InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remembering Me ❯ Finding Me ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Remembering Me
Chapter Three
Finding the Ogawa and A un-wanted….Friend ?
Sesshomaru had arrived to the dark forest in less then a hour .Lowering his cloud Sesshomaru walked into the Dark forest. He had barely been in the forest for no more then 5 minutes when a snake demon jumped out.
“I know who you are , you are the sssssssson to that dog-demon of the wesssssst ,yessssssss I shall kill you for what your father did to my people “ The snake said. Sesshomaru just looked at the demon .Then with a flick of his wrist the demon was cut down by his whip. Sesshomaru shook his head in annoyance.
`This is starting to go from annoying to worse ,First the miko ,Then the old Hag, Now this Kami what next ??'
(Hehehe Never know what going to pop out at ya next )
`YOU!! This is all your fault if you had not been so Damn curious about that damn well we never would have found her'
(Eh what does it matter , Not like you can change it beside I find her kinda cute) at that Sesshomaru almost fell flat on his faces. But being the oh so graceful dog he was he caught his self.
`What do you mean you find her cute ?! she is human and a miko at that , why would you even think something like There are lot of attractive demon ness out there—`
(Alright shut the hell up already I was just kidding , if I had know you would react like that I wouldn't have said anything )
`Hn' was his one word reply . Sesshomaru ended the conversation between him and his beast .Looking up he noticed that he had come across a pack Oni looking ready to eat whatever was in the middle of the group .The largest Oni turned to him. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at this.
”Move out of my way “ he asked in a cold voice. All the other Oni turned to him.
“Or what you gonna do ? “ The leader said. The other made laughing noises. Sesshomaru raised his other eyebrow thinking `Could this day get any worse `
(You know it could…….. by saying that you have probable jinx your self )
`Oh shut up'
Sesshomaru annoyed of everyone and everything today .Just sliced through the Oni
.He started to walk through them when a pink crying ball of fluff attached it's self to his leg .He looked at the fluff on his leg and tried to shake it off .That didn't work so he tried a little harder .Still it wouldn't come off .Finally getting frustrated he reach down and pulled it off. Happy that it was finally off Sesshomaru tried to throw the thing away (I bet you all know what gonna happen) It stuck to his hand .
Finally and fully pissed Sesshomaru wrapped his whip around the little ball of Fluff and sent it flying throw the woods .Finally free of the little nuisance .Sesshomaru continued on his way to the Ichio peak .
(Heh I told you it would get worse and I bet it's gonna keep on getting worse)
`I wish I could kill you `
(You can all you have to do is kill your self then BAM no more you no me )
(Eh you have no smart come back to that one ?)
(HEY! Answer me !)
(That's real mature giving me the silent treatment )
(Okay Okay I can take a clue ..I know when I'm not wanted )
`Apparently you don't your still here aren't you ?'
(Ha I knew I could get you to answer ..but since you were so mean to me I'm not going to talk to you)
`Thank Kami for that `
During Sesshomaru brief but stupid conversation (If you can call it that ) with him self .He failed to notice he had come to the temple gates that lead to Ichio .What he also failed to was that the temple was guarded by two stone warriors, who had been placed there by Yochi (Means Earth) ,The goddess of plants and water , to protect her beautiful garden from Kasai ,the goddess of fire who envied her for love of life.
Still not paying attention Sesshomaru walked right through the gates waking the warriors .Mizu (The first guard who I have now decide to name don't complain ) and Kouba attacked Sesshomaru at the same time sending Sesshomaru through a tree.
“What the hell ?! “ Sesshomaru yelled jumping up .Sesshomaru jumped out of the way just as Kouba (He controls plants ) shot roots at him.(Think when Naraku shoots his tentacles ) Sesshomaru let his acid whip out and slash Kouba across the chest .Mizu (Controls water) formed a water bubble around Sesshomaru .Sesshomaru tried to slash through the water but it only regenerated .
(A/n: I'm warning you right now this gets very very random Do not read if you impossibly stupid things)
Quickly losing air Sesshomaru tried everything .(Here's were it gets random) Out of no where a pink ball of fluff came out and knocked Sesshomaru out of the bubble. Sesshomaru landed with a thump and started coughing up water. The pink ball
Started to grow bigger and bigger till it was the size of a giant bolder .Then it opened it's mouth and a big blast of power came out destroying the two guardians .
Sesshomaru got up with a O.o look on his face .'Thinking what the hell just happened `
(I can tell you just got saved by that little ball of fluff……Heh I told you it would get worse )
`Thank Kami no one was here to see that ,this would be so embarrassing ,he would never live it down `
(I know just think what would happen )
Sesshomaru sighed and continued on his way .But not before a ball of fluff re-attached it's self to his leg. Sesshomaru looked down at the ball of fluff and decide `What the hell
,why should I waste the time trying to get it off when it'll probable just come right back'
“So what are you “ He asked the little fluff. The pink fluff looked up at with big eyes and in the most cutest voice replied .
“PanPan is PanPan of the Fluffy people “ PanPan said.
“And why are you on my leg ? “ Sesshomaru asked not trying to hide his displeasure of the fact that something had decide his leg was it's new home.
“Well you saved PanPan so PanPan know you likes her or you would have just let the big mean thingy eat PanPan “ PanPan said. He didn't replied . Sesshomaru tried to let the day's events sink in but the more he thought of it the more and more he wanted to blame the wench . If she hadn't been in that damn well then he wouldn't be in the situation .
( But if YOU hadn't been so nosey then you wouldn't be here ,you can't blame the girl she doesn't even know your helping her )
`Hn' (the famous line)
(You know that on--)
“So where we going “ PanPan asked breaking Sesshomaru out of the little chat he was having with himself.
“What is this we stuff YOU are going back to where ever YOU came from ,I do not need another nuisance it is bad enough I have the old goat and the girl ,I do not need another one “ Sesshomaru told PanPan. PanPan chose to ignore everything Sesshomaru said.
“So what herb do you need ..wait don't tell PanPan …PanPan knows it's …it's…The -Ogawa!! “ PanPan Yelled.
“What do you know about the Ogawa ?” Sesshomaru asked PanPan. PanPan took the chance to climb up Sesshomaru's leg to his shoulder.
“Yes PanPan knows everything about Ogawa …PanPan LOVES her some Ogawa …Do you like Ogawa PanPan just can't get enough- “ Sesshomaru ignored PanPan as she went into how many ways you could eat Ogawa in favor of the huge gap in the path they had come across .Sighing Sesshomaru walked back 3 feet ran forward .PanPan finally noticing what was happening started to scream like the hell hounds were after them.
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? “ PanPan Yelled .This amused Sesshomaru to no end. “You don't just jump over things like that without warning people, you almost gave me a heart attack “ PanPan told him.
“And I would care about that why ? “ Sesshomaru told her .
“Because you love PanPan “Pan said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Raised his eyebrow .
(Hahaha you love her Eh )
“What gave you that idea ?” He asked.
“Well if you didn't love PanPan you wouldn't have saved PanPan “ PanPan told him ”Look we're almost to the Ogawa YAYS ….i'm gonna get me some Ogawa
Yeah …Ogawa tonight HEY .Ogawa tonight Hey Ogawa tonight .”PanPan kept singing her little song all the way till Sesshomaru made it to Ichio peak .
“Where is it ?” Sesshomaru thought out loud.
”PanPan knows this way” PanPan said jumping of his shoulder hoping/bouncing
towards a cliff .
“Here they are just over the side of this cliff…Wow there really far down there well get moving there not going to pick them self's you know “ PanPan said looking over the side of the cliff. Sesshomaru walked over and looked down before sighing and forming his cloud and lowering his self down the cliff.
“Hey wait for me “ PanPan said jumping on to his shoulder again. Sesshomaru got the Ogawa and flow back up the cliff and back towards Tenshi. With his unwanted friend cling to his shoulder.