InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

by Pixie

Disclaimer: Life goals currently NOT accomplished ~ Owning Inu-Yasha

Author's Commentary: Ghastly! I'm a day late with this chapter! Sorry!

Chapter 5:

The tiny little fox bow adjusted his bow then picked up the stack of pillows. Today was the day all the ladies would be arriving from all around the world, or so it seemed to a boy as small as the fox, and it was important for every servant to look their absolute best. One bright green eye peeked out from over the stack of pillows, watching the rooms, counting the number of doors. The room Shippo would be taking care of had three girls in it, and he had thought it would be nice to bring them extra pillows. He smiled to himself, whistling happily as his tiny little paws padded down the hallway.

"Oi, SHIPPO!" Shippo trembled slightly at a voice he had known so well. He cringed and braced himself as a foot made contact with his backside and all the pillows went flying. The kick was well planned, just hard enough to send the pillows flying, but not so hard as to seriously hurt Shippo. The cruel, mocking laughter of the Prince Inu-Yasha echoed throughout the hallway as he ran away, leaving Shippo to pick up all the pillows. The fox demon sniffled and began picking up all the pillows.

"Here you go," Shippo looked up and saw a girl, one of the ladies obviously, scooping up the pillows. Her raven hair fell down over her shoulders, revealing kind brown eyes. She seemed to be wearing endless layers of kimonos, giving her a rather elegant and refined look. In Shippo's opinion, there was no prettier girl around.

"I'm Kagome, who are you?" Shippo grinned, almost shyly and bowed before her.

"Shippo, Kagome-san." He looked up, his green eyes staring at her through his brown bangs. To his surprise, Kagome bowed in return.

"Shippo-chan, it is very nice to meet you. Please call me Kagome." She pointed to the room nearby, the one Shippo was going to be working in.

"This is my room here. Please come visit me Shippo-chan!"

"Ok Kagome-sa-…Ok Kagome. Hey! That's the room I'm supposed to be working in!" Shippo scooped up the pillows, and with Kagome's help carried them inside. Kagome was grateful, having made at least one friend.

When she walked in the room, she noticed her luggage had already been delivered to her room. She also noticed, with narrow eyes, that Miroku was there too. He was quite happily going through a trunk that Kagome recognized as Sango's.


"Kitsune-bi!" A wispy blue fire surrounded the servant boy Shippo, then the monk's robes caught on fire as he leapt away from the trunks, putting out the fire in the process. The monk glared at the little fox, but then laughed good-naturedly and walked off, passing by Sango and Rin in the process, Kagome's new roommates.

"By the way ladies, there's a 'getting to know you' dance tonight, in which the Prince will be attending. Perhaps you would like to get all primped up? And if you need help with dressing, un-dressing or taking a bath, please don't hesitate to call me!" Miroku winked at the girls, then walked out of the room, laughing to himself. Sango glared at him, Kagome shook her head and Rin stared off at him, seeming in a daze.

"Do you guys suppose Sesshoumaru will be attending the dance tonight?" Rin wandered off, examining the room as she did so.

"Don't you mean, Prince Sesshoumaru?" Sango asked curiously, eyeing the girl. Rin turned a but pale and nodded her head quickly. That's when Kagome noticed something too.

"Rin…that's my stuff there, and that's Sango's. But where's your stuff?" Kagome stared at the little girl, her eyes wide with curiosity. Rin looked very nervous now, and began backing up into a corner. Rin bit her lip and looked away. It looked like she was going to have to trust these girls if she wanted to stay by Sesshoumaru.

"Can you guys…keep a secret?"

Author's Commentary: Yes, I am evil enough to leave it there.

Review Responses for

Lady Sable: I love Sess/Rin too. So, I'll probably do quite a bit on that couple here, hope you like it!

Ancient Zodian: Yes, in order to make the story work out better, I upped the ages.

Tamababymiko-chan: I know, Poor Kagome! I don't think I can stand all those kimonos either…

Aiko(ShokoraYasha): Aw, thanks for the compliment!

Kagome1990: I'm updating this fic as fast as I can, I promise you that!

Vegetpart9: It took you 15 minutes to read? Is that good, or bad?

Ice Dagger: I love Miroku. I need to make him more naughty!

Laura-chan: Shorter chapters, faster updates!

DemonChic: lol, your welcome! Have fun making dinner, personally I can't cook.

Ancient Zodian: Yeah, Sesshy and Rin chemistry. Gotta love it.

Laura-chan: lol, I think at this point, we all want to strangle Kikyo…

Inuficcrzy: Yes, I did do some of my research! As for Kikyo, well, considering how evil she is here, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a plan to take out Inu-Yasha too.

Vegetpart9: Well, I'm going to get the romance bit going, probably next chapter. First, I'm trying to introduce all the main characters and the parts they play in the story.

Tamababymiko-chan: Another Kouga fan? Personally, I love Kouga! As for Kikyo dying…well I won't spoil anything about the ending, but hey, I'm writing this story for the reviewers!

Maria: Ah, Kikyo. Horrible little thing isn't she? I'd kill her off now, but she's currently important to the plot line. The minute she's not though…she better start running….

Reynamangga: Yeah, I think the whole "author's commentary" gives the story a sophisticated feel, lol. And yes, Ayame will make a brief appearance in the end, but being as I'm not all that far along in the Inu-Yasha episodes, I am only on episode 40 (just met Kagura) her appearance will only be brief to avoid the dreaded ooc-ness. So, perhaps if I see more of the series, I will put more of her in. I can't leave Kouga heartbroken in the end, can I?

Sweetchocolate25431: Yea, go Kouga! As for couples, Inu/Kag, Mir/San, Sessh/Rin….for now. I may be influenced enough by reviews to change it up a bit. Like I said, its up to you guys!

YoukaiTaiji-ya: Like I've stated, Kikyo may/may not die at the end. I don't want to spoil the ending!

Aznwasabi: Well. Your question seems to already be answered. Yes, Shippo is in the story! Not playing a large role, but there still.

Go reviewers! You guys are awesome!

Mediaminer responses:

Lynnie: Well it's a long fic, but I'm updating fast!

Nemesis: Miroku and Sango? Why, of course they have to end up together! Seems unfair not to have them together in the end…

Katie: Kouga. Lol, I'm glad I brought him in the fic too, and yes he will be playing a pretty big part, just cause he's Kouga, and he's awesome.

Britney: Of course. Lol, exactly! We must make Kikyo be very jealous and stupid.

Princess Bulma: As I tried to explain, Inu-Yasha was nice to Kikyo because he loves her. (ick! Gag!) And you can't really be a selfish arrogant jerk to the girl you love. However…when he meets Kagome, we'll see him the way we all love him - stupid and violent.

Until next chapter….

There's a thousand ways to kill Kikyo….

Way number 537:

Random floating blue thing # 1: Hey guys, check out this great soul I got for Kikyo!

Random floating blue thing # 2: Whatever! I could get a way better soul if I wanted too…

#1: All right! You're on!

#2: Be right back….

~Two hours later~

#2: All right! Check out this soul!

#1: You moron! That's Kikyo's soul…what was left of it anyway! We gotta get that back in her body quick!

#2: WHAT?! But I devoured the body already…

#1: WHAT?!

Shippo: Oh my god! They killed Kikyo! You jerks! ((lol, PG fic here!))

Miroku: Didn't we want her to die?

~How do you want Kikyo to die?~