InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raiden no Ai ❯ Death ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well, here I am with the last chapter to Raiden no Ai.  Please take time out to review Fragment of Life II.  I know, I know, after you read this last chapter, you might be angry at me for what I’ve done and you might not even know how the hell I could make a sequel out of it, but trust me, I have plenty of things in mind for the sequel.

Here is the depressing conclusion to Raiden no Ai!

Japanese Dictionary

Sempai- A suffix used when referring to someone you hold dear to you.

Itooshi- Beloved


Raiden no Ai

Chapter 30: Death


Several days passed and Hiten’s health didn’t seem to be improving.  Akina sit there, faithfully by her mate’s side, doing everything she can to aid him, but to no avail.  There seemed to be nothing she could do for him.


She hated that feeling.  All of her life she always seemed to helpless to aid people in their time of need.  The fiery haired maiden was helpless to aid the fallen warriors in her community, and she was helpless to save her villiage from the vicious brothers.   Now she felt helpless as well, and there was nothing she could do about it.  Nothing but bear it and hope for the best.

Hiten lay there, looking pale and sweating a great deal.  His breathing was ragged and crackling; every now and then, Akina would wipe him down with a wet cloth. 

After a while of a suffering sleep, Hiten finally awoke.  He opened his still tired red eyes half way and looked up at his mate.

“Akina…sempai…” Was all the tired and weak youkai could muster.  His voice sounded weak and gruff.  It wasn’t loud and vibrant as it once had been.

His life force was fading.

“Yes, Hiten.” Akina replied, voice fully of concern.

The braided man below her gazed into his mate’s eyes, filled with confusion and a hint of fear. 

“Don’t give up just yet!  Remember the plans we’ve made.”   Hiten smiled a coy smile at Akina.

The red haired maiden gave a small smile back.  “Right.”

‘ My itooshi…’  Akina thought to herself.  ‘The only person who’s ever truly made me happy, and who would have thought that it would have been a youkai who could have pleased me so.  I’m luck to have him, and now he’s going to be taken away…’

A few moments after Hiten fell asleep again; Akina went outside to walk around.  She had stayed inside with him for so long, she felt that she needed fresh air.  The girl walked outside on that same porch that she and Hiten held such memories on.  The same porch that they had sat on and discussed what different things about life meant to them.  They had many romantic moments, but also many moments of tension and sadness.

The girl sighed to herself as the many memories came back to her in not only pictorial form, but in the form of speech as well.

She looked to the sky, it was gray and the faint sound of thunder could be heard. 


"Well, what kind of weather do you like?"  Akina asked.

"Why do you care?"

"Just curious." Akina rolled over to look at Hiten.  She laid her head in her arm and  lay on her side.  The sun felt warm against the skin.  Hiten lay on his back with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed, basking in the warm rays. 

"If you really want to know, I like stormy weather." Hiten rolled over, his eyes still closed.


R 20;You know Hiten; I think I’m beginning to like stormy weather too.  It puts a mind at ease, and the rain seems to purify one’s soul.”

Akina stood out there for quite sometime, as a light rain began to fall.  The sounds of the rain of the roof and the ground below her, seemed tranquil and comforting.  For those few moments, she was at rest.

That is…

Until she heard the faint voice of Hiten calling for her. 

Her eyes widened in fear.  She knew what was going to happen, so she rushed into the house, running through all of the rooms until she came to her mate, who was lying on the floor, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

The fiery haired maiden rushed over and sat on the floor, beside of her mate. 

“HITEN!”  She called out.  “What’s wrong?”

Hiten let out a few pain-filled coughs.  “Looks like we won’t be able to get out revenge after all…”  He replied in a weak voice.

“What?”  Akina replied with tear filled eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Ai shiteru, Akina-sempai.  I’ll never regret any moment I’ve lived with you.  You taught this cold hearted killer that there was something to appreciate in life, and that all humans didn’t hate the youkai race.  You taught me how to love, not lust…”  The braided man murmured barely above a whisper.  “No matter what, you’ll always be mine.”

“Hiten, no!” Akina started to cry.  “Don’t leave me!  I need you!  You’re the only one whom was meant for me…My angelic demon…Like a dark angel whom fell from the sky into my arms.”

“Don’t cry…Akina.”  The braided man replied.  “Crying is for the weak.”

“Crying is for the one who has feeling and emotion…that’s what crying is for.”  Akina protested and held onto Hiten’s hand, which was beginning to grow cold has his heartbeat faded.

Hiten sat up, with all of the strength that he could muster, and gave Akina one final kiss, before falling back down on the futon.

“ Domo arigato for saving me.  I couldn’t have done it without you.  Looks like you’re going to have to get revenge on Inuyasha all by yourself.  Guess I’ll see you in hell, right?”  He smiled.

Akina nodded, and finished his sentence with her own.  “Because heaven will not accept us…”

“You’ll visit me, right?” 

“Of course I will.  We’ll be reunited once again, in the stars.” 

“I’ll wait for you…”

With that final sentence said, Hiten’s body want limp and all of the life force was gone.  Akina cried audibly, holding his body close to hers.  After a moment of crying her eyes out, she kissed Hiten’s cold lips and said…

"Darkness consumes everything, even one's life."



Well, that does it.  That’s the end.  Yeah, I know, it was sad and depressing, wasn’t it?   Sorry for the entire wait for the wait for the last chapter.  I wanted to put the link up for the alternate chapter 28.  They were going to update the chapter sooner, but their website was having problems.  

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.  Try not to be too mad at me, there is a sequel and I encourage you to read it.  Hiten DOES come back.  Here is the link for the fanfic.  It’s called Fragment of Life II   .  Here is the summary I’ve got for it.

“ Your soul is bound to Naraku now.  You’re his mindless zombie and beckon to his call, but I will free you, Hiten.” – Quote from the story.  Akina.  Hiten/OC.  Sequel to Raiden no Ai.