InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Past Becomes' Present ❯ Secrets ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Mistress Fluffy 
This is the actual wedding day and Sesshomaru relieaves somthing but there is always soemthing holding him back.
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Romance |
Type: Alternate Universe |
Uploaded On: 10.31.2003 |
Pages: 7 |
Words: 5.6K |
Visits: 732 |
Status: Work In Progress
Disclaimer : I do not own InuYasha, Rumiko Takahashi owns him and co.
Age is like love; it cannot be hid.
Thomas Dekker (1570?-1632) Old Fortunatus, Act II
"No but his mere presence calmed me and the long talks we had eased my soul. But as soon as you turned five he stopped coming over, he had called once a year - very sweet but very cold. It doesn't matter now but when I say this I say this to be taken seriously Kagome. The people we know may not be the people we know all the secrets of. Now get to bed and give me that brandy! You don't need something like this." Higurashi-san spoke quickly because Kagome looked like she was going to protest, she then added. "Just think about what I said, now off to bed!"
Kagome mutely nodded her head got up and went through then glass sliding door. "Goodnight Oka-san."
Now lying in bed Kagome wondered if SesshoMaru was alive. He would have to be in a powerful position. Like a president of a company not a singer - his outward appearance is too cold. Well tomorrow I will wear my Binding Necklace and Mate Ring. As Kagome thought of the presents that SesshoMaru had given her to show every other yokai that she was taken, she fell in too a blissful sleep.
"Turn around Ayumi!" Eri yelled at Ayumi. "Come on Kagome let's see you in that dress!!!"
Ayumi's dress was a white corset satin wedding dress. This wedding dress is a classic two piece paneled, boned strapless bustier corset with sweeping A-line ball gown skirt. Zipper back. The satin is heavy and luxurious, with an elegant drape. The skirt has an underskirt of tulle. (A/n - This dress can be seen at
"NO! IT doesn't look good on me!" Kagome's shout was the answer to Eri.
"Oh come Kagome-Chan it can't be that bad. I saw your dress and it looks nicer then Eri's and my dress." Yuka yapped while putting her down and brushing it.
"Fine." With that Kagome came out of the bathroom. Her dress was a Midnight Blue Brocade Tie Front Corset. Handcrafted modern corset in midnight blue satin with cashmere pattern. Scoop bust line with adjustable lace-up front. V-shaped back with mini "hooks and eye" closures. High quality couture corset design. (A/n - also just think of this dress as midnight blue instead of black this dress can be seen at
"See you look great Kagome-Chan! My dress is the color light rose color." Eri and Yuka said at the same time - they both were wearing an Empire Mesh Flyaway Prom Dress. Delicate black mesh over shimmering lightweight black satin dress with empire waist and flyway panel. Empire bodice is embellished with silver embroidery and subtle sequins. Spaghetti straps with an overlay of gathered mesh. Full zip up back makes this easy to wear with or without a strapless bra. (A/n - Think of this dress a light raised color instead of being a black/gold color, you can see it at
"Well I think we all look great!" Ayumi piped up. Kagome just shrugged it off and went to put her hair up in a bun and put some light make-up on. Eri and Yuka followed suit.
Kagome waited until one of Shippo's sons went down the aisle - he was the ring bearer - and had the reincarnation of Rin walk down the aisle - her being the flower girl. Miipo - Shippos's son - was wearing a plain black tuxedo with a silvery tie - his dress shoes even having a silver sheen to them. Milin - Rin's reincarnation - had on a flowery ankle length dress that was a soft blue with white lilies decorating the arms and torso area, her outfit was completed with a pair of white sandals - her mid-back length hair up in a loose bun.
Kagome looked at the person standing next to her wondering how in the world that he of all people had to be Hojo's Man of Honor. He probably wanted to have attention for the whole female population in this wedding. Kagome thought offhand but wondered at why it would hurt her emotionally. I need to get out more often. She sighed and fingered her necklace after the thought. The necklace was - unusually - a soft blue colored diamond that seemed as though it had a soft blue hue to it as well - the actual chain was silver and was about 18 inches long. Her Mating Ring was a soft colored red diamond that had a more pink hue that radiated from the inner most part of the jewel and the band was silver with a design of vines wrapping around each other. I miss Sessho-Kun.
You miss him but you have to remember what your mother said to you the day before!
I am your sub-consciousness. Your true self and nothing - no matter the reality of this world - I always speak the truth. Even for the most painful of things.
Why haven't you spoken to me before?
You wouldn't have listened to yourself. When I was formed - the perfect of my self . . . I can sense that you are confused. What I meant was that I had to "form" or be born but I was from your adventures, your loves and heartbreaks. I can see that you understand what I mean now.
Okay I understand…as you have said. But why talk to me now?
As I have said remember what your mother spoke of. Is there anything that you wish to ask me?
Yes there is. You speak as though you are someone of high status. Who are you really?
Kagome heard soft laughter coming from the depths of her while she walked down the aisle arm in arm with SesshoMaru.
I knew you were going to say something about that. I am glad that I picked you then. Okay I am actually Priestess Midoriko, well . . . actually just the spirit. I have lived and still remember what had happened to me.
So whose reincarnation am I? If I have your spirit in me.
Well since you had the Shikon No Tama in your person and Kikyo was burned with the Shikon No Tama. You have both are souls and/or spirit within your person. My spirit from the Shikon No Tama and you have Kikyo's resemblance and small percentage of her power because you are her great-great-great-great….Well over fifteen great-grand daughter.
Kagome watched the ceremony go under way with Ayumi being walked out by her dad and handed over to Hojo - the marriage vows and all that. Kagome once again felt that raw jealous emotion and naturally scolded herself for it.
You shouldn't be jealous of Hojo and Ayumi, Kagome. You have Lord SesshoMaru. And might I say nice choice. I have met him - though he was close to being called an infant - I still have met him and he is respectable.
But he isn't by me! I tire of not being near him and now that this "SesshoMaru" has come into my life I feel as though I am betraying my mate. Kagome softly sighed as she looked over at SesshoMaru catching his gaze. And when he looks at me I feel as though I am floating on air.
I wondered why she looks at me as such. SesshoMaru thought while noticing the far away look in Kagome's eyes. I'll find out more about her at the reception.
Kagome just let Mother Fate plan what is ahead of you. Now enjoy the reception, I will be just a thought away if you need my advice.
Kagome sat in the seat next to Ayumi's and Eri's while she twirled a glass of white wine around. In the corner of her eye she saw Yuka get up and do a speech knowing that she would have to do one after her's she straightened up more. Breathing deeply after Yuka sat back down and gave Kagome a knowing glance, Kagome tapped her water glass with a fork gaining the attention of every one in the reception.
"Hello I'm Kagome Ayumi's long time friend. I've known Ayumi since before I could use the bathroom properly." Kagome got a few giggles here and there. "And in all the time I have known her - through all the stupid arugments and parties - I have known that she could always be there for me and I hope she knows that I will always be there for her. She and Hojo were there for me when I had been "sick" all those days and then went in to that heavy depression. Now I know that they are both beyond caring persons I can safely say that they - I hope - will be there for one another for the rest of their lives." Kagome wipe away a stray tear. "And when I finally find You-Know-Who you guys will be the first ones. I promise that if you guys at any time need my help I will be there. Just be there for each other first. Now that I have made all the people cry I'll shut up." Kagome sat back down wiping away tears that fell from her stormy eyes. Ayumi wiped a few tears away as well.
"Thanks Kag-Chan. Let's get on with the dancing before we all start sobbing now!" Ayumi exclaimed while getting up and dragging Hojo with her. As the music started with My Will by Dream, every girl there screamed "OH YEAH~!" while the guys just sweat dropped. Kagome talked with Rumiko Takahashi about the animation business and the ups and downs of life. SesshoMaru watched the dancing but kept going back to thinking of Kagome.
"Well Takahashi-San it has been a honor to talk with you. You don't know how much your work has inspired me in my drawings and stories!" Kagome praised the small woman sitting next to her.
"Oh you make me blush Higurashi-San. This story that you speak of with the half dog demon InuYasha and his archenemy Naraku is brilliant though. You wouldn't mind if I took that idea to my publishers? Of course I would say that you made the plot and such."
"That wouldn't bother my one bit. Just when you are accepting the "Best Manga Award" be sure to say that it's all because of me." Kagome smiled at the woman who was currently nodding her head vigiously.
"Oi Kagome-Chan sing one of your songs! Since you are so talented - every body would love it." Ayumi came up breathless from the dancing.
"I don't…." Kagome started.
"Come on it's my wedding! I want it perfect having you sing at my wedding would make it perfect! Come on Kagome-Chan, besides some of Hojo friend's want to hear you sing. You know Mada-San, Maku-San, and Ruko-San want to meet you. Also since I told them of your many talents want to hear you sing! So please!" Ayumi pleaded. Kagome sighed with resolve as she stood up.
"Gomenasai Takahashi-San but I am going to go embassrass my self in front of my friends' wedding." Turning to a now overly happy Ayumi. "Now we are even for the pictures. Come on let's seal my fate."
Ayumi just nodded and showed Kagome the stage.
"Hello minna-san! Kagome has diecided that she would bless us with one of her beautiful songs! Yeah so give it up for Kagome!" Ayumi chirped over the microphone. "Here Kagome - and sing your best I think that Yokaishino guy has something for you." Ayumi whispered to Kagome. When Kagome looked over to where SesshoMaru sat her heart leapt with joy and heartache at the look he was giving her.
Great now I am think that he is my mate.
Just shut up and sing. You have a gift so use it - show Yokaishino what you got!
Now I am yelling at my self. I am pathetic.
"Okay everybody here it goes…." Kagome started singing her number one song called Yesterday &Today (a/n: Yesterday & Today is a song by Do As Infinity. I do not own it.) I'll sing the song I sang to SesshoMaru one time. Closing her eyes she visualized SesshoMaru smiling with one of his sweet smiles next to her - while she poured her heart in the words. (a/n: I found the English lyrics for those who couldn't read Romanji.)
In those unforgettable encounters
We use both hands to hold these little wounds
Watching this limitless world
It's so precious when you have good wishes
Open eyes and see inside of your heart
It's so precious when you have good wishes
Open eyes and see inside of your heart
The crime which is called lonely
Induces sounds of prayers
The reality that has become past
and the soft sighs of tomorrow
believing that it'll forgive you
There's no need to feel perplexed
You only need to move forward
It's so precious when you have good wishes
Open eyes and see inside of your heart
It's so precious when you have good wishes
Open eyes and see inside of your heart
Walking towards the brightness
Dear friends, even if we don't have the energy
We still must surpass this generation bravely
Loved one, let us mutually
let eternity bloom in this town
setting off on a journey once more
Finally opening her eyes she first saw a cheering crowd and then a deeply shocked SesshoMaru Yokaishino. Smiling kindly to the crowd she got off the stage and made her way to her seat and of course it was a few seats down from SesshoMaru's.
"Where did you hear that song from?" Sesshomaru demanded in a deadly cold voice.
"I made it - no one made it for me to sing if that is what you are thinking." Kagome stated while having some of her neglected Oden. Why is he so mad? I should ask him something…But will he go postal on me? I mean I feel some angry yokai energy radiating off of him.
Just do it. Ask him if you could ask him a question away from others' ears over at the secluded grove of Cherry Trees there.
I'll do that. Thanks Midoiko-Chan!
Midoriko-Chan? I like that.
Kagome smiled at the controlled yokai sitting close to her with a deadly look in his eyes. "Please Yokaishino-San." Kagome was caught off guard by the sicken air surrounding her being - stealing a apologetic glance at SesshoMaru she ran to the clearing close by. Ayumi saw Kagome ran off with a pale complexion and unstable footsteps.
"What did you do to her Yokaishino-San!?" Ayumi demanded angrily at the demon in front of her.
"Well you better go and so something to her because when she was done singing Yesterday & Today she seemed fine." Ayumi hissed through a barely parted mouth. SesshoMaru who did not like the scent that was being given off by Ayumi got up and headed in the direction that Kagome run off to.
Stupid female, stupid tuxedo and stupid Kagome forever leaving me! If she had not gone I would not be in this situation. Now here is the little woman who has caught my interest.
Kagome was sitting on the ground while cherry blossoms floated around her being alone. Being deep in thought she didn't noticed SesshoMaru come up.
That aura is sickening, it's like Naraku's all over again. I believe it's Maku who is the reincarnation of Naraku. Oh Midoriko I am such at a lost. If I am to do anything I could be put into jail and not to mention I have a feeling that Yokaishino knows something about me.
Be patient Kagome. It is only a matter of time before I release your true form and powers.
Wait! True form! What do you mean!?
Did you really think that this human body was your true form? I am surprised with you Kagome. Tsk tsk I thought that with all the things that you have been through you would suspect that you were not what you seemed. All this power too!
Well Midoriko-Chan I do not just go sreaching in my self - wait I feel Yokaishino watching me.
"Yes Yokaishino-San?" Kagome asked while still in her meditation position.
"Your stupid friend Ayumi said that I was to blame with your sudden illness which I am not. She is a rather unpleasant person." SesshoMaru sat down next to Kagome enjoying the calm around her.
"Welt she can be when it involves me. As I had said we knew each other since the day we were born. She knows everything about me - even what happened when I was fifteen. Not many people know wabout that time in my life."
"What is so eventful when you were fifteen?"
"Oh ever so much. I met a bunch of people. They were all like my friends except a few - we were enemies. But one of my enemies and I fell in love." Kagome sighed sadly.
"What happened?" SesshoMaru faintly curious asked. This sounds a little familiar with what happened to Kagome and I..
"Oh well I'm not going to say the normal "We saw that we had nothing in common and went our separate ways" because that's not even close to what happened. Something happened to force me to go back to my ti- I mean home. Though I had already made a home with my husband." Kagome looked at her ring and rubbed the diamond while tears came to her eyes. "I didn't even tell him where I lived and my family. I just left him in the dark. For all I know now he may already have another mate and be happily married because he doesn't have some stupid human as a stupid mate. But oh god I miss him!" Kagome full out cried then. SesshoMaru was shocked into silence.
She has to be Kagome! Kami have I been stupid. She still even has the Mate Ringand Binding Necklace. Dear Kagome I am deeply sorry but I don't think I could tell you anything right now. I will be able to hold you when I figure everything out.
"I am sorry that you have to go through all this. Should I go get your mother or your friend?"
"No just sit by me, you presence calms me." Kagome whispered.
No you nee dot get you SesshoMaru back. Now do as I say. Ask SesshoMaru to give you a hug for that would make you feel tons better then ask to talk about things.
"SesshoMaru-San would it be to much trouble to ask for a hug. I miss them from the opposite sex - though this would be only a friendly hug." Kagome asked with pleading stormy eyes into SesshoMaru's passive yet gentle blue green eyes.
"I assume so." SesshoMaru gave into his need to hold his long lost Kagome and gave her a "friendly" hug. How it feels to hold her again!
"Thanks that helped." Kagome grinned up at SesshoMaru. "Um - You want to talk?"
"Yeah sure. How about we go somewhere tomorrow. I'll pick you up at your friends' penthouse since she is going to be gone in the states."
"Oh that would be great! Let's go back to the reception. I bet I have some more fans because of that number with my song Yesterday & Today. It's nice to have fans but I only sing to get my mind off of things." Kagome laughed as she walked ahead of SesshoMaru.
I haven't laughed in so long. At least with someone of the opposite sex that isn't my friend!
Just wait until to tomorrow…
Okay there's the chapter. I am going to have to tell you guys that the next chapter is the killer cliffy in my eyes. I hope you all enjoyed the story. Here is the review responses!
Okay none from this site. Sadly.
RED DAY - Thank you for the wonderful ratings. Actually in my next chapter - - chapter five - - I will answer that question. Very indirectly, so you must pay attention to the next chapter. This chapter is really only the wedding. I didn't go into describing the actual wedding because I am not good at wedding describing and they are all mostly the same.
Youkai Yumi - Thank you so very much for reviewing! I am so happy and very amused at your review. Thanks. To tell you the truth I am using this fic as a juice-following-hope-to-get-rid-of-writer's-block fic. Hee hee. Thank you so much! ::blushes:: Please update your fic and review my fic! I will be most happy if you did~!
Aira^o^ - I have it on that site as well but it is not doing as good as it is on this site. Thank you. Well I can't tell you but let's just say "The big demon puppy has been missing his mate." ^^Please review again.
Lil_sesshi - Thank you for the review. And as for the wedding. Very uneventful but it gets better in the next chapter. I can bet on that. Review for this chapter too, please!
Okay then that's all. Gomenasai for all of those that I didn't responded to if I forgot any of you. I don't think that the next chapter is going to come out anytime soon for I am very sick. The horrible fires by my home - - Orange County - - are surrounded by cities that have fires in them. I inhaled a lot of smoke from the last weekend and have not gotten better. Please do not get made at me for taking a while to update. I am not going to update until I get better. Review all it will make me feel tons better. And have a safe Halloween and get lots of candy. I cannot go out. So have fun and be safe!
A Sick But Lover of The Great Demon Puppy, Lord SesshoMaru