InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

."Promises Promises"

by Pixie

Disclaimer: Even after such a long time, I still don't own Inu-Yasha

Author's Commentary: No I didn't fall off the face of the Earth. I just took a small break from writing. Needed to sort out a few ideas, do a few hundred projects for school….Back now though! SORRY!!!!!!

Chapter 13

With a deep sigh, a certain black haired girl flopped back on the Prince's bed. She smiled blissfully as she breathed in the scent of the Prince. Recently, and so suddenly, she had come to the realization that she loved him, and now she needed to tell him how she felt.

The door opened slightly and the girl looked up in anticipation.

"Rin - You're here?" Rin sat up and nodded, as she felt all the words leave her throat. Even with her years spent as an orphan, she had never felt a fear so great.

"You look sick. Shall I fetch the priestess?" Sesshoumaru turned back towards the door.

"N-NO!" Rin blushed at her outburst as Sesshoumaru stared at her. "Um…I mean, no, I'm not sick…."

"Very well." Sesshoumaru shut the door and went and sat down by Rin on his bed. "Did you need something?" he asked her sensibly. After all, it wasn't every day Sesshoumaru walked in his room to see Rin sitting there. Rin took a deep breath. It was now or never.

"Sesshoumaru-sama…I've been feeling a little strange recently." Sesshoumaru rose again, presumably to get the priestess for her. Rin reached out and grabbed the demon's arm and pulled him back down, staring at him, right into those concerned golden eyes.

"My body isn't sick. My heart was sick…All the time it hurt so bad! I-I…I couldn't breathe right sometimes, I'd feel all confused and sad, and mixed up. I was so sad…my heart felt like a bucket…no an ocean of sorrow weighing me down and crushing my heart." Rin felt her eyes fill with tears and she tried desperately not to cry in front of the Prince she adored. But tears sometime have a mind of their own, and Rin felt her own tears spill down her face. Sesshoumaru saw her tears and his heart gave a rare stir. He reached out pulled the tiny girl into his arms. Rin buried her face in his strong shoulder, and Sesshoumaru didn't even mind when she got the fabric wet.

"I didn't know…I didn't know why I felt this way, why I was so sad and confused. Then I realized Sesshoumaru-sama…." Rin felt her breath leave her again. She pulled away from Sesshoumaru, looking into his eyes, for some sort of sign, some sort of sign.


"Lord Sesshoumaru, your tea is ready!" Jaken burst into the door, a cup in one hand and a small pot of tea in the other. He looked up and saw Rin sitting there, and Sesshoumaru's arms around her.

"Am I interrupting something Lord Sesshoumaru…?"

Inu-Yasha walked along the path back to his castle, thoroughly disgusted with himself. He couldn't figure out why. He'd just had a nice moment with Kikyo. Was that upsetting him? He couldn't figure out why…He loved Kikyo, right? She normally wasn't so forward with him, and it was rather nice not to get mixed signals from a girl once. Not like some girls he could mention…Kagome, for example. Some days she seemed like she was in love with him, other days she hated him, it was so confusing! Why couldn't she just tell him if she liked him or not?!

Wait a second…Inu-Yasha paused. Why did he care so much how Kagome felt about him? He was just going to kill her right? Inu-Yasha stopped. Kill her? Something about that thought didn't sit right. What would it be like if Kagome died? Inu-Yasha thought about this. He was caught off guard completely by the wave of sorrow he felt, hitting him like a ton of bricks. He felt his lungs collapse within themselves, or so it felt.


"Hate to tell you this dog-face but Kagome's already gone…"

"Gone…no…I didn't want to kill her!"

"What the hell are you babbling about mutt? Kagome ain't dead, she's gone home." Inu-Yasha snapped back to reality to see a very pissed looking Kouga glaring down at him. Inu-Yasha stood up, returning Kouga's glare.

"The hell are you talking about Kouga?"

"She saw. She knows." Kouga announced flatly. "Granted, she doesn't know everything like I do. She doesn't know that you wanted her dead. I was going to save her myself, but since she's gone home, she's safe."

Inu-Yasha snapped. His golden eyes widened. Kouga…Kouga knew?! He could have ruined everything Inu-Yasha and Kagome could have had. Inu-Yasha cursed to himself. Kikyo. Kouga would have ruined everything he and KIKYO were going to have together. Instead, the wolf chose to quietly try to make Kagome fall in love with him to protect her. Inu-Yasha hung his head in shame. Kouga snorted.

"You digust me." And with that the wolf ran off. Inu-Yasha didn't bother to chase him. He ran back towards the castle. He needed to get to Kagome before she left.

He found Sango in her room, alone. She appeared to be rigging up some sort of net above the door.

"Kagome-chan? Not here. She left a while ago. I thought you two were getting along, but she came up here, packed her stuff and left. I barely even got a good-bye." Sango frowned at this face. Inu-Yasha felt devastated. Now he could never be with Kagome…hey, why did that matter? He had Kikyo…

"Oh! Prince Inu-Yasha, the guard around here….Kouga I think his name is? He said he was going to visit Kagome-chan. Perhaps you can get some information on her from him!" Inu-Yasha didn't need to hear more. He was off like a shot. Sango shrugged and went back to her net.

Inu-Yasha grabbed his extra robes and stuffed them down his shirt, while attempting to strap on the Tetsusaiga at the same time. Kagome's carriage would have probably been arriving home by now….Kouga probably already caught up to her. But if Inu-Yasha left now, he might be able to catch her.

"Ah, Inu-Yasha! Going to fetch Lady Kagome are you?" Inu-Yasha turned quickly and saw Miroku standing there.

"Nu-Nuh…Nuh uh!" Inu-Yasha retorted. "I'm jus' carrying around my clothes and sword because…because…because I friggin' can!" Miroku sighed and almost began to comment on that, but decided it wasn't worth the effort. He simply nodded wisely, and walked off. He heard Inu-Yasha sit down behind him, and figured the half-demon would sulk until no one was around. At this rate, Kagome would be married and have grandchildren, before Inu-Yasha went and got her.

Kagome sighed and stared out her bedroom window. She was home again, yes, but something in her heart was missing. She had given part of her heart to the dog-eared Prince, and he had stepped on it. Kagome shook head as tears sprung to her eyes. She couldn't think about Inu-Yasha now. Not here.

What was wrong with her? Kagome could clearly see Inu-Yasha loved Kikyo, so why did it hurt so bad thinking about him? Kagome didn't stand a chance with Inu-Yasha. But still, something was there…something about him. Something that placed a great sorrow, to the point where she couldn't breathe. Rin may have been confused by this feeling in her heart, but Kagome was older and Kagome knew.

"I-I….I love Inu-Yasha?"

Kagome felt her heart flutter with the words, and the sorrow lift ever so slightly. She needed to see Inu-Yasha. She needed to know if he felt the same, in any way.

Kouga looked up at Kagome's house and smiled ever so slightly. Kagome would be so happy! And with that thought, he leaped up in the air, heading right toward's her house.

"Kagome-chan!" The voice her mother inturrupted her thoughts. "You have a vistor dear…it looks like a demon, and he seems very insistant on seeing you…"

Kagome's heart leapt.
