InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Preperations ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. *sobs*

I could hardly think of anything for this chapter, so it's just going to be random events of them every day.

Chapter Five:

The next morning, Kagome woke up sleepy and drowsy. Mindlessly, she walked in and out of the bathroom. She went downstairs to the kitchen and sat down on the wooden chair. Shippo bounced up to her.

"Where were you last night? I was waiting for you! Who was that guy you were with at the park? Is he a hanyou? I saw his dog ears! His is a hanyou, isn't he?! Will he come and play with me? Do you like him? Is he your boyfriend?"

At the sound of `boyfriend', Kagome immediately blushed.

Shippo saw the crimson on her face and began singing with some of the younger boys, "Kagome has a boyfriend! Kagome has a boyfriend! Kagome has a boyfriend! Kagome has a boyfriend! Kagome has a boy-" until Kagome shut them up.

She took a peach from the bowl and bid her farewells. Then, she wandered around, chewing the pink fruit in her mouth. Today she was too tired to daydream. Besides, she had nothing to think about. All she had come up with in the past few days is that Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha were twins. The young boy was probably dead. Instead she poked around everywhere mindlessly while she walked to school, as if making up for lost sleep.

She walked onto the school campus and slept while she waited for the school bell to ring. Sango and Miroku had just gotten there.

Sango sighed and said, "Yesterday it was daydreaming. Today it's sleeping. Yep, something's definitely wrong with her."

"I didn't even get my daily exercise from running away from her," whined Miroku.

Sesshoumaru had chosen a secluded spot away from everyone else in the back of the room. Everything had been so annoying. He just wanted to be left alone. And he still hadn't had a chance to talk to Inuyasha. He needed to tell him the dangers that Naraku could cause and that Inuyasha might be in trouble. Of course, if he did tell him, Inuyasha would probably run after him. Another reason Sesshoumaru wanted to talk to Inuyasha was because he wanted to see his mother. He hadn't seen her in about seven years. He really missed her, but he couldn't let anyone know.

Inuyasha was also tired like Kagome from cleaning the kitchen and the living room, and working on the project. `Stupid girl,' he thought with a yawn.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The day went on uneventfully. At lunch Kagome just nibbled her sandwich, too tired to do anything else. Instead, she lay on her back and stared at the leaves and flowers. Sunlight shone through the flowers, leaving spots on pale rose light on her skin. While she ate she thought about her Halloween costume, although it didn't really fit the setting.


Kagome tilted her head to the side to face the person's shoes. He was wearing black boots. She lifted her head a little and saw baggy black pants. Another look and she detected a red shirt. Only one person in the school dressed like that.

"Hey, Inuyasha."

"So, are you going to the party next week?"

"Yup. But I probably will just go with Sango and Miroku."

"Oh. Those two. You know, you should really try to set them up."

"I tried. It doesn't work. Miroku's pervertedness always gets in the way."

"I see."

"So, what are you going as?"

"I've decided to be a black demon."

"Cool. What should I be?"

"A black miko."

"Haha. Very funny. Miko aren't evil."

"Even better. Then you could be the first of your generation."

Kagome thought about this for a while.

"You know, that's not a bad idea."

"Of course it's not a bad idea. It did come from me after all."

Kagome pushed Inuyasha playfully and muttered, "Baka."

"I'll see you and your costume at the party then."


that friday~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome had gone to Sango's house to get their costumes ready for the party the following week. Kagome had taken Inuyasha's advice and was going as a black miko. Sango was going as a Japanese-style vampire.

"So Inuyasha said you should be a black miko?"


"How do you become friends with someone that easily?"

"I don't. I just seem to have a connection with Inuyasha. I don't know why."

Sango hid her face behind a cloth and said in a low, scary voice, "Oooh, creepy."

"Oh, be quiet," said Kagome, annoyed by Sango, as she threw the cloth at her face.

First they worked on Kagome's outfit.

"Hey this would definitely suit you."

She took out a dark purple and black outfit. The black pants were so baggy, they looked like a skirt. The dark amethyst shirt was also baggy with a black shirt worn underneath. It was tied together by a glossy violet obi (A/N: I think that's what the sash is called.) that was lined with silvery thread.

"It's great! But I need something that will definitely show I'm a miko."

They scrounged around Sango's old treasure box and came across a bow and arrows. The bow was made of polished black bamboo, studded with gleaming purple jewels. The arrows were also black, but the feathers and head shone silver.

"This is perfect! I have no idea how we managed to get this!"

"Yeah, I hope I have as much luck as you."

She did have good luck. They found a kind of tight, dark cobalt haori that matched a black skirt that stopped right above her ankles with slits on the sides. Digging further, they found an old katana that was black with what seemed like blue fire design on it. She would wear it at her waist with the electric blue obi. And somehow, on one of the shelves in the attic, they found hard, sharp teeth. They looked as though they were made of ivory or marble, but when Sango bit into it, it didn't feel hard. It felt as if they were real teeth, but she could take them off.

They got dressed in their costumes and looked in the golden framed mirror in the attic. (A/N: Man, they have everything in that attic.)

Kagome looked wonderful. The costume fit her perfectly. She slung the bow and arrows over her shoulder with a black leather strap and tied her hair loosely with another piece of black leather. Strings of her hair framed her face, creating the perfect effect. On her feet, she wore leather slippers.

Sango looked absolutely ghostly in her clothes. She wore her hair in a high ponytail, and she wore slender, long, black boots that laced up. With her teeth, which glowed fluorescently white in the dark as they found out later, and her trademark glare, she looked absolutely evil.

After they packed their costumes, Kagome set off.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

As you can see, I'm very tired right now and have no more ideas. The next chapter and the chapter after that will have more angst. They will be longer, since they're about the Halloween party and stuff.

Sesshoumaru will have a more important part later, but it's not that big. You'll find out what I mean near the end. That's when Kag & Inu finally find out who they are. Bwaahaahaa!!! They will have to suffer until then! *people staring* *cough* sorry.

I didn't give Sango hiraikotsu, because it would be too big, although it would be cool.

You'll find out what the guy's costume's look like in the next chapter.

Until next time, REVIEW!