InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises'

By Pixie

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-Yasha. And because the fic's rated PG I can't tell you the things I'd do if I did own him.

Author's Commentary: Woot! I got my comp all fixed up nicely, so now it almost runs at the speed of a normal computer bought five years ago.

Either way, it still runs way faster than it did before.

Chapter 11:

Miroku gently opened the door, revealing the sight of Kagome leaning up against the wall sound asleep, with a certain dog-earned Prince asleep in her lap.

"Isn't that the cutest thing you ever saw?" Sango whispered excitedly, leaning over Miroku's shoulder for a better look.

"Well…I wouldn't say it's the cutest…" Sango turned and looked at him. He grinned, so she got his meaning. Sango turned slightly pink, as she realized she was leaning over Miroku's shoulder and she was pressed up against his back. Not too mention, turning towards him had left her face only a few inches from his.

Miroku continued smiling.

"This is it!" He thought, "I just have to go for it and kiss her now!" He began to lean in. But at the same time, one of his hands "accidentally" slipped backwards and landed on Sango's thigh. Being an inch from Sango's face only gave her a stronger smack it turned out. She shoved the monk aside and walked in to go wake Inu-Yasha and Kagome.

Miroku glared at his hands. "Why do you always do that!?"

Kagome stirred gently awake as her friend woke her up.

"Sango?" Kagome yawned, and felt something warm in her lap. Almost like a puppy. Assuming it was Shippo, and being too tired to realize she wasn't in her own bed, she reached down and touched the soft fluffy…ears? Kagome's hand jerked back along with all the memories of last night. Kagome blushed like wild and began stammering that it wasn't what it looked like. Miroku watched thoughtfully.

"Hey Sango-san, when my hand slipped back there, it wasn't what it looked like! It was all an innocent slip of the hand." Sango paused, then ripped a piece of armor off her shoulder and hurled it at Miroku, hitting him right in the middle of his forehead.

Kagome quickly began shoving Inu-Yasha off her lap. Well, in theory, she was shoving him off her lap. In reality, she couldn't budge the half-demon. She pushed as hard as she could at the half-demon.

Inu-Yasha's arm darted up, still asleep and wrapped itself around Kagome, pulling her down next to him in one swift motion.

"Wasn't what it looked like huh?" Miroku kidded while Sango tried to rescue her friend. Each time Sango tried to pull Kagome away though, Inu-Yasha only pulled her closer. The sleeping Prince buried his face in her hair and breathed in.

"Kagome," he mumbled in his sleep, "Will you stay with me forever?" Miroku and even Sango dissolved in laughter. Kagome blushed, and prayed Inu-Yasha would wake up. She didn't all together mind being pressed up against Inu-Yasha's chest (though she could figure out why), it was just embarrassing.

Kikyo, by this time, was gagging. She pulled out a small necklace and a tiny scroll.

"If you want the half-demon to let go, simply place this necklace on him, then read the word on the scroll." Kikyo smiled, secretly fuming at Inu-Yasha. Kagome reached out with one hand the best she could and together she and Sango attacked the necklace to the still-asleep Inu-Yasha. Kagome opened up the scroll, but was confused by the message inside. Perhaps she couldn't see it, but it appeared to say…

"Osuwari?" And with the magic word spoken, Inu-Yasha's grip was broken, and he was awaken as eh crashed down into the ground.

"What the hell?!" He grabbed and the necklace but it appeared to be rather stuck there. Kikyo laughed slightly, then walked off, unnoticed by all but one.

He and Kikyo had their little game. She would walk off behind the shrine and he would meet her there.

He watched her go behind the shrine.

"Miroku…go take the girls off to get dressed." Miroku, looking like a kid on Christmas morning, began directing the girls towards the door. Miroku turned back one more time.

"Inu-Yasha, nice fake sleep there…"


"You mean you were really asleep there?"

"Eh…eh…what do you mean Miroku? What did I do in my sleep?!" The monk sighed, realizing he had given Inu-Yasha too much credit there and walked off, only to find the girls gone.

Sango nearly tripped over Shippo.

"Sango!" The fox leapt up and hugged her. They had gotten a lot closer after last nights battle.when they had saved each other several times.

"Shippo! I was just going to take a bath, then get some sleep. You're probably tired too…"

Shippo nodded. "I'll go draw your bath though Sango!"

"Shippo-chan, you don't have…" The fox was already gone and Sango was left following behind…

Sango wandered down the hall, on her way to her own room, when a partially opened door caught her eye. Being curious, she wandered up to the door. A small sign plate on the door declared who's room it was.

"Why, this is Hoishi-sama's room…I didn't realize it was so close to ours." Somehow, Sango hadn't expected Miroku's room to be so neat and well-kept. She'd always envisioned him in a messy room that took hundreds of servants to clean up, with pictures of scantily clad woman everywhere. Sango looked in, just briefly, as no one else was up at this hour.

That was when she noticed a strange noise in Miroku's room. It seemed to be coming from the far wall. Sango walked across the room and pressed her ear up against the wall. The sound was faint from afar, but next to the wall Sango could hear clearly the sounds of running water. And something else…music perhaps? Sango pressed her ear up against even further and recognized the music. It was Shippo, humming.

Sango's eyes narrowed as she suddenly realized how Miroku conviently walked in on their baths all the time. She slipped out of Miroku's room as quietly as she had snuck in and hurried off to her own room, plots of revenge formulating in her mind.

Kagome slipped back into the shrine. She was a proper lady and proper ladies did not go around with men sleeping in their laps. She had every intention of apologizing to Inu-Yasha. Kagome walked back into the shrine, and looked around for Inu-Yasha. That's funny…she didn't see him anywhere. She stepped in a little further, her soft slippers silent against the wooden floor. Kagome felt her heart pound as she wandered deeper into the shrine. She would have noticed if Inu-Yasha left the shrine.

Suddenly, Kagome heard a faint voice that she recognized. Inu-Yasha! Kagome looked around and saw a small hole in the wooden wall leading out to the back of the shrine.

Kagome knelt down and looked out the hole and saw Inu-Yasha standing there with Kikyo.

"That's funny…"Kagome thought, "What would Inu-Yasha be doing with Kikyo?" Kagome felt her heart sink ever so slowly, as she got the feeling she shouldn't be watching these two together, and yet she couldn't tear her gaze away.

"Inu-Yasha…you don't love me anymore?" Kikyo looked up at him, her eyes and expression dead as she studied his.

"Kikyo…" Inu-Yasha shook his head. The priestess moved towards Inu-Yasha and wrapped her arms around him, pressing herself up against him. Inu-Yasha returned the embrace, as he held on to Kikyo, holding her against him, resting softly in her hair.

"Didn't you know? I never stop thinking about you Kikyo…"

Kagome's face turned a fiery red as she watched the scene in front of her. She longed to call out to Inu-Yasha, but her voice seemed to be caught in her throat, and she couldn't speak at all.

Kikyo looked up at Inu-Yasha, studying his golden eyes. A new sort of emotion was tugging at her heart. Pity? Did she pity the half-demon? She could see through his eyes that his heart was torn in two, and he couldn't decide how he felt about either girl. Yes, she felt pity for the half-demon. He had begun developing real feelings for the girl called Kagome, and now, he was slowly realizing he had to kill her. Kikyo leaned forward, before she could stop herself, she pressed her lips to Inu-Yasha's. She could feel his surprise, as the two of them had rarely been affectionete like this for fear of being caught.

Inu-Yasha had never felt so caught off guard before. Kikyo's kiss tasted bitter, but a good kind of bitter, like a medicine you knew was going to make you better. He felt himself return the kiss, like he was moving in a slow motion dream world.

Kikyo broke apart, too many emotions pulling at her heart at once. She dismissed them all as 'being caught up in the moment,' and pulled away from Inu-Yasha. She smiled at him, and walked off ever so slightly. Kikyo knew she had confused him even worse now.

"Inu-Yasha…this kiss was real…" And with that final statement, Kikyo walked off, leaving Inu-Yasha with much to think about.

Kagome felt a tear trickle down her face as she finally broke her gaze. She knew she could no longer speak to Inu-Yasha and she fled. As fuzzy and confused as her mind felt, one thought remained clear. Today was the day, the first day, that if a girl chose too, she could go home again, if she didn't like the Prince, or ever consider marrying him. Kagome felt tear after tear fall, as she ran back to the castle. She had a lot of packing to do after all.

She was going home.

Author's Commentary: Holy Shippo, what have I done now?