InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Priestess ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Shippo_Kirara When the bell rang and every student was in their seats. Kagome turned to look for the teacher. The teacher was nowhere to be found until 15 minutes later the hallway door opened. The Teacher entered with a new student "Hello class" she said. "Hello Teacher" everyone said at the same time.
"We have a new student, her name is Katsume Samura" the teacher paused then continued "I hope you will make her feel welcome and comfterable in school, go sit anywhere you like" she ended. Katsume looked like Kikyo and Kagome, but a little bit pretty. She didn't wear make up, but is presentable. Katsume went to the last line closest to the windows and sat in front of Kagome.
When school ended, Kagome's friends went and waited by the classroom door. "Hey Katsume" one of the girls said. "Hi" Katsume said. "Hi my name is Ayumi, this is Yuka, Eri, and the girl over there is Kagome" Ayumi said pointing to where Kagome was standing. "Want to go grab something to eat" Eri said. "Sure" said Katsume. "Let's go then" says Yuka. "Yeah" everyone said excited even Katsume who didn't know the people to well.
Once they were eating hamburgers Kagome's friend started asking questions to Katsume and took almost the whole day. The second day* "Hey has anyone seen Kagome yet" said Ayumi. "No, not yet" says Yuka. "Katsume have you" asked Ayumi. "Do you mean the girl that that was with us" Katsume said. "That's the one" says Eri. "No, I haven't says Katsume. "I think she might be sick again" Eri said. "Sick, does she get sick a lot" Katsume says. "Yeah" Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri said at the same time. "Kagomes like that, but she'll be back soon" Yuka said.
Its been almost a week since Kagome was sick and hadn't been back. Katsume went to see if Kagome was alright. While Kagome was gone, Katsume got to know more about her new friends and about kagome. No one was home at the time Katsume was there. She called Kagome's name a few times to see if Kagome was awake.
Katsume heard a noise coming from a shrine that creeped Katsume. At first she thought it was Kagome, but she realized it wasn't her because of the light shining out. She went to figure out what it was. When she opened the shrine door the light was gone. All what Katsume could see was an old well in the center of the room. She wondered where the light came from and was about to close the door until the same light appeared again, but it was coming from the old well. To see what the the light was, she went closer to the well. Once Katsume was close to the well, the light vanished again. All she could see was dark at the bottom of the well. "Strange what was that light, huh!" She said. Katsume felt a gust o wind pulling her into the well. The gust of wind came out of nowhere, but it was so strong she couldn't pull back. "What's happening" she said. while trying to pull back. She also yelled 'help' many times, but no one could hear her. Until it was too. late.
To be continued
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Fantasy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 09.05.2006 | Updated On: 09.25.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 578 | Visits: 226 | Status: Work In Progress
&n bsp; When the bell rang and every student was in their seats. Kagome turned to look for the teacher. The teacher was nowhere to be found until 15 minutes later the hallway door opened. The Teacher entered with a new student "Hello class" she said. "Hello Teacher" everyone said at the same time.
"We have a new student, her name is Katsume Samura" the teacher paused then continued "I hope you will make her feel welcome and comfterable in school, go sit anywhere you like" she ended. Katsume looked like Kikyo and Kagome, but a little bit pretty. She didn't wear make up, but is presentable. Katsume went to the last line closest to the windows and sat in front of Kagome.
When school ended, Kagome's friends went and waited by the classroom door. "Hey Katsume" one of the girls said. "Hi" Katsume said. "Hi my name is Ayumi, this is Yuka, Eri, and the girl over there is Kagome" Ayumi said pointing to where Kagome was standing. "Want to go grab something to eat" Eri said. "Sure" said Katsume. "Let's go then" says Yuka. "Yeah" everyone said excited even Katsume who didn't know the people to well.
Once they were eating hamburgers Kagome's friend started asking questions to Katsume and told almost the whole day. The second day* "Hey has anyone seen Kagome yet" said Ayumi. "No, not yet" says Yuka. "Katsume have you" asked Ayumi. "Do you mean the girl that that was with us" Katsume said. "That's the one" says Eri. "No, I haven't" says Katsume. "I think she might be sick again" Eri said. "Sick, does she get sick a lot" Katsume says. "Yeah" Ayumi, Yuka, and Eri said at the same time. "Kagomes like that, but she'll be back soon" Yuka said.
Its been almost a week since Kagome was sick and hadn't been back. Katsume went to see if Kagome was alright. While Kagome was gone Katsume got to know more about her new friends and about kagome. No one was home at the time Katsume was there. She called Kagome's name a few times to see if Kagome was awake.
Katsume heard a noise coming from a shrine that creeped Katsume. At first she thought it was Kagome, but she realized it wasn't her because of the light shining out. She went to figure out what it was. When she opened the shrine door the light was gone. All what Katsume could see was an old well in the center of the room. She wondered where the light came from and was about to close the door until the same light appeared again, but it was coming from the old well. To see what the the light was, she went closer to the well. Once Katsume was close to the well, the light vanished again. All she could see was dark at the bottom of the well. "Strange! what was that light, huh" She said. Katsume felt a gust o wind pulling her into the well. The gust of wind came out of nowhere, but it was so strong she couldn't pull back. "What's happening" she said while trying to pull back. She also yelled 'help' many times, but no one could hear her. Until it was too late.