InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return To Me ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Three:

Kagome walked back into her apartment and looked around for her new puppy.

"I wonder where he could have gotten off to?" she thought to herself. Walking in to her room, she spied Inuyasha curled into a ball on her bed. Smiling, she walked over to the puppy and began to stroke his fur.

Inuyasha let out a sigh and rolled over, exposing his belly to her. She obliged his wishes and scratched at the sensitive skin, causing his left foot to kick out a few times. Giggling, she reached down and picked him up, cradling him against her chest.

`I could get used to this,' Inuyasha thought to himself. In a rare moment of affection he lifted his head to the underside of her chin and gave it a swift lick of appreciation. In response, Kagome leaned over and kissed his nose. If puppies could blush, Inuyasha's face would have been a bright red at the moment, but instead of shying away from the girls touch, he leaned into it. This was the first person to ever show him any sign of affection in a long time. The last person had been Kikyo. The woman he used to love, before she betrayed him.

As the thought crossed his mind, Inuyasha began to growl. Startled, Kagome lifted her face from his and gazed into her eyes.

"What's wrong boy? Are you hungry?" Standing up, she carried him into her kitchen and placed his new bowl on the ground in front of him.

Inuyasha stared at the bowl in front of him, leaning down to sniff at its contents.

`What the hell is this crap?' he nudged the bowl away from him, sitting down on his haunches and staring up at the woman. `Bitch, you better give me some real food!'

Kagome noticed Inuyasha not eating, and stooped down to look him in the eye.

"Inuyasha, you need to eat. I know that that isn't the most appetizing thing in the world, but trust me, at the moment nothing in this refrigerator is any better." As she mentioned the refrigerator she stood up and walked over to it. When she opened the door Inuyasha nearly fell over from the stench wafting from it.

`What the hell died in there!' he thought to himself, backing up until his butt hit the wooden counter. Kagome in turn wrinkled her nose and took a good look at the inside of the old appliance.

"For Gods sakes, what the hell was in this thing!" she exclaimed, following Inuyasha's suit and backing away from the fridge quickly. There was a green mess on the bottom shelf that she swore had moved, and the top three shelves were not only sticky but appeared to be slimy in spots as well. Gagging, she walked over to the sink and wet a dishcloth. Noticing Inuyasha across the room, she giggled.

"Well, if I am not going to do it, then who is? You?" She laughed at him as he threw his head into the air, defiantly gazing back at her. He trotted up to where she stood and attempted to take the washcloth out of her hands. Kagome's face registered her shock at his actions seconds after she realized he was responding to what she had said.

She backed away from him, still holding the damp dishcloth.

"Inuyasha? Can you understand what I'm saying?" Her voice trembled, mostly at the incredulity that this could be really happening. When the dog took a step towards her she shrieked, dropping the cloth.

`Damn stupid girl,' Inuyasha thought to himself. She asked him the damn question, why did she freak out when he responded. All of the sudden Kagome slid down to her knees, pulling Inuyasha on to her lap.

"Bark once," she commanded. Inuyasha rolled his eyes at her stupidity but did as she asked. In fear, Kagome tried one more time, because any dog could bark once.

"Bark twice," she said again. This time Inuyasha got off of her lap and turned to face her, letting out two short yips. In her startled state, Kagome fell on to her butt trying to get away from the tiny white dog. Inuyasha shook his head and walked up to her placing her hand in his mouth. He gave her a short lick trying to reassure her that things were okay.

Eventually Kagome began to calm down, although she still wondered at her sanity.

"So, you can really understand everything I am saying?" she tried to keep her voice from shaking, taking in the twist her life was taking. How on earth had she, Kagome Higurashi, ended up with a dog that could understand human speech?

Inuyasha nodded at her question, not believing how stupid this girl was turning out to be. Suddenly his gaze jerked to the necklace hanging between her breasts.

`The Shikon no Tama!' he began to get excited, sure that this girl knew what she carried. He started to yip at her, swearing vigilantly to himself, wishing that she could understand him. This girl was obviously the key to getting himself back into his hanyou form. But what had the old miko said to him?

"This necklace shall keep you in this form until a woman decides to remove it of her free will. And don't think this will be an easy task, boy, for she will have to remove it out of love. She must free you from herself before you are free to shift back."

`Remove it out of love?' he thought. Nobody had ever truly loved him… then he laughed sardonically at himself. How easy this task would be, for he was now a `cute puppy dog' as she called him. She would be head over heels in love with him in no time.

As Inuyasha thought of his plight, Kagome had picked up the wet dishcloth she had previously dropped and moved back to the fridge. She couldn't put off the inevitable any longer. Besides, the scrubbing would give her a chance to work through the many thoughts racing through her mind about Inuyasha.

After an hour and a half of scrubbing she turned in triumph to the small white dog.

"Finally! That was so disgusting!" she threw the now grime-ridden cloth into the sink and chuckled at Inuyasha, who was sound asleep on the floor.

"He must have got bored," she thought to herself. "Oh well, I will take this opportunity to go take a shower, and after that it is time for bed!" She stretched her arms into the air and cracked her back, letting out a jaw-popping yawn. She walked into the bathroom that adjoined her small room and undressed. Turning on the water as hot as it would go she stepped under the spray.

"Oh, this feels so good," she thought. She just stood under the water for almost twenty minutes before she heard a scratching on the glass door of the shower. Yelping, she backed against the wall until she realized it was just Inuyasha. Shaking her head and calling herself a fool she stepped back under the spray and began to lather her hair.

Inuyasha sniffed the air, scenting the soft fragrance of lilacs coming from her shampoo. For some reason the smell comforted him and he lay against the door, guarding the naked woman. He had noticed that she hadn't removed the Shikon Jewel while she was showering and silently applauded her. He would somehow have to keep her from taking it off, as it was she was already going to have demons after her. He sighed, telling himself he would just have to do his best to protect her and the jewel. He cursed the fact that he was still new to his shifter form, therefore still in the guise of a small pup. Eventually, with time, his body would grow to full strength, but he didn't know how long that would take. Nor how long he would even be stuck in this form for that matter.

He flicked his ear as he heard her moan in the shower. He turned his head to watch her as she laid her forehead against the tiled shower wall. Wondering what was wrong with her he scratched at the door again. This time, instead of screaming, all Kagome did was shift her face so that she could stare at him. As he looked into her eyes he felt a spark run between the two. Surprised, he gazed into her violet eyes, wondering at the rare color of them. They were almost the exact shade of the Shikon no Tama. Wondering at the coincidence of the two things, he lay back down. She obviously was deep in thought, far be it for a measly dog to interrupt her, let alone make her feel better.

Twenty minutes later, a now overheated Kagome stepped over Inuyasha as she emerged from the shower. Her waist length black hair dripped down her back and a few drops landed on Inuyasha's nose. He growled at her, but it was cut short as he looked on. Her body was exquisite. Full breasts were emphasized by a firm stomach and curvy hips. Her feet were tiny, emphasizing her fine ankles. It was all he could do to not drool at her, for he was still a man inside. After she had toweled off, she put on a hip length red silk kimono. Picking up both Inuyasha and a brush she walked over to her bed. Sitting down she placed Inuyasha on her lap and began to brush the tangles out of her wet hair. As she worked, she began to hum, which soon led to her voice singing out in lilting lyrics.

"Notice me… take my hand.
Why were we strangers when.
Our love was strong.
Why carry on without me.

Everytime I try to fly I fall,
Without my wings I feel so small,
I guess I need you, baby.
And everytime I see you in my dreams,
I see your face, it's haunting me.
I guess I need you baby."

As she finished brushing her hair she stopped singing. Inuyasha whined at her, wishing for her to continue. The song had been haunting, and her voice was beautiful. It almost had an ethereal quality to it. He nuzzled her hand, still damp from the droplets of water in her hair, and whimpered again. Kagome looked at him, wondering what it was that he wanted.

"Sorry boy, I don't know what you want." Looking down into his eyes, she was shocked to see tears coming from them.

"I didn't know that dogs cried." She said it aloud and was surprised at how quickly the dog's facial expressions could change. Before she knew it the tears were gone and had been replaced by cold golden eyes, which seemed to be staring through her.

Sighing, she pulled the kimono off and dropped it onto the ground next to her bed, she then pushed her legs under the covers and pulled Inuyasha to her side.

"Goodnight Inuyasha. Sweet dreams." With those words her eyes fluttered shut, exhausted after a long day of moving in and shopping.

Inuyasha was not far behind her, as his day had also been eventful. Once he heard her breathing even out and become heavy, he too curled up and drifted off to sleep.


* Everytime by Britney Spears