InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

By Pixie

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-Yasha…

Pixie: Yeah! Reviews! Reviews mean daily updates, daily updates mean happy readers. So you're in charge of your own happiness here.

Chapter 3

A tiny girl, small for her age, wandered around the town's market place. Her nervous eyes darted back and forth as she weaved her way in and out of the crowd. She passed by a small fruit stand, her tiny hand reaching out and resting on an apple. Quick as she could, she stuffed the apple inside her dirty kimono and walked away, trying to look innocent. She passed by another stand, one selling dry fish. The storekeeper here wasn't as nice as the one at the fruit stand, who often looked away if any orphan such as Rin was passing by. Rin gulped and approached the fish stand, just walking by. Her hand reached out again, resting on a fish, but as she pulled away, a grip like steel grabbed her wrist. The iron grip lifted her up.

Rin found herself face to face with a man in his 40's, with a face rather like a dried fish, wrinkled and salty with little beady eyes fixed on Rin's. He raised his free hand, strong from a youth spent fishing and struck Rin across the face with it. As usual, she did not cry out. She bit her lip, trying to look like a scared little girl so that he might let her go free.

But, much to Rin's disappointment, Lady Luck was not on her side today. Her only ally was herself, she realizes as the fish man struck her in the arm. Rin reached up with her free hand and grabbed onto the man's wrist. She swung herself around and kicked the man in the face; leaving two, dirty bare footprints on his face. The man howled for a second, Rin's kick had hit him right in his old yellow teeth. He swung his wrist, with Rin still hanging on it, accidentally letting the young girl go and sending her flying into the crowd. She landed, rather ungracefully, on the cobblestone ground. She leapt up and saw her old "friends", the police coming towards her. Rin's eyes widened as she looked around for an escape. At her small size, she could easily dodge the police, but she didn't have the stamina to run for long. The clever child was wiser than one might have suspected. She knew the minds of adults better than adults often did. Rin ran off in the direction of some rather large houses. In Rin's experience, she had come to discover that the rich hated disturbances around them, especially something as small as a police force chasing an orphan girl. They would put up a fuss, and Rin could escape.

It worked, in theory.

There was one small fault in Rin's plan. The streets where the rich often walked were painfully empty. Only one lonely carriage, black in color stood on the streets. A young man stood beside the carriage, all dressed out in royal purple, looking bored and annoyed. He turned and looked at me, breaking out in a smile…Rin had never seen anyone smile like that, a genuine smile, and it some how made her uneasy.

She approached the young man with caution, trying to decide whether she could use him in anyway to help her escape.

"There you are!" The young man bowed before her and Rin raised an eyebrow at him. He opened the door to the carriage, obviously waiting for her to get it. Rin didn't trust him at all, but when it came between him and the cops, he seemed the better choice. She climbed in the carriage and the man climbed in behind her and shut the door.

"Well, we're all here now!" The man in purple announced. "Now, to the Prince!"

"Prince?" Rin thought, slightly confused. Neither of the other girls looked confused though, so Rin pretended she knew what the guy was talking about. She had somewhat of an idea. Rumor around the street was that the Prince Inu-Yasha was to choose a bride. Rin had the oddest feeling she'd just appointed herself as her town's candidate. To her, it seemed like the elder brother Sesshoumaru had just had his bride-choosing ceremony. It was the talk of the entire Kingdom's for many months; perhaps that is why it seemed so recent. The elder brother had walked out, looked out the crowd of girls standing there, announced he hated them all, and walked back inside. In Rin's mind, that clearly made him the smarter of the siblings.

"So, Lady…" Miroku looked at Rin, realizing he didn't know her name.

"Rin. Lady Rin." The young girl smiled at him, lying and pretending came to her as natural as breathing, passing off, as a lady would be no trouble. "Please forgive me for making you wait. I stumbled on my way here and was late." Rin could have giggled with glee. One lie and that explained her appearance and lateness.

One lady, Rin would later learn was Sango scrubbed the dirt off Rin. The other lady, Kagome, dressed Rin in one of her spare kimono's, a soft silky yellow one, and brushed out Rin's hair. Rin knew she looked much younger than these girls, but upon further question, she found out Kagome was 18 and Sango was 19. Rin also said she was 18, since you had to be that age to marry, but really she was a small 15 year old. Rin often felt she looked like about eight years old, but used this to her advantage. Neither girl seemed the slightest bit suspicious over Rin's age. The driver, Jaken, gave her a bit of a funny look, but said nothing.

They were on their way to meet the Prince.

Somewhere, back in Rin's town….

A young beautiful girl stood outside her house. "That's funny…I could have sworn I just saw the carriage that was supposed to take me to the palace…"

Its everyone's favorite time again…


~Personally, I am shocked and pleased at the number of reviews "Promises" has picked up. Thank you guys so much! I am going to try my hardest to update daily, though no promises on this. I have a life. However, I do promise not to leave huge week long intervals between chapters. That's just stupid.~

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Response to Reviews on

Laura-chan: Thank you! I think my fic seems nice too!

CrimsonKisses: You just review everything don't you? Thanks very much so!

Ayane: Thanks for the compliment.

Angel: Haha! That's great! Your review cracked me up, it was actually, quite a bad pun. But it made me laugh.

Inuyasha-loves-Kagome: Of course InuYasha and Kagome belong together! I would see it no other way.

Aiko(ShokoraYasha): Yes its an A/U, though I'm slying trying to make it parallel the series. ((i.e. in Chapter 2, Sango makes a comment that it was like "Kohaku was dead". That's no accident, lol!))

DemonChic: Thanks!

IceDagger: What are we going to do with Miroku? Well I'd say, but I don't want to have to change the rating of this fic because of a review response!

DEeyan: Well, you just found out what happens. Because you just read the chapter! Lol….

Ann: I love Miroku…pervert he may be, stupid he may be…

Po-chan: Obvious pairings are the best!

~Lots of love from fanfiction here~

Review Response to Mediaminer:

Rei: Nope, I upped Rin's age, so Sesshy doesn't have to wait for her to grow up before I paired them off. Why? Because I'm an A/U author and I can!

Dragonrain: THANK YOU! As you probably gathered, I am a bit clueless, and quite thankful for the information you gave me. I'm sorry, I was rather excited about my idea for this fic and just kinda threw Kagome's corset in there. As for my knowledge of the corset? It pretty much comes from reading other clueless fanfic writer's use them in stories. I didn't research properly and you caught me on that one. As for now, I'm pretty much swamped writing the chapters and trying to get them out every day. But I will get that first chapter re-written when I get a moment of spare time. Thanks again!

Nightshadow: I'm going to try my hardest to update soon and often, come rain, snow, sleet or hail!

~So, as you guys can see…I'm clearly getting WAY more love from people. But hey, I love all my reviewers! If I mis-spelled your name, forgot you, etc, let me know. But be gentle. Its one in the morning, my chapter is officially an hour late!~