InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red isn't only blood ❯ What happens next ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So, this is chapter 7. I hope you like it! You didn't even wait that much. You guys are great! I can't believe I got 98 reviews! Keep supporting me won't you? ^-^ I'll post something here when my e connection will allow me to so I have to quit talking (to your happiness probably)

Hello! Here I am with my ramblings. Somebody on mediaminer told me there were typing errors so I edited it. Thanx for pointing that out!…improves my writing. I appreciate Whoa, that took much seriousness on my part, I actually never edit once I've written a chapter… I guess that's a bad thing…ehe.

Anyway, to answer a few questions: How is this a Sess/Kag romance? In case you haven't noticed I have a weird way of twisting romance. As to how I see it, before being happy people suffer a lot. I always tend to drop into angst sort of plots. But, don't worry better moments will come…eventually. For now the hate one another, but I have a few curious things planned out. Glossary? Right on the bottom of the page! What will her family say? Just wait and see. Hehe.

Probably people think that Sesshoumaru's too murderous, just to tell, I thought that its just OOC for him to just stop a second before hitting Kagome. The second time he saw her he wanted to melt her. So, I figured that I'll make him change little by little. I don't think that him feeling something for her from the first time he saw her is a really IC thing. I mean, his said 'a mortal' in a disgusted way like he couldn't stand to see her, it's not wrong, I just like doing it a different way. I like complicated things, as you can see.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha & co.

Red Isn't Only Blood

Chapter VI: What happens next

A Lady in a palace tended to a wounded girl. Blood already drenched the white futon on which the young ningen lied. The metallic scent of blood clung to the room; it was so strong even humans could smell it without problems. The room was scarcely illuminated, only a few oil lamps were on the walls. The light didn't even reach the doors to the veranda; outside you could already see the golden color of the torches that lit the garden.

The flames of the lights danced and sizzled a little when the soft breeze blew a little more strongly. The shoji screens that led to the rest of the palace opened and you could see servants hurriedly running around carrying all sorts of bandages, herbs and medicines to every room. It looked like there were many other beings injured apart from the girl lying nearly lifeless at the lady's feet.

The lady was a youkai; you could easily tell because she had green eyes, fangs and pointed ears. She had yet to speak while she tended to the young's injuries, which were pretty bad; she had a 'hole' on her stomach, and a few cuts on her face. It was a miracle she had even survived. Her skin was as pale as the moon, and her forehead drenched in sweat. The lady wore an outfit similar to one of a miko, just it was all black, and her dark gray hair was kept in a high ponytail.

Then, slowly, as if the only action would give an end to her life, the human opened her eyes. She could smell blood, a lot of it, and she wasn't even youkai. She supposed that was bad. She couldn't move and all her muscles hurt badly. She could only open her eyes halfway, and even that took a lot amount of strength. Finally she could choke out a few words, thinking more to herself than talking to anyone in particular, "Will I…be ok…" She hadn't even noticed there was someone else in the room till a response to her words came.

"That, is up to you, little miko." Said the demoness with a motherly like smile on her lips and a genuine, soft look in her eyes. She started to wash the wound when the girl whimpered in pain. Her eyes again closed, trying to cast aside what was making her suffer. Yet, no sound escaped her lips. The youkai felt sorry for the girl. She was experienced in reading auras, and this girl had an eerie one. It was almost black at the moment, with flecks of azure and pink. Black was the color of sorrow, pink the color of love and forgiveness, and azure, for certain beings was the color of anger and hatred.

Then, before drifting again back into unconsciousness, with a longing smile the young miko said, "Then I guess…I won't." Her face relaxed a little as blackness engulfed her once more.

Looking up from the injury, the youkai looked at the girl before her with interest. She looked so alone right now, so joyful had she been; so sad she was right now. "I don't think girl, life never stops to surprise you know." She whispered before turning to a servant to ask for some bandages and hot water. When the servant arrived with the tools the master had asked for, he was dismissed and the lady started tending to the miko once again.

The girl had been fortunate. Not many got help from Lady Ayame, and who did, was special indeed.


Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands was badly injured, because of his half-breed stepbrother. If a worse blow could be given to his ego, then nobody knew what it was. The one he hated more than anything, the one he swore he would kill; the one who had got everything from their father, the lowly being that was Inuyasha, had almost killed him. That wasn't acceptable. How was he supposed to keep going on, knowing that a hanyou had bested him not once, but twice.

Twice Inuyasha had injured him like that. The first time, he couldn't move for weeks, this time, he doubted he cold move for at least a month. Both his arms and legs were broken in various placed, just as his elbows, wrists, ankles and knees. He had a wound on his side, and a cut on his left cheek. His once white clothes were torn and tainted with damp and sticky crimson blood.

His armor had been completely destroyed into dust and a deep wound on his chest proved that fact. His sash was also tattered and of no use now. The fact that it was raining didn't help either. It might wash the blood from his face and clothes, but it was quite painful for his chest. The gash was still bleeding, just as the injury form that miko. Probably her miko ki was still purifying him, stopping his body from healing.

Without losing his cold façade, he cursed her for the millionth time that day. She had brought too many problems to him in only fourteen hours. Good thing she was dead by now. He didn't want to have to deal with her for the rest of his godforsaken life.

Looking around he saw he was now at the base of a tree, right in front of a vast meadow of flowers. At this his thoughts wandered to Rin. The girl would probably start crying when he didn't return. She would probably start a fit only to go and find him. Stupid human feelings. She was going to get herself killed that way. He added to his list of 'things-to-teach-Rin' that she needed to learn self-preservation.

Then in the distance he saw a fortress, he wasn't in the Western Lands anymore, he was somewhere to the north now. And if he was exact, this was the castle of Lord Shisho. At least he wasn't in enemy territory. Right when he thought that, Shisho and his mate arrived in the field. He didn't even sense them for how weak he was, and he hated it. The faster he healed, the better it was. He was ashamed Shisho had to see him in a similar state. Right before the two youkai arrived where he was, he fell asleep. He fell asleep because he couldn't faint, for how weak, he was still a demon Lord. When he was badly injured and had lost a lot of blood, he rested, he didn't fall unconscious.


Inuyasha had disappeared long time before the group reached the village. He was strangely quiet during the path from the western lands to his forest; this surprised nobody, but it was his eyes that shocked everyone. They held deep sorrow and you could read any emotion in them, not the usual 'tough-guy' expression. He didn't have the will he once had anymore. It looked as if he had died with Kagome as well. Because, as far as the group knew, she really was gone from the Earth.

Shippou was crying again and nothing could make him stop. Every now and then he would wake up and start crying even louder. Kagome was like a mother to him, now he though he was alone, even though technically he wasn't. Miroku and Sango had told him they'll always be there for him, but being sad themselves they didn't continue on that line for much. Sango had lost the sister she had never had. Miroku had lost one of his dearest friends.

The Taiji-ya continued to sniff and choke back sobs all the way to Kaede's village and didn't mind Miroku's comfort. In fact, being him a man and a houshi, he kept his emotions to himself on some level. Even though when he started remembering Kagome's smiling face and the way she used to sit Inuyasha hurt. They weren't sad only for themselves though, they thought of their friend's family. On the few occasions the girl spoke of her family her eyes sparkled with joy. Her loving mother, her brother and her history fanatic Oyaji. They were probably going to take his bad as well, maybe worse than them.

"Houshi-sama…where do you think…Inuyasha is? He has to go tell her family…" Sango said looking up with teary eyes at Miroku.

"I don't know Sango-san, I don't know…don't think about it…" He replied bringing an arm over her shoulder. He smiled sadly to himself when he felt her head on his shoulder. Kagome had always tried to get them together, for as insane that must sound. If she was there, she would probably be smiling at them kindly asking them when they'll get married. Kagome's imagination was really limitless. Or at least, it used to be.

Walking inside the village, Sango and Miroku were bracing themselves for comfort, Shippou was on top of Kirara crying in his sleep and the cat demon was to the exterminator's side. When Kaede saw them she didn't have the time to ask questions that Sango threw herself in the arms of the village miko and started crying desperately. After a few moments even Miroku started crying silently, slow tears staining his cheeks.


The hanyou had been running in his forest for an hour now. He couldn't believe what had happened, nor would he believe it. His brother had fooled them many times; probably this was all a bluff. He wanted to find Kagome soon, but the research was proving itself difficult. The water had totally erased her scent and he doubted he could hear her voice, wherever she was.

This was his entire fault; he had let her wander around at night alone because he was too busy with Kikyou. Now he had to go and tell Kagome's family that their beloved daughter was dead. How could he do something like that, after he swore to her mother he'd protect her…how could he. Guilt and sorrow clung to him so fiercely, the worst part of all was that he couldn't do anything about it

He couldn't just go and ask Sesshoumaru, for he would be down right pissed right now because of his Bakuryuuha. He couldn't smell her, and nobody in the vicinity seemed to have see her, "This sucks…" He muttered. He was jumping from tree to tree in an attempt to calm his boiling anger and growing sadness. But he knew it was all worthless. Letting out an inhuman growl which echoed through all the forest he leapt in a nearby field and looking at the sky he shouted, "You baka! You told me you'd always be by my side, did you forget it!"

He then started crying, and he cried so much that when he stopped his eyes were sore. When he had enough of just staring at the ground with vacant eyes, he just slumped to the ground, legs crossed and head bent down. He stayed there for days. He didn't move, nor did he eat; he didn't even sleep. He didn't want to see anyone and especially, talk to anyone, in his mind he was trying to sort out a way to avenge her death. Nearly killing Sesshoumaru wasn't enough.

Then, two days or so after he was there Kikyou came. She place her arms around him and hugged him in a reassuring manner. He didn't shove her away, but he didn't even return the gesture. He was too lost in his own world. Then finally the undead miko spoke, "Inuyasha, if you wish, we could complete the Shikon no Tama and wish for her life." To anyone she might have sounded reassuring or caring, yet she wasn't, this was just a way to gain the hanyou's trust and complete what was hers and then wish her life back, not the girl's. She knew her reincarnation wasn't dead, otherwise her soul would've returned back to her.

"Are you sure Kikyou, will you help me? I feel so bad without Kagome around, she was like a little sister who cheered everyone and everything." He told her looking at the flowers in the meadow. He didn't even know how Kikyou knew of Kagome's death, and personally he didn't care. What she was saying was the most intelligent thing that would solve the problem he could think of. He thought of killing, torturing and making people suffer, but it didn't seem fitting, Kagome wouldn't like that, wherever she was.

"I you wish so Inuyasha, I'll help you." She said as she leaned to kiss him on the lips.

They shared a deep kiss and then they headed back to the village to give the news to everyone. Kikyou was joining the group.


Time passed and Kikyou continued searching the shards with Inuyasha's group. Sesshoumaru didn't try to steal Tetsusaiga. Naraku was heard of only a few times, probably planning an evil arrangement of his. And Kagome was dead to everybody; even a memorial was built in front of the Goshinboku for her…


One year later:

"Kagome, dodge!" A young miko dressed in black with and armor dodged an attack to the right and blocked the enemy's sword with her own. She did a back flip and landed first on her right foot and then positioned the other one behind. She was down in a crouch-like position, her left hand opened in front of her for balance and targeting, while her right one gripped firmly the katana shoulder height by her right side.

"Very well Kagome, you did exceedingly well. If you liked, you'd now be free to go around the Lands without fear of anything. But there is something I wanted to ask you." Said a lady also dressed in black but without armor. Her hair was a dark gray and her eyes were green, behind her she had a fluffy gray tail she had used as a weapon during the girl's training. "Would you be one of my generals?" She had trained Kagome in war just as in fighting, and strangely so, she had shown herself talented in that. She was able to command an army of more that two hundred men alone without any problems. During her training she had summoned three hundred warriors and gave Kagome a small army of one hundred and fifty men and kept an equal umber with her. She had brought Kagome to a deserted mountain and there she left the young miko to care for herself and her men, some had to find food, but many had to remain in the camp, because they could get attacked any moment.

The girl had earned the respect of all the youkai warriors under her orders. Her teacher would attack from one or two points at the same time and Kagome had to split her warriors in a way she wouldn't have openings from which she could get attacked on any side of her ground. At the end of that training everybody was really tired. One of the warriors had brought Kagome where their master was, peacefully asleep and handed her the girl. She then brought the miko and the soldiers back to the palace for some much needed rest.

Kagome was speechless. Lady Ayame wanted her to be one of her army's generals, that was something she had never dreamed of. Lady Ayame's army was one of the more powerful of all the Lands. "I-I would be honored Ayame-san. Really, my answer could be nothing but yes." Her light blue eyes were dancing with joy and happiness she had never experienced from the day she had almost died.

Had it not been for Lady Ayame, Lady of the Eastern Lands, she would have died. Ayame-san was a ookami-youkai who could control water. She was born with such a gift, even though none in her family had it. It had always been a mystery for her relatives. A useful mystery none the less. Kagome was taken in by Lady Ayame a year ago, she was badly injured then, but Kagome never told her mentor who attacked her. She though that would just make things tense between the East and the West. It had been, after all, Sesshoumaru who nearly ended her life. After that day she had trained non stop for an entire year, both on war and combat. Ayame-san would even let her visit her family once a month, she told them that she was ok and not to tell anyone, not even Inuyasha she was alive. That hurt, but she didn't want anyone distracting her.

"Then it's settled Kagome. You'll be one of my generals, prepare for war anytime, the Southern Lands in this period have been quite preoccupying. It is rumored they've allied with a warlord called Naraku recently. All the other Lords are wary of him, yet Takao-san isn't; he's always been spooky, but not to this extent. Anyways, we'll have a party tonight! We'll introduce to everybody my newfound general and friend!" Lady Ayame had a huge smile on her face, she always acted so open with Kagome, even she didn't understand why; she just did.

The miko was worried of Naraku allying with the Southern Lord; he was powerful alone, imagine with the help of both Sesshoumaru and Takao. Then she raised a brow, wait, that for second, tonight she had a bigger problem, she didn't want a party! "Party, you're not inviting a lot of people are you Ayame-san… I mean-" Kagome didn't even have the time to finish the phrase that Lady Ayame interrupted her.

"What do you mean a lot of people? Of course they'll be! I'll invite all the Lords and Ladies along with their relatives…if they have any. Then I'll invite all the princes and princesses of the native tribes! Tonight we'll have a lot of fun." She said, her eyes shining with anticipation. Her smile replaced with a friendly grin. Her black outfit was a bit dirty and her hair tied up in a ponytail. Somehow that grin was scarier than an evil one.

Kagome sweatdropped with a stupid smile on her face, "Ya know Ayame-san, that grin freaks me out…when you smile like that it means, problems for me…" She was a bit worried, every time Ayame smiled like that she would get extra training or she would be sent somewhere for a few weeks to fend for herself alone with the reassurance of a 'you'll have fun trust me' type of phrase.

Lady Ayame then became serious, her expression was like the one Mrs. Higurashi had when she scolded Kagome, "Kagome, I thought you had better manners than that, I'd never give you problems. When I sent you in the mountains or in the woods it was for your own good! Back to the party, we should invite Takao and Shisho along with their mates, Nako and Yuri, Sesshoumaru and his stepbrother, Kouga and Ayame, oh, yes, Erishii will have to be there as well." She said with a smile.

"Who's Erishii?" Asked Kagome in a very curios and playful voice.

"He's a dear friend of mine, we were sent to the same school when we were young. He's a bit weird but I assure you, he's fun. Once he put some mud in the teacher's futon. Can you imagine hell? Well, that's what broke the night the sensei found out. Well Kagome, I'm sorry to leave you, but I have to go send messengers to the Lords and letters to all the rest of the people coming tonight. Maybe you should go take a bath." With that, she was about to dismiss herself, when she heard Kagome's soft question she turned around to face the girl with a smile.

"Ayame-san, could I visit my family? It's been a while since I've seen them." Kagome really wanted to see her family, she wanted to tell her mother and grandpa that she was now a general of the Eastern Lands and tell her brother stories of her training. She wanted to start teaching him war tactics he could use to play with his friends. She could bring some souvenirs for Jii-chan, a katana, an ancient scroll or something of the sort. She could eat her mum's Oden and bring some clothes and food back along with some school work.

You could see the girl missed her family, she was looking at the ground and fidgeting with her fingers. It was at times like this that Lady Ayame started doubting Kagome was an eighteen year old, she had that look on her face that made her seem a five year old. It was something akin to a pout, but a bit more anxious. A bit like when kids are in deep thought. "Don't worry Kagome, of course you can visit your family. Just be sure to be here before nightfall, you have to be here when the guests arrive." She watched as the girl before her smiled brightly and thanked her a million times, she was so pure and innocent.

"Thank you so much Ayame-san! I'll be here on time don't worry! See you." Kagome rushed by the Lady's side and hugged her tightly, then, just as fast, she waved good bye and jumped on a tree, leaping from branch to branch heading West. Inuyasha's forest, in fact, was at the very limit of the Western Lands, on the border with the Eastern ones.

Lady Ayame watched as her student left her garden. Kagome was a wild girl. She liked flowers, animals, rivers and forests, she could stay in a wood for an entire afternoon without getting bored; it was truly amazing for a human. Usually the ones of her race stay in their villages, lighting fires and hiding in their houses because they're afraid of the dark. It was also true that Kagome was a very powerful miko, but great powers didn't mean courage; and she had a lot. Kagome had learned to use her powers to fill in those senses and movements that humans lacked. She could run faster than many demons, for she used her miko energy to spring from branch to branch, or only just to run freely in a field. She could jump quite high. She was able to make weapons out of energy, which came in handy during battles, just as she could purify any metal one she wielded. Miko energy was truly interesting, many doctors would like to make research on it only for the healing abilities that came with it.

Lady Ayame, instead, was just happy on having the girl around. Wherever Kagome was, there was a friendly and cheerful aura. Taking one last glance to the forest Ayame went inside the palace to attend some business.


Kagome was starting to think seriously about the ball Lady Ayame wanted to give. She said she would invite both the dog brothers…that was bad, they were going to put up a fight, and she didn't want to see them; all her problems were related to them. Kouga was going as well, she didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing, her sensei had mentioned a certain Ayame along with the wolf prince, maybe she was his mate? She hoped so. The other Lords were ok, she didn't mind them coming, and even if she did, there was nothing she could do about it, the rulers of the lands had to come to a party organized by Lady Ayame. This was too confusing.

She stopped by a stream and washed her face, not caring to dry it. Sitting in the middle of the field she was in she started thinking all over again about her friends and all that had happened two years ago. She still searched for Shikon shards when she had some spare time, she had a quarter o the jewel now, counting the shards she already had and the ones she found herself.

Thinking about shard hunting her thoughts went to Sango, Shippou and Miroku. She missed them, she couldn't deny that. Now that her training was over…probably she could visit them. At this she smiled, Shippou would probably crash into her and start crying of joy. Sango would hug her in a suffocating way, and Miroku would grope her like always. She laughed, maybe the exterminator and the monk had told each other their feelings.

Sitting up she fixed her black haori and hakama, which always got a bit crumpled under her armor. She adjusted her hair and started towards the village. It felt so good meeting with her friends after a long time. The only problem was Inuyasha, she didn't know if she was prepared to meet him. Ha had chosen Kikyou, ok, he was nothing to her now, maybe a friend, after all his happiness meant hers. Yes, Inuyasha was like a big grumpy brother to her now, she laughed when an image of him scolding her crossed her mind.

Stopping on the verge of the cliff that led to the village she took a deep breath and started down the road to the village; slightly nervous. Would her friends be angry because she never came back? Did they forget her? Shaking her head she looked forward where she could feel the familiar auras that had accompanied her one whole year after she crossed the well for the first time.

She entered the village getting strange looks from everyone, it saddened her a bit, knowing that the people that once trusted and helped her, were now wary of her. Could it be the armor, the katana on her side, and the bow on her back that scared them? Well, whatever it was she didn't care, she was here for a precise reason.

Counting she trained with Ayame-san at dawn, so it was probably ten o'clock in the morning now. They were probably having breakfast, even though it was a bit late. She was now outside Kaede's hut, nobody inside had the minimum idea she was there, she hid her presence and erased her scent. She wondered if they'd recognize her. No turning back Kagome, it was you decision in the first place to come. She thought as she moved the tatami door aside. "I was wondering if you had a spare bowl." She said smiling cheerfully as she looked them in the eyes.

Suddenly she felt something crush against her armor on her stomach, when she looked down she saw Shippou. She scooped him in her arms and hugged him as tightly as she could whispering comforting words as she cried her own tears of joy. "Shh, don't worry, I'm here…" She told him as she returned the hug, he was clinging to her neck as hard as he could, nearly suffocating her.

"Mommy! I missed you so much. I thought you were dead, but you're back! I'm so happy Mama! You're not hurt are you?" He couldn't believe she was actually alive, he never even dreamed that she would come back. He had just hoped she could rest in peace. He was so lost without her, when both his parents had died the only one who understood him had been Kagome. She was a mother to him, comforting him when he was sad, reassuring when he was scared, and praising when he did something good. Now she was here again he wasn't letting her alone one moment.

"Me dead? I thought you knew better than that, nothing can bring me down! Well yeah, apart Sesshoumaru maybe." She said ironically. It feels nice having Shippou around. She thought.

"Kagome-chan! What happened? We were told you were dead…we thought you were. It's so nice having you back!" Sango was also in tears. She threw herself at the young miko hugging her tightly just as Shippou was doing. The exterminator had missed Kagome so much, of the adults she was the one who had shown her emotion more openly a year ago, she remembered crying for days in Kaede's hut. Now that her best friend was back, she just let happiness overtake her.

"Yes Kagome-sama, it's good having you back." Said Miroku standing from his place in front of the low table and smiling. His hands then started to wander a bit too far. He missed Kagome, but he just couldn't leave his lecherous habits, it was too much to ask him. When he got a death glare from Kagome and Sango though, he retreated. He then saw the strange outfit their miko friend was wearing and curiousness crept in his mind. "Kagome-sama, you look more…ehm…threatening?" In fact, with a katana by her side, a bow on her back, black clothes and an armor, Kagome was totally different, she was scary.

"Oh, you mean this," She said looking at her attire, "Lady Ayame insists that I wear it, she says it's not proper for a warrior to wander around in the woods unharmed and without an armor." Kagome wondered what Miroku was up to, he certainly wasn't stupid enough to fear her, nor would he ask an idiotic question such as that without a second meaning to it, or to find out something behind it.

Just as she spoke, Sango burst out shouting, "Lady Ayame?! Did she hurt you Kagome-chan? If she did anything we'll kill her!"

"What do you mean Sango-chan? Ayame-san would never hurt me? Why would she hurt one of her generals? A year ago she found me in the woods after Sesshoumaru attacked me. She taught me how to defend myself and how to fight. She also taught me about war. She's been very nice to me. I owe her a lot." Kagome said calmly, as if it was obvious. She really couldn't understand why Sango was wary of Lady Ayame, she was a generous and gentle lady.

"Kagome-sama, you're one of Ayame-sama's generals? You're joking aren't you?" asked Miroku concerned. First Kagome comes in wearing an armor which covered her chest and stomach, a black haori a with a dragon near the neck and fully armed, and now she was saying she was a general of the Lady of the Eastern Lands, the very same Lady that was Sesshoumaru's ally. This was crazy. She was allied with one who fought side to side with the lord who wanted to kill her.

"I see what you mean Miroku, I know Ayame-san is Sesshoumaru's ally; but that doesn't make a difference, war is upcoming these days, if you knew what's happening I assure you, you'd even ally with Naraku." She was now seated with Shippou in her lap. Sango and Miroku across from her, listening intently to what she had to say. "And by the way, where's Inuyasha? He doesn't seem to be around." She said, quite curios as to where he was. Probably with Kikyou somewhere. She thought bitterly.

"I think he's with Kikyou near the Goshinboku, talking about things." Sango said disgusted. She didn't like shard hunting with Kikyou. The indeed priestess could pinpoint the shards at a major distance than Kagome, but she wasn't a person for conversation and would make a sarcastic comment whenever given the possibility; she relied completely on the fact they couldn't kill her because Inuyasha protected her. Sango and Miroku hadn't liked her joining the group a little.

"Yes, Kikyou joined to search for the shards a week after you disappeared Kagome-sama, even though we weren't very happy about it, as you can well imagine." Told her Miroku seriously, as if trying not to hurt her in any way; too bad there was no way lessen the strike he was giving her.

Kagome couldn't believe it. She had been replaced by Kikyou only a week after her presumed death. She didn't cry, she only stared at the fire, it's flames crackling in orange, yellow and red shades. She hugged Shippou tighter, looking for comfort. She clenched her jaw. It wasn't enough he had to betray her and brake her heart. He was just so heartless to replace her with the undead miko; the only person she hated. No, the first person on her list of people she hated; Kikyou, Sesshoumaru, Naraku and Inuyasha.

Her extreme dislike to the hanyou though, was different to the one she felt for all the others on her list. It was more of a love-hate thing actually. Broken yet again, she decided to go back home for a while to think all that was starting to plague her.

Looking at the floor she stood up slowly and handed Shippou to Sango. "Guys, I'm going home for the afternoon. Shippou, if it's ok with you, when I come back you can stay with me at Lady Ayame's. Bye minna-san, see you." She didn't exactly know why she went away, she had so many things to tell them…but the though she had been replaced hurt her already shattered heart. This time she swore to herself she wouldn't care for anybody anymore as much as she did before except from Shippou. It only brought to being broken and left hopeless.

"Ok, mommy, I'll go wherever you go, I'll never leave you alone!" Chirped Shippou at the top of his lungs and gave her one last tight hug.

She smiled softly at him and whispered a 'Thank you Shippou.' Then she looked at Sango and Miroku, "Bye, and don't tell Inuyasha I was here please. I still have to figure what to tell him…farewell." With that she exited the hut and started walking towards the well. Everybody saw how much she had changed in a few moments of conversation. At first the happiness of seeing them again had cheered her up, but now, as she walked away, black hair flowing freely in the morning breeze, gave a feeling of longing, she was probably feeling awful. Who wouldn't, anybody would feel bad knowing the one you had loved had replaced you with you incarnation. It was as if someone had never seen you for what you were.

The young miko looked like a lone samurai now. She had a black bow on her back, with a quiver of ebony arrows latched horizontally, making an "x" drawing along with the bow. On her left side she kept a katana and on her right a tachi. Her black outfit merged with her hair and gave her an eerie look. Her silver sash flowed in the wind like her hair as much as her gray armor let it.

Anyone who saw her would mistake her for a rurouni. And probably, after all, in her heart, she was…



Youkai: Demons of the Japanese medieval legends.

Hanyou: Half-demon(youkai)

Miko: Priestess

Katana: Japanese sword with one edge, usually used by samurai and ninja.

Tachi: Long sword.

Samurai : Japanese medieval lesser lords and major warriors.

Rurouni: Errant samurai

Tetsusaiga : Also known as Tessaiga(in the anime) is the sword Inuyasha's and Sesshoumaru's father left to his younger son(Inuyasha) It has the power to kill a hundred youkai with one strike.

Tenseiga: Healing sword Sesshoumaru's and Inuyasha's father left to his elder son(Sesshoumaru) It can bring back the dead and heal a hundred people in one blow if the heart of the wielder is caring and forgiving.

Toukijin: Sesshoumaru's demon sword. It was forged with one of Goshinki's(one of Naraku's offspring which could read minds) fangs by Toutousai's former student Kajinbou(Which was sent away by his sensei for the swords he made were too evil). It has the power to rival Tetsusaiga.

Minna: Everybody

Shiinidama-chuu: Kikyou's soul stealers.

N/A: So, that was what came up. Can you believe I had to use an internet connection I'm not allowed to use to update this? That was fairly ok wasn't it? I hope it's not going too to an AU side… I hope to keep it original. This chapter was a bit of a mish mosh wasn't it? So many scene changes. But I'm happy, I wrote my longest chapter in less time than usual, as I said, I think I'm actually getting better at this. R/r ne?