they are still watching over; letting us make our own path in life, but always being there just
Standing behind us even in the Darkness of Light.
---Aiko Takahashi
Our Legend, Our Dreams lives on through you, our children.
Gosh I can't believe it over all ready. It's been 3 long months of writing. And I really liked this story. It was filled with all sorts of things. I know this was short but. There was nothing else I could possibly put in there.
I loved the little fight between Aiko, and Hichiko.
Oh and just to tell you, that was Aiko talking in the journal at the end.
Well I happy for the 6 reviewers that I had for this story. You guys where the inspiration that kept me going. And also all the other people who said this was their favorite story to read. That just warmed my heart.
Well I don't think that there is anything else to say here.
This is InfintinyMiko
Signing off `Over the Edge'