InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Halloween ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: *sigh* I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters. *sigh*

I just had a writer's burst, if there's such a thing, so I have been typing like furious. This chapter is gonna be pretty intense. It's about the Halloween party. Read to find out more!

Chapter Six:

It was the afternoon of the Halloween party. Kagome was just getting ready to go to Sango's house. Out of the blue, she felt a tug on her sleeve. She looked down and saw Shippo's big brown eyes.

"Kagome, will you pick me up when your party is over? Kaede is letting me stay up late, so I'm trick-or-treating with Naomi."

"Okay Shippo. I'll pick you up. I have to go now."

"Okay. Bye," said Shippo.

She got in the car and drove off. (A/N: Just pretend she's old enough to drive a car, and the car is owned by the orphanage.)

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Miroku was already at Sango's house. He was wearing a black and purple robe with beads wrapped around his hand. He also held a golden staff with rings jingling on it. Kagome had to drive them to the party that was held at a random student's house.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Inuyasha greeted them when they got there. He was wearing a black haori with a red shirt underneath, and black, baggy pants. Around his neck was a necklace made of red teeth and black prayer beads. His silver hair really went well with the outfit. It seemed to bring out the demon inside of his. Jagged red stripes were painted on his cheeks, and his eyes were crimson from the colored contacts, but it looked real.

Ghosts, witches, pirates, devils, and vampires were dancing inside. The room was decorated with black streamers, and the dim lights gave the room a spooky effect. Everything was dark and black. The designer was really good. He had even added fog from hidden machines.

They began talking near the refreshment table. Soon, Sango and Miroku went to dance, after a few reluctant arguments from Sango, and Inuyasha and Kagome were left alone. There was an awkward silence.

"The room looks great," said Kagome.


Kagome smiled. He was cute when he was nervous.

"How would you like to dance?"

Inuyasha could feel the blush rising to his cheeks. He never would have suspected that question in a million years.

They went to the dance floor next to Miroku and Sango. After ten minutes of dancing continuously, the song took on a slow beat.

Inuyasha looked around nervously, tugging at his hair and said, "Maybe we better sit this one out."

Kagome could have laughed at the way Inuyasha looked at that moment. There he was looking around with a blush sitting on his painted cheeks. The contacts made him look evil, but he just looked strange with a worried expression on his face.

"You don't know how to dance, do you?"

"Feh," was the small reply.

Kagome laughed and brought him on the dance floor.

"Just relax. Listen to the music and unwind."

Soon, they were dancing comfortably. Kagome's chin was resting on Inuyasha's shoulder and they both had their eyes closed. Their heartbeat pounded as one. Both knew what the other was thinking. But soon, their perfect moment was ruined when another song started up and couples began stampeding the floor.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome had fallen asleep for about an hour in the backyard where she had gone to escape the noise. Her bow and arrows lay by her side and her haori kept her warm. But inside, terror boiled. The mood of the night had begun to haunt her dreams.

`What's going on? Where am I?' Kagome stood in the middle of a barren wasteland. Suddenly she was jerked away into a vast nothingness.

Kagome felt hard tiles under her hands. She looked up and saw a blurred vision of a hospital room. A lady stood at the edge of the bed, sobbing. `Mom?!' The lady didn't respond. Kagome took a look at the man lying on the bed. He looked so peaceful. His graying hair was brushed across his face. He looked so familiar….. `Dad?' breathed Kagome. Tears were crawling up to her eyes. But before she could reach out to them, she was jerked away again.

This time she was stationed at the front of a house. The night was clear. All of a sudden, police squads interrupted the quiet. A young girl came out wailing. Rain began to fall, but Kagome didn't feel it. Her whole body was numb. She realized what this was. This was her past.

`No!' screamed Kagome. `I don't want to remember this!' She clutched her head in her hands and began to cry. Both the Kagome were crying. Both not wanting to believe their lives. `No. Don't bring me back. I don't want to remember!' But her words were ineffective to the strange force behind this. Again Kagome was tugged away.

Silence enveloped her.

Leaves fell across her face. She lifted her head. There stood - Inuyasha? No, wait it was a young boy. He began running toward the street. A scream could be heard as the boy was hit with the car. With tears making her face sticky, Kagome stared in horror. Two words escaped her lips. `My prince.' At the shock of everything, Kagome fainted.

Kagome awoke with a jolt. She began to cry, tears running down her face and entering her mouth with a salty taste. She cried incessantly for thirty minutes. Finally she got up, gripping the bow and arrows in her hand. Tears kept flowing down her face and the carved jewel cut at her palm. She staggered into the room, hoping to find relief from her pain.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Everything was dark inside. Many people were dancing, but she wanted to be left alone. She stumbled to the table and took a bottle of beer. Confusion clouding her thoughts, she began to drink. Bottle after bottle, she gulped down the liquid. It burned her tongue and throat, but she couldn't stop. Tears were drying on her cheeks, but more streamed down. Finally, she couldn't take anymore. She took her face in her hands and began to sob uncontrollably. Her shoulders shook with every cry. She was definitely drunk, but she knew one thing. She didn't want to be alive.


Inuyasha saw Kagome's shivering figure and put a hand on her shoulder.

She jerked away and growled, "Don't touch me."

He cried, "What's wrong with you!?"

"You want to know what's wrong with me!? Everything!" screamed Kagome, startling everyone. "You have no idea what my life is like! I get pushed around like nothing from one house to another! Nobody wants me! Do you know why?! Because I'm an orphan!"

After her outbreak, Kagome ultimately broke. She threw herself on the ground. Everyone just stared. Inuyasha couldn't believe his ears. Kagome was an orphan? Was that why she didn't want him to see her house?

Softly, he said, "I'm sorry Kagome. I had no idea."

"Nobody does! Everybody thinks I'm just a happy little girl with a perfect life. And no one cares!"


"I care about you."

Kagome wanted to believe, but she couldn't.

"How?! How could you care after a few weeks? I can't believe you. You're lying!"

Everyone was staring now, stunned by the scene in front of them. Sango stepped out.


"Don't talk to me! Just leave me alone!"

But Inuyasha wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Kagome, I can help you."

Kagome couldn't believe him. How was he going to help her?

"I told you to leave me alone!"

She jumped up and pushed her way past the sea of people, trying to escape.

"Kagome, wait!" pleaded Inuyasha.

But Kagome had already gone in the car.

Inuyasha stood there. He stared at the quickly disappearing headlights. Sango hurried up to him.

"Inuyasha, you have to call the police! She could get hurt!"

Inuyasha knew what he had to do. He ran towards his motorcycle.

"Sango! You go with Miroku and call the police!"

"But where are you going?!"

He said while he turned on the engine, "I'm going after her."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Inside the car, Kagome was seething with anger. But the anger soon turned into concern when she remembered Shippo. She wiped her tears away and began the drive to Naomi's house. She couldn't let Shippo know she was crying. She glanced at the clock. 9:54. Just in time.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Inuyasha wandered the streets looking for Kagome, calling out her name once in a while. He was beginning to get nervous.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Hey, Shippo! Sorry I was late."

"It's okay. I had a great time."

Shippo began talking about his night. Gradually, Kagome began to lose control of the wheel. She would drift off and then come back. Her eyesight grew blurry. Haze crept onto the car, fogging up the windshield. She tried to wipe it off, but it wouldn't work. She realized it was her own eyes that were misting up. She blinked again and again, trying to get a hold of herself. Dizziness began to take over.

"Kagome, are you all right?"

She tried to answer but she couldn't. She was too drunk. Suddenly, she swerved, and Shippo screamed.

The car bumped along the gravel. `We're going to die.' Kagome thought. `We're going to die, and it's entirely my fault. It's always my fault.'

Suddenly they hit a tree. The car made a huge noise, jolting both of them. Shippo hit his against the dashboard ad let a small groan. Blood poured out of their wounds. Kagome caught a glimpse of Shippo's little figure.

"I'm so sorry, Shippo," she whispered. Tears ran down her face. "I tried to protect you, but I failed."

She fell unconscious and the bow and arrows fell with a clatter to the ground. Then all was silent.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

*sob* It's so sad. *sigh* So, did you like it? I have nothing to say. Read the next chapter to see even more angst and surprises.

V Now, push the little button down there, and see what it does!