InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promies Promises"

By Pixie

Disclaimer: Not a chance…

Author's Commentary: I felt bad about the last chapter. I really did. That was a horrible cliffhanger, and to make it up to you, I am throwing in this chapter, though I suspect it will be rather short…

Chapter 9

Sesshoumaru arrived moments to late to stop Rin. He picked up the sword by her side, his face still emotionless. The demon prince sighed and stuck the sword into an empty sheath at his side.

"Rin quit messing around. Get up." The demon lord ordered, staring at the young girl on the floor.

"Rin I mean it, you'll catch a cold lying there on the floor." But still, the young lay there motionless.

Sesshoumaru knelt down, placing his hand on her soft hair, touching the radiant midnight locks.

"Rin, please get up?"

"Rin cannot get up Sesshoumaru. Rin is dead." The young girl stated, still lying motionless on the floor.

"Rin, you're not dead. Now, get up." Obediently, the girl stood up, her eyes wide. She remembered the sword going into her body, but why isn't she dead?

"Sesshoumaru-sama?" The girl looked up at him, her eyes wide and questioning. The demon sighed.

"Rin, is this the sword you tried to stab yourself with?" Sesshoumaru pulled out the sword from him side. Rin examined it closely, then nodded. "This is my sword here. Its magical and lacks the ability to kill. At full power, it can heal one hundred humans. When you tried to stab yourself with it, any wound you may have created was instantly healed." The young girl continued to stare at him, before finally she dissolved into giggles at her own silly mistake.

And suddenly warm powerful arms, arms that had killed a thousand creatures before were wrapped around Rin. She gasped out loud as Sesshoumaru pulled her into his arms, right off the floor in one graceful sweep.

"Rin, don't ever do that again. Please…from the moment I saw you, staring everyone down with complete lack of fear in your eyes, I was drawn to you. Please Rin, I can't lose you. I…I…"

And then as suddenly as he'd embraced her he dropped her. Jaken appeared around the corner in his slimy toad-like manner. Rin's heart was pounding and her mind was racing a hundred miles per hour as she wondered what Sesshoumaru was going to say before Jaken came. She remained a little while longer in that spot, even after Sesshoumaru had gone.

The very next evening, the Castle of the Western Kingdom was under attack. Sango and Kagome sat on the bed, on either side of Shippo. Sango had been re-tying his bow, Kagome had been giving him candy that she had snuck along from her home to the castle. Rin was, for some reason, asking Shippo a lot of questions about full-blooded demons. If either older girl suspected this had something to do with a certain pure-blooded Prince, they said nothing. It was at this peaceful moment that Miroku burst in through the door. For a moment the girls were confused. Miroku had no reason to be here, as none of them were taking a bath.

"Shippo! You're needed! Its Naraku again…we need every spare fighter, including yourself. No one can seem to find Prince Inu-Yasha."

"A battle?" Sango asked as Shippo began trembling in Kagome's arms.

"Naraku, a demon who, for years has been trying to conquer the Western Castle. I myself shall fight on the front line against him." And then Miroku started out the door.

"Wait!" Sango rushed up to Miroku.

"Ah! You want to give me a kiss for good luck Lady Sango? Very well, I suppose I shall let you." Miroku grinned at her, leaning in.

"Where does this castle keep its weapons? I am the strongest demon fighter from my village (Miroku backed away from her at this point) and I intend to fight alongside you." Miroku seemed to think this over as Sango, not waiting for his answer began gathering up her armor. She quickly slipped into it, out of Miroku's sight of course.

The second Sango stepped out whereing skin tight armor, Miroku couldn't help but agree it was a good idea for her to fight as well.

"There ought to be a way for me to help as well!" Kagome burst out. She had never had to fight before, and had no idea how to help.

"If you must help Lady Kagome, go and fetch Prince Inu-Yasha!" And with that, Miroku and Sango ran out the door, followed by a shaking Shippo. Kagome looked at Rin.

"The armory's not very far…from what I've learned, a bow and arrow might be pretty easy for someone with your build. Grab a weapon just in case, then find Inu-Yasha." Kagome nodded and ran off, leaving Rin behind.. Rin watched her leave, then darted out the door, running the other way.

Kagome found the weapon supplies. Quite a few of the youkai women were volunteering to help, figuring this was their best chance to impress the missing Inu-Yasha. Kagome got there just in time to see Miroku leaving with a red slap mark on his face, a bump on his head, and Sango happily armed with what appeared to be a giant boomerang and a sword. Kagome grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows, and was about to leave when a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Hey, you're not about to let your best guy go off without a favor from his woman, are you?" Kagome turned to see Kouga grinning arrogantly down at her.

"Kouga…I'm not your-"

"I'm fighting on the front line this time! I've been practicing really hard to impress you, and I've gotten good enough to fight on the front line. Orders from the Prince Inu-Yasha himself!" That made Kagome worried. Inu-Yasha had probably shoved Kouga up to front line so he would get himself killed or something. She couldn't let Kouga go off like that. So Kagome untied a blue hair ribbon that she had been wearing and tied it around Kouga's arm for luck. He grinned like a kid who'd just been told it was Christmas every day and ran off, gone in a blink of an eye.

Kagome hurried through the castle. She'd only been here about three days and she hadn't realized how many corridors there really were.

"Oof!" Kagome fell backwards as she bumped into a man with long black hair.

"I'm sorry…Are you ok?" The violet eyed man leaned down and helped Kagome to her feet. She felt a slight blush creep across her face as his hand didn't leave hers. She smiled shyly, as did the strange black haired man. Kagome felt her face almost instinctly leaning in, drawn in by the beautiful violet eyes.

"Prince Inu-Yasha! Oh good Lady Kagome, you found him!" Kagome backed away instantly, blushing like crazy, dropping his hand. A little…thing…was hopping towards them.

"Myouga, you didn't have to skip out on the battle just to find me you know…" The violet eyed man folded his arms and stared at the little thing.

Kagome continued backing away, right against the stone wall.


Author's Commentary: Oh yeah. I have a huge over fondness of plot twists. By the way, once again, the scene with Rin and the Tensaiga, is the idea of MysticIceDragon. She's awesome like that in thinking up fun ideas. Like I said, I typed this chapter up pretty fast so I didn't have to make you guys wait to find out what happened to Rin!