InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return To Me ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two:

Kagome stepped back from the wall and tilted her head.

"What do you think, Inuyasha? Is it straight?" She critically eyed the poster of her favorite singer, Chris Carrabba from Dashboard Confessional, hanging somewhat lopsidedly on the wall. Looking over at the puppy, she laughed and walked over to pick him up.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not the greatest at hanging posters. So sue me." Chuckling she carried him over to the poster and adjusted it for the fourth time. "There, I think it's finally straight." As she stepped back to admire the lithe body of the singer, a knock sounded on her front door.

"Hey Kagome!! Open up! We have a surprise for you!" The voice of Sango, her best friend from college, drifted into her room. She hurried to the front door and yanked it open.

"Oh Sango, you didn't!" she squealed, looking at the tiny puppy food and water bowls in Sango's hands. Looking over at Miroku, Sango's old high school friend who tagged along almost everywhere with her, she spotted a chew toy and a puppy leash.

"Aww! You guys, this was so sweet of you!" She ushered them into her new apartment, putting the new things for Inuyasha on the floor, as she had yet to go furniture shopping. The only things in the room were her boxes full of things from home, a poster hanging on the wall and an old table that she had pulled from the trash of someone else's junk.

"Whatever works," she thought to herself. She was willing to go the cheap way until she had put aside enough money to outfit her room in a more luxurious style. She turned back to Sango and Miroku, still carrying Inuyasha, and cringed when Sango squealed.

"What a cute puppy! This is the one you found down the bone-eaters well, right?" Sango took Inuyasha from Kagome's arms and proceeded to spin him around the room. Had anyone caught the look in the dog's eyes they would have run immediately, in fear of their life.

Miroku rolled his eyes at the squealing girls, "It was just a puppy," he thought. But he forced a smile to his face and took the opportunity to run his hand across Sango's butt as she spun past.


"You jerk! What did you do that for!?" Sango glared at him, although the glare wasn't as scary as it normally was due to the cute puppy in her arms.

"Why Sango, it was completely an accident, I swear!" Miroku backed away as she advanced on him.

Kagome decided to interfere and asked Sango and Miroku if they would like to go thrift store shopping with her.

"I need a few new curtains and rugs, and I figured the thrift stores would be the cheapest," she smiled at her friends knowing their thoughts on the "smelly" old thrift stores. Why she loved them, she really didn't know, but she took the opportunity to drag Sango and Miroku as often as possible.

Groaning, Sango set the puppy down and punched Miroku's arm, sending a glare his direction. "Alright, let's go get this over with," she said, "but afterwards, we are going out for pizza!"

They all cheered as the left Kagome's new apartment, leaving the puppy behind to play with his new toy.


Inuyasha eyed the woman hanging the poster on the pale blue wall.

"What is it with women and men with no shirts?" he grumbled to himself. He had yet to figure out what exactly was going on, beyond that he couldn't get out of his shifted form.

`That woman will pay when I find her again,' he thought. His ears twitched as he heard his name called.

"What do you think, Inuyasha? Is it straight?"

`Stupid bitch, no it isn't straight, again.' He kept his growl low, as she had rescued him from the well. He hadn't expected anyone to find him though, and was surprised when the hand had reached the darkness and plucked him off of the ground. He had whimpered and nuzzled up against her in a rare moment of vulnerability. However, what had happened next he wasn't expecting. She had run into a nearby building showing him off to what must have been her family. Then she had proclaimed that she was going to keep him!

`That bitch, as if she could own me.' He growled again. Letting out a sigh he resigned himself to living with the wench until he figured out how to get himself out of his current situation.

As she scratched his ears, he let out a content puppy moan. `At least she knows how to pleasure a man…' he thought. His ears perked up as he heard to people approaching the woman's door. Bracing himself, he closed his eyes and groaned as she ran towards her front door. Judging by the way her family had reacted over him, he was about ready to be fawned over. Again.

His ears flattened against his head as another woman squealed and twirled him around the room.

`Woman, if I were in my human form, trust me, you would die.' He groaned as his stomach heaved. Shutting his eyes to keep the spinning walls from making him even sicker, he resigned himself to the treatment of the two females. Abruptly the spinning stopped and the woman holding him, he thought he had heard his bitch call her Sango, walked over to the man and smacked him.

`Hah, showed you didn't she!' he thought. Suddenly he found himself placed on the floor, with some frivolous plastic toy placed in front of him.

`What the hell? They actually expect me to play with this stupid thing?' He looked up as Kagome patted his head, saying that she would be back soon.

And then, there was finally some blissful silence. Using the rare opportunity of alone time he began to explore his surroundings. The room was sparse, with only a few boxes piled here and there. He trotted into the adjoining room and noticed the bed.

`This must be the bedroom,' he thought. He eyed the comfortable looking bed and resolved to return to it at the end of his exploration. Walking into a small room that was located off the bedroom he found a girly tiled bathroom. The walls were a pale mint green, with darker green tiles on the floor.

`Keh, stupid woman.' He grumbled to himself, forgetting that he had decided to live with what had happened to him for the moment. Shaking his head he went back to the bed and jumped up.

`At least she put the damn blankets on it already,' he thought, curling himself up into a tiny ball and letting his eyes drift closed. He was still worn out from the entire ordeal that had happened earlier that morning.

`Has it only been a half a day since that happened,' his eyes opened in wonderment. It had already felt as if he had been stuck in this form for years. How was he going to survive this? Sighing, he let his eyes slip shut again and drifted off into a restless sleep.


Kagome stood in front of a deep blue love seat, debating if she wanted to spend the money on it. It really was a cute couch… the fabric was a dark midnight blue that would offset the pale blue of her walls. Not to mention that it was really comfortable, she could just picture herself curled up on the seat with a book and a cup of tea, Inuyasha on her lap.

She smiled to herself, thinking of how attached she had already grown to the puppy that she had found this morning. She had just felt some sort of connection with him when she had looked into his oddly colored eyes. They were such a beautiful gold color, offsetting the pure snowy white of his fur. She thought that he might be a New Foundland, but she was unsure. She made a mental note to ask the vet when she took him to his appointment the next day.

Pulling herself from her mental musings she glanced over at her two friends. They were bickering again, over something useless. They had treated each other that way for as long as she could remember knowing them.

"Has it really only been two years?" she thought to herself. Sango was almost like a sister to her, there had been an immediate bond when they had first met. Slipping back into her memories she grinned.

She doodled on her brand new notebook while she waited for the tardy professor to show up. Honestly, what kind of professor was late on the first day of class? Heaving a large sigh, she flipped the notebook closed, not wanting to waste any paper. Instead she studied the writing on the front of it.

History 101
Kagome Higurashi

She moaned. As much as she loved history, she didn't know how she was going to handle the long two-hour lectures that were scheduled three times a week. Hoping to herself that the professor was at least interesting she lifted her head and began to gaze at her fellow classmates. As her eyes fell on the girl next to her, she raised an eyebrow. At first glance the girl seemed extremely conservative, wearing a simple pale pink knee-length skirt with a powder blue sweater. But as her eyes met the other girls, there were sparkles of laughter in them.

The girl smiled at her, causing her eyes to sparkle even more. "Hi, I'm Sango!" her voice was cheery, but almost seemed a trifle forced.

Kagome laughed at her pained expression, and offered a hand.

"Hi, I'm Kagome, and I hope to god this class isn't as boring as the past five minutes have been!" They both laughed, and immediately started talking to one another.

It seemed they had quite a bit in common, but still enough that wasn't to keep things interesting between them. As the crazy old professor finally scurried into a room, Sango handed her a scribbled note asking her if she wanted to grab some pizza after class.

Kagome was jolted out of her memory as she felt a hand tap against her forehead.

"Hello?? Anyone in there?" Sango laughed at her dazed expression and motioned to the couch. "So, are you going to get it?"

Kagome continued to try and bring herself back to the present and just looked at the girl, not noticing Miroku slipping up behind her. As she felt a hand rub up against her butt she heard his voice say, "Just think of what you could do on a couch like that…"

Blushing, she spun around and smacked his cheek. Miroku just laughed at her glare, and continued by her. Sighing, she shifted her gaze back to the cute little loveseat.

As she lifted up the price tag, and old grandmotherly woman walked over to them.

"Do you like it?" she asked, gesturing at the old couch.

"Yeah, I do," Kagome replied, "but the price is a little steep for my current budget." She dropped the price tag back to the couch, knowing that she couldn't afford the three hundred dollar price.

The old woman shrugged at her, "I've noticed you in here before. I'll tell you what, if you continue to come back to my store and look for things for your new apartment, I will sell the couch to you for seventy-five dollars."

Kagome raised an eyebrow at her, opening her mouth to respond. Before she could get the words out the old woman spoke again.

"I know you have a new apartment because I saw you move in earlier today across the street."

Kagome closed her mouth, surprised that the woman had known what she was going to ask. The woman smirked at her, reaching out to shake her hand.

"I'm Kaede, and you?" Kagome smiled back, shaking Kaede's hand and giving her own name.

"Kagome, and I will gladly take you up on your offer!" She chatted with the old woman for a few more minutes before being assured that the couch would be delivered to her apartment later that day. As she walked up to pay for it, she noticed a necklace hanging behind the counter.

Kaede, noticing her gaze fall across the necklace, picked it up and held it out to her.

"This is a special necklace, nicknamed `The Jewel of Four Souls'. It came to my hands a few weeks ago, I have been waiting for a special buyer for this one." She looked at Kagome, eyeing her up and down. "I think I may have just found her."

"Oh, but I can't afford something like that," Kagome protested, knowing that she was already getting lucky with the two hundred and twenty five dollar price reduction on the couch.

"For you, I hand it over for free." Kaede slipped the necklace over Kagome's head, letting it fall down her chest. The golden chain hung to midway down her chest, letting the pale pink jewel glow softly in the cleft of her breasts. As Kagome fingered the jewel, a spark of blue light shot through her fingers.

Startled, she dropped the necklace and looked up at the old woman.

"Like I said, the right person came along for the necklace. Now, pay me for your couch, promise to come back and talk with an old lady, and be on your way." Kaede grinned at her, accepting the bills that Kagome held out.

Promising to return, Kagome thanked the old woman, and walked with her friends out of the shop.

"Wow, you got lucky in there Kagome." Sango was the first to speak. Not only did you find a decent couch, at a thrift store no less, you didn't even pay that much for it, and you got a cool necklace to boot!" Taking Kagome's arm, she continued to speak. "Now, about that pizza…"

Laughing, the three walked down the street, heading for the nearest pizza parlor.
