InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Revelation, Realization & Redemption ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters they are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. This story was written for the purposes of entertainment and I by no means will profit from the story other than the satisfaction of exercising my imagination and writing abilities.
Chapter 7: Answers
In mere moments Sesshomaru had cast a spell around the area and encased them all within a barrier just as he had done the night before. Right now he sensed no one that would cause them injury or would be interested in what they discussed, but he knew all too well that in mere moments that could all change, and they needed to discuss this now. He would not take the chance that they could be interrupted, nor did he ever truly intend to keep them all in the dark about what was going on. They needed to know at least a small part of what was to come. Despite the fact that they were human, hanyou or whatever, they were a part of this and they needed to know the importance of the young miko that lay sleeping by the exterminator.
After watching the miko just now, he knew that there was no way he could get her to willingly leave them behind. He would have to work together with them. His feelings on this matter would now have to be cast aside. Again he thought how unfortunate it was he did not discover the power in her at that first meeting.
“Can we talk now?” The sound of his brother's voice reminded him that the others were waiting for an explanation. His brother's impatience evident in both his tone and his words, “or do you need to sacrifice something to make the spell work?”
Sesshomaru didn't even cast him a sideways glance. Now was not the time to engage his brother in a battle of wits. There was too much at stake to continue on in the same vein as before. Ignoring the last remark Sesshomaru began without preamble.
“As you just witnessed Kagome is a very powerful miko. As for your questions, I didn't give much thought to a human possessing the powers that she does. I was wrong in that regard, and that has cost much time, time that I hope we will be able to make up for. In answer to your question brother, I did not know, or even suspect that she was capable of summoning the shard to her. That occurred to me today when I was able to feel the two powers together, somehow they seemed connected. Kagome was able to surprise me and accomplish the summoning.”
Amber eyes regarded the group before him. For the first time in his life he was hesitant to reveal more than he ought. He was unsure how much this miko wanted them to know. But he was certain that they should know more as they were already deeply involved in this matter. He saw the curious looks in all their eyes, as they digested what he had said. He also saw their fear, and was thankful for that.
“Lord Sesshomaru, do you think Kagome can call the shards without having to be in the vicinity of the demon?” Miroku asked, his courage rising as his concern for Kagome outweighed any apprehension he felt at addressing this particular taiyoukai. Though he had long sought and dreamt of Naraku's demise the monk did not wish any harm to come to Kagome.
“In time, with the proper training the girl should be able to accomplish that. You all witnessed how unaccustomed she is to her powers, and how much it took out of her to do what she did tonight. It is true that within her dwell immense powers, and in time if she is properly trained she even be able to summon the ones Naraku has infused with evil. Until she does however; we can not let the enemy know about her abilities, right now I do not believe she could not survive an encounter with Naraku on her own.”
“We don't need you to tell us that Kagome needs to be protected.” Inuyasha bristled at his brother's words. He didn't like where this conversation was heading, and standing here talking to Sesshomaru about Kagome's abilities did nothing to put him at ease. The word hypocrite was at the tip of his tongue, as the memory of Sesshomaru sending a blast from the Tetsusaiga towards where Kagome stood.
“Was today any indication of the care you have taken in ensuring her safety?” Sesshomaru asked raising a silver brow in question. It was evident to him that his brother had no idea what had nearly happened to Kagome during the battle today. It didn't matter that he knew Inuyasha would lay down his life to protect the girl, Sesshomaru knew it still must be said.
“She's alive isn't she?” Inuyasha was almost to the boiling point, and he tightened his grip even further on the hilt of his sword. How dare his brother lecture them!
“Brother you are foolish as always,” Sesshomaru stated his voice betraying none of the anger and impatience he felt at his brother's inability to see what he had done wrong. “She almost died today.”
Sango and Miroku looked shocked, Inuyasha however looked angry at the fact that his brother was here criticizing the care that they had shown Kagome, his amber eyes turned molten and a low growl formed in his throat and he contain his anger and resentment no longer. He unsheathed Tetsusaiga. The deadly blade sprung to life as the hanyou pointed it in his brother's direction. Inuyasha words and tone left no doubt of the rage that consumed him.
“We don't need you to lecture us on what's best for Kagome. We don't want your so called help either. How many times has she almost died because of you? How many times have you tried to kill her? And now we're supposed to believe that you want us to protect her? You've always been an arrogant bastard. I've always known you were stupid, and this just proves my point.”
Sesshomaru showed no signs that the remark had struck any nerve as he replied his voice emotionless as before. “If I had wanted the miko dead it would be so easy for me to have let her die today. Just as it would have been easy for me to have slain her while you all slept oblivious to my presence. Since my actions are insufficient I can offer you no other proof that I am here to help other than my word.”
“And we all know how much that means.” The words barely made it through Inuyasha's gritted teeth. His hand held fast on the hilt of his sword, ready at the slightest provocation to swing it back and release the fatal blow. He wasn't sure what Sesshomaru's game was, but he knew he wasn't about to play it.
Jaken opened his mouth to interject something then, but a look from his master kept him still. The monk and the taijiya looked confused as they both struggled to find the truth. No one noticed when the miko in questioned opened her eyes and took in the all too familiar scene unfolding before her. She knew she couldn't let that happen.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome's weak voice caught the group by surprise. She took a deep breath waiting for the hanyou to look at her. The mixture of emotions flowing through the hanyou was not lost on her. Even in her weakened state she knew what he must be feeling. There was a lot of bad history between the brothers and she was going to ask him to put it all aside. She prayed that he would listen. “Please, listen to your brother. He helped us today. Please just accept that for whatever reason we have a strong ally in him.”
“Kagome,” Inuyasha said gently as he went to her side, concern for her health overruling whatever anger and bitterness he felt at her words. He could see the pleading earnest look in her eyes. Somehow his rage left him at the sight of her. For the second time today he sheathed the Tetsusaiga. He crouched beside her, and gently touched her cheek, “rest. I won't fight with Sesshomaru anymore tonight. You did really good today.”
“Thank you.” She said smiling weakly at the half demon, before shifting her eyes to Sesshomaru, “Your brother saved my life today. I think he will be able to help us. So far he's been the only one who seems to understand my powers.”
“We could ask Kikyo.” He said without thinking, and he missed the pain that flashed in her eyes and the catch of her breath; but Sesshomaru did not nor did the monk and taijiya that sat on either side of her.
“Kikyo would no more help her to use her powers than she would allow you to live.” Miroku said his anger showing at Inuyasha's insensitivity to the poor girl's feelings, “Regardless of what you believe she is not on our side. She has made no secret of the fact that she is here for her own purposes. She has already stolen shards from us and turned them over to Naraku. Why would she help Kagome now? She'd sooner steal the remainder of her soul from Kagome if afforded the opportunity.”
“Miroku's right.” Sango interjected as she glared at the insensitive hanyou. Just when she thought there was some hoped for him he said something completely thoughtless. No matter how angry the hanyou made her she still found it hard to accept Sesshomaru's help and another alternative formed in her mind. One which she did not hesitate to give voice to; “Maybe Kaede could help.”
“No, the old woman does not possess the power that Kagome does; she barely understands many of her own abilities I fear.” Miroku said his voice full of resignation for he too hated to admit it, but it appeared to the monk that there was no other alternative at present. “I have to agree with Kagome, Sesshomaru is the only one. I have some knowledge, and I can help with Sutra's, prayers and spells, but the power she possesses is beyond my training.”
“Good. Now we will depart for the Castle of Sunset. There is no need for this mindless wandering when we have decided it will be best to train the miko.”
“I'm not setting foot in that place.” Inuyasha stated coldly, his arms crossed as he stood in front of Kagome glaring down at the others, before turning his glare to his brother. “And besides who made you leader, we've always decided everything together.”
“I defer to my own instincts. I need no other opinions. We will go.” Sesshomaru stated resolutely, “It will be the safest place for us to train, to plan without Naraku getting suspicious. And Kagome will come to no harm there.”
“I told Kagome I wouldn't argue with you anymore tonight, but we're not going. Are we?” He looked to the others for agreement and was glad to find their support. On seeing their nods of consent he muttered. “well at least you haven't completely lost your minds yet.”
None of them, Kagome included had thought Sesshomaru would ask that of them. Accepting his help was one thing. Staying in a demon stronghold was a different matter entirely. They knew there would be other demons present. Sesshomaru may be their Lord and Master but he couldn't be everywhere at once. None of them were naïve enough to believe that they would be perfectly safe if they were to accept this offer. Each of them preferred things to remain as they were.
“Lord Sesshomaru, we appreciate your kind offer,” Sango said, “but we have much too still accomplish. There are many who still need our help. If we stayed at your castle Naraku would be even freer than he is now to wreak havoc and destruction on the villages that are under no one's protection. Right now we are their only friends, and Naraku isn't the only demon that attacks these villages, we can't leave them undefended. I alone remain of my people and it has been our duty for countless years to help these people. So it falls to me to be their guardian and protector. I will not let the dignity and honor of my people fade into nothingness.”
Sesshomaru nodded to her in acknowledgement. Impressed at the demon slayer's words and the truth that he knew they held. Duty he understood and he respected. That this human girl held it as her duty to help those villages he could respect and even empathize with; however, it was his duty to train Kagome and he would not be gainsaid from his task as well.
“Lord Sesshomaru, also take into consideration, that right now, Kagome has interested Naraku in the past, he has tried to control her and use her to his purpose. If she were to be kept under your care he would come to regard her as even more of a threat than he already does. He can not know her full potential or he would have made a greater effort to take her from us. Currently he regards Inuyasha as his greatest threat. I think we should continue on as we are so as to not bring any undue attention to Kagome. I could teach her to use a concealing sutra to hide her powers from others.”
Sesshomaru regarded the monk carefully. This human was also more than he had seemed, like Kagome there was something more to him. He was impressed by the way this monk's mind worked, logically and thoughtfully. The demon lord's face betrayed none of his thoughts as he still looked cold, impassive and untouched as he replied, “Very well. We waste time in argument. If you do not wish to come, I will not force you. Know this though, that if I for one instance feel that her safety is at risk in your care I will come for her, there will be no argument and she will stay with me at the castle, and the rest of you can continue on with your duties without her.”
Turning to Kagome, his eyes softened for a moment as he caught her midnight gaze in his amber one, “You did very well for your first time. Rest, you will need your strength, for you will learn how to erect a spirit barrier like the one that surrounds us now. You feel how little energy it takes, you will be able to maintain it in your sleep as well.”
“Thank you Sesshomaru.” Kagome said earnestly as she took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.
He gave her a small smile of understanding that went unnoticed by all but her. Kagome knew he had understood her gratitude was for letting her stay as well as for what he had done for her that day. She knew that had he chose to, he could have whisked her away to train, and her friends would have had nothing to say in the matter, but he respected the fact that they were important to her, and they were a part of her greatest strength as well as her greatest weakness she thought recalling his words from earlier that morning. He really did care about others, though he did not overtly let them know.
This realization put him in a new light and earned him a spot in her heart as well as her respect and admiration. Sesshomaru was a strong demon, and she had thought him careless and thoughtless, now she realized just how wrong she was.
“I'm ready to learn now.” She said as she stood up slowly, wanting to show him that she too was more than a human ruled by her emotions. Somehow, sometime in the course of the day his opinion of her had started to matter, and she wanted to be worthy of his respect and esteem and not just some human that he felt he had to protect because she possessed certain powers.
Revised, edited, and reposted 8/15/04
Author's Notes: Currently I am in the process of revising, editing and reposting this fic.  If you find any errors (ie. spelling, word misuse, plot gaps, etc.) please let me know either by email (which can be found in my bio) or by leaving a review.  All comments and help are greatly appreciated.  Special thanks to thebigW for pointing many of these out to me.