InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pushing You Away ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the show Inuyasha or any of the characters in it they are copyrighted to the great Rumiko Takahashi. (Except Inuyasha hes mine ^_^ hehe so sue me)

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed in distaste as his brother appeared before him. His plan had been ruined. "My dear brother…" Sesshoumaru said, loosening his grip on Kagome. "you…" Inuyasha fumed "Let go of Kagome!". Kagome gave a small "meep!" as she felt Sesshoumaru's claws trailing the edge of her neck, poised to kill her. Inuyasha's teeth gritted. "Give me the tetsusaiga," Sesshoumaru ordered. Inuyasha shook with anger. He swung the tetsusaiga at Sesshoumaru's head. Sesshoumaru ducked his head easily and Kagome gave a small whimper of pain as Sesshoumaru began to pierce the skin above her jugular vein with his claws. Inuyasha paused, "he really will kill Kagome," Inuyasha realized "But if I give him the tetsusaiga he'll kill her anyway…" . Inuyasha gripped his tetsusaiga "If I mess this up…" he thought to himself narrowing his eyes in determination. He swung the tetsusaiga at Sesshoumaru's head again, this time swiveling it downwards suddenly as Sesshoumaru dodged. He moved with more precision than he had even had before. His sword flew downwards meeting with the flesh of Sesshoumaru's wrist and slicing right through it.

Kagome gasped. In the few seconds that Sesshoumaru drew back instinctively from Inuyasha's blow, Inuyasha had grabbed Kagome and disappeared. Kagome clung to Inuyasha's red hinezumi, sobbing into it. Inuyasha was filled with guilt and looked down sadly at the girl embraced in his arms. A few miles later Inuyasha sat down on a rock, realizing Sesshoumaru had not followed them. He sat there for a few minutes that seemed like hours, letting Kagome cry onto him.

*~Please Review~*

mwahaha you have to wait a month now to find out what happens!! Mwahaha I guess im feeling evil right now sorry! Well you'll just have to wait a month really because im leaving this minute for camp!