InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Overboard! ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Neither the characters from the storyline `Inuyasha' by Rumiko Takahashi, nor the plotline from the movie `Overboard' starring Goldie Hawn, are mine.
Author's Note: Warning, lemony smuttiness in this chapter. This chapter is dedicated to all my `rather unconventional high school' student fans. Rating is set to Mature Readers only, if anyone pays attention to these things.
Overboard (Inuyasha-style)
Chapter 8:
“Tomorrow… Inuyasha will come and take you home.”
Finally, the truth was out, but it did not make him feel any freer.
Sesshoumaru wondered suddenly, if Kikyou would remember her time here when her memories returned, or if she would simply forget everything that occurred during her trauma. That was assuming, of course, the doctor in Shanghai had been correct, and the woman would regain her memory upon seeing Inuyasha's face. What if the doctor had been wrong? But no… There was no point in continuing to pretend otherwise. The whole scheme had been a stupid mistake from the start.
His story had emerged rather haphazardly, since he had never bothered to prepare it, putting off his problems for the light of day, another time, a little later, yet at least his words managed to stop the flow of her ridiculous allegations. Blue eyes stared back at him in wonder, blinking rapidly as a few more tears trickled down her cheeks. Her hands stilled in her lap, still clutching the dress tightly.
“That…” she murmured, the beginnings of a frown marring her beautiful face. “That is the most ridiculous nonsense I've ever heard. Look, I understand… I'm not even mad. You can tell me the truth!”
“That is the truth!” he replied, mystified. The idea that she wouldn't believe him had never crossed his mind. Given the circumstances though, his explanation did lack merit - the truth was definitely stranger than fiction in this case. Ironically, he had been lying to her all along, but in order for her to believe him now, she would have to doubt his earlier veracity.
“I lied to you, because I wanted … because my half-brother, he…” Sesshoumaru ground out, bitterly hating himself at the moment for his petty vendetta against Inuyasha. Despite his earlier thoughts, he wasn't just a horrible liar, he was absolutely, indescribably, appallingly awful. And she was too trusting for her own good. “Because… Rin was lonely?” he finished plaintively.
“Then whose clothes are these?” she asked, shaking the dress in her hand and frowning at his continued insistence that they were not really married.
“They belonged to my mother…”
“Why would your mother's clothing be in your house?”
“Because,” he replied honestly, “She's dead.” And for once, it didn't hurt at all to admit that. Totally focused on her reaction, his heart never even wavered.
Narrowing her eyes, she rose from the floor and glared at him for all she was worth. “Now I know you are full of it! Your Father spent all evening talking about Izayoi…”
“No,” he backpedaled, sensing he had lost control of the situation, “That's my step-mother.”
In the semi-darkness of the room, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Sesshoumaru thought she had never looked quite so lovely as she did then, lit from the side by the dim glow of the closet light. Any moment now, he knew, the truth would take hold and Kikyou would never forgive him. But at the moment, she seemed to be struggling to accept his words, and her doubtful, unsettled expression was much better than the alternative. Before long, she stumbled forward, over the pile of clothing and across the carpet, and reached out to touch his arm, dropping the dress she had crinkled in her grasp.
Unsure what to make of this, he backed away slightly, but stopped when she flinched at his chilly reception. Her hand fell to her side. “I forgive you,” she resolved and looked up into his eyes, a hopeful, timid smile forming on her face. “There, no more lies. We can… make a fresh start?”
Clearly, he was not convincing enough. She still believed they were married, even after he had told her the truth. What could he do next to convince her? Perhaps Inuyasha's return was the only solution, after all. And what if the doctor had been wrong, what if her memories never returned? Suddenly an image flashed through his mind, unwanted - he felt like a little boy asking his Father for a puppy… (If I am very good, then can we keep it, please?) But of course, that wasn't the situation here. He really had to stop thinking about it. This wasn't a real relationship; even if Kikyou never regained her memories, she would not be able to stay with him. Disgusted with himself for wanting such a thing, he turned his head and missed the hurt that gleamed in her eyes.
But Kagome had never been one to give up easily, and her determination came to the forefront yet again. While Sesshoumaru was looking away, she stepped forward bravely, closing the gap between them and slipping her arms around his waist. Instantly, she sensed his muscles tense beneath her fingers.
It must be hard on him, she thought abruptly, to know the whole truth. As long as she did not have a single recollection of their marriage to work with, she could start from scratch and make of it what she would. Obviously, things weren't so easy for her husband, because he had memories to hold him back. Tipping her head back, she pushed herself onto her toes and lightly kissed the side of his cheek.
Then, smiling shyly, she inquired softly, “All right, say for a moment I did believe you. Why should that make any difference? It would simply mean that we really were making a fresh start, which is all I asked for anyway. Don't be mad.”
“I'm not…” he muttered, bewildered and disconcerted by her easy acceptance of his words. Although he had not expected her to doubt his story, he was even more shocked by the idea that she might forgive him so freely. Where was the upset anger? Tears or threats he could have understood, but not smiles. Unless, of course, she still did not believe him and she was merely speaking hypothetically.
The knowledge that she was leaving on the morrow began to work against him now. It had been more than four years since any woman had shown the slightest interest in him, and now he had one snuggled against his chest. Perhaps this was why he felt such warmth in his gut, unsettling yet enticing all at once. The fact that he had been along for so long, coupled with the presence of a lady in his life again, even though she did not truly belong to him, was making him act strangely. Once she departed, maybe his brain would go back to normal, and his hormones would stop making his typically reliable behavior so erratic. After Kagura, he had vowed to do without a woman in his life. Such things only brought complications and trouble. Sesshoumaru had fully intended to raise his daughter alone and never waste time on a lady again. But at the moment, all he could think of was the way his cheek tingled where she had briefly pressed her lips against it, and the heat of her arms around his torso. It would not be wrong to hug her, would it? After Inuyasha came, he might never get the chance. The latter consideration crumbled his resolve, and Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
It was comforting to hug her, bringing him peace in a way that Kagura never had. She smelled slightly of peaches and warm sand, and something else, unidentifiable but still refreshing. The shampoo he used overlaid the scent of her hair, but it also brought a sense of familiarity to him, and he enjoyed this too. Then, she relaxed into his embrace, pressing more firmly against him, and Sesshoumaru caught his breath, feeling her chest against his through their clothing, and the sensation of her hips touching the evidence of his growing desire. Putting one foot behind himself for support, he shifted uneasily, trying to turn and ensure she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes it was embarrassing to be male; his body made it impossible to hide his burgeoning interest. But Kikyou made no mention of it, she merely hugged him tighter, so he relaxed once more. After all, he was only human. Surely, she understood that if nothing else.
Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly and removed his arms, only to discover he was unable to step back because she refused to let go. Before he could unwind her steady grasp, she slid her chin upward along his chest and peered at him through slightly hooded eyes. The room was too dark to see their color, but her eyes still looked clear and beautiful as she whispered something into his chin.
It took him a while to process what she had said. First, he had to work through several other sudden insights. One, he realized that Kagura had never looked at him quite like that - with sweetness and patience and devotion, and something else he couldn't quite name… Two, he didn't understand himself as well as he thought. For an introspective man without many friends, and plenty of time to think about life, he had failed to do much reflecting, and he had been jealous of his brother for all the wrong reasons. Finally, he realized he was far too eager to make excuses for himself. For instance, the only thing that came to mind, as she gazed at him in such an adoring fashion, was how much he wanted to kiss her. And his mind was working overtime trying to figure out a plausible reason why he should do exactly that.
But then, her words sunk in and guilt gave him a sharp twinge in his stomach. I love you, she had said. Sesshoumaru did not deserve such words, nor did she really mean them. Shaking his head, he pulled her arms off his waist and held them at her sides. “No, you don't,” he contradicted her.
At this, she appeared piqued. “Who are you to tell me what I feel?” she demanded.
“Just… don't say that,” he answered gruffly, releasing her hands.
“Fine!” she announced firmly, reaching into his hair to pull him down for a kiss. He was so much taller than she was that the act became slightly difficult, and oddly enough, she had no idea how to go about it. Hadn't she done this before? Other activities, like walking, cooking or cleaning had come back to her easily enough.
The feeling of her lips shocked him, and the room's silence became oppressive as blood rushed through his ears. Her gesture seemed inexperienced or reserved, a light caress like a butterfly's wings brushing against his mouth, and fleetingly, Sesshoumaru wondered why this should be, before he dipped his head down and drew her in for a longer kiss. His hands found their way around her again, one sinking to her lower back, and one positioned behind her head, gingerly stroking her hair. Just a kiss, he reasoned. Besides, she had started it, and she'd remember that in the morning too, surely.
But his intentions scattered as she moaned into his mouth, accepting his ardor and fanning it to a new level. Snaking her fingertips between the buttons of his shirt, she started to undo the front of his outfit, as he grazed the rim of her ear with his teeth. Her breath ghosted over the delicate hollow behind his ear, making him shudder with delight. The sound of her respiring roughly into his ear, such an intimate caress, drove him wild, and he fought not to crush her against his chest in his haste to savor her. Carefully, he traced the salty trails down her cheeks and neck where her earlier tears had dried.
In the darkness, her hair drifted across his skin like a soft, sable fog, and his thoughts felt muddled, as hazy as the cloud of silky hair that currently held his attention. Kissing her again, he tilted his head to the other side this time, his hands switching places along her form, one hand running down her spine while the other one moved up to take its place at the back of her neck. She moaned again at the contact and he bit back one of his own, using the opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth instead, tasting her fully. It should be illegal for a lady to sound so tempting.
A frantic tug on his shirt reminded him of her earlier endeavors; she had undone every button on his top and his tie lay on the floor near the pile of his mother's apparel. He hadn't even noticed as she divested him of garments, being too focused on other matters. But now, with his shirt pushed off the shoulders, it was stuck in place until he lowered his arms.
Untangling the shirt from his limbs, he saw her face fall as she realized he had yet another layer of clothing beneath the first. Watching her pout was adorable, albeit a tad bit strange, since most men wore undershirts below dress shirts, didn't they? It wasn't that unusual.
Undaunted, she fisted the front of his shirt in one hand while she reclined on the bed, drawing Sesshoumaru with her. Agreeably, he yielded to her unspoken command and covered her body with his, propping himself up by the elbows as he inspected her face. She was absolutely beautiful, a light blush dusting her cheeks with color even in the darkness, and plump, savory, red lips that invited him to kiss her again and again. Light from the closet did not fall across the bed, but it allowed enough of an atmospheric glow by which he could see her adoring expression, and it unnerved him a little bit. Okay, he frowned in self-reproach, now I'm probably taking this a little bit too far.
But his body rebelled against the command to rise. Encircling him with her arms again, she squirmed beneath him, rubbing her hips against his in frustration, needing more contact. It was hard to think when she moved like that. In fact, it was hard to breathe. Sesshoumaru felt warm and heavy and extremely focused on the woman below him, as if every neuron in his brain could work toward only one purpose at this point. Although part of him knew he had to stop, the rest of him wouldn't listen. She smelled almost spicy now; a thick, compelling scent that held him in place and urged him to smother her in affection and touch every part of her body he could reach.
Smooth thighs rescued his brain from the arduous task of thinking, as she slid her knees upward, spreading her legs and stabilizing herself on the bed. He dragged himself upward over her prone figure, and then returned to the source of his distraction, kneading the backs and sides of her legs with both hands. Truly, they were glorious legs, not too firm or malleable, and like velvet to the touch. She arched her back and whined with pleasure, and this time, Sesshoumaru moaned with her as the heat of her core burned against him. His pants were too tight, they had to go. Throbbing, he felt so hard it almost hurt.
As he fumbled with his attire, she disrobed also, stripping the dress over her head and then blushing shyly once more, as if she was unsure what to do next. What came next was easy enough to predict however. Rolling them backwards on to the upper half of the bed, he placed one hand between her legs and caressed her through the fabric of her underwear, only to discover she was already moist and scalding to the touch. She instinctually clamped her knees together and moved against his hand, seeking friction her body craved. A shock went through her as the base of his middle finger found a sensitive spot there, and a sense of need gradually built between her legs, until without warning the electric feeling spilled over into the rest of her body, flaring through her stomach and across her back, even flooding her cheeks with warmth. Lost in her own cries, the next thing she knew was a heavy weight settled against her chest and between her thighs.
Relaxed and sedated by fulfillment, Kagome reached up and played with his hair, as Sesshoumaru stared back, glassy-eyed and somewhat startled by her affection. It felt like he was forgetting something, loosing a precious piece of his sanity. He had protection; making that mistake twice would be beyond stupid. Still, this had to stop.
Seeing his hesitation, she nudged him onward, kissing him again to show she was ready. With a shudder of anticipation, he pushed forward slowly, even as his conscience screamed at him to cease. Her flesh was slick and searing as it parted before him, and he gasped in rapturous agony. She was so close, so tight around him that it was hard to believe he could fit inside of her, until he had actually done so. At first, he moved aimlessly, until he found a rhythm that worked for both of them. But once she joined in, rocking her hips and straining to meet him, he could no longer hold back. His thrusts grew deeper and faster, until he felt her walls clamp down on him, and his climax hit him like a surging wave, quickly pulling back and leaving him empty within.
Oh, right. Now he remembered exactly why he wasn't supposed to sleep with her. Because Inuyasha would cut out his liver and feed it to rabid hamsters, as soon as he learned the truth.
Beneath him, she smiled and stretched out languidly, looking pleased with herself for enticing him to bed. Or perhaps she was happy that he had finally taken the initiative and `forgiven' her for the non-existent transgressions in their imaginary relationship? It didn't really matter, of course, since he was going to die later today. His half-brother would never let this slide. Hell, he would be furious too, if he found out someone had done the same to him.
Somehow, he always managed to take a situation from bad to worse. It was his one true talent, he decided. All he had left now was a little time to pray - that she wouldn't get her memory back, or if she did, that she would forget him entirely. And that burned too.
Never straying from her side, like the dog that he was, Sesshoumaru watched her sleep.