InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raiden no Ai ❯ To Become His ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Raiden no Ai Author: Melissa Email: Status: Ongoing

  Part 28   ~*~*~   Hiten gazed at the small figure that he had held in his arms. She sat there, so beautiful. She was his, his mate. Akina was the one who would be with him forever, the one who would live on and, if she had wished, she would bear his child.

“Akina....” Hiten spoke, barely above a whisper.

“Yes, Hiten-sempai.” She looked up at her mate.

“Domo arigato, for helping me. You’re the only human to have ever done this for me. I have no idea what compels you to commit such an outstanding show of emotion towards me, but no matter what, you’ve always believed in me. I’m so blind....I couldn’t see it before. It wasn’t because you were afraid of me, granted you may have been at first. “ The young man sighed, before returning his gaze to Akina. “I don’t know why you love me, not that I’m in any condition to question your decision anyway. “

“I love you for you, and that’s all you need to know. No matter how arrogant you were and no matter how violent you were, I knew you wouldn’t hurt me. You might hit me or something, but I know you’d be too blinded by rage to know what you’re doing.” Akina sweetly smiled at the youkai, who, in turn tightened his grip on the young girl.

“I would never harm you, not even out of rage, besides...You’d have to do something to really piss me off for my rage to that bad. Akina....”

“Hai? Nani?” The girl questioned.

Hiten slowly lowered his head and gently and gave her a small nuzzle, and the young girl rested her head into his, enjoying the warmth that the two had shared.

Soon afterwards, Hiten produced a small hissing noise and flinched a bit in pain. The young man drew his hand up to his chest and felt the wet texture of the bandages. When he brought his hand back up, it was covered in blood.

“Damn it to the seven hells...” He muttered while observing his hand, which was glazed in the crimson substance.

“Oh, you’re bleeding again...” Akina put her small, pale hands on either side of his wrist, then, with a heave, she helped the youthful youkai up to his feet.

“I should be getting you inside.”

The two walked in the dreary looking building and once again, Hiten was laid in the futon.

Akina slowly took his upper clothing off, then she began to rip off pieces of the yukata that had been given to her by Hiten.

“What are you doing?” Hiten seemed to bit peeved that she’d destroy what he had given her as a gift.

“I’m sorry Hiten, there aren’t any more bandages. I have to use something.” She replied as she bandaged his side using the scraps of yukata. “That should hold out for a while.”

Hiten’s eyes went wide as he saw the fiery haired maiden begin to make the yukata shorten in length. It took several bandages to cover the wound, taking the yukata’s length up to her mid-thigh. The braided man’s eyes widened at the shortness of the yukata.

The young youkai could feel an unfamiliar urge from within the pit of his being. He could also smell a faint smell, and it seemed to be intoxicating his senses.

“But Akina-sempai...” He said incoherently, in an almost inaudible whisper.

“Hush now, you must rest.” Akina told the youkai.

Hiten slowly rose up and kissed Akina’s sweet lips. The kiss was short and sweet. He could feel small gentle hands pull him in close, urging him to kiss her again. She leaned up against him, wanting him to caress her, longing for his affection. Hiten seemed a bit surprised at this, she had seemed so innocent before.

Taking a chance, Hiten moved in and deeply kissed Akina, lacing his fingers through her fiery red hair. The youkai broke the kiss after a moment and moved his head a little lower to her neck as he began to nuzzle and lick her neck lightly as she ran her fingers through his braid, untying the long raven strands. Akina began to return the favor and nuzzled Hiten’s neck in return; this made the youkai, who was now driven almost wild by the smell, let out a small moan of pleasure. He had never thought that he would be with a human, and had never considered a woman to be of any importance.

Akina began to give the thunder youkai’s neck a little more attention. The red head began to lightly kiss his strong, thick neck, giving special attention to the placing of each kiss. She could feel Hiten’s lips upon her neck as well. She could feel little nips at her ear shortly after the kiss.


She could hear her name moaned in a lightly huskier voice.

"You are more beautiful then any human man." Akina seductively whispered into Hiten’s pointy ear. He could only let out a contented sigh and restate her name. The thunder youkai had told her that she was the most beautiful thing that he had ever laid sight on then looked into her eyes, the color of chocolate.

Hiten’s faint blush seemed to grow and he opened his mouth to tell Akina what she had always wished to hear.

"I...I...Want" Hiten said between erratic breaths. "Mate."

Akina’s face lit up with both surprise and excitement. She seemed to freeze up for a moment. The girl felt her heart flutter, as if it were going to pop from her chest.


"I do." Akina blushed shyly, not wanting to mess up her chances. She had already won him over, now was not the time for him to be going back.

The well-muscled youkai brought him up and sat upon the futon. Akina sat in front of him, their hands clasp together as if they were holding on for dear life. Gently and slowly, Hiten leaned into her, causing her to go backwards and lay down on her back, under her was the fluffy confines of Hiten’s futon. She lay there while he maneuvered over her.

He gave a slight wince of pain, seeing as his injuries were still bothering him.

The youthful youkai studied Akina closely, he wanted to take her quickly but needed to restrain himself from that. This moment was to be savored. He leaned into her once more claiming her sweet and supple lips once more. She melted into his kiss and returned it with equal fervor. Hiten let his tongue explore and taste every inch of her mouth, enjoying it fully. He began to remove the shortened yukata from Akina, who made no attempt to fight back.

Hiten grasp her chin, forcing her to look up at him. He lowered his head and lightly bit her lower lip, licking it lightly afterwards.

He gazed into her eyes and looked at the calm in the brown orbs. They were so innocent and clam just like the forest very, very beautiful. He pulled the fiery haired maiden into another kiss; she seemed to melt into it once more.

"Are you sure you’re prepared for what’s going to be ahead of you?" Hiten asked with a few heavy breaths.

"Yes...Always...” Akina short erratic breaths answered his.

Hiten bit down on Akina’s neck once more, only to receive a small yelp from the human. The youthful youkai continued to kiss down her neck, watching her attentively as he did so. He licked slightly where he had bitten her and drawn blood.

He began to rid himself of his clothing as well. The now lust driven youkai began to stroke Akina’s body, watching her face as he did so. Her face invented a new shade of red when he neared areas which held dark secrets. The amount of blush on her face was priceless it was clear that she was enjoying it, his touch excited her. He smirked at the thought.

Akina shook her head not to say yes, but not to say no either, she didn't want him to stop. Hiten had barely begun with her, and was not about to stop now. Akina laying there excited him beyond comprehension and it was only getting worse as his erection grew. The red head began to let her hands wander about his body, going along his muscle play.

Hiten put half of his weight upon Akina in a deep kiss, as she moaned below him. The thunder youkai kissed down her neck, then breast and stomach. The girl could feel pleasure with each burning kiss. Hiten returned to her face and kissed Akina on the cheek.

"Oh Akina-sempai...”

Akina smiled as she ran her hand down Hiten’s barreled chest. Hiten had loved the feeling of power over his new found mate. His kissed her lightly on the lips and forehead. He sunk into her body with another kiss, both of their hands roaming each other's body. The red haired maiden could hear Hiten’s small moans and growls, though she had been moaning as well.

"Relax a little more." Hiten advised.

Akina did as she was told. She completely trusted the thunder demon as he positioned himself above her. Despite how she felt, she was willing to accept him and began to relax. Hiten smiled as he hung above her for that moment, his raven hair flowing about him in a silky black curtain, framing his face. He had decided Akina was ready and thrust himself deep inside of her. She made a low moan, trying not to scream, she had never imagined that Hiten could be so big. The thunder youkai held the position so the girl could get used to the feeling or adjust to where it seemed comfortable as he pumped in and out of the human; he seemed to be enjoying it as he growled in pleasure.

"Oh Kami." Hiten said to himself as he took her into his arms moving faster upon her. Akina’s hands running through his hair and across his back, becoming tangled in the silken strands.

So hot, so tight, such bliss this is. Each of them seemed to be in heaven. It only pained Akina every now and then, as Hiten sped his pace. The red haired maiden’s head was nearly spinning in ecstasy as Hiten thrust deeper and harder into her every time. He ran his hands down her body, until her reached her hips, he grasp them firmly, pulling her into him. The youkai had never felt such perfection as he continued, not ever wanting to stop, hoping he could draw this out as long as possible, or as long as he was not hurting Akina.

Akina thought she might pass out if Hiten continued, but he did continue, but she didn't pass out. With one final thrust, Hiten exploded into Akina, collapsing on top of her breathing heavily, exhausted and not willing to pull out of her just yet. He waited until his rapid breathing had calmed down before he pulled out. Human females seemed so weak compared to youkai females, but he didn’t want to push her further, for fear of killing her. Plus, his injuries were beginning to get to him. She would become stronger as their mating ritual progressed. Akina’s breath was hard, short and erratic. She slowly put her arms around the thunder youkai, her mate.

They lay there, each of them covered in a thin layer of sweat, both exhausted. She gently kissed the Shikon Shards in his forehead lightly.

"Aishiteru Hiten-sempai." She tiredly whispered with her heavy breath.

"Aishiteru....Akina-sempai." Hiten responded. "My mate…"