InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Owned ❯ My story (part 1) ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and company.

Chapter 13: My story (part 1)

Kagome sighed happy that she was alone finally even if it was only for a little while. She spent her morning lying with Inuyasha about how they met to his father and she couldn’t believe that he believed them.


Well, it was about three months ago when we first met. I was at her father’s house when she came. I was star struck when I say her,” Inuyasha gazed at Kagome smiling. “I thought I died and gone to heaven.”

Can his lines get any cornier,’ Kagome though glumly. “I mean, who says that anymore.’ she decided to let that past.

How did you react when you say him Kagome,” Inutaisho asked.

Well…” she didn’t know what to say.

Don’t be shy, please tell us,” Inuyasha said encouraging her on with a smile.

She decided to say something that would whip that smile off his face. “To be real honest, I was shock. I wondered who the hell this guy was and what was he doing in Nathanial’s house. I was ready to kick him out.”

Nathanial is your father?”

Yea, I kind of grew out of calling him dad. Anyway, Inuyasha sat there as if he owned the world. It pissed me off that he was sitting there like that. I wanted to whip that look off his face,” She smiled at him as his smile dropped slightly.

Than what happened,” Inutaisho asked becoming interested.

He introduced his self to me.”

Her father thought it would be a good idea to spend time together.”

What did you two do?”

We went swimming,” Kagome glared at him remembering their so called “swim.”

That must have been nice.”

Yea nice,” Kagome kicked him under the table. He winced and she smiled, happy that she did some damage.

She than took me to her job, she even introduced me to her friends,” he glared at her rubbing his knee. “Her friends approve of me.”

More like you introduced yourself,’ she thought.

That’s good.”

Yea, after spending more time together, I thought taking her here would be nice. Just the Two of us,” Inuyasha stretched out.

Inutaisho just laughed and turned to Kagome. “Did you know that you are the second person Inuyasha has brought up here?”

I had no idea.”

Father,” Inuyasha said glaring at him. “She doesn’t need to know that.”

Of course she does,” he argued back. “You two are dating so shouldn’t she know about your past.”

It’s okay Ken.” Kagome said jumping in before things got nasty. “I’m sure Inuyasha will tell me everything when he is ready.”

Yea, when I’m ready,” Inuyasha said nodding in agreement.

If you say so; he’s stubborn like me so you have to give him a little push.”

Why are you talking about me like I’m not even here,” Inuyasha said getting angry.

Well, I will give you two some privacy. I actually have something I need to take care of,” Inutaisho said completely ignoring him. Placing his dish in the sink he walked out and to his room.

I hate when he does that,” Inuyasha grumbled getting up. “He always know what to say to piss me off.”

Stop being such a baby.”

I am not,” he whined.

Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “Anyway, I feel bad about lying to your dad. I know I didn’t want him to know that truth, but I can help feel bad for lying.”

We didn’t lie to him; we just didn’t tell him the whole truth. Don’t worry, he’ll find out the truth soon.”

Great, now I feel a whole lot better,” she said sarcastically and began to leave.

We’re leaving in an hour so be ready.”

Where are we going now? Can’t we just say in here where it’s warm,” she whined.


Fine I’ll be ready.” She went to her room.

End of flashback

Her thoughts took her back to what Inutaisho said. ‘Maybe I can tell him about my past first. He might feel comfortable and tell than tell me about his past.’ She smiled liking the idea. It was a perfect time for them to talk. ‘I just hope that his opinion of me won’t change.’ Kagome didn’t want Inuyasha to hate her. She just couldn’t take it anymore. His opinion of her matter to her, but she couldn’t figure out why. ‘Why do I feel this way? What is it about him that has me so…’

There was a gentle knock on her door. She shook her head, ridding herself of that thought and answered. “Come in,” she said.

Inuyasha walked in dressed with his coat and hat on. “Ready to go?”

“Yep, just have to grab my coat.” nodding they went downstairs. Kagome grabbed her coat out of the closet. “Please tell me where we are going.”

“If you must know, it is skating.”

“I love to skate,” they walked out the door.

“I thought you hate the cold,” Inuyasha said raising a eyebrow.

“I do, but I still love to skate.”

“Well, the skating rink is near by so we’re walking.”

“Okay, lead the way.” she followed quietly behind him. In about ten minutes they made it. “Wow, it looks crowed.” she watched the children skate.

“It’s gonna be okay,” he went up to the booth and purchased two pairs of skates. “Come over here.” she followed him to a small bench. Handing her one set of skates, he put the other ones on.

“It’s been awhile since I last skated.” she stood up shaking a bit. “Just give me a sec.” She steadied herself and walked over to the rink. Inuyasha was following. Once on the ice, he began skating backwards.

“Show off,” she grumbled holding on to the side.

“Take my hand,” he offered. She hesitated before giving in. Together they skated around the rink. “Isn’t this nice, just the two of us skating together.”

“Your definition of nice is way different from mine.”

He chuckled and skated in front of her; he turned to face her. “I told you that I wanted to get to know you. So, tell me about your childhood.”

Panic swelled up in her eyes, but she quickly calmed herself. “Well, my childhood wasn’t fun and games.”

“How so?”

“My mother died when I was four.”

“I’m sorry to here that.”

“It’s okay,” she smiled at him.

“What was your mother like?”

“Well, she was the best person in the world.” Kagome’s eyes sparkled. “She was always there for me when I need her the most. When ever I was sad, she would be there to tell me everything was going to be alright.”

“Your mother sounds wonderful.”

“Yea, she was wonderful.” slowly she came to a stop. Inuyasha turned and looked at her. “How about we stop and go sit for awhile. It’s kinda hard to skate and talk at the same time.” nodding they headed out of the rink, put back on there shoes and headed back to the cabin. Inuyasha put the fire on as Kagome sat on the couch.

Once the fire was going, he joined her. “Do you miss her?”

“All the time,” she looked at him. “When I was little, I always blamed myself for her death. Nathaniel was so upset with me during her funeral. When we went home, he drunk his self into a rage”


Four year old Kagome stood frightened as she gazed up at her father. He had a bottle in his hand and was swaying from side to side. Here was rage in his eyes. She backed up slowly as he advanced to her. “It’s all your fault,” he hissed. “If you hadn’t asked her to go to take you to that damn play, she would be still a live. It‘s all your fault.”

Tears fell down the side of her face. She shook her head. “I’m sorry dad I didn’t know. I‘m sorry-”

He smacked her across the face, slamming her against the wall. “Sorry,” he laughed. “You’re sorry, let met tell you something, sorry doesn’t cut it. Sorry doesn’t make up for what you’ve done. It doesn’t bring her back! She will never come back because of you!”


Why couldn’t have been you. Why didn’t you die. You should have died. No one would have missed a brat,” that said, he walked off leaving Kagome alone.

She sat on the floor and cried. “Daddy, I’m sorry. I‘m so sorry,” she cried herself to sleep.

End of flashback

“From that day on, I promised myself that I take care of him and would do anything to make my dad happy. No matter what it was.”

“Kagome,” by this time, there was tears streaming down her face.

“I-I just wanted him to love me. I knew that I could never replace my mother, but I wanted him to know that he still had me. When I was five, he started to gamble. He as so terrible at it, never had the money to pay them back.” Inuyasha pulled her to his chest and let her continued. “I remembered the first time he couldn’t get the money. I was payment. I screamed for him, but he turned his back on me.” She looked up at him. “He was so heartless. Over and over I wonder how he could let his own daughter, five at that, be raped. I felt so broken and torn. I told myself that it was a step to get him to love me.”

“He had no right to let those men do that to you. He should have been a man and took the punishment his self.”

“But he didn’t, I did. I took the punishments. Whenever he couldn’t pay them back, I stepped in. It was a never ending cycle.”

“Then why did you let it continue? Why didn’t you break away?”

“I just couldn’t. I was to busy trying to please him.” she laughed. “And here I am today standing up for him, taking the punishment.”


“I was pregnant once. It was when I was sixteen. On the day I found out, I went home to tell Nathaniel, he was with some guys. I knew what he wanted me to do.”

“And you did?”

“Yea,” she looked down feeling disgusted with herself. “I lost the baby after that. I brought it on myself thou. I could have said no, but I didn’t. I felt so disgusted with my self that I didn’t go home for days, I was so torn inside. As soon as I graduated from school, I went off to college to become a teacher. I love kids.”

“Did you ever finish?”

“No, I only finished a year. Nathaniel called me and told me he needed me. Stupid me left and went right back to him. I couldn’t live in the same house with him anymore so I got my own place.”

“That doesn’t make you stupid. He was your father and you couldn’t leave him behind.”

“It does to me, now whenever he owes someone, I pay them the money. It’s not a lot now a days. He keeps telling me he’s gonna stop, but I don’t think he will. I don’t think he cares. I just wish I could stop. But I can’t no matter how hard I try or want to. I bet you are disgusted with me.”

“I’m not disgusted with you.”

“Why,” she asked getting up confused. “I let multiple men have me.”

“But that’s not your fault.”

“Yes it is!”

“No,” he got up and shook her. “The fault is no one but Nathaniel. Your shouldn’t have to suffer because of him.”

“I will always suffer. That’s why I agreed to go with you.”

Inuyasha winced; in a way he was just like those men and he knew it. “I didn’t suggest you to come with me so I can rape you. I wanted you two be with me because I wanted you to have a chance.”

“A chance at what?”

“A chance at breaking the hold he has on you. He keeps gambling because he knows that you will run to his rescue. How will he learn if you keep saving him? Don’t you see what he is doing to you, he’s manipulating you into taking is faults.”

“I don’t want to lose him. He’s the only family I have. I promised to take care of him. I-”

“What about yourself, you’re suffering because of him. Don’t you deserve to be happy to?” she didn’t answer. “Don’t you want to be happy?” he cupped her cheeks and forced her to look at him.

“I…I do want to be happy. But how?”

“You have to let go of him and move on.”

“Says you,” she said bitterly.

“You’re right, I can’t tell you that and I haven’t, but I am trying. I know I can do it. We can do it together.”


He smiled at her. “Yes, together.” he picked her up bridal style and took her to her room.

He placed her on the bed and was about to walk out when she grabbed his hand. “Inuyasha, will you open up to me like I did to you?”

“Yes, you deserve to know the truth. I believe you can help me get over my past Kagome." She smiled as he kissed her forehead. She was so tried. “We spent all day talking. Get some sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow.” he left.

She pulled the cover over her and closed her eyes. ‘He called me Kagome’ was her last thought before she fell asleep. XXX

Inuyasha walked to his room. ‘She is so strong.’ no matter what she said, Inuyasha was amazed at her strength. So much happened to her, yet she was able to hold her head up high and face the challenges. He was truly amazed. ‘Now I must tell her my story.’ he thought determined. ‘I hope she is prepared for it.’ he went in his room and slept, waiting for morning to come.