InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 1: The sweet and quiet, Lady Kagome. ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

By Pixie

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…

Author's Commentary: In all honesty, the first three chapters, introducing the three lovely ladies may be a bit on the slow side. Please, try and read until the 4th chapter when the story will really take off! Understand, these chapters have to be there.

Kagome Higurashi gasped out loud as the handmaiden pulled the strings of the corset even tighter. Kagome wrapped her tiny hands, perfectly manicured around the bedpost, waiting for the pain to pass. "Almost milady!" One last tug, causing tears to spring to Kagome's eyes and at last, the dreaded thing was in place.

"There, there Kagome…" her mother's hands, soft despite their age ran briefly through her daughter's raven locks, causing the sun to catch them, giving them that bluish tinge. "We simply must impress the prince!" Despite growing up a proper lady, Kagome could not prevent the scowl over her lovely face, and the anger in her earth-brown eyes.

"I hate the Prince…" Kagome's voice was laced with anger as she spoke, her small cushioned foot stamped against the ground almost noiselessly in its soft blue silk slipper. Her mother paid no heed to the girl's outburst, she simply assisted the handmaiden in yanking a plain white kimono over the girl's head. Then another kimono, this one a soft silky rose, then over that, a flowered blue one Kagome was particularly fond of. Kagome sighed inwardly, a lady never sighed out loud, at the thought of all the heat and discomfort the layers of silk and fabric would bring. But, a proper lady would never show off her curves. Proper woman had morals. So, on went a green kimono with birds on it, on went the yellow one that reminded Kagome of sunlight. Finally, when no curve could be seen on Kagome's body, a final kimono was placed on, one that belonged to her mother. Kagome gasped in wonder. The kimono was as white as fresh fallen snow atop Mt. Fuji, with silver imported threads embroidered on it, telling a tale of peace, love and good fortune. Kagome giggled like a commoner's girl at the sight of herself in the kimono. The silver threads cast a sheen upon her hair, making it appear like moonlight itself was interlocked with her hair, the white color made her skin appear translucent and transcendent, flawless in every way. It made her normally dull brown eyes sparkle, as if the kimono had magic powers to bring out maximum beauty in every girl who wore out. Kagome could have danced, not caring how she looked in this kimono, but then reality crashed down on her, reminding her why she was wearing it in the first place.

The Prince of the Western Lands had come of age. From every village, one girl was to be sent before the Prince. He would examine the girls, then pick his bride from then. As Kagome's luck had it, she was the only young girl in her village…It was a very small village, mostly consisting of the elderly, who enjoyed its peaceful location. Indeed, after Kagome's father had died, she moved to the village with her mother and grandfather. And so, it was Kagome's duty to the kingdom to go before the Prince and present herself as a possible bride. It was the last thing in the world Kagome had ever wanted to do.

For, while Kagome was the only young lady in the village, she was not the only young person. A farmer's boy, called Hojo, was often seen hanging around the Higurashi household. In time, Kagome had grown rather fond of him, and she, being but a hopeless youth, had believed herself to be on the brink of falling in love with him. He was a muddled boy, often confused, as most of his ancestors had been, but Kagome found this trait to be most endearing, even adorable at times, as Hojo tried to impress her, bringing her gifts. His gifts ranged from small fruit trees, which would grow great, and strong, to horse feed, in case Kagome ever felt the need to get a horse. Yes, Hojo was not the brightest boy ever, but he was handsome, and in a young girl such as Kagome's mind, that was all that mattered.

A black carriage showed up, the door on it looking like the Gates of Hell. Kagome trembled at the sight of the carriage, but did her best to keep her face emotionless and her heart strong. As the young man driving the carriage approached, Kagome's mother raced to her daughter, throwing her in a very uncharacteristic hug, and placed a small decorative comb in her hair. The comb was of a soft pink cherry blossom, though Kagome could not see it.

The young man, Kagome's escort to the Kingdom was a strong looking man. His face had a serious look to it, as if the troubles of the world rested on his shoulders alone. His eyes, however, were full of laughter, betraying his whole face, as if he had no troubles at all, just another carefree youth in the sun. He wore the robes of a monk, and yet he resembled no monk Kagome had ever seen. Just what sort of man was this? Most monks were robes of black or dark blue, were old, and bald. Even the rare young monk passing through shaved his head. Sure, his staff was a monk's staff, Kagome could feel its power. But no monk had ever, EVER worn purple on his robes…nor wore their hair in a little ponytail as this man did. Wasn't it against monk law to even have hair? Kagome took a step back from him, feeling shy all of the sudden.

The monk raised his hand, as if to show he meant no harm. "I am he who serves Buddha. You need not fear me, milady." He then offered his hand to her, a strong hand, but not rough and callused as she had thought it would be. Not to say his hand was soft like a girl's though. He pulled her through the threshold, strongly and firmly, but at the same time, gently. Kagome heard the door shut behind her as she followed the monk out. His face was quite handsome, Kagome noted, but their seemed to be something suspicious about it. Also, Kagome noted, her eyes narrowing slightly, he had yet to relinquish his grip on her hand. His free hand, Kagome noticed as it opened the carriage door, was covered in some sort of cloth and beads, covering up the majority of his hand. He released her hand, and gestured for her to enter the carriage. There was even a small stepladder for her to climb up into the carriage with! Kagome had never even seen a carriage so fancy…

She bent down to enter the carriage, but as she did she felt something. She gasped out loud when she realized what it was. The "monk" as he called himself, had taken advantage of the fact that she was not looking and grabbed her rear! Kagome stood in a dazed stupor, wondering how he figured out wear her butt was through all the kimono's, but then she turned a fiery red and quickly sat down, scooting far away from the door. The monk stood there as if nothing had happened, though his hand remained right where it had been when it groped Kagome only moment's before. He climbed up into the carriage, sitting across from Kagome, unfortunately for him, the girl had just recovered.

"You-you...Dishonorable man!" She slapped him with one perfectly manicured hand, leaving a faint outline on his face.

"Master Miroku, honestly, with the first girl?! You've corrupted the first girl we have to pick up! What about the second girl? And the third? Will you taint them too?" Sounding suspiciously like an old grandfather lecturing, a small, sort of pea green…thing stood at the door. Obviously, he was the driver of the carriage. He somewhat resembled a toad with big buggy yellowish eyes, green, wrinkled skin and loose brown robes. The monk sighed and shut the door right in the green thing's face.

The monk then smiled brightly at Kagome, though she continued glaring at him.

"So…shall we go and fetch the other two girls?"