InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red isn't only blood ❯ Leaving the Safety of the Palace ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry ppl, no time for that or question answers, read the AN at the bottom to know more k?

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha & co.

Red Isn't Only Blood

Chapter X: Leaving the safety of the palace

"It seems my decision wasn't so mad after all wasn't it Shisho? You and your mate seem to like Kagome." Lady Ayame said after Kagome had left the four Lords. She had seen the way Kagome had gone and thought she'd probably talked with Erishii by now, at this the yasha smiled inwardly. She was going to have to prepare some headache medicine for Kagome later, that guy had a natural talent for confusing people.

"She seems quite, ahem, powerful and full of resources, I have to admit. I guess I was a bit drastic judging her before. I give my consent, I guess you do too Yuri-dear?" Lord Shisho said as he played with the fur on his tail, which moved every now and then as if saying 'lemme-go'.

Lady Yuri was sitting at her mate's left and looked a bit irritated. Her right eyebrow twitching slightly in irritation, "Yes, I do agree Shisho…and would you please stop that. You're getting on my nerves…"

"Stop what?" He asked rubbing his head with his tail.

"Using you tail like it's a brush! Or I'll start calling you by your full name, Shishoura-dear." Lady Yuri shouted pinning his tail to the ground with a hand.

Lord Shisho grumbled under his breath, "All right…but it's my tail, I can do what I want with it." He said as he plopped his elbows on the table and laid his chin on his palms.

"Oh you two; stop it. It's been only seven months since you've mated and here you are, acting like you're together from more than fifty years! And Shisho, I don't see what's wrong with your name." Lady Ayame said while smiling.

The two just blushed and looked away, "My name; sound like that of a female." Lord Shisho grumbled. Everybody started laughing, Lord Takao too. He'd seemed to cheer up during the night, even though his laugher held something sinister. Who knew what he was planning under his now calm face. Lady Yuri broke the embarrassing moment when she spoke, "Since it looks like you enjoy making fun of Shisho and me, let's take the subject elsewhere, shall we? First of all, Ayame, where does Kagome-san come from and how old is she?"

"She's going to turn eighteen in about two weeks, she says, and how am I supposed to know where she comes from?" Answered Lady Ayame polietedly looking absolutely clueless.

Some of the happy mood left Lady Yuri then. "She's so young to do such a job. And she's a girl too; battlegrounds aren't places for young women. But still, why wouldn't you know where she comes from?"

"Well Yuri, twenty in human years isn't as young you know. Many girls younger than her already have children." Said Lord Takao from the other side of the small table, ignoring the fact Lady Yuri was speaking to Lady Ayame.

"Oh shut up Takao. You can see she's young. Maybe not in age, but on the inside, look at her eyes, the way she moves, how she dresses and how she speaks. She still has that typical arrogance many youngsters have." Told him his mate, Lady Nako.

"Yes, and the fact she comes from a place far away that's very different from the Four Lands." Lady Ayame added.

Just then a person arrived from the garden and stopped behind Lady Ayame. He was a tall youkai, his shoulder length black hair was tied in a tight braid and his gray eyes were alight with a happy gleam. He wore a simple dark blue samurai outfit and had wakizashi by his side. He had a black stripe on each wrist and two green ones on both sides of his face. "Good evening; it's been a long time hasn't it?" He said as he surveyed the people in front of him. Lady Ayame, his lifelong friend with whom he'd shared everything; joy and sadness, school and free time, was calmly chatting with the other lords. It never stopped surprising him how the Lady could have a civil conversation with lord Takao present.

That youkai really had a way of making someone's day turn bad, well, apart Lady Nako's, she wasn't the Lord's mate for anything. Takao-san was arrogant and mischievous, and worst of all he was evil, such a contrast from Lady Nako. Natekoshi, renamed Nako, had a cheerful attitude, similar to that of Lady Ayame, she was very soft and liked helping others. She'd presented Lady Yuri to Lord Shisho a few years before too. Thinking about which it was funny how Shisho hated being called by his birth name because in a foreign country they'd told him it sounded like a women's one. That had given Lady Yuri a valid threat if he wanted to do anything bad; she just had to call him Shishoura a few times for him to turn child again. He was a nice guy, arrogant but kind.

Sometimes he asked himself what it was with these youkai and changing their names to a shorter version. It wasn't like they had anything ugly about them. Quite on the contrary, they had a good sound. Letting the subject be, he decided the two would never change their newly acquired names after many years of habit and so, he too had decided to address them as they wished. Sitting down in a corner of the table next to Lady Ayame and Lord Shisho he chuckled when he heard Lady Nako speak. Really, that Lady had something for being funny. What was it about him choosing not to have a tail that was so disturbing?


Kagome turned around from where she was lying and watched the scenery before her. Lady Ayame, Lord Shisho, Lady Yuri, Lord Takao and Lady Nako were peacefully laughing under the gazebo again. All the guests had left the main room for it was surprisingly late. Many had gone home, others had accepted the host's hospitality and stayed for the night since their home was far away. The only ones still around were Kikyou, Inuyasha, Kouga and Ayame. The miko and the hanyou had settled for going in the garden and were currently discussing about what they'd recently found out, Kagome being a general. Kouga was sitting on the ground in front of the lake looking dazed and Ayame was trying to snap him out of it someway or the other; it was quite funny how she continued to wave her hand in front of his face and he didn't even notice. They'd really be a nice couple together. Kagome mused absentmindedly.

Scanning the place for any other person she spotted a figure looking at her from the bridge. Surprisingly enough the gaze didn't hold only hatred as she'd thought, it there was also…curiosity. Curiosity my ass bastard! If he thinks I'll stare back he's in for a surprise. Yet after all, what evidence did she have to prove that theory? Did he really think she'd stare back? Was he testing her? Why did she even care, he'd always hated when she'd openly and defiantly looked at him; which was the reason she did it. Hate for hate. That was the theory. Two people who hate one another do most of the times things that tick the other off. Sesshoumaru started at Kagome-for she hated being looked at- and Kagome started back -because he hated when one posed himself at his same level-. Deciding to leave that subject be as it was she looked at the small kitsune next to her. She gently picked him up and stood, she smoothed his hair and whispered him goodnight as she started walking inside the main building.

Kagome passed where Kouga-kun and Ayame-chan were and sat on the grass with an evil grin on her face, her eyes held a strange gleam, she looked at the other female's face and gave her a smile. Kagome then looked at the wolf prince, he was slumped with his back curved, he looked like a depressed man thinking about suicide. His hazy blue eyes fixed on open space while he was in deep thought. The miko could've laughed at the scene once, but now, she just wanted to make sure Ayame didn't have to worry anymore. The poor guy had been to shocked when he'd heard his friend was a general of the Eastern Lands, well, it wasn't that strange really; she could understand him, it was as if someone told her Souta was the singer of a popular trash metal group…ok, bad example, but it did make her point.

Patting Kouga on the shoulder with her right hand Kagome handed Shippou to Ayame who was looking quizzically at her. Placing her hand on the wolf youkai's back she applied a bit of force on it until the youkai lost his balance and fell face first in the water. When he emerged from the depth of the lake sputtering and cursing Ayame burst out laughing and Kagome simple said hi, feigning innocence. She walked to Ayame and picked up Shippou; she waved her hand to Ayame and Kouga while making then her way to Inuyasha and Kikyou. Sighing she stopped before them, analyzing their expressions and auras. If she had to confront them, she would at least know how they felt.

Which brought her to sense their growing curiosity. She resisted the urge to smirk, that wouldn't do for now, a blank face was way batter for the type of conversation that was to come, "So tell me Inuyasha-san, Kikyou-san, will you be staying for the night?" She inquired without any outward reaction or emotion.

"I suppose, after all Kaede's village is quite a way away from here, resting a bit will be good." He answered nonchalantly. He couldn't believe after all that had happened Kagome would walk up to him and ask such a stupid question like they were some strangers; it really bothered him.

"Stop it Kagome, we know who you are, no need faking with us like with the Demon Lord." Kikyou said, going straight to the point.

"Oh, you two want a happy friend reunion? I'm afraid I can't, a bit of my mind tells me you aren't friends anymore, and about Sesshoumaru-san, you don't wanna know anything about that trust me," Kagome answered back; she then turned to Inuyasha, "but still, shout you need an ally, you have one; that is if I'm not in battle." She told him as she turned and walked away.

"Wait! How will I know where you are?" The hanyou asked her.

"Just think about me, I'll hear you." Kagome told him not bothering to look at him. She knew the things she had just said were totally pointless to him at the moment, even she didn't understand her own actions. Telling him she was his ally, was she out of her freaking mind?! Sighing inwardly-thing she found herself doing a lot lately- she started thinking about the strange youkai she'd met before.

She didn't know why, but he made a desire grown up in her, that of wanting to push back all the pieces of her life. She'd lived on, thinking they were lost, but were they really? Maybe if she sorted out the unfinished business with all the people she'd met, things would be easier to put together. She could try doing as he had told her, figure out herself before hoping everything could come back and go on, less complicated than it was. That meant she had to set all her problems to an end; that meant also the one that was a few meters from her now. Ah, I'm starting to sound like Freud; I need a vacation... Great now I sound like a stressed businessman… She thought angrily.

Passing by the demon Lord she looked in front of her and grinned slightly, "It's not polite to stare at people you know," she told him as she walked away, cuddling Shippou in her right arm.

Unfortunately, it looked that what had happened between her and Sesshoumaru could not be easily forgotten, she was trying to find a reason for his actions, but really, she couldn't come up with an answer. After all, she had been quite impulsive too. He wasn't the only one to blame; she hadn't treated him much better than how he treated her. The things was she'd never actually done something to him; but then again, just the fact she'd traveled with Inuyasha was a good enough reason for him to kill her. She could remember him talking about Rin a year before, but it was a foggy memory. After the accident she'd forgotten a few unimportant things and others she could only partially remember; but they were only small details, they couldn't be important, could they? Still, that didn't mean she had to be social or that she was going to be polite to Sesshoumaru.

A strong hand grabbing her left arm suddenly stopped both her train of thought and body, "It's not polite to walk away too," Sesshoumaru said form behind her. Strange, he didn't sound angry this time, or maybe it was just her imagination and tired mind begging for sleep. Looking in his eyes she saw dislike, that was obvious, but he looked tired too, something she'd never expected to see when looking at his handsome face.

"Strange, you never seemed to care whether I was polite or not; too busy trying to kill me I suppose. So I don't see why you should start now." She responded turning to face him with a scowl. Brows furrowed as she studied his features intently. His golden eyes were the just as she remembered them, shining with a light of their own, and his skin was so pale people in Tokyo might have thought he was sick. It was mysterious how Sesshoumaru could intimidate any living being with his only presence. Sure, his youki was powerful, but what he showed-Kagome was certain- wasn't even a small portion of what he was really capable of. Why? Well, she could only imagine he'd never had the chance to fight with an equal. The Lord himself didn't probably know his limits; which-she guessed- caused his arrogance, the thing that irked her the most about him.

Anyone who said he was expressionless and emotionless had it all wrong about him. She had thought so many times, but looking carefully she had seen it really wasn't so; he displayed a few emotions, anger, for example. He got angry for so many things, such as herself talking to him in a disrespectful manner or because he was in a bad mood. There was Naraku too, Sesshoumaru had gone relatively near to transforming into his true form a while aback, and that meant he must've been truly pissed. And last of all, but not of minor importance for sure was Inuyasha, oh yes, old dear Inuyasha, his half-brother. He actually did transform with him…and lost an arm too. Now that she thought about it, it was a while he had two arms again, she wondered how he'd gotten it back.

Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome closely, she was strange tonight, thoughtful; she had never been around him. He saw her studying him, no doubt still wary of him; but who wouldn't be, after all, it wasn't like he trusted her. They were just two beings who disliked each other and who were casually allied with the same person, nothing more. It was hilarious to say the least, a jumble of strange coincidences that were bad memories. He'd first met her while searching for Tetsusaiga, she had been stubborn and disrespectful back then, just like she was now, and he hadn't liked it.

Humans, they were to keep their place in the food chain, not try getting to the higher levels. And she had done just that. The second time had been in his fathers grave, she had defiantly ashamed him by implying that Inuyasha was better than he was and by pulling his father's fang out from it's pedestal. He hadn't been extremely happy about that, but alas, the sword was out from its resting place and he could retrieve it from his brother anytime, so he wasn't too angry with that. Third time had been when he'd had the arm and nest of Saimiyousho from Naraku, the sick excuse of a living being. She had proven quite powerful and strong willed in that occurrence. Not that she hadn't before, it was just that being hit by a hama arrow proved his theories, she was more than a simple human. Still, because of that he couldn't let her do what she wanted. She was dangerous, too powerful to travel unguarded; but after seeing how she'd smiled at Rin once, he'd decided she couldn't be a threat as long as she remained pure and caring. It was obvious her kind nature wouldn't let her kill anyone. After that they had met a few times while fighting Naraku and every time he met her she changed a little; it was faint, but her eyes held more uncertainty and sadness each time he looked at them. There were times he'd even thought she was becoming less social, less lively; he was probably right. Yet, he didn't care, her problems were her own and could deal with them; the fact she was still sane and could think clearly confirmed it.

Something interesting was the fact her eyes were their normal color now, how he'd always seen them. Not like that day in the forest. A bad memory, that was, something he didn't want to recall. But, the plaguing images f her azure eyes came back yet again, like many times before, angering him to no end; teasing his honor. He couldn't stand the fact a human had looked like that at him. The only beings that had ever done so had been his mother and father; which were long dead. Ignoring the little voice in his head that told him to kill her he waited patiently for a response. When he got it he remained calm, it wasn't proper letting the girl see too much of his anger or she might think that his nerves had a limit break, if she knew, she'd probably try pass it. Now, he didn't like where she was going. She was trying to leave, again. This time she was going to give him some answers, it was final.

"Keep your tongue at bay girl, or should I remember you you're certainly not alive because of me?" He answered back.

Kagome frowned, "Certainly not. I have a good enough memory of that." She spat out sarcastically looking at him directly, having to tilt a bit her head due to his taller height.

"No games this time miko, tell me, why aren't you with the mutt?" He said, going straight to the point. He wasn't a person for long and pointless conversations. He was more for the simple and rapid exchange of information. But it looked like the woman thought otherwise, great, just his day.

"First, my name is Kagome, Lady Ayame already told you, so be sure to use it. And second, I don't feel why I should tell you anything about my life." Ha! Who is he to ask me such questions like it's something he should absolutely know. Like hell! Kagome thought. Her Eyes glinted a little in the night. She could feel her powers tapping on her mind, telling her to purify him and walk away. Yet she couldn't do it, he was a Demon Lord after all.

"Kagome! Get a hold! Didn't I teach you anything?" Echoed a scream in the garden.

"Hai hai! I know!" Kagome yelled towards the gazebo where Lady Ayame was. Her teacher had a sixth sense for when she was loosing it. The Lady didn't trust Kagome's control as of late; she must've sensed too that her student was quite stressed by something.

"Are you not capable of controlling your powers girl? What a pity." Sesshoumaru asked. It sounded as an offense, but that wasn't everything it was meant to be, he was trying to find out more about her strange miko powers. He had never seen a priestess with abilities that went to her extent.

"Oh shut up! I'd say it's the part I don't know of them that's difficult to control. You might know about it yourself for it's quite similar to demon rage, it's problematic trying to subdue something savage inside yourself; especially if you've got restricted knowledge of it." She said looking less irritated. Lady Ayame had thing for calming her, even with drastic measures.

"You speak of things you now nothing of woman, you should be careful about this kind of subjects." Sesshoumaru told her. He really couldn't believe she thought she knew something about youkai's inner turmoil. That was hilarious, an offence to every demon, a human claiming to know something secret about them, the one thing youkai were very careful not to reveal.

"Really, if you knew things I did then you wouldn't talk like that." Kagome said while muttering curses about bastard arrogant inu youkai and how they were a curse in her life. Furrowing her brows in annoyance she looked at his face looking for any type of clue that would have him leave. Maybe if she pissed him of to his limit level he would leave. Now that is a plan, let's go get killed. She thought sarcastically. Whatever she wanted to say was cut short by the Lord's response.

"Is that so? You can always tell me since we will have to spend quite some time in the same place in the future so you might as well fill me in." He wondered what her reaction would be to what her Lady had in store for her. He had spoken with Lady Ayame a while ago and she had asked him to bring the miko back with him in the Western Lands so she could meet Kikuta, one of his higher generals. The idea wasn't very appealing. Having a person that could tick off your nerves in a moment near, wasn't something he wished for; but the Lady had been quite persuasive. Something along the line of 'accept or I'll declare you war'; he knew, that if that had happened he could've beaten the Eastern army, yet he didn't want his soldiers to die at the moment, if what he thought was true then they would fight another time in the near future.

"What? You're kidding right? No way in hell I'm going somewhere with you. That's the last thing I want; do I have to remember you last time you saw me you fully intended to kill me." Kagome said almost shouting, which was very uncharacteristic of her usually, actually, she'd been doing that quite often that day. First Inuyasha, then Sesshoumaru and after him who else? Maybe she'd meet up with Naraku one of these days and yell at him too. This was getting her nowhere; she'd learned that crying and yelling didn't help a thing when it came to serious matters and this was very serious. Oh great! Top of all she'd just practically told him who she was.

"I believe you will have no choice, it was a decision of your master. Lady Ayame wants you to meet one of my generals so I can't kill you this time. Don't think I'm agreeing with such a thing, but since war looks inevitable, you meeting Kikuta seems a fairly decent idea." Sesshoumaru spat out. Heck, or the girl was stupid, or she just loved ticking him off; why did she have to make things always so difficult? She should've known he hated the fact she'd go somewhere with him. An she uses vocabulary I can't understand, which is unacceptable. That was a thing the woman had to change if she wanted to stay alive in hi 'company'.

"Ah…you wait here." She told him with a stern look as she jumped to where Lady Ayame with the other Lords and Ladies were talking. "Are you mad Ayame-san! You're sending me to the Western Lands?! How's that! I'm surely not going. Do I have to remember you I don't know other Lands apart from the Eastern ones! I'm staying here and that's that!" Kagome shouted at her teacher. She was going to give the Lady a piece of her mind

All the nobles at the table were now looking at the new general as she shouted at a superior as if it were a normal thing. Lord Takao was clearly pissed while Lord Shisho, Lady Yuri and Lady Nako were q bit shocked. The woman had been silent all the night, smiled once and had been quite polite all in all. Yet now she was screaming because of a simple military transfer, to the Western Lands nonetheless. Any other general would've been eager at meeting Kikuta, who was known for his powerful skills. Speaking about which his master, Lord Sesshoumaru had just arrived at the gazebo, looking amused at the display the woman was putting up. Now he remembered why he didn't like her one little bit.

"Kagome! No arguing; you're going and that's final; I trained you better than that, you knew all the geographical attributes of the Lands by heart yesterday." Lady Ayame scolded her.


It was morning and in front of the Eastern palace there were people departing for various destinations: Lady Yuri and Lord Shisho were going North, Lord Takao and Lady Nako were going South. Lord Sesshoumaru and General Higurashi were going West. Kagome had a huge back pack on her shoulders and had a blank look on her face. Lady Ayame and her friend Erishii were waving at the departing groups. Shippou was sitting on top of Kagome's head and shaking his hand back at his mother's friends.

Just then the Genji, one of Lady Ayame's messengers and soldiers come running down the road, "Hey Kagome-girl, don't die will you? I'm going to miss my little sister."

"Yeah yeah, very funny Genji-niichan. If I didn't know you better I'd think you wanted me dead for real." Kagome said sarcastically at Genji, an inu youkai who had been like a brother to her. That done everybody parted to their destinations. Some happily, others unwilling…


A/N: Hi guys, I know the end sounds rushed, and it pains to say it is. But I had to finish this in three minutes before my mum found me out. I'll try fixing it when I can. And note it wasn't edited, it was supposed to be done, but then again I just finished and I really don't know how much it'll take me for next chapter or writing anything. My mathematics is going badly (D let's say, heck I hate my new school) and my mother's so pissed at me and she's being kind of mean. Gods I feel like crying again. Anyway, she probably will keep my computer till my next test, which actually should be around the 17th December but I'm not sure. I cannot say how sorry I am, I'll try to persuade her but I dunno… oh great I am crying again now. I feel so stupid …so just don't mind me ok? Thank you people for keeping reading, know that I'll try my best to get writing the soonest I can which I guess should be three weeks, if I can ask the teacher to give me an oral test and get a good grade then maybe dear mummy will let me write in a two weeks… Thank you all for your support till now; you are what keeps me going even in the hard moments!
