InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ramen Flavored Kagome ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Sadly, Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, not me.
Warning: This chapter contains violence, character death, adult situations, mature sexual content and coarse language not intended for younger viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.
Author's Note: I have been working on a particular story for a while, but for some reason my muse is not providing the story in a linear manner, so I've been writing the chapters as they come but as yet do not have the real beginning of the story fleshed out. And since I don't want to pull a Tarantino and give it to you all out of order, I have been holding on to it for several months. This chapter however more or less can stand on its own, so I thought I would throw it out there to see what you all think.
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She was in heat… again. He didn't understand why human females went into heat so often. It made no sense. But sure enough, every month Kagome and Sango would. The smell of a bitch in heat, any bitch in heat, is a delicious scent. But Kagome, who already smelled good enough to eat under normal circumstances… well, it was down right torture.
He growled in frustration, looking away from the young miko as she bent over the cooking pot, making her skirt ride up higher revealing even more thigh to anyone behind her.
The delicious mix of her scent and ramen hit his nose, making it tingle. Which made him breath in more deeply, making it tingle and twitch even more, in a vicious circle, until even her weak human ears could hear him snuffling.
She didn't turn around to look at him. Oh no, that would have been too easy. No, she had to look at him over her shoulder. Not bothering to stand up straight, so that not only was her skirt just barely covering her panties, as it rode up her wonderfully round, very strokeable ass, but now she was twisted so that he could see a hint of lace through the opening of her top as she smiled at him that evil smile she only gave him. The one that told him she knew what he was thinking and she was going to use it to her advantage.
She sucked her lower lip in between her teeth wetting it and then let it pull back out slowly as her teeth scraped over it.
His eyes darted from barely covered ass to glistening wet lips to slightly exposed lace covered breast back to wet grinning lips then up to hooded eyes. He couldn't help it, he whined. His own ears twitched at the needy sound he made.
Wrenching his eyes away he pointedly looked away while folding his arms inside his haori sleeves.
Her melodious laugh tickled his ears.
“Dinner will be ready soon… if you're still hungry… for food.”
His head whipped back around to stare at her. But she had already turned away to her cooking pot. The last two words had been so quiet, so breathy, he wasn't sure if she had actually said them or if it was his imagination.
She handed him his bowl of ramen that was four times bigger than hers… which was unusual but not unappreciated. He just didn't remember walking over to her to get it… which again, was unusual but not too worrisome, as he watched her sit cross legged across from him so that he could almost but not quite see up her skirt. After all he was a bit distracted today.
He hungrily ate his ramen enjoying her scent that was wrapping around him even more than the flavor of his favorite noodle.
He watched as she deftly used her chopsticks to slowly circle her bowl before pulling a few long, hot, wet noodles up to her soft pink lips and slowly slurped them into her mouth. He watched in fascination as her cheeks and jaw worked to take it all in. A lone drop of salty broth clung to her lips. Her pink tongue darted out to capture the liquid, and savor it.
Her eyes locked with his and she brought her empty chopsticks to her lips. Her pink tongue darted out again caressing the hard wood, seeking any salty morsels she might have missed before.
His eyes grew wider and dilated fractionally. No way… she just… she just licked her chopsticks… at me!
A very noticeable spike in arousal hit his nose. Too bad it was his own and not hers. Grinning she looked down at her bowl. She chuckled darkly, and returned to eating her food. Dammit… she did that on purpose just to get a reaction!
She brought another clump of hot salty wet noodles to her lips. Almost in slow motion they slid off her chopsticks deliberately past her chin spilling down her blouse and pooling between her legs.
He started at the wet white mess on her skirt, then up to the lone strand that had gotten caught in the opening of her blouse as it clung to her now wet top between her breasts, the last bits of moisture dripping off its flaccid tip.
“I better wash this out before it stains.”
His jaw dropped as she grabbed a water bottle and poured it over herself to rinse off the ramen broth. Her now drenched white blouse was virtually transparent as it clung to her. Her equally white and only slightly translucent lace bra was highly visible. He couldn't help but look as her pert nipples made themselves known through the cold wet fabric.
“Brrrr… I might get sick if I stay in these wet clothes…”
Oh gods! She's not…
She grabbed the bottom edge of her blouse and pulled it up over her head.
“Oh dear! My skirt is wet too…”
She undid the clasp, letting it drop.
He swallowed hard, his dinner completely forgotten, as she sat down again.
She smiled sweetly at him and picked up her bowl. She caught his eye before “accidentally” spilling the contents of her bowl all over her chest.
“Uh-oh… I'm so clumsy. Inuyasha, can you help me clean up this mess?”
He grinned, he might be a clueless idiot when it came to women, but that was a little too blatant even for him.
He pounced; bowling her over onto her back as he hungrily lapped at her ramen covered breasts. Her bra disappeared as if it had never been there, as he licked and nipped and kissed her. Her giggles quickly turned to soft mewing moans as she writhed underneath him.
Her skin tasted exactly like her normal scent: slightly floral, slightly fruity and all Kagome. Well, ramen flavored Kagome anyway. He wanted to know… he NEEDED to know… did that cloth covered bit taste like her heat scent since the rest of her tasted like her normal scent? Before the thought had really finished forming he was there, ripping her panties off and taking a long lick at her hidden treasure. Yep, she tasted exactly like her heat scent.
As he happily lapped at her she said the words he always longed to hear, but never expected. “Inuyasha, make me your bitch. Claim me as your own. Mark me so that no one else will dare take me from you. Not Kouga. Not Hobo. Not anyone.”
He could not have stopped his joyous howl even if he wanted to. His bitch wanted him, maybe even more than he wanted her. And in that instant his clothes were gone and she was there presenting her backside to him. Her hot, wet, pink slit framed by soft black curls, made all the more screamingly obvious by its contrast to the rest of her soft milky skin. He took one last lick in her new position before burying himself deep within her.
It was everything he imagined it would be; warm, wet, soft, completely encasing his entire length in gentle even pressure. She moaned happily as she allowed him to pump franticly into her. He felt his demon rising as his peak neared, but made no effort to prevent it. She wanted to be claimed, to be marked. How better to do that than to allow his demon control?
He could feel his power increase exponentially, his muscles strengthened, his bones grew dense, his senses heightened, his claws and fangs grew in length while getting sharper. Until finally, his father's jagged purple crests appeared as his mind grew dark. He reveled in the pleasure of being buried deep within his bitch. Her soft moans turned to screams as he increased to a frenzied pace. He griped her hips more tightly pushing and pulling her to match his thrusts.
He was close, so very close. Arching his body over her back his mouth opened impossibly wide. He felt the first surge of his climax, and bit down on Kagome's neck. His mouth filled with her blood as he bit. His fangs sank through her soft skin into her jugular. His fangs eased through her throat, then finally all the way through her spine.
He screamed.
Her blood poured from his mouth as he watched horrified, her head falling from her body. Still screaming he tried to rear back from the grizzly sight only to find his claws had sunk through her soft flesh and buried deep into bone.
The hanyou shook his head violently trying to deny the truth as his miko's cold dead eyes stared blankly at him. His demon side began to laugh. A deep, vial laugh, terrifyingly similar to Naraku's. The hanyou thrashed trying to free himself from the corpse.
Kagome's decapitated head rolled to the side, staring up at him. “You killed me, Inuyasha. Just like you killed Kikyo. Just like you killed your mother. Like you killed everyone you ever cared about.”
“No! No! This isn't real! This isn't possible!”
He turned to flee…
And smashed face first into a wall. Groaning, he tried to push away from the wall; a wall made of hard packed earth, and no matter how hard he pushed he couldn't get away.
He blinked. It wasn't a wall, it was… the ground? What the hell?
He felt the light pressure of a hand on his shoulder. “Inuyasha? Can you hear me?”
He groaned realizing it was that damned subjugation spell as it wore off releasing him from gravities smothering grip. Raising his head he saw Kagome, dressed in her P.J.s crouched beside him, her head, thankfully still attached to her neck, was cocked to one side as she regarded him with concern.
“Ka-Kagome?” his voice was barely a whisper.
A smile flicked across her lips. “I'm sorry I woke you that way… but you were having a nightmare. You were moaning in your sleep for a really long time… so I… I tried to wake you but you didn't respond to me calling your name. And then you started to thrash… so I said it… but I only did it to wake you.” She looked a little sheepish. And all he could do was stare.
She's alive! I didn't… I didn't… She's alive!
She was starting to feel a little flustered by the way he was looking at her. “Umm… I should go start breakfast… I could make us some ramen—”
“NO!” he bolted to his feet.
So startled by his sudden outburst she fell back onto her butt, and started up at him in confusion. Since when does Inuyasha refuse ramen? “Inu…” Her voice trailed off, she really had no idea what to say to him, he was acting very strange, and his eyes were so full of pain.
Finally, he pulled his eyes away, “I'll go catch some fish or something…” he muttered as he stalked off.
With an exasperated sigh he looked over his shoulder at her. “Breakfast… remember? You just said you wanted some.”
* * * * * *
Inuyasha stated as blood red and turquoise blue eyes stared back. Inuyasha growled menacingly and slammed his fist into the visage before him. The cold water struck him in the face and drenched his chest and when the ripples dissipated and the water stilled he was once more looking at his own golden eyes.
When Goshinki broke Tessaiga, the seal on his demon blood was also broken. And though Totosai fixes Tessaiga, the seal was never the same. It was no longer a seal so much as a choke collar, similar to the damned subjugation necklace; it held his demon in check, but did not prevent it from clawing at the edges of his mind, looking for a way out. Always looking for that hole in his defenses. And heaven forbid he was seriously injured, because it was almost impossible to keep himself from throwing Tessaiga aside so that his demon could rise.
Then of course there was Kaguya. Her damnable mirror had widened the fissure between his demon and himself. And let's not forget it had almost completely siphoned off his human side.
He smirked remembering what had brought the pieces back together. Kagome. He could see her smiling face in his minds eye. Then unbidden, he saw her cold dead eyes in her decapitated head.
Growling he shook his head to clear it of the dream. And once again slammed his fist into the water, scaring the fish away while shattering the reflection of his demon self.
`Weneed to talk.'
`NO!' He growled to the deep gravely voice in his head.
`YouWILL listen half-breed!'
`It's MY head, My body, and no, I do NOT have to listen. So shut the FUCK UP and leave me alone!'
`And while you're at it stop sending me your perverted dreams!'
`Theyare not MY dreams.' The voice sounded indignant.
Inuyasha growled at the voice. `So, what now? You're saying they are prophetic? That we are doomed to destroy Kagome? That you will fuck and kill her and I get no say in the matter?!'
`I would NEVER harmthe one I mate! You truly are a fool half-breed.'
He could feel the unmistakable rise in his demon's power.
`Fuck you! And stay the fuck out of my dreams, asshole!' He screamed as he firmly griped Tessaiga's hilt forcing his demon back into the dark recesses of his mind.
Quietly, he heard, as if from a great distance, `they are NOT! MY! DREAMS!'
Inuyasha snarled, and tightened his grip on Tessaiga, further subduing his demon. `Like I would believe a lying, conniving, bastard like you!'
Even more distant, `the human,' he said it like it was a lowest form of insult, `does not wish us to mate with the miko. He does not want us to taint a human as our mother was.'
“WHAT!!” Inuyasha roared out loud. Once again, scaring the fish.
Inuyasha scoured his mind looking for his human side. The fact that he had not joined the argument already lent credence to the demon's accusation.
`Dammit, you sick, sniveling excuse for a human, where the fuck are you!'
`Answer me, dammit!'
`Fine, be that way, but if you ever fuck with my dreams again, I will cover your chest in scratches just before the new moon rises and ask Kagome to treat it with BACK-TEEN!'
He felt his demon smirk at the threat.
Gods, how he hated those two. It was like living with Sesshomaru and Kagome's grandfather. Not only did they detest each other, but they thought he was scum too. The only upside was that they rarely talked to him since he was nothing but a filthy half-breed to them. Never mind the fact that they were a part of him, or that once his mind hadn't been fractured and his self loathing was far less articulated or relentless.
Gods, how he wished he had never met Kaguya or broken Tessaiga. Then he never would have met his other sides. And he could have been blissfully miserable on his own.
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Author's Note: Just incase you were wondering, licking your chopsticks at someone, is a falletaio insinuation, often meant to be an offer.
And yes, I know it is a cliché to solve a problem by saying “and then he woke up and it was all a dream”, but in the story that this belongs, I wanted a reason why Inuyasha is reluctant to begin intimate relations with Kagome. Seemed like nightmares about sex ending in her death was a pretty good reason to be standoffish, and keep her at arms length.