InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remembering Me ❯ Waking Me ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer : Me no own TT""
Sesshoumaru sat on his yuki cloud and all he wanted to do was kill him self because of a little thing called
PanPan.Not only did sit there from up to 30 mins listening to the thing go on and on and on about Ogawa.
But it also started to sing a song.He dread the day he left the his home.Damn his father for making him take a
so called "break" as he so kindly put it.
Flash Back
"SESSHOUMARU!!" Inu Taisho called as walked down the hall towards the study where he knew his son would be.Sesshomaru
winched from the noise his father was making.
"Yes Father" He replied.
"Sesshomaru my dear boy you have been in this place far to long, How do you expect to gain a mate if you never go out and find a suitable Female.You know i want grandchildren before i die" Inu Taisho stated.
"-sighs- Father i do not want a mate nor do i have time to fool around .now if that is i have Important things to do " He told him.Inu Taisho rasied his eyebrow and with a evil glint in his eye.
"Hn Sesshomaru my son, my dear dear son, How would your mother react if she knew you would rather be stuck up in this
stuffy old room for the last few days rather then taking a small break and go out and wonder about the lands "Inu Taisho told him.Sesshomaru looked at his father with cold eyes ,He knew if his mother found out he would not hear the end of it for weeks.
Growling "Fine father i shall take a small "break" as you so put it " Sesshomaru stated then left the study.
End of Flash Back
(Hehe Well it what's you get )
'-Groans- what the hell do you want now i have haven't got the time for you-
(O you know just to annoy you but as it is i have better things to do then annoy you right now)
-Like ?-
(O You know picturing that sexy little miko doing so very interesting thing)
(Hehe Byeeeee)
Sesshomaru sighed and walked up the steps to Tenmai's Shrine.PanPan was Steadily talking her ass off ,telling about how they were going to be the best of friends for ever and ever.Sesshomaru walked into the house and went to where he sensed Kagome and Tenmai.Walking in he noticed Tenmai sleep in the corner.walking over he nudge the old woman with his foot.When she didn't move he did it a few more times,Still not working he kicked her hard.Which caused her to jolt up and smack Sesshomaru across the face which in turn made him fall over with a large hand print on his face.
"OLD WOMAN WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT FOR" He yelled.Tenmai blinked once then looked down at Sesshomaru
as if just noticing him.
"O Pup your back already Hmm didn't think you'd get back so quick ,boy what on earth are you doing down there give me the O gawa Now"she said to him a irrated voice.PanPan took this time to pop out and introduce her self.
"HI ME IS PANPAN" She yelled Tenmai.Tenmai looked at the little thing.then laughed to her self.
'I knew the boy who get into some kind of trouble muwhahaha payback Yes that will teach him not to mess with his elders
,Lets see how he likes being stuck with her for a while haha this wonderful'. she thought to her self.By now Sesshomaru had gotten up and looked over to Kagome ,she was laying there pacefully.Without all the all the blood on her she was actually a fair site to look at.Jumping back to reality he handed Tenmai the Ogawa.
"Good Good Now Begone with you I have Important things to do and take that thing with you"she hurried Sesshomaru out of the room and set to work on the potion to heal kagome.
Mean while sesshomaru had gone off to find a hotspring to relax in but not before putting PanPan in an borrow of water then sitting an rock on the top of it hoping drown the little insect.Stripping then sliding into the water Sesshomaru slowly let the stress of the last few days leave his body.He closed his eyes went over the events in his mind trying to find someone to ing up with nothing he closed his eyes to take a little nap.That was short lived for the moment PanPan came crashing throw the bushes and and land right on his faces.
"FRIEND!! Why did you put PanPan in that thingy it was dark in there panpan doesn't like dark places you ,you shouldn't do that to friends and blah blah blah ..."Is all Sesshomaru heard.
Back with Kagome
Tenmai had just finish putting the potion on kagome wounds and wrapping them.When a loud crash was heard.Tenmai sighed to her self.Then went over to a bow of water to clean her hand of the blood on them Hopefully the girl would awaken by tonight and she could send them on there ways.Not that she disliked humans it was just that Dog was getting annoying and she was old she didn't need this kinda of stress it was bad for her.With that Demon Being here she had lost about 50 or so years off
her life.
"Well time for a nap nothing i can do for her now it's up to her it she lives "she said walking out the room and down the hall to her room to sleep.
Kagome began moving and then she open her eyes and sat up looking around.
"Where am I ?"She out loud looking around her.She tried to get out the bed but when she went to stand up she got a major headach.She sat back down on the bed.She turned to the door as it open and in walked Sesshomaru.Sesshomaru looked at the girl as she stared at the girl as she stared right back.what she said next would have caused Sesshomaru to kill him self
"Do you know who I am ?"