InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Priestess ❯ Chapter 3
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: Shippo_Kirara Kaede stepped out of her house and turned to the skies. To see a black jaguar and a young girl on its back going across the sky. At first kaede stood there not knowing what was happening at that moment and thought the girl was a friend of the jaguar. The jaguar was familiar from someplace and so is the girl, she thought she seen her some place. When kaede saw more closely at the girl and gasped to what will happen really soon. “Oh, no” she said then continued “She’s back, but that means so is her........” Before she could get her arrows, the jaguar took off with great speed and vanished.
Inuyasha and the others returned the next day, after the kidnap of the girl. Shippo didn’t go with them to look for the shikon shards and stayed behind with kaede in the village. Kaede acted normal like nothing happened and didn’t tell them about the girl and the jaguar. Shippo went and jumped on kagome to give her a big hug, he also did it to kirara. Miroku did the same as always, looking at women and getting smacked, hit by sango. Inuyasha was commanded by the ‘sit’ word because hitted shippo or for something else. “Sango, shippo, miroku” Kagome said. “What is it kagome” said Sango. “I’m going back to my time would you want something” Smiled kagome. “No, not now” Miroku replied. “Can you bring more candy and lollipops for me” Shippo wined.”Of course I will, can you tell Inuyasha I will come back?” kagome turned and said it at the same time. “We will” replied miroku.
Kagome jumped into the well and vanished to the other side that night. Kagome remember to notice that something was bothering kaede will she was over there. Kaede moved and walked nervously when she was alone, kagome realized when she saw her in kaede house all alone. Kagome tried to talk to kaede about what was wrong but kaede wouldn’t budge or you could say she wasn’t telling. Kaede also kept saying that ‘nothing was wrong’ When kagome was in the other side and out of the well, she noticed the shrine door open. “That’s odd” kagome replied “Maybe it was sota or grandpa that opened it” and shut the door and walked to her house. When she finally made it inside her house her house, she went to take a shower and got supplies when she was out of the shower for the next trip.
To Be Continued...
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Fantasy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 10.17.2006 | Updated On: 11.08.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 484 | Visits: 204 | Status: Work In Progress
&nbs p; & nbsp; Kaede stepped out of her house and turned to the skies. To see a black jaguar and a young girl on its back going across the sky. At first kaede stood there not knowing what was happening at that moment and thought the girl was a friend of the jaguar. The jaguar was familiar from someplace and so is the girl, she thought she seen her some place. When kaede saw more closely at the girl and gasped to what will happen really soon. “Oh, no” she said then continued “She’s back, but that means so is her........” Before she could get her arrows, the jaguar took off with great speed and vanished.
&nbs p; Inuyasha and the others returned the next day, after the kidnap of the girl. Shippo didn’t go with them to look for the shikon shards and stayed behind with kaede in the village. Kaede acted normal like nothing happened and didn’t tell them about the girl and the jaguar. Shippo went and jumped on kagome to give her a big hug, he also did it to kirara. Miroku did the same as always, looking at women and getting smacked, hit by sango. Inuyasha was commanded by the ‘sit’ word because hitted shippo or for something else. “Sango, shippo, miroku” Kagome said. “What is it kagome” said Sango. “I’m going back to my time would you want something” Smiled kagome. “No, not now” Miroku replied. “Can you bring more candy and lollipops for me” Shippo wined.”Of course I will, can you tell Inuyasha I will come back?” kagome turned and said it at the same time. “We will” replied miroku.
Kagome jumped into the well and vanished to the other side that night. Kagome remember to notice that something was bothering kaede will she was over there. Kaede moved and walked nervously when she was alone, kagome realized when she saw her in kaede house all alone. Kagome tried to talk to kaede about what was wrong but kaede wouldn’t budge or you could say she wasn’t telling. Kaede also kept saying that ‘nothing was wrong’ When kagome was in the other side and out of the well, she noticed the shrine door open. “That’s odd” kagome replied “Maybe it was sota or grandpa that opened it” and shut the door and walked to her house. When she finally made it inside her house her house, she went to take a shower and got supplies when she was out of the shower for the next trip.