InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 2: The firey Sango ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

By Pixie

Disclaimer: Do you think I own Inu-Yasha? Please…I don't even own my left shoe.

Chapter 2:

"Sango!? You've got to be kidding me? Not Sango, as in "I am Sango the violent, over-sensitive demon-slayer? The candidate for the Prince?"

"Oh my goodness! The mayor does realize the Prince is half-demon, doesn't he? I mean, wouldn't Sango have to kill him?"

"I would guess so…"

Nearby a young girl, pretty, in a passionate sort of way was spying on the girls. Her beautifully striking brown eyes narrowed as she realized she was the subject of their laughter. She crouched up against the wall, quieting her own breath to hear them better. She eyed them closely, years of demon slaying allowing her to move swiftly and quietly, and above all, not be seen.

"So, the old Mayor thinks Sango is prettiest girl in the village?"

"I knew he was going blind…"

"Probably senile too!" The girls found this comment incredibly funny. Sango felt her fists clench and her nails biting crescent moons into her skin.

"So, you girls want to know why I picked Miss Sango, do you?" From Sango's hiding spot, even she had not been able to spot the Mayor's approach to the girls. She briefly marveled at his skill, even with age, had not deteriorated at all.

"Obviously not for beauty," one catty girl remarked, tossing aside her own hair (which Sango noted, was quite long and shiny). She smiled at the Mayor, trying to look innocent, showing off her very straight, very even teeth, her bright eyes blinking childishly. Even Sango wished she was that pretty.

"Sango's got kindness, and she's got spirit. Besides, the Prince himself often hunts down demons that have gone bad, to save our country. Just as Sango does. I think he would be very unwise indeed not to choose her as a bride. What redeeming qualities do you have? Beauty? Vanity? What are they in the eyes of a Prince?" Sango felt her heart swell with pride, and she smiled to herself, happy to be praised so. "But unfortunately, the young girl seems to have disappeared." The mayor turned and looked at the place where Sango was hiding, and Sango felt her heart skip a beat.

It's true, she had been deeply upset when her father had told her she was going off to try to win the Prince's hand in marriage. They had gotten into an argument, something they hadn't done before, and Sango was deeply disappointed in herself. She even had snapped at her little brother, Kohaku, something she'd never done before and had never hoped to do. Kohaku had left years ago, and for a while in Sango's household it had been as if he died. Now he was back for a visit and Sango had snapped at him. She felt awful.

"The young lady is missing?" Sango's mother nodded fretfully to the young priest standing outside their door. Kohaku and her father had gone a while ago to go fetch Sango, but so far there was nothing. The young priest nodded and informed the mother that he would wait in the carriage until Sango arrived.

"Well? Where is she? I'm sick of being alone with you…" Miroku sighed. Lady Kagome seemed quite bitter on him for some reason.

"She'll be here soon enough…I hope…"

"Oh, Sango!" Kohaku leapt upon the back of his sister, pulling her downward. A muffled cry as he pushed his fist in her mouth and dragged her back, kicking and screaming. As he reached her father, he swooped down and grabbed her kicking legs. She bit down on Kohaku's hand, and thrashed with her arms, but it was no use. They had her and they had her good. They dragged the poor girl to the carriage where Miroku, Kagome and her destiny waited.

Miroku sighed. "Perhaps she is coming now!" He opened the door…and suddenly found something colliding with him.

"Drive fast!" A young boy's voice commanded as the door slammed. Miroku felt the jolt as the carriage took off. He couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on. He brought his hand down and tried to push himself up but found that he couldn't move the girl off of him. He couldn't help the perverted grin from slipping across his face as he realized the girl was quite beautiful, quite on top of him, and nose to nose with him.

"Well, well, well? What DO we have here?"

~End Chapter 2~

Next chapter! A mysterious girl, the third and final girl who's supposed to marry Inu-Yasha. She says her name is Rin, but what's with the black eye and torn kimono? And why on Earth does she look so young? Find out in Chapter 3!