InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Terror ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

Hey! This chapter will be pretty sad and surprising. Sorry to keep you in suspense. Read on!

Chapter Seven:

Kagome blinked at the bright lights. `Where am I?' she wondered. She sat up and felt a surge of pain. She fell back, clutching her head. It was soft and cottony.

"What the-"

She gasped. She was wearing a bandage! Suddenly, the memories flooded back to her. The party, the nightmares, the alcohol, and the crash. And Shippo.


She forced herself to get up and stagger to the door.

"Where is Shippo?!" she yelled at the secretary at the table.

"What are you doing up? You're still injured! You should be back in bed!"

Kagome ignored the nurse's commands and tore through the rooms. Finally, she found him.

She gasped. He lay as still as ever, bandages surrounding his head. His lips were white and motionless. He didn't move, although his breathing was steady. A nurse came in and began to comfort her.

"We're sorry dear. He's in a coma."

Kagome walked, trembling, to his bedside and collapsed. She began sobbing with murmurs of "I'm sorry" and "It's all my fault". Tears dropped on the bed sheet with a rhythmic patter. After a while, the nurse led her back to her room. She crawled into bed and curled herself up, crying herself to sleep.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome awoke with a start, sweat dripping down her face. She looked around the room. She was still in the hospital. It was 5:31. She had been asleep for quite a while. She stumbled to the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face repeatedly.

She looked into the mirror. Her face was worn and tired, drenched with water. She breathed heavily and fog clouded up the mirror. Why had she woken up again? Oh yeah, the nightmare. She hated them, but they would never go away. She remembered Shippo.

`He would probably be better off without me. Everyone would probably be better off without me. After all, it was my fault. I was so stupid. How could I be so stupid and selfish? I got drunk and yelled at Inuyasha, and to top it all off, I had to get Shippo hurt when I promised I would take care of him. Everyone hates me.'

Again she gazed into the mirror. She couldn't stand her face. Finally, after she couldn't take it anymore, she threw a comb at it, shattering it into a million pieces. One pierced her hand and she winced in pain. Blood trickled slowly down the sink, staining the sides. She didn't bother to clean it, or her wound. She climbed into her bed and wrapped her arms around her knees. Her gaze fell upon the colorless walls. It was too white. She couldn't handle white right now. She needed black. She let out a small, exasperated scream. Blood seeped out of her gash, flowing onto the white bed sheets. She didn't care. One less thing that was white.

`Everyone hates me. They would all be better off without me. Especially Shippo. Shippo would be happy if I were gone. And he should be happy.'

~ * ~ * ~ * ~


Kagome abruptly awoke again, startled by her dreams. She couldn't stand the blood and the memories. Why wouldn't they leave?!

She clutched her head, crying softly. After about an hour, she looked up. She had made up her mind. There was only one way to end this.

She began planning her escape from the white prison.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Excuse me; I'm here to see Miss Kagome Higurashi."

"Okay, follow me."

Inuyasha and the nurse walked to Room 2439. She opened the door and suddenly stopped.

"Excuse me, but why have you stopped?"

She pointed a finger into the room. He gasped.

The blankets were sprawled on the floor, dotted with blood. Trash was all over the place, and the window was wide open, with the wind fluttering the bed sheets tied together. The walls were painted red, probably blood. When they searched the bathroom, they saw glass lying in a pile at the bottom of the sink. They searched all over the place. There seemed to be rubbish and blood laying everywhere, but no Kagome.

"No," whispered Inuyasha.

The nurse glanced at him and said, "I'm afraid she's gone."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome climbed onto the bus, faint from loss of blood. She sat in the back, avoiding everyone else. She rested, shocked from what she was about to do. But she wouldn't back down. This is what she was going to do; there was no doubt about it.

She waited patiently for the bus to arrive at her stop. She didn't really mind. She had all the time in the world. According to everyone else, she was already gone. Everyone was already having a better life. She was sick of this life. And when you're sick of your life, there is no reason to live. `What is there for me now anyways? Nothing, except, maybe, Inuyasha. I do want to see him again, but I can't. I won't back down.'

She thought of the last time she saw him. She was raging. She could still remember the hurt on his face. `I even hurt you Inuyasha. I'm so sorry.' She thought of his silver hair. She thought of his fuzzy dog ears. She thought of how they had worked together on the project. And she thought of his words. `I care about you.' Had he really said that? `I care about you too, Inuyasha.'

The bus stopped with a lurch. She glanced up. She was there. She was at the lake. Good, it was vacant. No one was going to stop her. Not even Inuyasha. She began dragging herself toward the pier.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~


Inuyasha's voice ringed throughout eh hillside. She wouldn't be here. Of course she wouldn't be here. He had been searching for two hours now. There was only one place she could be. The lake. He furiously drove off one his bike.

`Baka Kagome. What are you up to now?! You better not get hurt.'

The motorcycle roared frantically as he raced down the street.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome stared at the wide lake. The sun was setting with beautifully blended reds and purples. The lights danced across the still lake. Clear blue mixed into the rainbow like oil. Tears fell from her eyes, forming ripples in the water. `I'm sorry everyone. I know you'll be happy now. Goodbye.'

She saw her reflection in the water. She couldn't stand to see it, see her that way. She plunged into the cold water. She couldn't swim, she was weak from the shortage of blood, and she knew she would drown. Salt water and tears stung her eyes. Finally she ran out of breath and gasped, tiny bubbles escaping her mouth. It was met with water that would not satisfy her lungs; only fill her mouth with emptiness. Instinct caused her to struggle, but she finally fainted after she saw one more sight.


~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Inuyasha reached the lake just in time to see Kagome sink into the water.


Without thinking, he swam after her. `What were you thinking Kagome?'

He grabbed her arm, but seeing her pale face, he was afraid he was too late. He thought he saw her try to say something, but he couldn't take any chances. He pulled her to the surface and took a deep breath. He picked her up and climbed out. He laid her on the pier and tried to find any signs of her survival.

"Kagome, please don't die!" he whispered.

Tears ran down his cheeks and splattered against his soft face. He fought back choked sobs when she didn't wake.

All of a sudden, she let out a cough. Water dribbled down her chin and she sat up. She looked into Inuyasha's warm amber eyes. She felt like falling into his arms, but she just couldn't.

"Why did you save me?" she said in a quiet voice.

His worry soon turned into fury.

"The better question is, why did you try to suicide?!"

Silently, she stared at him piercingly. Her cheeks and lips were pale from loss of blood.

Softly, she whispered, "I don't know Inuyasha, I don't know. Do you...forgive me for everything I've done?"

Her eyes grew heavy and everything went black. Inuyasha picked her up and brought her to the bike, murmuring, "You didn't do anything wrong..."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Don't you just hate those white rooms? *shiver*

So whaddya think? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Please review! *sparkly eyes*