InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Priestess ❯ Chapter 4
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Shippo_Kirara Kagome had a lot to catch up on homework. When it got dark and kagome was studying suddenly the phone rang.”kagome, hello” yuka asked. “Yay!” kagome replied. “Have you seen katsume or has she stopped by your house at all.” yuka said. “No, why” said kagome. “Because she vanished” yuka stopped then continued “We can’t find her anywhere, it’s been two days now.” “Isn’t she in her house” kagome said back. “No, her mother hasn’t seen her and she’s worried” Yuka cried in worry. “It’ll be ok, I’ll help look for her” kagome said. “Ok we’ll start to look for her again tomorrow” said yuka happily. “See you tomorrow then, bye” kagome replied and hung up.
It is Saturday night now and still no luck. Four days have passed and still couldn’t find katsume.”Why hasn’t kagome come back yet.” Inuyasha said madly. “She must have a good reason why she isn’t here Inuyasha” Sango replied. “ Well I’m going to go and see way she’s late” Inuyasha said frustrated, then turned to face the well and jumped in. A few minutes later when Inuyasha made it to the other side to pick up kagome. Inuyasha smelled a strange smell that isn’t kagome in the well shrine. He decided to ignore it and went where kagome was. Kagome was talking on the phone to one of her friends. “Did you find her” kagome said sadly. *not yet, but we have to keep looking just in cause* a girl said on the phone. “I’ll keep looking around here still ok” replied kagome and hung up. She turned around to find Inuyasha standing behind her. “Are you ready to go” Inuyasha asked. “Inuyasha I can’t go, I have to find my friend.” Kagome replied. “Then find her” answered Inuyasha. “ Well, that’s the problem, she’s been missing four days now” Kagome said. “We don’t have time we have to go and find the shikon shards” Inuyasha said back. “Your so stubborn” said kagome then continued “If you help me find my friend, we can go find more shikon shards.” “Fine” answered Inuyasha “so, do you have something that belongs to her or a picture of her” Inuyasha asked. “I only have a picture of her, but that’s it.” replied kagome “can’t you sniff her though, isn’t that faster.” “ Yay but the problem is that we don’t know or I don’t know how she smells” Inuyasha said frustrated. “Just sniff a scent you don’t know around her just in case she came here.” Kagome finished. “Alright” said Inuyasha and started to sniff the ground. He remembered the scent he smelled when he came out the well, that wasn’t from kagome or anyone from her family. To see in if it was kagome’s friend., he went back to the shrine to see if he can still smell the scent.
When he reached the shrine the scent was gone. He couldn’t smell it anymore. “Damn I can’t smell it any more” said Inuyasha. “What is it?” asked kagome. “Before I came inside to get you, I smelled a different scent here in the shrine” Inuyasha answered. “Can you smell it still” said kagome. “No” replied Inuyasha.. “We have to go and find her” kagome said and left the shrine. Kagome, Inuyasha and her friend did anything to find katsume. Kagome and her friends put posters and called the police, but the police couldn’t find her either. while Inuyasha looked from the skies with the picture that kagome gave him to help him, but still no luck. After searching for her friend and still couldn’t find her, she had to go back to the feudal era because of Inuyasha a and the shikon shards. Kagome saw her friends waiting for her by the well, but it didn’t make her happy that much. She wondered if her friend was alright. “Welcome back kagome and Inuyasha” Miroku said with a smile. “ Hi everyone” said kagome. “You two were gone for quite some time you know” Shippo responded. “We were looking for kagomes friend” replied Inuyasha. “What happened”s sango said sadly. “She vanished, no one seen her and we couldn’t find her” said kagome, she sounded like she was about to cry. “I’ll be ok, they’ll find her I know it” sango replied to make kagome happy.
To be continued...
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Fantasy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 10.19.2006 | Updated On: 11.08.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 764 | Visits: 178 | Status: Work In Progress
Kagome had a lot to catch up on homework. When it got dark and kagome was studying suddenly the phone rang.”kagome, hello” yuka asked. “Yay!” kagome replied. “Have you seen katsume or has she stopped by your house at all.” yuka said. “No, why” said kagome. “Because she vanished” yuka stopped then continued “We can’t find her anywhere, it’s been two days now.” “Isn’t she in her house” kagome said back. “No, her mother hasn’t seen her and she’s worried” Yuka cried in worry. “It’ll be ok, I’ll help look for her” kagome said. “Ok we’ll start to look for her again tomorrow” said yuka happily. “See you tomorrow then, bye” kagome replied and hung up.
It is Saturday night now and still no luck. Four days have passed and still couldn’t find katsume.”Why hasn’t kagome come back yet.” Inuyasha said madly. “She must have a good reason why she isn’t here Inuyasha” Sango replied. “ Well I’m going to go and see way she’s late” Inuyasha said frustrated, then turned to face the well and jumped in. A few minutes later when Inuyasha made it to the other side to pick up kagome. Inuyasha smelled a strange smell that isn’t kagome in the well shrine. He decided to ignore it and went where kagome was. Kagome was talking on the phone to one of her friends. “Did you find her” kagome said sadly. *not yet, but we have to keep looking just in cause* a girl said on the phone. “I’ll keep looking around here still ok” replied kagome and hung up. She turned around to find Inuyasha standing behind her. “Are you ready to go” Inuyasha asked. “Inuyasha I can’t go, I have to find my friend.” Kagome replied. “Then find her” answered Inuyasha. “ Well, that’s the problem, she’s been missing four days now” Kagome said. “We don’t have time we have to go and find the shikon shards” Inuyasha said back. “Your so stubborn” said kagome then continued “If you help me find my friend, we can go find more shikon shards.” “Fine” answered Inuyasha “so, do you have something that belongs to her or a picture of her” Inuyasha asked. “I only have a picture of her, but that’s it.” replied kagome “can’t you sniff her though, isn’t that faster.” “ Yay but the problem is that we don’t know or I don’t know how she smells” Inuyasha said frustrated. “Just sniff a scent you don’t know around her just in case she came here.” Kagome finished. “Alright” said Inuyasha and started to sniff the ground. He remembered the scent he smelled when he came out the well, that wasn’t from kagome or anyone from her family. To see in if it was kagome’s friend., he went back to the shrine to see if he can still smell the scent.
When he reached the shrine the scent was gone. He couldn’t smell it anymore. “Damn I can’t smell it any more” said Inuyasha. “What is it?” asked kagome. “Before I came inside to get you, I smelled a different scent here in the shrine” Inuyasha answered. “Can you smell it still” said kagome. “No” replied Inuyasha.. “We have to go and find her” kagome said and left the shrine. Kagome, Inuyasha and her friend did anything to find katsume. Kagome and her friends put posters and called the police, but the police couldn’t find her either. while Inuyasha looked from the skies with the picture that kagome gave him to help him, but still no luck. After searching for her friend and still couldn’t find her, she had to go back to the feudal era because of Inuyasha a and the shikon shards. Kagome saw her friends waiting for her by the well, but it didn’t make her happy that much. She wondered if her friend was alright. “Welcome back kagome and Inuyasha” Miroku said with a smile. “ Hi everyone” said kagome. “You two were gone for quite some time you know” Shippo responded. “We were looking for kagomes friend” replied Inuyasha. “What happened”s sango said sadly. “She vanished, no one seen her and we couldn’t find her” said kagome, she sounded like she was about to cry. “I’ll be ok, they’ll find her I know it” sango replied to make kagome happy.