InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Owned ❯ Owned ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or characters. I do own Nathaniel.

Chapter 1: Owned

Sighing she walked down the street

Kagome headed to her father, Nathaniel, house. He had called her early that day asking for help. She knew perfectly that he needed money. Every time she would help him, he would gamble the money away. She told herself that she would stop helping him, but never did.

‘And yet I still complain and lecture him about it,’ she thought sighing.

Kagome reached his house and found a black Mustang parked in front of the house. Unlocking the door she walked in, this time determined to tell him she was done with him.

“Nathaniel, I’m here,” Kagome called out closing the door behind her. She took off her coat and placed it on the rack near the door.

When she did not received a replay she walked into the living room and found Nathaniel sitting on the couch, but he was not alone. Across from him was a man wearing a white dress shirt under a black vest. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbow with a pair of black dress pants and black shoes. She gazed at his face and let out a small gasp. His long silver white and a pair of small triangle ears were perched on top of his head, but that’s not what caused the gasp to escape from her lips. It was his eyes. They were an amber color that seemed at a gaze could see into your soul.

“Kagome, thank you for coming,” Nathaniel said smiling. He walked over to her smiling gently. “This right here is-”

“Inuyasha Takahashi,” the young man said standing up and walking over to Kagome. He gave her a gentle smile and shook her hand. She blushed and looked down.

‘Why do I feel…’

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Takahashi.” She turned to her father. “May I have a word with you alone Nathaniel.”

“Actually, I would like to finish my business here,” Inuyasha said.

“What exactly is your business here,” asked Kagome gazing at her father. He stood next to her with his head bowed down. “Nathaniel owes you money doesn’t he?”

“Kagome,” Nathaniel began, but she put her hand up to stop him.

“How much does he owe you?”

“Five hundred thousand dollars,” Inuyasha said smiling. Kagome gaped and turned back to Nathaniel.

“What the hell did you do, gambled it all away.” She thought about walking out and letting him get what he deserved.

‘But you’ll never forgive yourself.’

“Kagome please help me out this last time,” he begged. “I promise to never do it again.”

“That’s what you said the last time,” she sighed. “I don’t have that kind of money anyway.” Nathaniel’s face fell. “Is there something else that we can do other than give you the money Mr. Takahashi?” she asked turning back to Inuyasha.

“An exchange of something of equal value should settle things. I will hold on to it until you give me the money or I can keep it.”

“But I don’t have anything that is worth that much,” Nathaniel said panicking.

“Well, then you have to face the consequences,” he began to walk up to Nathaniel, but Kagome stepped in the way. “This has nothing to do with you.”

“Yes it does. Please there has to be something we can agree on,” Kagome pleaded. Inuyasha looked her up and down.

“Maybe there is,” he said smiling. Kagome stepped back.

“What do you mean,” she asked hesitantly, but he ignored her.

“Give me your daughter and we’ll call it even until I get the money.”

“What! You can’t just auction me off like that. I’m a person.” She said fuming.

“Kagome, can I speak to you for a second,” Nathaniel said walking to the hall. Reluctantly, Kagome followed.

“You agree with him don’t you?”

“Look, you have nothing to worry about with Inuyasha. I promise to get the money.”

“I can’t believe this.” Kagome threw her hands in the air. “And you call yourself a man.”

“Kagome please don’t do this.”

“Do what,” she said back.

“I’m still your father and you will respect me!”

“Ha! Since when have you ever been my father Nathaniel? If anything, I’m the one taking care of you. Every time you call me for help I come to the rescue. If you really are my father, then you wouldn’t agree to this. If you really think I am so precious to you, then you would trade me off!” By now Kagome was fuming, just the thought of how her own father thought of her mad her sick.


She laughed and walked out to Inuyasha. “Fine,” she said to him. “I’ll go with you.” She turned to Nathaniel. “He may not care for me, but I still care for him.” Inuyasha smiled and looked at Nathaniel.

“It’s a shame you don’t treat her with respect, but don’t worry I will. Let’s us leave than.” Kagome followed Inuyasha out with Nathaniel trailing behind them. Inuyasha opened the door for Kagome and she went in. Before she could close the door, Nathaniel called out.

“I promise to get the money,” that was the last she heard before Inuyasha drove off. She sighed.

‘This is what I get for letting him run me,’ she thought.

“Mr. Takahashi -”

“Please call me Inuyasha.”

“Inuyasha, can you stop by my house please. I would like to get a few things.”

“Okay,” she gave him her address and was at her house in no time. He followed her inside.

“I’ve never seen such a small house.”

“Thanks,” she said dryly and opened the door. “I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time,” he said gazing at the photos on her living room table. She went off to her room and began packing some clothes.

“My life isn’t mine anymore,” Kagome said out loud to herself. Going to her dresser she pulled out a picture of her deceased mother. “Mom, I wish you were here. Maybe you would know what to do. She carefully placed the picture in her suitcase along with her journal. Grabbing her suitcase, she dragged it to the living room and found Inuyasha going through her photo album.

“You were so cute when you were a baby,” Inuyasha said showing her the picture of her when she was 3 and playing in a blow up pool. Blushing she took the album out of his hands.

“Can we go now?”

“Why are you in such hurry?” he asked smiling. “Eager to let me have my way with you.” Quickly she headed out the door.

“You wish, let’s go so we can set some ground rules.” He laughed following her.

“Why do we need ground rules Kitten?”

“Don’t call me that,” he placed her suitcase in his trunk while she climbed in the car.

“I can call you whatever I want Kitten,” he said starting the car and driving off.

“You still didn’t answer my question?”

“What was it again?”

“Why do we need ground rules? If I’m not mistaken I own you know.”

“Not for long.”

“So you have faith in your old man?”

“No,” she said snorting.

“Than what is it then?”

“I’m not an easy person to live with. Soon you’re going to get tired of me and not want me around anymore.”

“Ha! Do you honestly believe that? I hope not.” he smiled at her. “I doubt that I would ever want to do that. I think your company will be quite amusing.” She stuck her tongue out, but he just laughed. “You’ve just made my day.”

“To bad I can’t say the same thing,” she said sweetly.

“Just for you, you can make some rules.”

“Good,” she said nodding.

“Only three so you better make them good,” he said grinning. She sighed.

‘Mom, what have I gotten myself into,’ she looked at him. ‘Than again, it might not be that bad to live with a hottie. Guess there are some ups and downs to the situation. I just have to go with it.’