InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

By Pixie

Disclaimer: The chapter is late again! I don't deserve to own Inu-Yasha…

Author's Commentary: Nothing really to say, except I'm finally going to start heating up the romance of Inu-Yasha and Kagome. If you haven't noticed I've been incorporating moments from the show. If you have a favourite moment, let me know, and I'll put it in.

Chapter 10:

Inu-Yasha looked back at Kagome, as Myouga tapped his little foot impatiently. The violet-eyed man twitched uncomfortably, and Myouga took the hint.

"I'll see you in a minute Lord Inu-Yasha!" he called, hopping off. Kagome watched him go. Suddenly Inu-Yasha reached out and grabbed her wrist, spinning her around to face him.

"I take it you don't like what you see?"

"Prince Inu-Yasha, is it really you?" The arrogant smirk, absent only moments before had returned, and she saw he really did look like Inu-Yasha…a little.

"Listen," his voice was urgent as he spoke, "You can't tell ANYONE about this! Only my father and Myouga know, and if anyone else where to find out…." Kagome thought about this and quickly nodded.

"I'll never tell a soul Inu-Yasha!" Kagome promised to him. She realized only a moment too late she could have used that as blackmail to get him to be nice to her.

"Then I need your help. I don't have my demon blood tonight, but I want to help fight anyway. But its rather important I don't die. I want you to hide with the priestess, Kikyo is her name, I want you to hide with her, and if I'm in trouble, I want you to grab me and pull me into your hiding spot. Don't worry, I'm sure Kikyo will help you. She's also there to rescue wounded soilders. But she doesn't know about me, and being human and all." Kagome felt a bit sick over the idea of having to be in the midst of the battle, but she nodded anyway.

Inu-Yasha grabbed Kagome's hand, causing her heart to skip a beat. However, it quickly returned to normal as Inu-Yasha obviously had no notions of romance in mind, he simply dragged her down hallway after hallway.

Soon Kagome was hidden away in a spot where she could not easily be seen, but she could see Inu-Yasha and rescue him. It was a small room in the shrine, and the priestess had placed a seal so they could not be seen.

Kagome studied the priestess, trying not to look like she was staring. The priestess…Kikyo had Inu-Yasha called her? Kikyo had long black hair, identical to Kagome's, though maybe cut a little different. Her eyes were also brown, the same exact color as Kagome's. The resemblance was uncanny. Except, that the priestess had a strange bruise in the middle of her forehead.

Kagome tore her gaze away from the priestess, who was staring at her with a strange expression and watched the battle. It seemed the attacker "Naraku" had brought along an army of spider demons. Inu-Yasha seemed to be having trouble with one spider in particular, one that was glowing pink. She studied it, unable to figure out why it was different.

"Miss Kikyo? Why is that demon glowing pink?" Kagome pointed at the demon Inu-Yasha was fighting, and the priestess blinked. Her emotionless face actually looked surprised.

"So you can see the shards of the Shikon no Tama, can you? It was shattered years ago, and now the shards are gathered throughout the land. Kneel down girl, that human has no chance. Not against a demon like that. Maybe another spider out there, but he was foolish and took the big one. He'll die for sure."

Kagome watched Inu-Yasha fight. She stared helplessly as suddenly the demon lashed out and bit Inu-Yasha. Kagome cried out.

"Oh no, Inu-Yasha!" Kagome bit her tongue. Oops…She hoped Kikyo hadn't just heard her say that. The priestess stared, board, out the window.

"Of course…I should have known. His demon power fell into eclipse, but he still took on the strong demon…" Of course, by this time she was talking to herself, Kagome was already running towards Inu-Yasha.

Kikyo sat down in the corner. Inu-Yasha was part of her plan, yes, but she would not risk her life for him.

Tears poured down Kagome's face as she ran out on the battlefield. Miroku and Sango spotted her quickly and rushed to defend her as she grabbed Inu-Yasha out of the spider web he had been trapped in. She pulled with all her might, but the spider webs held him fast, as the spiders closed in on Kagome.

"Kitsune Bi!" Instantly, the spiders fled and the webs were burned away. Kagome smiled to Shippo, who stood quite proudly. He waved to her, and then ran off again. Miroku helped Kagome drag Inu-Yasha back to the shrine where Kikyo was.

"Oh Inu-Yasha…. Don't die on me Inu-Yasha!" Kikyo rolled her eyes and stared at them.

"He'll never recover from that poison. Not as a human…" Kagome stared at her tearfully, not wanting her words to be true. Kagome touched a hand to Inu-Yasha's face, his skin felt icy under hers.

"Perhaps I could be of some assistance." Myouga hopped up. Kagome looked at him.

"Weren't you supposed to be out there fighting?"

The flea demon looked away. "Well you see…I was…on my way to go fight, when I sensed Inu-Yasha would need me here. So I hid out…I mean, waited here instead. Now I'm going to try to suck some of the poison out. I suggest you don't watch ladies." Kagome obediently turned away and Kikyo shut her eyes calmly. Myouga sucked out the poison, then rolled away, incredibly full from all the blood he drank.

"Kagome…" Inu-Yasha opened one violet eye and looked up at her.

"Why were you crying for me?" he asked weakly.

"I thought you might die…" Kagome confessed.

"From this? You're crazy…" Kagome crossed her arms and looked away. Once and arrogant jerk, always an arrogant jerk. They sat silently for a while that way.

"Your lap…" Kagome looked down at Inu-Yasha.

"Will you lend me your lap?" Kagome looked startled, but moved Inu-Yasha onto her lap.

"There…is that better?"

He sighed contently, then breathed in deep.

"You smell nice…" Kagome felt her heart skip a beat.

"Wait a sec…I thought you said you hated my scent."

"Well, I lied…." Kikyo glared murder at Kagome before she interrupted them.

"Isn't this all sweet and touching?"

Kagome quickly pushed Inu-Yasha off her lap.

Author's Commentary: lol, I love that scene!

I'm short on time, no time for review responses