InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Revival and Fast Food ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: As we all know, I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters. *sniff*

Sorry guys, but I won't be able to update a lot since I have a lot of projects. STUPID SCHOOL!!!

Here try this: Take a non-toxic pen and draw an x on their hand. Whenever someone says their name, they have to say whatever you tell them to. I was forced to say `evil monkeys will take over the world', but I would probably say it anyways.

Chapter Eight:

Kagome sat silently next to Inuyasha, staring at Shippo. It was dawn and the blood-red sun was just rising. It threw an orange glow across the canvas of the sky. Inuyasha had stayed up with Kagome for any signs of revival from Shippo. The cardio machine beeped steadily, assuring them that he was still alive. A nurse walked in and handed them a piece of bread.

"I'm sorry, but it's all we have right now," the nurse apologized.

Inuyasha replied, "That's okay, thanks."

He tried to force feed Kagome, but she wouldn't budge. She just sat there, her elbows on her knees, her hands hanging limply, and her head crouched low. All she did was stare at Shippo. `She must really be worried,' thought Inuyasha.

Kagome's eyes were blank and staring, but she had tons of questions floating in her mind.

`My life. It's so complicated. I was so sure everyone hated me, and then Inuyasha comes along, trying to stop me from committing suicide. Now I'm back here at the hospital, the dungeon, and I'm staring at Shippo. He's the one I really care about, and yet he might die. I'll never leave his side, not until he wakes up. It's my duty and responsibility. I don't care if he hates me, as long as he's alive.'

Kagome blinked back a tear, but otherwise didn't move. She had made up her mind. She was going to stay there.

Sango slipped in, followed by Miroku. They stood at the bedside, watching both Shippo and Kagome for any movements.

"So Kagome must really feel terrible," whispered Sango.

"Yeah," was all Inuyasha's reply. He was too intent on trying to get Kagome to eat, or at least move. She hadn't eaten in more then a day.

Miroku gazed silently. He didn't move or say anything, to the surprise of everyone. Finally, he walked over to a cozy bench and sat down.

"I should have been quicker with the police. Maybe then, they wouldn't be hurt."

Inuyasha and Sango stared with astonishment at Miroku. They hadn't expected that response from him. In fact they didn't know what to expect of him.

Sango sat next to him and wrapped her arms around him. Inuyasha just gaped at the couple, speechless.

"Everyone feels it's their fault. We might never find out the truth. But we can't blame each other for anything. Because the most important thing we have is each other and our lives," said Sango.

Inuyasha let a tear slip past his eye and glanced at Kagome. Her eyes seemed different, full of sadness now, as though she had heard Sango's words.

They all sat there silently, watching Shippo intently, as the blood-red sun rose high into the sky.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

It was night. The sky was navy blue, and the moon shine gold. Peaceful snores could be heard in the hospital. (A/N: I know they don't let visitors who aren't relatives sleep there, but it's my fan fic.)

The only awake being was Kagome. Her brown eyes stared tearfully and hopelessly. She blinked once, then twice. She got up and stretched her legs out. Silently, she walked over to the bedside. Gazing down at Shippo, she noticed how peaceful he looked. His fiery crimson hair stood in contrast with his face. His eyes were closed, as was his mouth, and his face was pale, but it was peaceful. He didn't look angry or frightened. He looked just the way he was supposed to look, like an angel.

She stroked his hair gently, brushing it past his face. Somehow, she had the feeling that he wasn't mad her. She hoped she was right.

She walked back to her seat and gazed at Inuyasha's sleeping face. `He had stayed with me this whole time. He must really care bout me. Wow. I guess I do too. Thank you, Inuyasha.'

She sat down next to him, draped her arm across his chest, and fell asleep.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The next day, Kagome awoke with a start. Something was going to happen today, she was sure of it. She quickly glimpsed at Shippo, and stayed in that position for a good thirty minutes. The sunlight beat on her skin, but her eyes never wandered.

Gradually, she saw his small eyes blink and open.

"Ayah! Sango! Inuyasha! Miroku! Shippo's awake!"

They were quickly aroused, and all crawled over to Shippo, staring at him intently. He looked cross-eyed for a while, but quickly recovered. He stared at them for a few seconds. Suddenly, he jumped up.

"Wah! Why are all of you looking at me like that?"

They chatted with happiness and began scrambling to hug the choked Shippo. Finally, Shippo and Kagome had some time alone after the nurses ushered the three teens into the waiting room.

"I thought you were going to be mad at me Shippo, since I caused the accident."

"I could never be mad at you," reassured Shippo. "Besides, I hardly know what happened."

"I know that now," said Kagome, tears brimming in her eyes.

"I know you are sorry, and I know that you stayed by my side."

"What? But how did you know?"

"I'm not sure, but I do. Arigatou, Kagome, for staying alive, and helping me."

Kagome's tears broke through, and she began sobbing with Shippo. They hugged each other for a long time. Finally, they went out to talk to their friends.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Shippo rode on the furious Inuyasha up to his house. He wanted to see the beautiful rooms and the wonderful food and Miyoga, like Kagome had told him.

They walked into the room and were again greeted by Mrs. Tetsusaiga and the green room. Comments about her beauty, Shippo's wellness, and Inuyasha's messy room were made, (with a blush from Inuyasha) (A/N: Have you ever blushed? I haven't.) before they walked to his room.

Shippo was delighted the minute he saw it. It was black with specks of silver, like the night sky. Bunches of technology hung around. At his silver desk was a flat, chrome computer. An electric blue orb hung at a corner. A silver lamp shone blue and gold light. A model of the solar system lay thrown carelessly to the side, along with other disregarded projects that were considered `inferior', at least to Inuyasha. Shippo ran around poking the orb, clicking buttons on the lamp and computer, and throwing the projects around, and was chased by Inuyasha, who was fuming. Kagome watched the scene, apparently trying not to laugh.

Finally, Shippo agreed to go downstairs to try one of Miyoga's `masterpieces'.

Miyoga walked out and said with a slight twitch in his voice, "You're back! What would you like to try today?"

He brought our luscious dishes of grilled fish, sweet and sour pork, meat buns, sushi, beef noodles, and sour vegetables. Kagome and Inuyasha gobbled up all their food, but Shippo stood off to the side with a disgusted look on his face.

Cautiously, Miyoga approached the young boy. "Why aren't you eating anything?"

"I don't like this sort of stuff. Do you have hamburgers or French fries?"

Miyoga laughed and said, "You must be kidding, right?"

Shippo stared at him blankly. "No, I really mean it. I want fast food."

Inuyasha stared at Miyoga, wary to stop him if he attacked. The last time he asked him to make hamburgers, he totally flipped out. Kagome was too preoccupied eating to notice the change in Miyoga.

He silently turned and walked into the kitchen. Pots and pans banged endlessly. All of a sudden, the racket stopped. Miyoga came out, holding a steamy hamburger and fries on a silver platter. Inuyasha couldn't believe it. How come Shippo got real food?

Miyoga walked over to Shippo and brought it under Shippo's nose. Just as he was going to reach for the food, Miyoga snatched it away.

"I will only give this to you if you eat all of the other food I gave you. For now, I will keep this warm in the kitchen. Inuyasha, watch him."

With an inu hanyou watchdog and grumbling hunger in his stomach, Shippo had no choice but to eat. Even Kagome agreed that this was a very efficient way to get the kitsune who would only eat junk food, to eat some healthy food.

Shippo suspiciously took a nibble of the sweet and sour pork. Soon, he was hooked and began wolfing down all the delicious delicacies.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~


The three friends sat on the white couch, stuffed with food. Their mouths were smeared with cuisines. Inuyasha burped again. He had eaten Shippo's hamburger, after he didn't show any sign of stopping. They all fell into a deep slumber, including Miyoga.

*snore* *snore* *snore* *snore* *snore*

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Aiiiyaaah! It's 8:57! We need to get home!" Kagome yelled into their ears.

Everyone jumped up, rubbing their ears from the piercing scream, since they were all at least part demon.

Shippo gazed tiredly at his watch. "Waaah! We need to get home!"

They rushed out with "Thanks for having us over!" and "Bye!"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

So, did you like it? I made Shippo wake up, since you were all telling me to, and I just couldn't kill him.

Any comments? Please push the button that says `Reviews' and we will get back to you as soon as possible. ^ ^